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Man, this game force quits way too much


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What do you mean by force quitting? If you mean crashing, then unfortunately that's par for the course with this game because it can be really unstable at times, especially with the MP stuff enabled :(. The big 4.0 update is just around the corner so that should fix any lingering stability problems, hopefully without causing any new ones as can happen with the big updates. I haven't had any stability problems for a while now but I've read reports on Youtube of people still having issues, especially on the PS5 and Series X. The best thing you can do is file a bug report with HG and be as detailed as possible.

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Yeah, I meant crashing. I've never had a game crash this constantly. Are there any work arounds, such as playing offline? I have a wired ethernet connection, so it isn't wifi related. And I'm actually on a PS4.  I wish I could file a report, but the crashes happen at the most random time. The game can be idling and when I come back 5 minutes later, blue screen with the error message.

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11 minutes ago, cobaltTangerine said:

Yeah, I meant crashing. I've never had a game crash this constantly. Are there any work arounds, such as playing offline? I have a wired ethernet connection, so it isn't wifi related. And I'm actually on a PS4.  I wish I could file a report, but the crashes happen at the most random time. The game can be idling and when I come back 5 minutes later, blue screen with the error message.

I haven't played this game online in years and had relatively few problems with stability, outside of the almost inevitable issues the named updates bring and are subsequently fixed. Just disable everything MP related in the Network tab, then a lot of the issues should go away.

To file a bug report, go here :)https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=167605. I file a report for every glitch, crash and freeze and explain exactly what I was doing immediately before it happened. In your case, it sounds like a memory leak or CPU/GPU threading issue so might be hard for them to pin down. When using the PS4's built-in crash report, include your PSN ID, the name of the game and a brief explanation of what you were doing when the game crashed, else HG won't be able to tell your report apart from the 100s of others which come through for other games that send reports to the same crash dump folder on Sony's servers.

Edited by HuntingFever
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