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Tonto's Trophy Checklist V2


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Revamping the Trophy Checklist, will be transferring all the posts related to my thoughts on all the games I earned platinums in.


Trophy Goals for 2024

Get 100% Trophy Completion in Skyrim (PS3)

Get 100% Trophy Completion in Gravity Rush 2

Complete NG+ on Horizon: Forbidden West

Earn Platinum Trophies in 15 PS4 Games (3/15)

Earn Platinum Trophies in 5 PS3 Games (5/5)

Earn Platinum Trophies in 10 PS5 Games (1/10)

Earn Platinum Trophies in 30 Games (9/30)


Platinums Earned 2024

Downwell (25/01/2024)

Bridge Constructor Portal (09/02/2024)

Sonic Generations (06/03/2024)

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy (07/03/2024)

Jak II (13/03/2024)

Jak 3 (21/03/2024)

Puppeteer (03/04/2024)

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (10/04/2024)

Atomic Heart (25/04/2024)


Non Platinum, 100% Completed games


Platinums I aim to earn

Games I currently aim to earn platinum's from in 2024

Atomic Heart (PS5)
Control (PS5)
Crash Bandicoot 4 (PS4 or PS5)
Cyberpunk 2077 (PS5)
Dead Space (PS5)
Dragon Age 2 - Another backlog game I aim to clear out in 2024
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Been holding off til I get the DA2 plat
Elden Ring (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII: Remake (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Reunion (PS5)
Hogwarts Legacy (PS5)
Hollow Knight
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Enjoyed it, but dreading the platinum journey
Metal Hellsinger (PS4) - Loved it on PS5, Happy to beat again.
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Been putting this off for too long.
Shadows of the Damned - Another PS3 backlog game that needs clearing out
The Outer Worlds - I liked what I was seeing, should go back and beat this one.
The Stanley Parable (PS4) - Stanley beat it once, so why not again?
The Witcher 3 - Been meaning to start this one for ages
Uncharted 4 - Been meaning to play, just keep procrastinating
Within the Blade (PS5) - Enjoyed on PS4, so happy to beat again.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS5) - Got it on monthly games. Will probably beat again before I play Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Games I would like to plat

A couple of games I want to plat, and will hopefully get around to in 2024

Far Cry 4
Devil May Cry HD 1-3

Super Meat Boy



XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Within

Tearaway Unfolded

Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled

I am Bread

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Edited by James_Tonto
Updating Platinums
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A Plague Tale: Innocence

Plat Name: Innocence

Rarity: 44.39% Uncommon

Earned on 09/12/2021

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

First off I enjoyed the visual presentation of the game, the characters, objects and the world are very detailed. You can see the gory details on the corpses around the world, those dead of disease or violent acts are everywhere. The Rats serve as an ever-present threat, their bodies move like water as they crawl along the ground and move in great heaving tides of rodent flesh, swarming any corpses and unlucky animals or people they come across. One thing I really love in this game is the sound design, the voice actors are great, doors sound heavy as do the Inquisition Troops when they are heavily armoured. Stones thrown with the sling plink when they hit off a guard's helmet and those gross moist fleshy sounds you get when you have to pass under bleeding oozing corpses or listen to rats gnawing people down to their bloody bones really puts you in the world and makes you shudder at the grossness.


While this game is a classic 'escort mission' style game, it rarely felt like one. There are levels and segments where you won't be escorting/protecting Hugo and the other characters rarely got in my way during combat or stealth sections. I like the characters in the game, Amicia and Hugo showoff a good sibling bond, with the types of arguments you might expect given their age gap. Rodric, Mellie and Lucas serve great supporting roles in the story and Captain Nicholas and Grand Inquisitor Vitalis serve as excellent antagonists. The crafting mechanics in the game are well implemented and depending on how far you are in the game, you'll have lots of options for dealing with enemies. Either luring them close to swarms of rats, to let the verminous swarms overwhelm them, or using Amicia's trusty sling and various ammunition types to takedown enemies more directly. It's also possible to call in aid from other supporting characters like Rodric. There are a few boss battles in the game, they aren't overly challenging though you might die once or twice figuring them out. The bosses will require you to use your wits and all your abilities to finally defeat them.






Plat Name: Akane

Rarity: 16.33% Rare

Earned on 07/12/2023

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Akane is one of those games designed to be played over and over again, with the player making small gains and improving their performance. You play as the titular protagonist who knows she's going to die and is committed to killing as many of her attackers as possible, before she dies. Combat is simple. you have a slash, charged-sword move, a more powerful flash-step style slash and an ultimate slash that you mash the attack button to kill all the onscreen enemies. A block button is also available to block sword slashes and to deflect bullets. There's also guns which regain ammo over time or by killing foes using the sword. There's only one boss, but he gets deadlier every time he's fought, with his final form using his own charged dash slash that will follow Akane closely. This game can be exceptionally tough, especially since some of the in-game missions require you to kill high numbers of enemies with specific weapons or to maintain very high combos, the combo meter is a big gripe for me personally as it drains very fast and only stops draining at the boss fights. Add onto that you can't get hit or you will instantly die and this game can go from fun and challenging, to very frustrating.


I did also encounter some weird bugs. For example the boss leaves a neon pink trail when he dashes before slashing, but while playing through multiple runs, these trails would stay on screen and fill up parts of the screen, even obscuring the boss. I encountered another bug where the camera got stuck and simply refused to move and another one where the short dialogue window between Akane and the boss refused to disappear, obscuring half the screen, even after death. Fortunately these bugs could be dealt with by exiting the game fully and then starting it up again from the Playstation home screen. I actually only had one full crash where the whole screen/game froze, but I was still able to exit to PS Menu and close the game.





Alan Wake Remastered

Rarity: 17.19% Rare

Earned on 26/10/2021

Game Rating 9.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Completing Alan Wake on PS4 was actually my second time finishing it, the first time I beat it on PC via Steam in 2020, though I didn't go for full completion that time. Completing Alan Wake fully was quite a journey, their were some annoying trophy challenges but nothing too difficult. The game was still fun and the journey through the game is still fantastic and memorable. The supernatural threat of the Dark Presence is strong and felt throughout the game, with only brief respite under the glow of a light bulb or in the brief day time sections. The game has lots of moments of intensity, I was never jumpscared, just exposed to that feeling of dread whenever I had to go out into the Darkness. Feeling tense and ready to shine my flashlight and shoot a few of the Taken. I didn't find Nightmare difficulty too hard, but I did have problems. I encountered a number of bugs that have crashed the game repeatedly for me, especially on The Signal DLC, which has prevented me from completing it in one go.





Alice: Madness Returns

Plat Name: Platinum For All Other Trophies

Rarity: 14.90% Rare

Earned on 01/04/2020

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

This game is one of those titles I always hear good things about. And after finally playing it, I can understand the hype around this game. Alice: Madness Returns was an absolute joy to play through, the levels and character design had me reminiscing about Psychonauts. If it was a darker and more serious game I mean. I love American McGee's darker take on the Alice in Wonderland story, continuing after the original written adventures. I played the American McGee's DLC for this game and I really wouldn't recommend it. The first game has so many problems, it feels very dated when compared to Madness Returns, which addressed all the problems I had with the first outing. Madness Returns transitions nicely from the real world and wonderland, each time you enter Wonderland you can see environmental elements of the real world present. Which Alice's mind has used to construct Wonderland locations. There weren't many boss fights in this game, though I don't consider that a negative, as American McGee's were underwhelming or in the case of the Jabberwock, overwhelming. Thankfully the bosses included aren't too complicated and the final boss puts up a decent fight. I'd really recommend playing this game, I had a blast. Though skip the American McGee's DLC unless you absolutely have to have 100% completion.






Plat Name: Omnipotence

Rarity: 6.81% Very Rare

Earned on 17/09/2016

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Apotheon is a Greek themed, side-scrolling/platform game. You control a lowly Greek man, named Nikandreos, who journeys to Mount Olympus after Zeus decides to wipe out Humanity. Nikandreos is intent on preventing the extinction of mankind.To accomplish this, he must claim the various powers of the gods, and kill off Zeus in the process. Right away, the game's art style caught my eye, everything is drawn in that ancient Greek, pottery style. Animals, furniture, the landscape etc. You collect an abundance of weapons throughout the game, either through discovery as you play, or by completing the various side quests. Combat is simple, if a little slower than I am used to, but it works well, since the enemies also attack with similar speed. There's a decent amount of enemy types in this game, which make each area of Olympus feel unique. I'd overall recommend this game, it's a good time and a fairly easy game to pick up, play and complete.




Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man

Plat Name: Retro Gamer

Rarity: 35.29% Uncommon

Earned on 08/12/2023

Game Rating 5/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Classic Retro gaming, practically the same as Pac-Man. Fun little game overall, with the levels growing increasingly difficult as you progress through them. With Power Pellets lasting shorter lengths of time in some levels. Thanks to the ability to make and upload save files, the trophies aren't too harsh to unlock, requiring some patience, practice and luck. If you enjoy these retro games or just want to try one, then this game or the regular Pac-Man are good picks.





