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Professor Seajay's DLC Graveyard


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EDIT: I am putting a link to my blog where I have put all the games I don't to even platinum in my lifetime but will still play, and the account I created for those games, on the link at the end of this post. If you are curious, click on the picture and go check it out. ;)


Downloadable content came into being when Elder Scrolls: Oblivion tricked people into paying real money for armor for their horses which was only cosmetics. Ever since then, game companies realized they could make more money off a game that is one-and-done by adding in cheap content, aka Downloadable Content.


And when a Playstation 4, 5 or Vita game gets DLC, there tend to be trophies connected to them.


Now, I am not villifying DLC trophies. These are optional and you do not need to earn them to get the platinum trophy for a game that has one. However, I have a gene in me that hates to see games uncompleted... and at the same time, my age(51 as of this post) and Asperger's syndrome(which kept me from holding down a job, thankfully I have Social Security) make this task extremely impossible for me. Therefore, this was a plan: Have two PSN accounts, one for all the games which I know I can get 100% in, either without DLC or with easy to complete DLC that will not be updated(like Shantae and the Seven Sirens) and another for games I want to play but have DLC lists that will never be completed, either DLC that is impossible for me to complete(I have mental disorder which makes me give up on a game that causes you to wipe over and over, which is why I will never touch anything by From Software) or has DLC that will constantly be updated(like Minecraft, seriously, when will they stop? :() or is unobtainable(like certain games with dead multiplayer servers).


This checklist is for the secondary account, which will be home to games that have gotten the platinum but not all the trophies. I created this account due to the fact that, despite me hating the DLC of some games, I really enjoyed playing them before the DLC appeared. The icons in the banner image are games I enjoyed playing and getting trophies in, but the DLC ruined those games for me. Therefore, instead of going to the Playstation page and requesting a total erasure of the accounts I have these games on, I intend to get the platinum trophy in this secondary account. This is not my main account because I want that account to be clean and have platinum trophies that are 100% doable, with either no DLC or DLC that I can complete without going nuts.


I know that this is disrespectful, but these accounts are on the tail end of MANY accounts that I made and abandoned because of games that I could not complete. Games that I really loved but got ruined by DLC trophies in my eyes. Yes, some people can get 100% trophies in those games, but I am not one of those people. This checklist is up here for closure and for my peace of mind as a showcase of the games that I want to play without stressing over extra trophies. And I don't want to put these games on my main account or I would just abandon that as well. I tried to put them all in one tier but I felt unfulfilled. One account is for an eventual 100% trophies earned, and the other is for the games that I like but can't completely experience due to my mental condition.


What this list is for is for the games that I play, get the platinum in, and then delete off my account forever without earning any more trophies. I may earn some DLC trophies either by accident or design(to make the game easier, or because I like the concept), but as far as getting all the trophies in the DLC packs, I do not plan on doing that for these games. There are some exceptions to games I will delete after earning the platinum, but only if they constantly add content, like FFXIV. However, any games that only add DLC to single-player experiences are not safe from being removed after the platinum pops.


A quick addition here: I decided to amend this page and add a few rules to the contents of this list after putting this account into the Platinum Difficulty Challenge that was started by @Rebourne07 after doing his survey. I told him about my goals for this account and he gave me some options, but since it's almost impossible to have  an EZPZ game with DLC, he gave me a non-DLC option so I decided to amend the list a bit. The games on this list are as follows:


(1) Games with DLC I will not finish. I'm not going to avoid the DLC trophies like the plague. If a trophy is doable, I won't hesitate to earn it. I will try to knock out all easy DLCs. For example, there is a trophy in FFXIV for learning 120 Blue Magic spells. I love Blue Mage's magic scavenger hunt so of course I'll go for it. Likewise, there are easy trophies in Shantae Half-Genie Hero's costume pack, like getting 250 sunscreens in Beach Mode, which is really easy to do as the sunscreen bottles respawn and you can stand in the spawn point and just collect them. However, any trophy that is too difficult(like almost anything in Kingdom Hearts II Re:MIND) is being avoided and will not be worked on before I delete the game.


