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Metal God Trophy


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Hi there, I haven’t tried this method yet, but a player, known as conceptfly, wrote a supplemental guide on how to get 100% after the 1.02 patch. https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/topic/121580-road-map-to-prevent-corrupted-data/

Also the trophy guide, on this site, has another method to circumvent this glitch. Good luck!


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On 8/17/2022 at 10:39 PM, Killerkew said:

How is it humanly possible to get a 100% completion trophy when YOU CANNOT GET PAST 78% OF THE GAME OR YOUR SAVE FILE WILL CORRUPT? Why is the guide acting as if this is easy to explain. I cannot play this game until someone explains this to me PLEASE

Oh, that's simple. Basically, the game will not automatically corrupt and black out or anything once you pass the 78% threshold; rather, if you pass that threshold, have the autosave kick in to overwrite your save file (which happens whenever you nab a collectible, complete a mission, etc.), and then load that save in again when starting up another play session (since the PS3 doesn't have a sleep mode like the PS4 and PS5 do), the game will tell you it's been corrupted - then, when that file is loaded in, even if you go around getting everything you have remaining for collectibles, side missions, and so on, the overall completion percentage listed in the pause menu will never go up past 78%.


As I mentioned in the guide, this matters because the "check" for the trophy (the condition/trigger that causes it to pop) is the player going into the pause menu and examining their overall completion percentage - if it's listed at 100%, the trophy pops, but if not, the trophy remains inert. That's why the glitch is so bad - one bad load-in and you're screwed. However, that doesn't make the trophy and plat impossible, as you can see by the fact that many people have gotten it legitimately, because there are a few different ways to circumvent this with varying levels of planning:

  1. The method I used and which is foremost recommended by the guide I wrote is to simply keep your completion percentage low for most of your playtime - while completing the main storyline, only buy the Deuce upgrades you absolutely need and leave most of the collectibles alone aside from the Bound Serpents, since those offer pertinent buffs for Eddie and Ironheade. Then, once you're in the postgame, set aside about 9 hours of playtime (such as on a day off from work/school), back up your save if you can, then go around getting eeeeeeeeeeverything else done in one fell swoop; all the upgrades, all the collectibles, and all the side missions you didn't get beforehand (plus the concept art via the solo multiplayer method), and at the end of all that, you can check your stats screen, pop the trophy, and be done with it.
  2. Play the game unpatched by keeping your PS3 disconnected from the internet for the duration of your singeplayer playtime. You'll have to deal with other glitches that way, but this huge overriding one won't be present because it was only added with the 1.02 patch of the game (and no 1.03 patch was ever funded, thanks EA) so it's not a concern at all this way.
  3. If you do accidentally trigger the glitch, I've been told reloading an older "section" of the game from the main menu will remedy it by setting you back in the campaign's timeline and progression, which will also undo the acquisition of the collectibles and upgrades that put you over the edge - from there, you just play safer and avoid whatever tripped you up.

Regardless of which method you choose, I highly recommend that you play this game if you're already interested - it's a phenomenal love letter to metal music and culture made by a dev team that truly cared and were screwed over by their publisher, and there's just so much to love about it that you'll be missing out if you ignore it just because of this one circumventable glitch. Also, I'd be happy to help you with the multiplayer trophies if you wanted. Hope this all helps!

Edited by Xillynoc
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1 hour ago, Xillynoc said:

*Whole third comment*

Did nearly the same years ago, as you described :

1) Played the MP part first because of some concept arts you need for the 100% (Found this link while doing a quick web search).

2) After this I started the SP part, avoided everything collectible related (also upgrades I did not need) and finished the SP story.

3) Then I began collectible hunting from the starting point of the game and when the savegame was near the 78% mark I made a backup savegame.

4) Then I let the game active until the collectible hunting was over. Console was on while I was not playing.

Edited by Geridian
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