Arcade Game Series: Pac-Man

Plat Name: Retro Gamer

Rarity: 37.40%

Earned on 15/10/2016

Game Rating 5/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Pac-Man is a classic game, everybody knows Pac-Man and has probably played or seen someone play it at some point. I found some of the trophies kind of annoying, particularly the Om Nom Nom ones, but most of them are pretty easy. I'm not the biggest retro gamer, but this game was a fun little challenge, to tackle, in-between all the much larger and longer games I've been playing. I can't really say much more, it's Pac-Man, it's a classic arcade game that's generally a good time.





Assassin's Creed 2
Plat Name: Master Assassin
Rarity: 28.43% Uncommon
Earned on 25/05/2011
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

The first Assassin's Creed was one of my favourite games on PC, that has since spawned one of my favourite series. Assassin's Creed II has many improvements over the first Assassin's Creed that make you feel more like an assassin, thanks to all the available weapons and methods of killing people, like poison or guns instead of just swords and the hidden blades. The story of Ezio Auditore is portrayed excellently, taking place over many years of Ezio's life, as he goes from a young man seeking revenge for his lost family, to a seasoned Master Assassin. Unfortunately the plotline related to the modern day Assassin's wasn't a big draw for me, but I was much more invested than the first game's story. The combat is improved greatly over the first game and feels less clunky, the collectables actually have in-game rewards this time, unlike all the flags you can collect in the first game.

The characters are portrayed very well, and they left an impact on me while playing. I also loved all the different cities and how they have their own unique look. This is a masterpiece of a game that set up it's sequel perfectly, it's close to perfect and a very, very good stealth/assassination game.





Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Plat Name: Julius Caesar
Rarity: 4.89% Ultra Rare
Earned on 19/04/2013
Game Rating 9/10 
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood is the excellent sequel to Assassin's Creed 2. This game continues the story from the previous game, eventually wrapping up the storyline with the Borgia controlled Templar's. Brotherhood refined the combat further, making it much easier to jump from enemy to enemy and string together chains of attacks. The game also has two other DLC packs worth mentioning, the first is the Corpenico DLC, which like the missing memories of Assassin's Creed 2, merely serves to extend the story. The other DLC is the Da Vinci Disappearance, which is my favourite and adds more Leonardo Da Vinci and a secret fraternity, seeking to forcefully enlighten humanity to their philosophy. The setting of Rome was very well polished, though I did miss visiting other cities around Italy. I liked fixing up Rome in this game, restoring the city which has suffered under Templar negligence. I also really liked the Cult of Romulus side-missions as the cultists were rather fun enemies to fight.

My one complaint with this game, is the Multiplayer. The multiplayer can be fun, but you'll need at least 6-8 boosting partners if you want to have any hopes of reaching Level 50 and grabbing the other online trophies. The online is the one thing I dislike in this game and feels like an unnecessary addition to the series. I was fortunate enough to meet several players when working on this plat, which made the grind a lot easier to deal with. If you don't want to grind online, then I recommend picking up the Ezio trilogy on PS4, since those online trophies are gone.





Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Plat name: Conqueror
Rarity: 10.78% Rare
Earned on 08/02/2015
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Assassin's Creed: Revelations is a good game, with a mostly-good story. I enjoyed the change of scenery, having the plot focused on Constantinople, rather than the Italian Rome of AC: Brotherhood and the cities of Assassin's Creed 2. But I personally liked Rome in Brotherhood more. The story itself was weaker than previous instalments in the Assassin's Creed series. I was under the initial impression that I would get to play as Altair from the first Assassin's Creed game, and it was implied with Subject 16's dialogue in the game. However you only get to play as Altair during very specific missions, at various stages in his later life after the events of the first game.

I enjoyed the inclusion of the hookblade and the ziplines around the city. They provided opportunities for zipline assassinations, fun travel through the city and were handy in escaping pursuing guards Templar's or Byzantines. The combat didn't feel as smooth as it did in Brotherhood, it's still fun. But the combat felt kinda lacking and it felt harder to get into fights with large numbers of guards, for big, chaotic brawls. This does make a bit of sense, as Ezio is in his early fifties by this point, but he's less fun to control than his younger self from Brotherhood. This game also has some tedious collectables, like the books and the animus fragments that really slow things down. The Den Defence mode was a nice idea, but it felt poorly implemented. I still don't like the multiplayer, but it was easier to level up than in Brotherhood mercifully. Overall the game is fun, and you'll want to play it, if only to see the conclusion to Ezio's story.





Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Plat Name: Prizes, Plunder, and Adventure

Earned on 25/07/2016

Rarity: 6/60%

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is definitely an improvement over Assassin's Creed III. Embracing the ship mechanics of that game, and building a game largely around being a pirate. The story of Assassin's Creed IV is pretty engaging, set during the golden age of piracy and its eventual decline. Encountering various famous pirates like Blackbeard, James Kidd and Bartholomew Roberts, really lets you feel like you're living in the era. The modern day sequences were short and didn't distract too much, having their own little subplot going on as well. Combat-wise, Black Flag is great in both the ship and sword/gunplay areas. Kenway's ship, the Jackdaw is fun to use in naval combat. Whaling and exploring underwater wrecks was also a nice addition to Black Flag and made exploration more fun. The online was also fun, and levelling up for me, wasn't nearly as much of a chore, as it was in Brotherhood. Overall, Black Flag is my second favourite in the Assassin's Creed series and I'd be happy to recommend this game.


Favourite Trophies


Devil of the Caribbean

The Four Legendary ships were basically the real boss battles of this game. They were each challenging in their own way, requiring unique strategies to fight and sink each ship. Studying the ships, their attack patterns etc.




The Jackdaw is an awesome ship, and turning this ship into a a true monster of the waves, was great. Watching my ship, becoming tougher and deadlier.





Assassin's Creed: Rogue

Earned on 10/09/2015

Rarity: 24.44%Uncommon

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Assassin's Creed: Rogue is what I have been looking for in an Assassin's Creed game, after Assassin's Creed 3. A solo offline experience, without a tacked on Multiplayer. The game lets you play as a Templar, the former Assassin Shay Cormac. Shay's turn to the Templar Order felt a bit rushed in my opinion, but the story was nevertheless, quite interesting and engaging. Showing how the original Colonial Assassin's order fell and became a shadow of its former self in Assassin's Creed III. The combat and stealth mechanics work well in this game, in particular I enjoyed Shay's Rifle and grenade launcher attachment. Ship combat, like in ACIII is still good too. What bothered me where the collectables, I spent days hunting down every Animus Fragment, sea shanty, chest, Templar Map/Relic, Viking swords and Native artefacts. There needed to be fewer collectables or they had to tie into the story more, to make them feel relevant. I would definitely recommend this game to an Assassin's Creed fan, just prepare for a bit of a tedious grind, collecting everything.


Favourite Trophy


Master of the North Atlantic

The Legendary ships were tough to destroy, but a fun challenge.





Assassin's Creed 3
Plat name: Master Assassin

Rarity: 6.53% Very Rare
Earned on 12/04/2015
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Assassin's Creed 3 is the final part in the story of Desmond Miles, concluding the story that has been ongoing since the first game. I was looking forward to this game for awhile, a game set during the American war for Independence? That's a great idea for the setting of the game. But I felt it was lacking with the fight for Independence as the protagonist Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton is more focused on killing Templar's who attacked his tribe's village. He's not as invested in the fight for Independence and more involved with the war against the British as it brings him closer to his goals of revenge. Connor stays very stoic and serious throughout the story, which makes him quite hard to relate to and when he's not acting like that. Well Connor gets angry and frustrated. (I did learn Connor was meant to be portrayed like this, but it still left him a hard to relate to character.) Training up and building a Brotherhood of Assassin's didn't feel as important as it did in previous titles. But you need to do it, if you want that 100% and your Platinum. Story wise the game's ending wasn't as bad as I heard it was, I didn't think it was amazing or anything. But it was a decent conclusion, my only gripe is Desmond's death, did he really have to die? I mean this guy has been learning how to be an Assassin for several games. But he's killed off, before we can really enjoy playing as Desmond in his own, present-day title.

I like the combat in this game, getting to fight a variety of soldiers/crooks and a decent variety of wildlife which you can hunt. The Naval combat was an excellent addition to the Assassin's Creed formula, I enjoy the navy battles, I only wish there had been some more Naval activities, like building your own armada for example or searching for buried treasure. I also liked building up the Homestead, it made me feel like a pioneer in America, setting up the village and inviting the various characters to live there. The modern day missions were also enjoyable, but make me sad now, since Desmond won't get his own game. 

Surprisingly, I really enjoy the multiplayer in AC3, which managed to stun me. I didn't like Multiplayer in the previous titles, but in the third game, they seem to have gotten it right. I enjoy playing in 3's multiplayer and the inclusion of the Wolfpack mode, provided you have competent people to play it with. AC3 isn't my favourite entry in the series, but I still think it's a good addition overall.



iMUGA1O.pngTyranny of King Washington was an interesting three-part series of DLC. A good alternate-universe story, that is also connected to the main storyline. The new unique powers you acquire throughout the DLC's also really change the game play up. Connor gains access to the powers of animal spirits, the Bear, wolf and eagle. The wolf is great for stealth or summoning backup in combat in place of the assassin's from the main game. The eagle lets you reach various ledges, hiding spots and high vantage points. Or to reach targets quickly. The bear was my favourite, creating a powerful shockwave attack that can kill whole squads of enemies. I like this DLC and I would recommend playing it, especially after playing the main game.




Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD

Rarity: 44.17% Uncommon
Earned on 06/04/2015
Game Rating 6/10
Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD is a short, but fun Assassin's Creed game. The locations are pretty limited in this game, much like Brotherhood and Revelations, you're restricted to a limited number of areas. The maps feel smaller to me, the exception being the Bayou. Which likely feels longer, due to all the water you have to swim through. I like Liberation's use of the protagonist Aveline, like having her switch between disguises. Having each disguise have it's strengths/weaknesses, along with specific missions related to using them. The in-game trading system is easy to use and you can amass money fairly quickly through it. My only real gripe are the various types of collectables. I felt they needed to connect to the story more, like how the feathers in Assassin's Creed 2 were connected to an earlier mission with Ezio's youngest brother and to Ezio's mother. Or how the Blast Shard's are tied in with Cole in inFAMOUS and augment his power. 

Overall I like Liberation's plot, it's pretty easy to follow, especially when the in-game Erudito hackers hack in ways to let you see truths hidden by the Templar's in the game. There are a lack of truly memorable antagonists in Liberation, though that's mainly due to how well they disguise their presence. I'd recommend playing this game, if you're a fan of this series.





Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

Plat Name: Master Assassin

Rarity: 17.61% Rare
Earned on 29/12/2022
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Tackling Syndicate was exactly what I expected. Some busywork trophies that would eat up my time and not be earned through normal game play. And a story that continues the present day Assassin/Templar war, revisiting memories of the past to find a lost artifact of the past. I like the Frye Twins as protagonists, Jacob's the one more ready to rush in and get his hands dirty, while Evie Frye is the planner who likes to plan out her missions carefully. They have a pretty believable brother/sister dynamic that works well when speaking to each other or to other characters. Most of the activities in the game were fun/challenging to complete, meeting various famous historical figures was still a thing, like the rest of the Assassin's Creed games. I really liked the addition of a grapple gun to the arsenal, with my only complaint being its lack of combat utility, like using it to grapple enemies or possibly disarm them. The WWI section of the game was an enjoyable surprise, that just makes me hope we get an Assassin's Creed game during one or maybe both World Wars someday. Overall I had a pretty good time with Syndicate and it's revived my interest in the series.



It was inevitable that some Jack the Ripper content made it into a game set in the Victorian Era. Tying Jack into the story of the Frye Twins and the Assassins was a good idea narratively. I liked the addition of the new Terror Mechanic, it's a fun addition that mixes up the Assassin's stealthy approach with being bold and brutal to the point of terrifying the enemies and making them flee.





Astro's Playroom

Plat Name: You've Only Done Everything

Rarity: 49.53% Uncommon
Earned on 11/07/2023
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10

This game is adorable, I love the design of Astro and all the other robots featured in the game. Enemies are pretty harmless and take just one bop to fall apart. The game is a good demo for showing off all the possible uses the new controller has in future games for this generation. The game is a nice celebration of sony games/consoles and it didn't take too long to beat. The added DLC was fun to beat, I still remember seeing that tech demo T-Rex in old PSX adverts. Fun short title, definitely worth playing through if you buy a PS5.




Asura's Wrath
Plat Name: Enlightenment

Rarity: 10.50% Rare
Earned on 20/02/2013
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

I played this game entirely unsure of what to expect, and what I got was glorious. The boss fights are epic in terms of size, scale and over the top awesomeness, the regular combat is a fun beat em up and the QTE's can get annoying or be easily missed. The flaws of the game are outweighed by how much of a badass this game makes you feel. It's like someone took an over-the-top action anime and made it into a game. It's rare for a gem like this game to sneak up on the gaming community, but I am very happy I bought this game. Besides a few hiccups, my journey towards the plat went well, but it is also ridiculous the way Capcom released Part IV, the ending of the game as a separate DLC. I wouldn't have bought it, had I not gotten my copy of the game, brand new and at such a good price. I recommend playing the game, with the ending DLC, you will get a more satisfying conclusion and Final boss battle. The Ryu and Akuma DLC fights are fun, but not essential, they are really over the top though and I had fun playing them.





Atomic Heart

Plat Name: The Motherland Does Not Forget its Heroes

Rarity: 9.86% Very Rare

Earned on 25/04/2024

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Atomic Heart popped up on my radar due to its unique aesthetic, that reminded me of the Bioshock series. Story-wise its pretty engaging, but I got the distinct impression it was also rushed near the halfway/ending of the game's story. The story itself starts off straightforward, but gradually gets unveiled as more nuanced as it progresses. There's not a massive variety of enemies, but their are variants of the enemies that help keep combat engaging. The bosses all have unique and intimidating designs. There's a certain artistic direction with the game, especially when it comes to the obviously sexually appealing design and animations of the Twin Robots in various cutscenes and in the boss battles. Upgrading and crafting the weapons and power-ups you acquire during the game is straightforward, my only real gripe is a big I encountered that prevented me from unlocking a bunch of story-related trophies until I did a second playthrough.



This DLC takes place in the alternate ending's timeline, where you refuse to confront Sechenov. Sergei/P-3 while escaping the Facility has ended up in another location, where the A.I. of the Vending Machines, Nora was developed and is housed. Some nice worldbuilding in this DLC, expanding on the world and the consequences of your actions. I liked the two additional weapons you get access to in this story and the new polymer glove ability. The new enemies fit in with the world, with the unassuming BEA-D robots having a new mechanic of linking together into deadlier configurations, most notably the Boss Robot form of a Colossus. Nora herself is just as dangerous and deranged as ever, with her unsettling affection for P-3 still on full display. No major complaints this time, their was just no boss music for the two BEA-D Colossi fights, leaving them oddly silent.






Plat Name: You Done Good

Rarity: 11.61% Rare

Earned on 29/03/2016

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Bastion is one of my favourite games, by Supergiant Games. I first played this gem of a game on Steam, where I fell in love with the game. The game for me, was worth buying twice. The story follows 'The Kid' as he goes to the titular Bastion, after a Calamity has wiped out the world. He takes it upon himself to retrieve the powerful stones, known as Cores which can fully restore the Bastion. Playing through this game is a treat for the eyes, the levels and art style are gorgeous and very distinct, giving it a unique style that is instantly recognisable. The game is also wonderfully narrated by Logan Cunningham as the elderly Rucks, who is the best narrator in any game I've played. Bastion's combat is simple, fluid and smooth, with one of the widest arsenals of weapons I've seen in any game. Every weapon is effective to varying degrees, and you're definitely encouraged to experiment with weapon combos, since you get new weapons fairly often. The gods can also be invoked in the game at shrines, which can grant additional challenge and make enemies tougher, but rewards you with more Experience and fragments. There are also additional challenges in the games, besides the Trophies, such as the optional dream levels, where you fight off waves and waves of various enemies and learn about the characters backstories. There's also the tasks to complete at the Memorial and the weapon challenges on the world map, all of which, unlock various in-game bonuses. Like new special attacks or fragments, the in-game currency. This game sadly lacks the Portal turret special power from the steam version and there wasn't a PS4 exclusive ability either. Still that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the game




Batman: Arkham Asylum

Rarity: 10.92% Rare
Earned on 30/03/2011
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy difficulty 6/10

This is one of the best superhero game I have ever played. Arkham Asylum is like playing out a proper Batman comic adventure, dealing with the insane plans of Batman's greatest foe, The Joker. Throughout this game, you'll fight a number of Batman's well-known and lesser known villains as well as getting hints about some of the others who would show up in later instalments of the series. The combat itself is really smooth and easy to control, Batman flowing through the battles from foe to foe, snapping bones and delivering knock out blows. The stealth mechanics were also a lot of fun, implementing fear to make enemies more panicky, turning the environment against them. The characters were all portrayed well, especially Mark Hamill as the Joker and Kevin Conroy as Batman. 

When I first played this game on my old profile I would've rated the difficulty a 9/10 trophy wise but now I give it a 6 as I find it easier now. The game is very fun and offers opportunities for stealth and beating up Bad guys complete with bone cracking goodness. Batman also has to solve riddles and find hidden messages scattered around Arkham Island and earn Experience points which are used to buy upgrades for Armour, Gadgets & Fighting moves.




Batman Return to Arkham: Arkham Asylum

Rarity: 14.77% Rare

Earned on 30/01/2021

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Ten years after I earned the platinum on PS3, I returned once again to Arkham Asylum. Despite it being 10 years since I last played, I was still really familiar with all the locations. I found gathering the Riddler Trophies and solving his riddles to be super easy, there were only two of the question mark alignment riddles that had me scratching my head in frustration, before I finally looked up a video guide for them. I did two playthroughs of this game, my normal run which is 100% Complete and my Hard Mode Run which I finished with almost total completion, even while I was playing it more like a speedrun. The only thing I forgot about Arkham Asylum, was the more focused gadgets. I found myself missing things from Arkham City, like the ability to quickly lay down explosive Gel in fights for crowd control and the ability to break enemy weapons. The game is still fun and one of the best superhero games out there. The Predator and Combat challenges aren't too difficult or they weren't for me anyways, they provided a nice break to practice my skills as the Dark Knight. 