(2) Games I really dread working on, mainly because of the setting or certain trophies are painful to do. The recommend I got from Rebourne07 was either The Walking Dead(which has multiplayer DLC) and Grim Fandango Remastered, which has no DLC. I have to play one of those games to get a badge and since I do not like any games involving a zombie apocalypse, I decided to do Grim Fandango, so there will be one 100% platinum game in the list. I'm not trying to get zero completion, but this account's platinum list will be, for the most part, not have 100% trophies. If I do have to platinum a game which has no DLC for an event(as I can use this account for other events as well if need be), then I will.


This opening post will be amended with a list of all the games that I am playing and the progress to the platinum, and the list will be called the Path to Eternal Slumber because most of these games will be headed to deletion after the platinum trophy is earned, and put into 'eternal sleep', never to be re-downloaded.


With that, read the list and enjoy the thread. If you want to comment, feel free to. Feel free to ask why I am doing this, and I will try to explain as best I can. I also intend to put this account on PSNProfiles soon.


I decided to color-code the version since I will be playing games on the PS4 and PS5. (No Vita games as I can only have one account on the Vita and that's reserved for my main account.) For PS4 versions, the game name will be colored GREEN, and for PS5 versions, the game name will be colored PURPLE. If the name is not colored, there are no platform versions for it or it has stacks for PS3 and Vita, which I will not be playing as those platforms are tied to my main account. (I tried to link my PS3 to this account but it seems that I can't do that as I got an error when I attempted to.) Also if the second number has a + after it, it means that the devs are going to keep adding DLC onto the title forever, so the second number is the number of trophies in the game at the time I added it to the list. Since I will never get all the DLC trophies, this number does not bother me.


The Path of Eternal Slumber


S376366.png Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (3% - 4/65)

DLC Trophies earned: 4/22

Sac3c85.png Minecraft (5% - 9/127)

DLC Trophies earned: 0/77


S8a15af.png A Hat In Time (6% - 5/38)

DLC Trophies earned: 0/10


See8f82.png Final Fantasy XIV Online (16% - 30/159+)

DLC Trophies earned: 9/106+)


Sbe3bf7.png The Binding of Issac: Rebirth (1% - 2/80)

DLC Trophies earned: 0/21


Se5d4ed.png Terraria (1/48)

DLC Trophies earned: 0/9


S606abf.png Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (1% - 1/51)

DLC Trophies earned: 0/11


Games Without DLC: These games are here with 100% completion for various reasons, usually platinum trophies with no DLC.

S4a4996.png Even the Ocean :platinum:

S1bcf5e.png Castle Pals :platinum:

These games were added because I was doing the Platinum Difficulty Challenge by Rebourne07 on this account due to several of the games I had planned fitting it and there weren't many fun games with such low difficulty scores of 1 or 2 and DLC(one recommendation was a Walking Dead game with multiplayer, but I really don't like zombie apocalypses). I compensated by playing these games, which are super easy shovelware platinums that I would be ashamed to have on my normal account.


Sb321f6.png Starlight Shores (PS5) :platinum:

This game was added by mistake as I played it right after logging out of FFXIV. Lesson learned: Double check which account you are on before starting. This is on my main account and I had 11/17 trophies before I realized my error, and I refuse to leave a game trophy list incomplete, so yeah, this is here. :(


Accidental Mistakes: Games I started but have aborted on and will leave incomplete.

  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (6%) -> I have decided to move this game to my third blog, linked below, since I have decided not to continue with it. However, I earned five trophies and therefore it is cursed to forever remain hidden on my trophy list. To be fair, I should have seen the trophy about Hard Mode and I knew that Hard Mode in this game sucks but now this title is staining my account and thus this account will never 100%. Hindsight. Then again, this account was never going to 100% so it's a moot point. 😜 I am not even gonna get any more trophies on this title. (I ended my playing on the beginning of Chapter 2 so the only trophies I got were the Chapter 1 trophies.)


Link to the Blog of Games I Won't Ever Platinum:


Mimic_Pot0's Blog

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In case you were curious... yes, I do intend to add the above game to this account. After all, this is the Lord God of games with fun platinums but horrible DLC... DLC that WILL NEVER END. You see, it's a Multi-Massive Online RPG, sort of like World of Warcraft, and you need to have a subscription to get the platinum. Why, you ask?




You are required to do all the normal raids and alliance raids for Shadowbringers, which is not covered by the free trial.


