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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons remake

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14 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

The gameplay was pretty contingent on the unusual duel control system to make it work…

…and the big finale wouldn’t really work with the brothers controlled by two different people, wouldn’t it?

I can see it work, however, the change does impact the ending a lot and completely changes its point, resulting in a very different story, but still an emotionally effective one.



The story remains similar, but the final depiction of overcoming grief and taking on legacy turns from something internal to something spiritual with co-op. Weird and not my cup of tea, but it might work. But a lot hinges on how the player of the older brother handles it.


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16 hours ago, Maxine said:

The above is only one example of course, but if you were to compare the two versions of the games, you'll notice a huge difference in that especially


Oh man, I remember that character absolutely shocking me the first time. I already had trust issues as well, thanks game. Can't wait to relive it through this remake! :yay:


6 hours ago, thebonesofYou said:

So besides the two new trophies and plat, is there anything actually different, like new/expanded areas or is it a 1:1 remake of the original?


This is make or break for me as I don’t need to replay a prettier version of a game I already played years ago.


This question was literally just answered in this thread, refer to the last page.

Edited by ddracarys
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my thoughts...

Its always hard to rate a remake, do you judge them on their own, or compared to the original?


On its own, its an indie game that deserves a 10/10. It looks great, but its the story and interaction between the two brothers that carry it. There are funny moments, playful moments, and equaly dark, sombre and bittersweet moments. The platforming and puzzles are straightforward, but its all about the experience.


As a remake, 8/10. I was hesitant about the graphics style prior to playing, but, there is no denying it looks amazing (especially water scenes, and the valley of blood). I do think perhaps it lacks some of the charm and poignancy of the original but that may just be my thinking fondly of the original. There isn't anything new for people who played the game before, the puzzles are the same, the story is the same, but it does look amazing. I think the updated graphics certainly make it worth a play, and the addition of co-op mode adds it to the quite short list of must-play coach co-ops. (and it has a bonus video of directors commentary on the original game which was really interesting). If I had one gripe about the remake, its that there was a missed opportunity with haptics on the PS5 which were not utilised, or even motion control for the flight scenes etc.

From a trophy perspective a little complaint, the platinum pops very early (2h30 into a 3h15 playthrough). Its a shame there were no story related trophies and its one of those games you could do a trophy-less run and then a 20 minute trophy cleanup through chapter select and be "hey, i platinumed in 20 minutes", but, it is what it is..

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