Batman: Arkham City

Rarity: 5/52% Very Rare
Earned on 31/03/2015
Game Rating 9.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Another very good sequel, Arkham City takes everything wonderful about Arkham Asylum and expands on it. There are many more villains from Batman's Rogues Gallery and some returning villains, such as the Riddler. Speaking of the Riddler, he's spread even more Riddles around the City and he left some Riddler Trophies for Catwoman. In Arkham Asylum I didn't mind the Riddler trophies and riddles, but in Arkham City they went overboard and added way too many. The various thugs you fight in the game are a lot more violent than I was expecting, compared to how they acted in Arkham Asylum, which definitely increased the difficulty. The Tyger guards are some of the more dangerous foes, especially given they are immune to being scared/intimidated. The more aggressive opponents made combat freeflow related trophies a lot tougher. I like the story in Arkham City, but I think the story in Arkham Asylum works a lot better. 

The story picks up after the events of the previous game, where Hugo Strange, has incarcerated a large portion of Gotham's criminals in a walled off section of the city, calling it, Arkham City. Batman's goal is to investigate the mysterious Protocol 10, which Strange plans to implement and to cure himself of a poison in his blood he was afflicted with near the beginning of the story. Overall I like the game and its the story. The boss battles are much, MUCH better than Arkham Asylum's. My favourite being the Ra's Al Ghul and Mister Freeze boss fights, particularly Freeze's boss battle, given how he adapts to any tactic you employ, changing the arena as Freeze removes ways to ambush him. The combat and stealth sections of the game are also a lot of fun, though due to the faster enemies, and the criminals having more ways to attack you, combat sections can be very tricky.

Favourite Trophies
Hide And Seek
Earned from my favourite boss battle of the game.

Perfect Knight - Day 2 
The hardest trophy to go for, but you get a real sense of accomplishment, when you finally do earn it. Only thing I HATE about this trophy, is that you have to do ALL the side missions again.




Batman Return to Arkham: Arkham City

Rarity: 9/73% Very Rare

Earned on 09/02/2021

Game Rating: 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6.5/10

I found Arkham City on PS4 to be a much longer and grindier process to complete, than I originally remembered. Paricularly the Riddler Trophies, Finding and Rescuing all the Political Prisoners, the Challenge Rooms and the Campaign maps. Not that I didn't have fun, but I made the mistake on my first run of playing on hard, finding out I had to do New Game Plus on even harder and I decided to just start over on Normal when I realised their was no difficulty-based trophies like in Asylum.


The challenge Rooms were somewhat daunting, I aced the combat challenges and most of the Predator Maps. It felt like it took months to complete them all, even though I know it was just 9 days to do everything. I also had about 7 or 8 random crashes and one bug where Zsasz's case file was complete but the marker was still on the map. The crashes brought my rating down to an 8.5, without that I'd probably still give Arkham City a 9.5 on my game rating. It was overall fun to return to Arkham City, but I feel like I overstayed my welcome.




Batman: Arkham Knight

Plat Name: I AM the Batman

Rarity: 6.74% Rare

Earned on 10/10/2021

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

The Finale to the Arkham Quadrilogy of games, I have a lot of good and negative things to comment on in this title. While I only had crashes on my first playthrough, they were the most severe crashes I've had on my PS4, forcing it to reboot. Besides that I had an extremely smooth experience, especially on New Game + with the only weird bug being the John Doe's vanishing from their Cell in the GCPD. I enjoyed the game enough that I 120% completed it twice, despite my gripes. I like how the GCPD Lock-up got gradually more crowded as I took care of the various main and side missions. I liked the interactable displays in the evidence room and the ones outside the DLC villain cells. I disliked how each villain encounter/side mission was rather repetitive though, chase down Firefly X3, Interrupt Two-Face's Bank Heists X3, Destroy Penguin's weapon cache's X5. Same goes for the DLC missions which mostly boil down to 'go here, interact with the thing and then go here.' These missions aren't going to be nearly as memorable as the ones from Arkham City. Same goes for the boss encounters in this game, which relies heavily on the Batmobile and its combat-mode. The batmobile is well implemented and I do enjoy using it, however the boss fights are really lacking in this title. There's just not the same spectacle to them, like there was in Arkham City.


Scarecrow works pretty well as the main antagonist, I like the redesign he was given for this game. They kept and modified his syringe glove and they also gave Scarecrow a noose around his neck like other incarnations of him. The Arkham Knight was fine as the secondary main antagonist and Joker as the villain within Batman worked well narratively, his colourful commentary and attempts to takeover Batman's mind were all memorable. For side missions, Professor Pyg was definitely the most memorable villain/killer I captured. The Riddler's Riddles were plentiful, but not overwhelming like in Arkham City and stayed collected in New Game+ this time. Deacon Blackfire I was kind of disappointed he had just one mission and no real lead up to his appearance. Also minor thing that bugged me, the fact that Harley Quinn and her gang weren't locked up at GCPD just annoyed me subtly, like every other gang was locked up there, but not hers.


Ultimately I'd say Arkham Knight ended the Arkham Storyline pretty conclusively, it was definitely lacking in areas, but it feels very familiar to other Arkham Games. Definitely worth playing if you have enjoyed the earlier games in the series.


Hardest Trophies



Requiem for a Killer

This took me the longest to earn, excluding maybe The Long Halloween, since I did a second 120% completion run for that. The sheer perfection you have to maintain to get this trophy is mentally exhausting. Getting over 350 hits in freeflow and then going further becomes really hard, combat specialists in particular ruined my runs of this the most.



Chill in the Air

This was the second hardest trophy, I blame it entirely on Nightwing. It's hard to explain it exactly, but he just doesn't control as well as the other two characters. Combat Specialists notoriously ruined several runs again, when they jumped in where my camera wasn't looking and slashed Nightwing.





Batman: The Telltale Series

Plat Name: I'm Batman

Rarity: 65.17% Common

Earned on 17/09/2018

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

I love Batman, and I enjoy Telltale games and their point and click, narrative adventures. So it was a relief, to see them both, blended together, so well. This game is great, going back to Batman's origins, and giving us a rather interesting plot, involving Bruce Wayne, his parents and the various villains of Gotham. Throughout the game, you'll encounter plenty of great characters, like Alfred, Lucius Fox, Vickie Vale, Commissioner Gordon, Two-Face, The Penguin, Carmine Falcone and Catwoman. I had a great time with this game, which took some of the best aspects of the Arkham series, like Detective mode/vision and incorporated them into the game. The main antagonist of the game was a surprise, a wholly original villain for this specific game. Batman: The Telltale Series as a whole is a nice self-contained Batman adventure, one I will be happy to continue in the sequel.




Batman: The Enemy Within

Plat Name: I Am the Night

Rarity: 70.09% Common

Earned on 21/01/2022

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

The second in the Telltale games Batman games, picking up after the events of the previous game. I suppose the first thing I really liked was the introduction of more villains from Batman's rogue's gallery and the designs for each of them. The influence and effects of your choices, costing and saving lives or bringing about other consequences. I could tell I made the wrong decisions at times, but the way they were worded sounded correct at the time. John Doe's character arc throughout The Enemy Within was handled excellently, his connection to Batman and Bruce strengthened further by the plot of this game. The portrayal of the other villains and new characters was handled well. I liked the segments where you could wander around in the Batcave, I only have one minor gripe and it was with how many people can figure out Batman's true identity in this game.





Plat Name: Acquire All Trophies

Rarity: 9.28% Very Rare

Earned on 02/03/2021

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

This game was on my to-do list for quite some time. Bayonetta is overall an enjoyable experience, I was only frustrated when it came time to tackle the Hard and Infinite Climax playthroughs. I do have some gripes though, especially when it comes to the level design. Specifically the Alfheim gates, which were annoying to find, so much so I resorted to a guide to find them them all. I mean who would think to run back to the foot of the giant statue in the Epilogue to reach a hidden Alfheim? Or to run back to the start of the level, after defeating a boss with an Anti-air cannon? The actual Alfheim challenges were also kind of annoying though, not fun challenges. And sometimes the load times could be aggravating. My gripes aside though, I really love the designs of the various Angelic enemies, they truly feel like otherworldly beings. I especially love the boss designs, each fight is a spectacle, watching these colossal beasts take the beatdown of the millenium from Bayonetta. I loved the demonic entities I could summon to finish up fights, they're as evil and demonic as you imagine they should be. The weapon variety is great, everything from whips and RPG launchers to Swords and pistols. The story is easy enough to piece together as it unfolds and its pretty dang enjoyable. The music was fantastic, you could listen to this music outside the game and be bopping to some of those beats. I recommend the game, but probably the PS4 version since that one runs better.




Bendy and the Ink Machine

Plat Name: Master of the Ink

Rarity: 4.47% Ultra Rare

Earned on 14/11/2022

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

I first played Bendy and the Ink Machine (BATIM) back on PC via Steam, I played up to chapter 3 and kinda just forgot about it, while I waited for the updates. So this was my first time seeing the final version of BATIM. The art style and colours reminded me strongly of Bioshock of all things, I believe the lighting and aesthetic reminds me of it. The primary goal of the game is exploring the unnaturally large Joey Drew Studios and trying to escape, while avoiding the hostile ink creatures haunting the bowels of the studio. The game isn't overly difficult, though I did find the Searcher enemies a little annoying to kill at times. Sometimes they die in one hit, sometimes in two or even three. The game isn't overly long, which is fortunate because there are some buggy trophies in this game. For example, 'The Voice Collector' only unlocked after I was doing a second playthrough, I listened to the audio log near the start of chapter 3, one I know I listened to before and it pinged. I thought I had to listen to the one on the Path of the Angel, but nope it just seems to have randomly unlocked.


