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Tips for the Difficult Trophies


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I just recently 100% completed the main game, and after reading several forums I would like to summarize what I did and what helped when completing the various tasks.

  1. The first speed bump I ran into was the Boston Brawlers challenge of acquiring all weapons available in stores. Other forums have debated about whether or not the crafted weapons count for this challenge, and I can undoubtedly say that they are required. It makes sense too, the weapons are available in the shop, therefore you must own them. There's an accounting book in every shop so this shouldn't be too difficult in the late game. Maybe this was not a requirement in the original game, but for the remaster it is.
  2. The Tyranny of King Washington DLC trophies are required for the remaster's platinum. As I stated before, I have 100% on the progress tracker in the main game, but no platinum.
  3. To complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man, I didn't even worry about scanning activities until I finished every homestead mission, did all of the interactive conversations, and did a lot of crafting.
    1. The crafting is required because if the stockpile fills up, the artisan will not do more work, thus preventing them from doing a scannable activity. Simply purchase items from the stockpile and send them on convoys or use the items for crafting. You will likely have to use several items from the stockpile in order to complete some delivery requests or to craft certain items.
    2. Using Eagle Vision helps immensely, but an artisan can still appear gold even if that activity has already been scanned. Always scan anyway, just to double check.
    3. Interactive conversations will keep artisans in a specific spot so that the conversation makes sense. Once you complete them they will go back to doing scannable activities.
    4. When it came to cleaning up the remaining few activities, I loaded sequence 6-1(IIRC) and then immediately aborted. This will reset the time to early morning, because none of the Animus hacks in the remaster allow you to keep the time set to day. As you make your way to each artisan's house, they will walk out of the front door. They typically stand in front of their door for a moment before beginning to walk. With Eagle Vision active, if they were going to do a scannable activity I could scan it then. If not, I ran away until their icon disappeared from the minimap, then ran back to them. After 2-3 repeats they were almost always doing another scannable activity. The toughest part about this strategy is that Myriam will usually spawn with Norris at his mine, then she must walk all the way back to her camp before she will do a scannable activity.
  4. Even though I collected some items and started some citizen missions as Haythem, I was not bugged out of completion. Take this with a grain of salt though as others have reported that their game became bugged if they collected anything with Haythem.
    1. The citizen mission icons do not appear on your map until you get very close to the quest giver. I was stuck thinking my game was glitched, but it was not. Look up a video guide for the location of the missions, as some of them are not near any areas that you go to for main missions or even side missions.
  5. For the original gamer trophy, I used online websites for Morris and Fanorona, and for Bowls there is still an exploit present where opening the map during the A.I.'s throw causes their ball's momentum to get reset, and they will essentially drop the ball at their feet. I did not feel bad for doing this at all because even without betting, the A.I. is ruthless in all 3 games. Even letting a perfect bot online make my moves, I still ended up with 4 draws because the Assassin's Creed bots were also perfect. If you still have a chance of winning, don't accept the NPC's offer of a draw. If both bots play perfectly however, then a draw is almost impossible to avoid.
  6. When leveling up the trainees, I waited until I had all 6 of them, then I would only send them out if there was a 100% chance of success. For the first few, it will likely only be possible to achieve ~85% chance of success. Once I had 2-3 trainees at a decent level, every single mission afterwards had 100% chance of success. Something to note is that if you control a territory, you will receive a 10% chance of success bonus when going on a mission to an adjacent territory. These can stack too, so it's possible to get a free %20-%30 chance of success boost. I also focused on keeping my trainees at roughly the same level. I would find my weakest trainees and send as many were required for 100% chance of success. Doing this I was able to get all 6 trainees to assassin rank before I finished all of the missions, which are not required for 100% completion but I did them anyway.


All in all it took me just over 41 hours to 100% complete the progress tracker for the main game. This time may be lower due to the fact that I beat the story when the game first came out on PS3. I would say absolutely focus on completing all the optional objectives on your first time through a mission. If you leave objectives incomplete scattered across all 12 sequences, you will basically be playing the story over again which can be very deflating. The worst objectives took me 4-5 attempts, and at worst I had to leave and come back the next day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder if the glitch occurs if you actually complete an objective vs. just starting one. For example, when I played as Haythem I collected 1 or 2 almanac pages but I never completed a set. I also started a delivery request citizen mission but I never finished it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/19/2022 at 9:59 AM, Trugo314 said:

I wonder if the glitch occurs if you actually complete an objective vs. just starting one. For example, when I played as Haythem I collected 1 or 2 almanac pages but I never completed a set. I also started a delivery request citizen mission but I never finished it.

I definitely didn’t complete a set as Haythem. I also had other problems involving the Encyclopedia of the Common Man, one of the activities was glitched. 

The PS4 remaster is a touch above the original PS3 version. The whiteness of the loading screens was toned down a bit, and the scenery details definitely look better.

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