This is the highly acclaimed MMORPG which has a free trial that includes the base game and the award-winning expansions of Heavensward and NOW Stormblood without restrictions on gameplay time. However, if you want the platinum, you need to get out of the free trial.


I'm sure that in 2030, when I am 56 years old, they'll expand the free trial to Shadowbringers and then you could get the platinum without paying for a sub. But for now, I'll just leave it to chance. Right now I created a new Square-Enix account for the secondary account and then my actions will be determined by seeing if I can put that account on the free trial of FFXIV or not. I have the launcher loaded on my PS5


For the record, I intend to do FFXIV on this account too... but only the PS4 version since the trophy list of that version has no DLC. The PS5 version has a ton of DLC and I might do most of it(I got 100% of the expansions up to Endwalker DLC on my old account, which I still have active in FFXIV, but I intend to cancel the service and delete my characters there. Yes, even the character I played up to Endwalker's end. This is the second Lalafell who saved the world from the Final Days that I will erase as now I have no desire to keep playing her as I stupidly bought a story skip and popped a ton of trophies in one second. :(


The PS4 version will be canceled and my lone character there will be deleted as well as I do not want to tempt myself into playing the PS5 version on this account. If I want a FFXIV, I will do it on my secondary account. Still, I love this game and want to get it ready for Dawntrail. ^_^


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I find it VERY ANNOYING that Sony decided to delete sharing to Twitter. I guess they got made that Twitter pulled a Prince and changed its name so now they are boycotting that platform in spite. That means the only way I can upload screenshots is by taking real photos with my PS Vita, which means crappy quality. :(


(Yes, I know the Playstation App exists, but once you download the screenshot to your phone there is no way in HELL you can upload it to your blog. :angry:)


So anyways, this is the only screenshot you will get of my time playing FFXIV. I will never be able to blog about it as the photos would be Vita photos. Gah! This is Rose Rubytear, which I created as an homage to the elf Rose from Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince.


Anyways, I will try to create a PSNProfiles account for this secondary account to show I am serious.

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This is the account I will be doing my progress in, so I will post my updates on this post. I did get a couple of platinums for titles without DLC. These were for the Platinum Difficulty Challenge 2024. I am not going to have all of the platinums I earn be games with DLC and they will get 100% completion, but they are usually either crappy games that you shouldn't be playing(aka shovelware or ports that have debug modes to skip 90% of the requirements) or really hard games that I would delete my main account on but that I still love.


The Games I Have Trophies In

  • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (3% - 4 of 65)
  • Minecraft (5% - 9/127)

Platinums I Have:

  1. Even the Ocean
  2. Castle Pals
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  • 3 weeks later...

Current Progress Report:




So for the record, the adventurer plate I showed for FFXIV... gone. I deleted that character and created this character, Blueberry Dreamweaver, as my main for the title. Thanks to him and a great Free Company, I managed to get the first two trophies for FFXIV.


I haven't updated much as FFXIV's first trophies were getting to Level 50 on a combat job and completing the first arc of the game, A Realm Reborn, or as is canon, the 7th Umbral Era story. It lasts from day one to Level 50 and took me a while to do. (To reference, the first main story quest I did when I created the character was on January 17 and I completed the last main story quest of 2.0, called The Ultimate Weapon, on the morning of January 30th.) This is because I am only playing FFXIV for a maximum of six hours every night because I have other games on both of my accounts that needed doing.


Namely, I had to platinum LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga on my main account, which took six hours every day for over a month! That really stressed me out and I needed a bit of a break.  However, this game will be the main focus of this account until I can find the time to put in money for other games.


Also, Persona 3 Reload is just around the corner but rumors are it will have DLC. Whether that game ends up on this account or not will be reviewed if the DLC is added with trophies on it. For now, I intend not to even unwrap the game when I pick it up, I will be waiting for a full trophy guide first as I do not intend to play a Persona game without a guide. :(


The Games I Have Trophies In:

  • Final Fantasy XIV: 1% (2/159+)
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On 1/31/2024 at 9:58 PM, Casillena_99 said:

For now, I intend not to even unwrap the game when I pick it up, I will be waiting for a full trophy guide first as I do not intend to play a Persona game without a guide. :(


Can I ask why? Doesn't that take all of the enjoyment out of a game to just play it through with a trophy guide? I've done it once or twice and I always hate doing it.