Most Frustrating Trophy



This goddamn trophy, I tried dozens of times to unlock this. And know I succeeded at least three of four times. Using chapter select to just go back to chapter 5 is useless as the game won't save progress and you'll have to do that starting segment watching Alice and Tom for 5 minutes and then the boat ride. In the end I had to uninstall and reinstall the whole game, delete all my saves and start a whole new game. Fortunately I was a pro at Bendy and the Ink Machine by this point and breezed through the game to the docks at the Searcher/Lost underground village in no time. A quick quit to copy and upload the save data and I went into the fight with Sammy and the horde of Ink monsters, finally succeeding.




Bionic Commando

Plat Name: Go Go Bionic!

Rarity: 5.66% Very Rare

Earned on 03/04/2020

Game Rating 6/10

Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

Bionic Commando is an interesting experience, I never played the original games or completed the ReArmed ones, though I did certainly try. Having played through the game twice. I have noticed several annoyances, which date back to older game design. Collectibles don't stay collected if you die, forcing you to collect them again when you inevitably die. It is very easy to get killed by environmental hazards like radiation clouds or drowning in the water. Swinging in this game is a bit clunky, especially compared to something like Spider-Man on PS4. It's also very easy to get ganged up on by big crowds of enemies that gun you down. And getting ammo for your guns is a pain, it's very easy to run out of ammo for your favourite weapons. Despite the issues I have, especially in the Commando Difficulty. I still had fun with this game, It's worth playing, but be ready to die a lot on the hard and commando difficulties. I feel like the game has a weird identity crisis where Nathan Spencer is often very angry and serious, but then he's spouting off one-liners as he fights and guns down enemies. Or he's fighting big robot suits and machines, but there's guys like Armstrong on the radio, talking like this is a real life military conflict. Overall the game is fun, but gets difficult in places, especially when trying to complete all the in-game challenges.




Rarity: 11.07% Rare
Earned on 14/03/2013
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10
Bioshock is generally considered to be an excellent title, essential for any gamer who enjoy more substance and story in their First Person Shooters. This game is great fun, beginning with a creepy first few levels, then transitioning into a more action oriented shooter. The story is one of this games strongest elements, helping to immerse players in this fantastical world around them. The game is great overall, you'll need to be strategic with your plasmid powers, juggling between weapons and plasmids for different enemies. There's even times when creating an elaborate trap to take down tougher enemies is the smarter move to make. Luring a Big Daddy into a carefully laid out Set of Traps is very satisfying. The Big Daddies in general, are the toughest enemies in the game, especially the late-game tougher variants. I feel the game lacked any really memorable bosses, besides the final boss and Sander Cohen.

Favourite Trophies
Funny little trophy, given to you for giving Sander Cohen a taste of his own medicine. 
Defeated Andrew Ryan
This story related trophy is earned at a pivotal part of the story. It's one of my favourite trophies, because there has been a lot of build up to Andrew Ryan, and whilst you don't get a boss fight like the one with Fontaine, Steinman or Peach Wilkins, what happens is really memorable. I won't spoil it for you, I simply urge you to play the game.




Bioshock 2

Rarity: 6.75%

Earned on 20/01/2016

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Bioshock 2 picks up several years after the fall of Rapture and after the events of Bioshock. This time we control Subject Delta, one of the first Big Daddies. The premise and goals are much more straightforward, than they were in the first Bioshock. There's less misdirection in this game, Delta tracking down his Little Sister, Eleanor Lamb to both save her and himself. Due to their unique bond, created when he became a Big Daddy, Delta can't be apart from Eleanor for too long, or his body will shut down. The story is serviceable but it doesn't interest me as much as the first game's. I did enjoy the levels and visiting various older areas of Rapture, connected via Metro instead of Bathysphere. This game allows you to dual wield both Plasmids and weapons, as opposed to switching like Jack in Bioshock. This does make the game easier, but it's kept interesting by both old and new enemy variants. My favourite addition to the series, are the Big Sisters. They're lithe, fast, use plasmid powers and they get up close and personal when fighting. The new Big Daddies i.e, the older Alpha Series and the Rumbler were good additions, admittedly the Alpha series are a bit underwhelming and easier to kill than I expected. I liked the new weapon added, such as the Big Daddy drill and the rivet gun. Bioshock 2's relationship between Delta and Eleanor was also probably the inspiration for Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth in Bioshock: Infinite, another father/daughter pairing that was much more fleshed out. I didn't find Bioshock 2's online, all that impressive. It wasn't my worst online experience, but it takes way too long to grind up to level 40.



yqpFG62.pngMinerva's Den was just the right length a DLC adventure needed to be, it doesn't overstay it's welcome, and it adds some new weapons and plasmids, exclusive to this expansion. I liked the inclusion of the Lancer Big Daddy, they're formidable and have a really, really cool design and weapon. I wish they'd been included in the main game, maybe one or two could have shown up on the final level, if you own the DLC? You control Subject Sigma, another Alpha Series Big Daddy who has been revived like Delta, by Brigid Tenenbaum, after her escape earlier in Bioshock 2. Sigma's goal is to find the blueprints of Rapture's supercomputer: The Thinker so it can be recreated on the surface and used to cure ADAM sickness afflicting the splicers of Rapture. This was a fun little side-story within Bioshock 2 and helped make Rapture feel a bit bigger, like there could be all kinds of stories still happening in this dying and decaying city.





Plat Name: The Penitent One

Rarity: 12.15% Rare

Earned on 09/09/2021

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 7/10

This is a brilliant game, one of my favourite indie titles, one which I have personally backed. I first played and enjoyed the game in 2019. Then I came back to finish it in 2021 and the changes were welcome. I enjoy the level design, the amount of detail put into the world, the horror at this world and its punishments inflicted upon the people who almost always seem to welcome it. The world is full of people who seem to only live lives of penance for the twisted and capricous power, known as the Miracle. I had fun completing this game, I beat the additional bosses which made getting to 100% completion a much easier affair. And I worked out strategies to beat various bosses with different prayer and rosary combinations. I would highly recommend this game, especially if you enjoy side-scrolling metroidvania titles.





Plat Name: The Penitent One

Rarity: 24.91% Rare

Earned on 22/09/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

My Penance continues as I replayed Blasphemous on Disc in preparation for the sequel. Just like in the digital edition in 2021 the game was notably different from the last time I had played it. This was due to rebalancing and changes made with the expansion 'The Wounds of Eventide'. In 2021 the version I played only had 'The Stir of Dawn' installed with the NG+ Content. The first thing I noticed in this game were Bile Flasks, which restored far less health than the previous version of the game, absolutely requiring the Quicksilver upgrades from a specific NPC hiding out in the Cisterns. I thought that doing that locked me out of attaining the max number of Flasks, necessitating the second playthrough. Earning the platinum was a rather straightforward experience, the initial playthrough was much easier than I last remembered.


I proceeded to do the Stir of Dawn and Wounds of Eventide DLC in two separate save files, since enemies took much less damage in NG+. Making the True Ending a much more harrowing ordeal than it needed to be. I fought some great new Bosses with Isadora being a highlight of a tough but fair boss. Sierpa was simpler but still fun to fight and is such a great visual spectacle. Christanta's new second phase was more challenging but worth beating. The final fight with Escrabar in the Dream of Processions was a challenging but fun affair, finally letting me end my Penance. Well til Blasphemous 2, because Penance never ends. Definitely still recommend the game, especially with all the extra content that's been added to it. Like new NPC's, Rosary Beads and Sword Hearts.




Blasphemous II

Plat Name: The Penitent Two

Rarity: 38.74% Uncommon

Earned on 29/09/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 5.5/10

A solid followup to Blasphemous, with a myriad of interesting NPC's all going through unique forms of penance. The sequel takes place at an unspecific time since the first game, but implied to be hundreds, maybe thousands of years later. The Penitent one arises to deal with the newest incarnation of the Miracle's power, teased at the end of the Wounds of Eventide DLC from the first game. Of course you can't just march up to the threat immediately and will have to take on several bosses spread out across the map. Some only being accessible as you defeat bosses and progress the story. The prayer system has been nicely overhauled with a quick and chanted prayer, each one causing a supernatural affect or attack to occur. Relics have been replaced by the Altarpiece system with small carved altar figures added to your altarpiece, which you can mix and match for different builds. And the classic Mae Culpa has been replaced by a trio of weapons you can swap between at will. Some of the questlines in this game are extremely vague and can be missed if you don't know to look for them.


Thankfully nothing is entirely missable in this game, you can even get all the requirements for Ending A and still choose to pursue Ending B instead. If you enjoyed the first game, then you will probably enjoy the sequel too, definitely recommend playing through it.





Plat Name: Bloodborne

Rarity: 24.00% Uncommon

Earned on 04/06/2017

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

My first From Software game that I've managed to platinum. Bloodborne is a fantastic game, one of my favourite experiences with gaming. It has great art direction with inspiration from Victorian Era architecture and literature. H.P Lovecraft was clearly an inspiration for this game, particularly with the way the Dream worlds/levels are employed. And of course you've got nods to Dracula with Castle Cainhurst and the riderless carriage that takes you there. Also there are homages to other classic movie monsters, like the werewolf-like beasts and half-transformed beastmen that populate the various levels. Alongside the blood-crazed, mad inhabitants of Yharnam who're hunting down beasts and you alongside them. The combat in this game is really slick and smooth, it's great to watch your character become utterly drenched in gallons of blood from their slaughtered prey. Swinging around a cleaver or an axe, turning your sword into a greatsword or wielding a massive hammer to crush enemies. My only real complaint is with the Chalice Dungeon's level design and some of the less impressive bosses in them, but no game is perfect. I really, recommend this title for people, that are looking for an introduction to From Software's games. 



I really did enjoy The Old Hunters, I think it could have used a bit more fleshing out, and The Living Failures are a bit of a letdown as bosses go, but ultimately I had a good time with this expansion. This DLC has my favourite bosses in the game, Ludwig, Maria and The Orphan of Kos. I found Maria to be the hardest boss overall, she made me run out of blood vials so many times, even after stocking up on over 200 before each round of fights. I enjoyed the additional weapons that From added, especially the beloved Moonlight Greatsword. I feel the Old Hunters adds enough to Bloodborne, though you'll likely only want to play through it once, unless you want to fight the bosses on New Game +.




Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition
Plat Name: Borderlands Defender
Rarity: 20.92% Uncommon
Earned on 02/04/2015
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Borderlands is an amazing game for me. A brilliant blend of first person shooting, great characters and humour that makes you want to keep playing. The setting of Pandora is great, it feels like a real backwoods planet in the middle of nowhere, that nobody really cares about. Until the Vault Key is discovered, the legend of the Vault drawing people to the planet in search of it. Commonly referred to as Vault Hunters, you get to choose between playing as Brick, Lilith, Mordecai and Roland. Four characters who each have their own unique abilities. I preferred playing with Roland, but I did like to hop on and play as Lilith the Siren or Brick. The game is lacking a bit in the story department, but makes up with it, with great humour and some memorable characters like Scooter, T.K. Baha, Dr Zed, Mad Moxxi etc who are fleshed out more in the sequels. The game also lacks a real antagonist, the Final boss is an Eldritch abomination who you don't really learn a lot about. It just shows up and you kill it, with surprising ease.




Bridge Constructor Portal

Plat Name: The Cake is a Lie

Rarity: 23.43% Uncommon

Earned on 09/02/2024

Game Rating: 6/10

Trophy Difficulty: 7/10

I love Portal and the Portal Universe, from the two main Portal Games to the short Aperture Desk Job game on steam. It's always fun to hear Glados being snarky. The little short animations are great, very reminiscent of those older Portal Promotional videos voiced by Cave Johnson/J.K. Simmons. The premise of the game is pretty simple, building pathways for the little vehicles to cross the maps. Avoiding hazards like lasers or pools of deadly ooze, while using portals, bridges, wire and sometimes gels to get convoys of vehicles across. The difficulty I found was tweaking and adjusting the various bridges and paths you build. Sometimes it only requires a tiny angle adjustment to get a full convoy of vehicles across the map. Not a huge fan of this particular type of game, but it was fun enough. I don't regret playing it and I would recommend it if you really like the Portal Games.




Brütal Legend
Plat Name: Rock God
Rarity: 3.38% Ultra Rare
Earned on 09/10/2011
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

This is a great game, but the online is the only annoying part which could be great if you were able to connect to people more easily. My advice get a good, dedicated boosting partner, special thanks to Denaratuck for helping me with this game's online trophies. Now the single player campaign is where the game shines. I love and think it's fantastic, if you don't bother with all the side-quests which can get repetitive then you can probably finish this game in a day. Take the time to explore the world though and really appreciate the detail and creativity in this game, it's fun to drive up and off the various ramps or do the two main side-quests i.e. Hunting and Racing the Demon Fletus. The DLC Maps and items also add a bit more fun to the game, and are worth getting for a nice shiny 100% completion. Overall I enjoy this game and its blend of strategy gaming and Hack n slash gameplay. The game has lots of great humour and it's a love letter to heavy metal and some of the other music genre's, just a great game overall.




Burly Men at Sea

Plat Name: Ye've Done It

Rarity: 63.52% Common

Earned on 17/07/2020

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 1/10

I picked this game up ages ago and finally decided to sit down and complete it. I knew roughly what I was in for i.e, an easy and chill time. Completing the game didn't take too long, just over two hours of continuous play. The game has a simple yet pleasing aesthetic, the dialog of the characters is usually pretty amusing, there are basically three questlines with different endings at the end of them. The game is simply about exploring and experiencing everything the game has to offer. If you want a quick and easy game to complete, just to kill a little time. Then Burly Men at Sea is a good choice.




Burnout Paradise

Plat Name: Burnout Elite
Rarity: 14.73% Rare
Earned on 29/03/2013
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10
Burnout Paradise is a great racing game, seemingly built specifically for people like myself, who don't enjoy the more realistic racing simulator games like Gran Turismo. The game is enjoyable overall, the types of cars you get are pretty cool, each one having its own unique strengths which help them perform better in certain types of Races/Events. You get a decent variety of challenges and races, plus the online is fun as well and still very active. Some of the races can be kind of long though, but that's usually only one or two and when you go too fast it can be hard to avoid the pedestrian traffic. Also the soundtrack isn't amazing, there are some great songs like Paradise City and My Curse, whilst others are okay as background music. Still minor gripes aside, this game is pretty damn awesome. Also a special thanks to Slipknotking1994 for helping me with the invite a friend trophy.




Burnout Paradise: Remastered
Plat Name: Burnout Paradise Elite
Rarity: 19.79% Rare
Earned on 30/06/2023
Game Rating 8.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10
I feel like I had a much better experience overall with earning this platinum compared to earning it on PS3 a decade prior. The races/events are great challenges to complete and I enjoyed most of them. Unlocking new versions of cars via Burning routes was satisfying and I earned the majority of necessary online trophies with ease. I did have to do the Wildcat Stadium trophy offline with the Carson Inferno Van trick. Overall I recommend this game, especially if you enjoy racing games or enjoyed this one back on PS3. I do like that this version of the game had all the DLC included, I've unlocked a decent number of the DLC cars and trophies before I finished the game. If you're just doing the main game, you can probably earn the platinum even faster than I did.





Plat Name: The Apex Predator

Rarity: 28.12% Uncommon

Earned on 27/10/2021

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

This game was a mostly smooth ride from start to finish, playing as the tentacle horror monster/apex predator against the humans and their scientists trying to kill or re-contain you. The game isn't too difficult and it's possible to backtrack to find any collectables missed along the journey. Usually because you don't have a specific ability you need to acquire it. The powers are great, with two powers for each of the three sizes, the monster can grow to. You'll have to navigate numerous puzzles, thankfully nothing too hard. My only real gripe with this game is the lack of a map, I know I got lost once or twice and ended up going in circles for about 30-40 minutes before finally proceeding further. You can sit down and complete this pretty quickly. I recommend trying to find it on sale, due to the short length of the game itself.




Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

Rarity: 10.86% Rare

Earned on 17/02/2021

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

I only vaguely remembered playing this game on my old PSN account, so I went into it with fresh eyes and no expectations. And I had a good time overall. There were definitely moments of frustration and annoyance during the trophy hunting portion of my playthrough, but it was a mostly smooth experience working towards the platinum trophy. What was a drag was replaying so much of the game on the hardest difficulty. I didn't find it particularly difficult, as I was easily able to acquire the ultimate moves that made me into a powerhouse on any difficulty. The hardest part of the game was tracking down the various gemstones and completing the trials in every level. Some of these trials have particularly tight time limits, like the Abbey Library or the Dracolich fight. Still with a bit of perseverence I triumphed over the titular Lords of Shadow and the true villain of the game.


The DLC is a bit hard for me to recommend, the first part of the DLC lets you control the Vampire Laura. You can be impervious to all harm in her mist form, combat with her is going to be about learning to use this form and drop out of it to attack the ghouls. The trials in the first DLC can be annoying, particularly the one that requires you to cross the whirring blades without injury. The Second DLC has one hell of a tough boss on Paladin. The Forgotten One is one of the most punishing bosses I've encountered on a harder difficulty. Items are useless, you can only rely on your light/shadow magic in his boss fight. That final phase is his most punishing, he won't pause to let you attack like before. You have to hit him while he's attacking/recovering from his attacks. And he's pretty dang fast too. When I finally beat him on Paladin, it was extremely satisfying. I'd advise skipping the DLC unless you absolutely want that 100% and want to go for it.




Color Guardians

Plat Name: Legendary

Rarity: 25.40% Uncommon

Earned on 22/12/2016

Game Rating 6/10

Trophy Difficulty 5.5/10

Color Guardians is one of those games, I probably wouldn't have looked at, if it wasn't available in my PSN's monthly games. It is a pretty fun, and at times, challenging game. Challenging usually due to specific trophies. The game's premise is simple, you're a titular Color Guardian, who's restoring colour to the world, alongside two other guardians you pick up and play as. There's no real difference between the characters, excluding their designs. The combat is limited, reserved for boss battles, where you shift colour to pick up a coloured bomb, and toss it at the boss. Each time you fight the baddie, Krogma, he makes the fight a little harder. Most of the trophies are easy to get, with a few exceptions. 