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22 hours ago, HelixNebula_x said:

Can I ask why? Doesn't that take all of the enjoyment out of a game to just play it through with a trophy guide? I've done it once or twice and I always hate doing it.


To each their own. For me, I am a obsessive compulsive who refuses to play a game more than once if I can get everything in one go and I throw a temper tantrum when I realize that I missed something and have to start the game all over again. When I missed a collectible in an Artifex Mundi game, I usually cuss(thankfully I live alone and nobody can hear my voice through the walls) and just stop playing out of rage. I'm that mentally disturbed by missing something.


I know that missing something is not the end of the world, but I have Attention Deficiency syndrome and anger issues that took me years to relegate, and even then I still get angry at things. I'm not saying that doing a game blind first time is a bad thing, I just have hit a mindset where I despise games with missable trophies. If you hate doing a game with a guide on the first run, that's your business and I won't judge you, but please don't judge me either. There is actually a guy on Youtube who gives reviews of games that he spends his life completing, so I'm not the only person with this disorder. :(


Sorry for the rant. I know you weren't trying to condemn me for not going blind, but I just wanted to explain why I am not play Persona 3 Reload right now.

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I'm with you on following a guide for P3 Reload. I'll be doing the same thing. I love the Persona games and I've gotten the platinum on P4G and P5R on other accounts following guides. I much prefer to just follow a guide and I still get the enjoyment factor. I have a backlog 500+ games deep so I'd rather not waste a bunch of time replaying for stuff I missed. Like you said, to each their own and no one should judge how we choose to enjoy our hobby. 

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On 2/3/2024 at 12:38 PM, ProfSeajay7 said:

I won't judge you, but please don't judge me either


On 2/3/2024 at 2:09 PM, Vulpine9Tails said:

no one should judge how we choose to enjoy our hobby. 


I don't think I was judging, just general curiosity and sharing my own views. If it's how you enjoy playing and it saves unnecessary stress then more power to you, everyone is entitled to play their games/get their trophies however they want to.


I know Persona games can be a bitch to get through with all the social links and whether or not you're spending your time efficiently, so I can definitely understand the anxiety there. Probably one of the reasons I've never made it further than the second palace on Persona 5.

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Was that the original Persona 5? I'm gonna play Royal, because the original Persona 5 (and Persona 4 Golden by proxy) were horrible trophy lists because you only have so many time slots and the 250 unique navigator lines took a lot of planning. Also, Persona 5 didn't give you as much free time as Persona 5 Royal did. :(


Anyways, thanks for your feedback, HelixNebula. Right now I am rebuilding my game database as I just switched PS4s and now am playing on a Ps4 Pro which is new and doesn't overheat from extended play. Managed to transfer my saves but will need to spend some $ to recover the games. ^_^

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Anyways, as I said last post, I have replaced my PS4, and sadly my library didn't make the transfer. I have formatted most of my old PS4 which meant deleting all of the old accounts I will never touch again. Alas, that means that a couple of games didn't make the transfer and will have to be re-purchased:


S376366.pngSac3c85.pngSbe3bf7.png Will have to be purchased again. :(

S8a15af.pngS7364fb.pngS606abf.png Was downloaded from PS+ Extra.

See8f82.png On my PS5, so was unaffected.


This rebuilding may give me the chance to maybe explore more DLC-heavy games on the PS5. Also, as a note, there are Vita games with DLC... however, unless I cannot have multiple accounts on the PS Vita, I am not going to be playing any Vita games on this account. I might stream PS3 games with DLC on PS+ when I figure out whether I need to play the game in one sitting(when I see the word "stream", I assume live streaming which is usually long hours of gaming with Twitch chat :lol:). I'm sure there are some challenging stinkers on the old PS3 system. :D


Oh wait, there is one game with impossible-for-me DLC on the PS5 I can download for free thanks to PS+...





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Regarding DLC Trophies: Will I avoid them entirely?


The answer to that question is not entirely.


Just like the trophies you must earn the get a platinum can range in difficulty, so too can the DLC trophies. The reason I made this account was because the DLC in many of these games is brutally hard for me... but likewise there are trophies that a brain-dead fungus can earn, they're that easy. Usually they are story-related trophies that you get automatically and the difficulty can range from automatic to Oh mein Gott, töte mich jetzt!


Therefore, I have created the Kirby Soul Melter Tier List for Trophy Difficulty! Yes, I apologize to Nintendo and Hall from stealing images. 😛




I know tier lists are ranked worst to best, but this is the inverse case for me in this category, going from best to worst based on difficulty. S rank is the tier I will never even TRY to earn a trophy, while D rank is one I will definitely get or go for if possible.


While I made the rules, I can bend them, and the rule about deleting a game once I got the platinum without touching the DLC is not entirely true. The D-rank tier will be trophies I can get in the game or by hopping into a side mode for a few minutes. S-ranks are ones I won't even bother with. The other tiers go from "Yeah, I can probably earn that trophy" for C-Rank to "Maybe, maybe not" for B-Rank and "Probably not" for A-Rank.


I'll provide an example in the next post.

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Okay, here's an example using one of the games, Shantae Half-Genie Hero. (I will edit this later as I think I missed a few trophies.)




The DLC for this game is basically five different types of modes(six, actually, but PJ mode has no trophies attached to it), which basically mix up how you play the game. Pirate's Quest is basically all the levels in the original game but you play as Risky Boots and get her special weapons Shantae used in Shantae and the Pirate's Curse(like her sword, hat glide and cannon jump). Friends to the End is similar to the Trine games, where you swap between three characters and use their abilities to clear levels. The other three modes are just level-based modes where Shantae uses a different move set: Officer Mode is basically Shantae cosplaying as WayForward's other franchise, Mighty Switch Force, flipping blocks on and off with her hat; Ninja Mode is her doing teleports and attacking with a katana and shuriken and doing parkour; Beach Mode is a survival mode where you have to get into water or collect bottles of sunscreen or you will eventually start taking damage over time from sunburn.


This last mode and Friends to the End are the roadblocks for me; Beach Mode requires you to keep moving from bottle to bottle to avoid dying from sunstroke, and Friends to the End - well, I only ever played Trine 3 and didn't like it.


The D Rank tier is for stuff like easy miscellaneous trophies(you can get 250 bottles of sunscreen by sitting on a spawn point and AFKing as the bottle will automatically get collected when it spawns) and doing the first level in each mode, not too tough. The C Rank has some harder stuff like destroying a number of enemies using Bolo or Rottytop's tools or getting 100% in Pirate Queen's Quest, which isn't too hard as you can use a guide for this mode as it's just Shantae Half-Genie Hero with a different moveset.


The B Rank is for clearing the entire mode, as the last levels and last bosses are really nasty pieces of work. I can tolerate clearing all levels in Officer Mode and Ninja Mode as these toolkits are not too difficult to master and Pirate Queen's Quest is just, as I said, Shantae on a new toolkit. The final boss is a bit iffy(it's Genie Shantae from Risky's Revenge with a few new tricks for the new transformations), but doable.


The A Rank is nastier stuff. Friends to the End mode has the worst offenders with completing the mode and getting all the Dream Squids as you have three toolkits you need to use. I also put the "all win screens" trophy for Pirate Queen's Quest here as I can use the knowledge I used for my 100% speedrun of the original story here as you don't have to buy equipment or explore a town hub, this mode is actually a bit faster than to 100% than the original story if you have a guide.


Finally, the Impossible Rank. I am going to die of old age and not do the trophies for getting a 100% speedrun of the other modes. It's hard enough dealing with the skill sets, having to get all of the collectibles and get a good time in each level is too hard for me. Also, while Officer Mode and Ninja Mode are doable for me, BEACH MODE IS DEFINITELY NOT. As I said, you have to jump from bottle to bottle - trying to get all the Dream Squids AND defeat the boss in record time while avoiding sunstroke is just... NO. I can't do it, don't try to convince me I can. :(


So, that's an idea how I will rank these DLC trophies. Some games will require multiple tier lists as they have way too many trophies so they will be split up into their packs. For example, FFXIV has 10 trophy packs based on its expansions and patches, I will do a tier list of every pack(except for the one which only has a single trophy which is a story-related trophy, I'll definitely 100% that pack. ^_^)

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Okay, forgot I need to be on this avatar when posting. :lol:


Anyways, as a proof of concept, I did do some DLC trophies:





These four trophies are the only DLC trophies I will do for Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero. I only bought the Costume Pack and am not touching the Pirate's Quest or Friends to the End Packs, as the trophies there are really annoying to get. Pirate's Quest is just Shantae 1/2-Genie Hero lite and Friends to the End is Shantae-flavored Trine, which I don't like. Also, screw dodging Skye's projectile for a full minute. 😠


I will be earning DLC trophies, but not on all games and not all of them. If I do complete all DLC on a game that won't change my mind on it, I'll just say that I was lucky. 😛


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Platinum #3: Starlight Shores (PS5)


So mistakes were made and I got another completion by mistake, namely the visual novel Starlight Shores for the PS5. This was because I just logged out of FFXIV and forgot that I had not switched to my main account for this, so by the time I got half the trophies, I saw the account and...


OOPS. <_<


Ah well, I had to get the platinum. One rule I am stating is that I can't leave a game incomplete even if it's without DLC and even if I starting earning trophies in a game my main account can handle. :facepalm:


Well, this will be the only title I get on both my accounts and it won't happen again. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back on this avatar for a reason - we're allowing games without DLC on the other account but they must qualify with one of the following requirements to be allowed to be in the DLC Graveyard:

  1. They must be shovelware or shameful platinums.
  2. They must be games chosen for forum challenges like the Platinum Difficulty Challenge, which Cassilena is participating in.
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  • 2 weeks later...



So I sort of forgot to update but, as you can tell from the image I copy-pasted from a magazine site, I've finally started up Final Fantasy VII Remake and cleared the first chapter. I did this as I was starting up the FFVII platinum run on my main account.


It's an okay game, though I ended up sending Barret to his death several times by the stupid security lasers. Typical AI behavior. 

I almost died on this boss because I was still not very used to it, and I play action RPGs a lot so I am expert on action RPG combat!


I also got three more trophies in FFXIV for clearing the Coils of Bahamut raids, thanks to a Dynamis PF that was running sprouts through all 13 tiers of the raids for story purposes. I keep forgetting to mention the progress on this game but I rarely play this account, which will be rectified now that I have finally worked out a schedule for when to play this account and when to do my main account stuff. ;)


LONG OVERDUE EDIT: I have decided to nix this game and move it to the third account, which is even more casual than this account - it doesn't plan on getting the platinum trophy for this game! (This is where FF7 Rebirth will land when I decide to buy it.) I created that account a few days ago, and since I earned six trophies for the first chapter, I can't delete FF7 Remake off this account. :( But then again, it wasn't like I was ever gonna get 100% trophies on this account.

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  • 1 month later...



So, as you can tell, there is a "Realm of Darkness", aka the 7th Layer of Hell, for any game I am interested in. This layer is dedicated to those games I wish I could play, but unfortunately cannot because I will never the platinum for them. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is one such game and, after watching a video from some Youtuber who cussed a lot because of it, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is now joining that title.


Now, before you judge me and call me a coward, hear me out. This December, I will turn fifty-two years old. I have long since entered middle-age and am starting to experience what you should know of as a 'mid-life crisis.' This is where a human being, once they realize they are no longer young, will start panicking and regretting all the things they missed in their youth, and boy howdy did I miss 90% of the fun. I confessed, I have never kissed a girl in high school, never had a girlfriend, and have never enjoyed the joys of sex. Already part of me is planning to save up huge money to *GASP* go to Las Vegas and visit a cathouse to lose my virginity. :(


I will turn 60 in eight years and then I will officially be an old man. I'm already feeling tired all the time and my weight is yo-yoing like crazy. Even though I don't have a job, I get by(my money comes from the government and I live with my parents in a small shack in their backyard and am neighbors with my little sister who has a wonderful school nurse job and two lovely little daughters). However, due to feeling tired all the time and having ADHD(attention deficit hyper disorder) and autism(a mental condition where it's difficult to get motivated to do anything), I am not very good at being patient in extremely hard challenges. (These conditions are also why I have never been able to find a girl to date, because when I was in high school, my clumsy pick up lines and methods were so bad I hated myself. The fact that, in drama class, I picked a scene from Barefoot in the Park [the scene where one of the characters feigns insanity and threatens a girl with rape to try to get a girl who has the hots for him to go away and fails] and recruited an ugly girl to be my co-actress shows how bad I was at wooing women. Gawd, I still remember that drama class like it was yesterday. :()


I can do well in Final Fantasy XIV hard-core stuff because I do them unsynced and with Level 90 carries. If you asked me to do a minimum item level challenge with no Echo, I would fail, over and over and over, until I just rage-quit. In other words, if I can't beat a challenge in a reasonable three hours or so, I give up. I might try it again, but if the game has a ton of these insanely brutal challenges, I will just screw it and throw the game in the trash.


This is why Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is never going played by me ever again. I have played it a few times, but I couldn't complete the story. Critical Mode enemies one-shot over and over again, and when I got to Roxas... well, I gave up. (This was years before I learned about how mandatory Reflect magic is in this game. I just hack and slash through everything, because I beat the original KH2, which is far easier and didn't have Roxas as a story combat.) Forget even TRYING to fight the Data Organization on Critical. (I only beat one Data Org and that was Xaldin on Normal by sheer luck.)


This is why Kingdom Hearts III is on this account - I enjoyed the platinum... until the DLC dropped. The Re:MIND DLC is too hard for me. If I can't beat Data Xaldin on Kingdom Hearts II Critical Mode, I have no chance in HELL of even scratching one of the Data Orgs in the KH3 DLC as they are much harder. And I didn't even try to fight Lingering Will in KH2, Yozora in KH3 is impossible for me.


Now what does Final Fantasy VII Rebirth done to me to deserve this fate? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.



What it did to THIS GUY scared me away from the title. Click on this video, created by TheGamersJoint(who is mainly a Kingdom Hearts Youtuber who gives news on Kingdom Hearts developments) and you'll know why FF7 Rebirth is now never going to be played by me...


Well, technically, it could. I don't want to trash a game because it's impossible for me to get the platinum. After all, I am going to give FF7 Remake a chance, I already started it.


However, the only way I will buy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and play Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix is casually, disabling trophy notifications, and making a third account for games that will never be given the platinum treatment. They'll be played for the story, get their story done, and then deleted off the system forever. I'll do some side-quests, maybe do the Proto-Relic quest for Gilgamesh or get all the puzzle pieces in KH2, but I won't do all the challenges or earn all the trophies.


If I do make a third account, it won't be added to this site. I'll put it on TrueTrophies or something because my other accounts will bully it into submission for being a weakling. :(


I just wanted to let you know my thoughts about FF7 Rebirth. Why on this thread? Because this game is bound to get DLC that is even worse, I know it. <_<

3 minutes ago, Casillena_99 said:

Now, before you judge me

I'm not saying that I won't try the game. As I said before, I will try it... but I won't buy it at its current price as I do not intend to play it as soon as I buy it and, as I said, I'll only play it casually on either a blank account that isn't connected to the internet or a third PSN account dedicated to games I will never complete. I have heard good things about the game from my friend(and gym coach) who has played a lot of difficult games like God of War: Ragnarok. However, I wish I could have his apathy towards earning trophies as I am a completion freak. So please, reserve your judgement of me being a 'wussy'; I'm not saying I only like playing 'easy' games. My main account has FFXIV for the PS4 platted and that game was a horrible grind that took forever! This account will platinum FFXIV for the PS5, and that's even a worse grind!


I don't mind grinds. I don't mind trying a few times and then putting to bed and trying later. What I DO mind is when a game company decides to require you to complete a game on the hardest difficulty because I would love to play other RPGs, thank you very much, so stop making me fight Sephiroth with his BS moveset that I can't heal through! :angry:


There's just too much Sephiroth in FF7 Rebirth. Go away, you one-winged freak. :angry:

Edited by Casillena_99
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So yeah... turns out that the female Hrothgar coming to FFXIV have tails like the Mi'qote, and I really don't like having a tail come out my butt. :(




But you know what?




When life gives you lemons, you slice them up into a tasty Fantasia that you love. ^_^


So yeah, expect me to be harping a LOT about FFXIV on this page as this game is the poster child for the DLC Graveyard. (1) It's an MMO so they will constantly update it and that means...




(2) There are going to be DLC trophies as long as the game remains alive and some of it is impossible for me. :(


But I love this game. That means a lot of games on this account will be ignored for a decent time as I stall to avoid playing them I mean, get to Stormblood before the Yo-Kai Watch collab event drops. THIS TIME I WILL GET ALL THE REWARDS!!!!


EDIT: I forgot to update FFXIV's stats. Oops. I'll try to keep up on top of it. I'm at Heavensward now and need to keep things in check. :lol:

Edited by Casillena_99
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Posted (edited)

Professor Seajay here with an addendum on the last post: The second and third screenshot are taken from the FFXIV Dawntrail Benchmark, which gives you six screenshots. Also, that character in the screenshots is going to be Blueberry Dreamweaver, who I am playing right now, once we complete Endwalker, which I will do after Dawntrail drops as I wanted to play through the Final Days as a Pictomancer, one of the new jobs. As you can see, they are upping the graphics quality. ;)


(I didn't actually discard the Fantasia, it was a joke.)

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It's me, Professor Seajay, under a third account. This one is strictly for games that I want to play casually but not worry about the trophies in, like Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. After seeing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth I felt sad that there were too many extremely high-stress challenges for the platinum, but I don't want to throw these games in the trash, so I decided to put in a casual trophy account. I don't want to create another thread so I'll just edit the thread with this account's progress. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after getting slapped by the mods for having multiple forum accounts, I have since silenced the other two forum accounts and will put updates with this account.


Anyways, I managed to get started on two new games. First off is Ni No Kuni II, which I had rotting around for a long time. Now that I have restricted my gaming on the main account due to the Kill Your Completion Event, I have only this and Mimic_Pot0 to play on(that or play Nintendo games :lol:) so I decided to get this started. Cleared Chapter 1 and saved.


I also started Terraria after watching a video of how someone got all the achievements on it, and yes, some of those are DLC trophies in this game. I entered the tutorial and got the Leap of Faith just by jumping... despite being in the tutorial and not having anything equipped. 😛


However, that game is confusing and I can't seem to complete the tutorial as I can't talk to the guide. We'll save that game for later.


I managed to get the Second Coil Savage trophy popped thanks to a nice Level 90 Free Company member who helped me. We wiped twice but I then put down the controller and let his overpowered heinie do all the work and get the clear. Now I have to clear the rest of the Alexander Raids, get some of my low level classes to Level 30 to get their job stones and pushing the story some more. And yes, I used a story skip after 4.2. I want to skip the interlude phases between stories as the sooner I get to Endwalker, the better.


(I opened Palace of the Dead but I am not going for that trophy as clearing 200 floors solo is an exercise in patience and staying up for hours on end. :()

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly, FFXIV was off the docket for the past week due to some (kupo) jerkwad hacker who decided to invoke a DDoS attack on the servers. For those not in the know, DDoSing is the worst cyber-crime you can think of and involving the cyberspace equivalent of flushing a ton of paper towels down the public toilets to make them clog and overflow, ruining the bathrooms. It basically floods the entire server with useless data that causes the game to lag, stutter and constantly crash, kicking you out of the game and giving you the dreaded "You didn't log out properly error" that forces you to shut the game down and reboot. :angry:


I experienced a ton of lag and stutter and two crashes due to the rat (kweh) that did this so I couldn't get the motivation to play so I decided to stay off FFXIV for a week (at least until the Moogle Tomestone event happened today) and played and got the platinums on my account for both versions of Nexomon... which was a mistake as it took me a week to do them. That's what you get for playing a monster-catching title. :lol:


So part of me is considering popping all the story trophies for Stormblood and Shadowbringers with a Tales of Adventure skip so I can have my character ready for Endwalker. This week long hiatus crippled any chance of me prepping properly for Dawntrail.  I will try to play until the 18th because I have to leave the house to go to Utah for a couple of days to attend a speed-running convention in Salt Lake City, so I won't be able to play FFXIV from the 19th to the 23rd, dragging my prep progress and working on the platinum for FFXIV back even further. :(


As for the other games, I'll... look into them. I added Terraria in hopes that I could do it but I dunno. <_<

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