Most Annoying Trophy



You Shall not Pass

This trophy, this one trophy took me hours to finally earn. The final fight with Krogma is a lot harder than previous battles. What makes the fight particularly annoying are the speed/slow treads that can be used to slow down or speed up your character. I lost count of the number of times I dodged a bomb, only to land on a speed pad, and before I could react, I hit another bomb and died. Forcing me to restart the level and do the running section, before the boss again.




Concrete Genie

Plat Name: The Artist of Denska

Rarity: 45.01% Uncommon

Game Rating 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 1.5/10

This is a pretty short little game, not too challenging, it kept my interest during my first playthrough. I had to do two, because one trophy bugged out. Second playthrough I kept copying saves to my online storage, but the bug never came back. And having to keep quitting and rebooting the game only added to the completion time. Overall I had a pretty good time with this game, most of the collectibles are pretty easy to find. Characters are exactly what I expected them to be, same with the conclusion of the story itself. I do really like the painting mechanic, it's straightforward and easy to use. There is a small amount of combat, but that only comes towards the end of the game, it's pretty simple and flashy. My main technical gripe was the inability to skip past cutscenes, given I was forced to do a second run for one trophy. I also feel like their weren't enough puzzles that took advantage of using the genies. I only remember one puzzle that required the use of two different types of genie in my playthroughs.





Plat Name: Director of the FBC

Rarity: 39.93% Uncommon

Earned on 13/07/2020

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

I remember seeing the trailer for Control and having my interest piqued. I unfortunately never got around to playing the game until recently. Control takes one of my favourite concepts, shadowy secret organisations protecting the world from the shadows. And executes it really well, particularly when exploring the otherworldly threats and phenomena. I also got very heavy SCP vibes, based on the layout of many in-game documents, which added a certain authenticity to the world. As well as the expanded universe with Alan Wake, detailing a some of the aftermath of that game. Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I do have some issues. I had framerate issues at several points in the game, I dunno if this is due to my hardware. Or if the game just needs some patches, but there are framerate issues during some intense combat scenes. There was also a bug in mission 7 that really frustrated me, because it prevented me from progressing. And there is a long delay when entering and exiting the menus. I still enjoyed the game immensely, hence why I feel confident recommending it, even with those gripes.




I've listed all three Crash games under one banner. It felt appropriate, given the trilogy is marketed as one complete package. I like the new art style, the characters have got a lot of energy and stretchiness to them, like cartoons. I actually never played Crash 2 growing up, so my thoughts on that game aren't being influenced by any nostalgic memories of the old game. I try to judge these games on their own merits and my personal experience. I like the inclusion of Coco in these games, I can't recall ever playing as her, in any Crash game, outside of CTR and Crash Bandicoot 3, so this was a nice addition.





Crash Bandicoot

Plat Name: The N. Trepid Crash Bandicoot! 

Rarity: 15.44% Rare

Earned on: 08/08/2017

Trophy Difficulty: 9/10

Game Rating: 7/10

The first of the remastered trilogy, and also the game, which needed the most improvements, and I feel, it didn't receive enough of them. Crash Bandicoot has been wonderfully remastered, the levels are lovingly recreated, the bosses are the same, and don't take too long to beat. And the story is as simple and straightforward as I recall. Crash making his way back to the castle he escaped, to rescue fellow captive bandicoot Tawna. Control-wise, Crash feels like he falls a lot quicker, but he just doesn't seem to stay in the air, long enough to make a lot of jumps. The game is built around very precise jumps and platforming. Which only made the time trials, a more gruelling affair, especially on the infamous High Road/rope bridge levels. The extra Stormy Ascent is also very tough, I can see why it was cut, I found going back to play it, very awkward, since I was used to the double and spin jump moves, from later titles. Why some of these moves weren't added to the original Crash, is a mystery, since it would have fixed my problems with some of the levels. Especially when going for those gold/platinum relics. I'd recommend playing Crash Bandicoot, but prepare for a hard journey, if you want that platinum trophy.




Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

Plat Name: The N. Credible Crash Bandicoot! 

Rarity: 12.52% Rare

Earned on: 31/08/2017

Trophy Difficulty: 7/10

Game Rating: 9/10

I never played Crash 2, growing up. So I went into this game, without any nostalgia blinders. Crash 2 is a big improvement over Crash Bandicoot, in terms of controls and story. Crash feels a lot easier to control, nothing feels impossible in the earlier stages and you feel even more capable by the time you get the sprinting shoes. I like how the story unfolds, particularly with Cortex interacting with you, while you play and in-between missions. Preying on Crash's naivety to trick him into working for him. I like how the final ending for collecting every gem is the final reward. It feels like you really earned that ending. The time trials were a lot fairer in Crash 2, since their were fewer levels were you had to be super-precise with the leaps. Crash 2 feels good to play, introducing the level hub, which would be used again in Warped.




Crash Bandicoot: Warped

Plat Name: The N. Vincible Crash Bandicoot! 

Rarity: 14.28%

Earned on 15/09/2017

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Game Rating 10/10

Definitely the best of the N-Sane trilogy. Crash Bandicoot Warped does everything, and does it well. My only real gripe, control-wise are the motorbike, Jet-ski and the plane controls in the hoop race. I had a great time with Warped. The story is great, no changes there. And the game play is at its best. Unlocking the Fruit Bazooka, belly flop, hurricane spin etc, is rewarding. Each ability enhancing Crash and Coco's ability to navigate the levels and discover secrets. I liked the alternate entrances to levels and the hidden levels, which all felt fun and fair to play. I liked the boss fights, I had forgotten how fun they were. I also really liked the level designs and how each level had themes, like Egyptian tombs or Medieval Castles. I earned a 105% completion, even though it wasn't required and I had a blast doing it. I'd recommend aiming for that goal, I feel it's worth going for. 





Dante's Inferno
Plat Name: Master of the Inferno

Rarity: 23.88% Uncommon
Earned on 29/10/2011
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Dante's Inferno is a great Hack n Slash title and one I'm happy to have played. The game is fun, the enemy variety is good as well and the design on each one is creative and memorable. The Level design is also detailed and reflects the circles of hell perfectly. The collectables are annoying though, as you'll most likely miss at least one Judas Coin in your first playthrough without a guide. I enjoyed the story and voice acting, it's pretty well done and serves its purpose well. This game is similar to the God of War games, without the weapon variety, but you do get a decent range of magical abilities. The boss fights are also really cool, fighting various sinful figures from ancient history and even mythology. Overall I'd recommend this game as a average plat and a fun game.





Dark Void

Rarity: 14.33% Rare
Earned on 18/08/2014
Game Rating 5.4/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

This game is okay, just okay. It's not an awful or bad game, it's not a really good or awesome game either. It is the definition of an average game. The Protagonist, Will Grey isn't very memorable. He does have a good voice actor though, which helps make him a bit more likeable. The game has good ideas, like the aerial combat with the jetpack is fun and firing the energy weapons, while hovering over the battle is a good way to get an aerial advantage during the game. Hijacking the flying saucers is satisfying, really if the flying controls had been more refined, this could have been an excellent game. The game also lacks any really memorable bosses, except for the final boss. Which is some kind of cybernetic/robotic, three-headed dragon. As it stands, this game is average, not something you'll regret playing, but also not one you'll be rushing to play again.



Plat Name: BFA

Rarity: 14.95% Rare
Earned on 12/10/2011
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

This game is an enjoyable hack n slash, action game. Some people might say this is simply a God of War rip off but I think this game deserves better than being written off as a clone of God of War. This game has clever puzzles, a good variety of demonic and angelic enemies, some subtle humour, a whole lot of upgrades and collectables and a good story of revenge & betrayal and some great characters. The game can get a bit repetitive at times and the battles where you get locked into an area until you win, seem to pop up far too frequently, but I only noticed this on my second playthrough. Also the bosses are actually pretty easy to beat once you figure out their patterns and the trick to defeating them. I enjoy the game, it has it's drawbacks but it's fun overall.




Darksiders Warmastered Edition

Plat Name: BFA

Rarity: 14.95% Rare
Earned on 17/04/2020
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Nine years after I originally earned the platinum for Darksiders on PS3, I returned to this game to give it another go. It took far less time to complete this time, compared to my original runs on PS3, on my current and old account. Though I chalk that up to my own familiarity with the game. I found the grind much more notable this time and I'm not sure if that's just because I've changed as a person or if weapons level up slower on Apocalyptic, even with the Legendary Enhancements? Levelling up the weapons, grinding kills and pointlessly running in circles on Ruin are tedious activities, that bog down the trophy list and aren't fun to earn. Despite my negative feelings on those trophies, I still enjoyed the game a lot. Besides easy access to the Harvester weapon, I thought the warmastered edition of the game might have had some other minor tweaks. Like maybe some additional dialogue with characters like Azrael or Ulthane. This is basically just an HD port of the old game, play it again if you enjoyed it on PS3. And play this version if you plan to get into the series.




Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edtion

Plat Name: BFA

Rarity: 6.12% Very Rare

Earned on 27/04/2020

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Darksiders 2 is one of those games I was always quite eager to play, given I enjoyed the first game a lot. The story was pretty enjoyable, I like Death more than War. Since he not only vocalises a lot more, but he expresses more emotion than his brother. There were other little quirks that I liked, that also help distinguish Death as his own protagonist and not War 2.0. Most notably he has a lot more options when it comes to primary and secondary weapons, to suit your playstyle. He also climbs along walls and swings from hooks, a lot quicker and more animalistic than war. Though I noted they cut the ability to shimmy along climbable sufaces, forcing you to climb all the way. Instead of using short little jumps to get around. Death also has many more armor sets to swap in and out of. While playing I almost Immediately noticed something lacking in my movement, the lack of a double jump feature. It was something I noticed and began to miss, since I completed Darksiders just prior to starting this game.


You're always finding new weapons, even elite tier loot that eclipses the unique armor and weapons sets, making them feel unfortunately, worthless. They also went a bit crazy with all the collectibles, Three types of stone shards, three types of relics and forty pages, which then have to be traded for four keys. Your first playthrough is going to be the one, you have the most fun in. I didn't notice too big a spike in difficulty, going from Normal to the Deathinitive difficulty in New game +, but I was already level 22 when I finished my first run of the game. The enemies do hit a lot harder, but it isn't hard to get new gear that makes them into a joke. One thing I disliked was the inability to level up armour sets or that their wasn't just one ultimate set that eclipsed the others. I would also have liked an option to just put on a full armour set, if you owned all of the pieces.


Overall I had a good time with Darksiders II. It has its problems, but I think it did well as a follow up to Darksiders.




Darksiders III

Plat Name: BFA

Rarity: 11.60% Rare

Earned on 22/12/2022

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 4.5/10

The third entry into the main Darksiders series, I went into this almost completly blind. I'd been spoiled a little before playing and only knew the basic plot involved finding the Seven Deadly Sins. I wasn't expecting the journey to stay isolated to the Earth, especially after Darksiders II took Death across various realms/plains across the cosmos. Excluding the Crucible and Void DLC's which involved the Serpent Hole reality and a wholly separate Crucible from the one in Darksiders II. I enjoyed Fury's playstyle, her unique weapon Scorn changing shape depending on which of the four elemental hollows you have equipped. The boss fights in this game felt underwhelming, there wasn't that same scale of boss enemies that truly tower over you and the small Horseman you control. The exception being the Gluttony Boss battle, especially the first phase. I wasn't a fan of being unable to ride on Fury's steed Rampage, I mean I know why narratively she can't ride on him, but it still hurts the experience of controlling one of the four Horsemen of the apocalypse. The overall story is engaging enough and has Fury go through her own character arc as she journeys across the apocalyptic wastes of Earth, encountering Demons, Angels, The Sins and a group of Makers protecting a bastion of human survivors, led by our old friend Ulthane.


There were a few tedious trophies in the game, specifically Beast Mode and Soul Reaper, but the game is short enough that you can probably acquire both on the second playthrough like I did. The only other massive grind was Keep it 100, as it costs a lot of souls to reach that level. Even if you are also using Luminous Visages to cut down on the cost. I also had a few seemingly random crashes with this game, though they seemed to happen after long sessions of continuous play. Crashing while moving around to new locations or during combat.




Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Plat Name: OCD

Rarity: 54.89% Common

Earned on 28/03/2016

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Another awesome, remastered classic. I was looking forward to this game, after playing the Grim Fandango remaster last year. This game is a lot shorter, than I was expecting. I thought I'd need a few days to get through it, but I beat the game, remarkably quickly. This game has a really good sense of humour, there are a lot of cartoony gags that fit the character designs perfectly. All the characters move and look distinctive, which is definitely gonna keep this game in my thoughts for the next few weeks at least. I've seen how the game used to look, and this game is a massive improvement visually. The story is set after Maniac Mansion, which is also playable in this game, with Green and Purple Tentacle now free. Purple becomes corrupted by ingesting some sludge that Dr. Fred was pumping into a river. The story is a race to stop Purple Tentacle taking over the world, by preventing him form becoming corrupted in the first place, using time travel that goes awry. The mechanics of the game are fun and quite clever, using time travel mechanics to effect changes in different time periods, by sending objects to different characters in different times and performing actions that change the future, such as amending the American constitution or placing objects in one time period, where they are picked up in a future one, by one of the protagonists. I'd definitely recommend this title if you're a point and click fan or have enjoyed other old LucasArts titles.


Favourite Trophies


Costume Quest

Fun trophy from one of my fave parts of the game. That Tentacle costume looks pretty goofy.



It's an Honor Just to Compete But Winning Is Better

This was a another fun part of the game, the human contest.



That Joke Never Gets Old

This was amusing, squirting various people with vanishing ink across time and their various reactions.



Dead Space: Extraction 
Plat Name: Man up Sweetheart

Rarity: 6/66% Very Rare
Earned on 03/06/2011
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 4.5/1

Dead Space is an excellent game and this prequel is pretty good too. The game is a rail shooter, so it's a fairly simple point and shoot game. The game is fun whether your playing alone or with a partner, the environments/levels are varied and you get to see more of the colony and how the events leading to Dead Space occurred, spreading from the colony and to the Ishimura. The characters are great but early on you know who's going to be a villain based on my experience with DS1. The Necromorphs look great and I enjoyed some of the new ones too, the bosses were also very creative, like in every Dead Space game. I'd recommend this game and their really is no excuse for not having it since it comes free with Dead Space 2 so go out and give it a try if you get the chance.



Dead Space
Plat Name: Concordance Officer

Rarity: 18.56% Rare
Earned on 30/10/2012
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Dead Space is a good game, four years ago, I'm not ashamed to admit this scared me. But four years later and having played the game so many times, has watered down the effect, making it a good third person, survival shooter, but nothing to get too excited about. One thing that disappointed me upon replays was that on higher difficulties, the enemies were still the same. By that I mean the patterns didn't change, new enemies didn't replace the old etc. Which made the experience feel dated. I still recommend Dead Space, it's a good game, especially the first two playthroughs. I would recommend only playing through this game 2-3 times at most, which should help prevent the game feeling stale.




Dead Space 2

Plat Name: The Final Frontier

Rarity: 6.38% Very Rare

Earned on 11/10/2022

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

I can't believe it took me so long to go back and finish off Dead Space 2. I started 9 years and 8 months ago, all the way back in 2013. Wild to think this game was sitting so close to completion for so long. Dead Space 2 built on the foundation of what Dead Space offered and expanded and improved upon it. Isaac Clarke our protagonist is more vocal than his first outing and suffering severe dementia from his last encoutner with the Alien Marker. I think the game does a good job of keeping that atmosphere of desperation and ordinary people breaking down and being driven mad by the Marker's influence. The game expands more on the lore of the Marker, its purpose and end goals for any sapient species unfortunate enough to find them. The game plays great, I enjoyed the enhanced control in Zero-G environments and the enhanced and expanded arsenal of weapons that Isaac gains. I also enjoyed facing off against the Necromorphs, both familiar and new variants. I definitely recommend this game to fans of the original and horror game fans in general


Hardest Trophy


Hard to the Core

The most nerve-wracking challenge was this one, the difficulty isn't necessarily harder than other difficulties. It's just the limited saves and the knowledge that dying once could cost you hours of progress that make this one hard. I died about 4 or 5 times on my final Hard Core run, after I made it to chapter 5 and proceeded to save again at 10 and at the start of 14, after doing the eye procedure which was pretty easy, since I had done it a few times already on my New Game+ run for Zealot and my New Game+ run on normal for general trophy tidying up.



The Severed DLC wasn't too difficult, it's relatively short and only has 8 trophies earned across two short chapters. You play as Gabe Weller from Dead Space Extraction, trying to escape the Sprawl alongside his wife Lexine Weller, the same Lexine from Extraction now married to him. Only one trophy took me a couple of attempts to finally earn, the Grindhouse one. Where I couldn't seem to knock an enemy into the grinding blades. The story is pretty good, a short side story set during Isaac's own journey through the Sprawl. I wish it had been longer or had something to make this DLC stand out more, like a unique boss fight. I basically speedran the Zealot difficulty thanks to the Hand cannon I unlocked on my Hard Core playthrough. My only other gripe with this DLC is the lack of a New Game + feature.





Plat Name: Okay, you can sell the game now

Rarity: 10.73% Rare

Earned on 23/01/2021

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

When I initially started playing this game, it wasn't with the right mindset. I went into this determined to beat it quick and get it off my backlog, rather than play and enjoy it like a video game first. I put the game down and came back to it 7 months later reinvigorated and ready to play. I had a pretty good time completing Deadpool. There are a lot of really easy to miss trophies in the game, completing certain level sections in specific ways or at certain speeds. The game itself isn't too long, it stays long enough to give you a healthy dose of Deadpool and his trademark humor. The hardest difficulty isn't too challenging when you are fully levelled up, though the final boss can be a real slog. Especially if you get close to beating one round/wave and get killed due to the high damage of the enemies.




Demon's Souls

Plat Name: Toughest Soul Trophy

Rarity: 10.48% Rare

Earned on: 25/06/2017

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Demon's Souls is one of those titles I originally shied away from, my younger brother is actually the one who was really into the game. He kept trying to convince me to go and try it and eventually I caved and while I struggled initially, I eventually started making progress. I struggled through a lot of the game, on my first attempts, however, after playing Bloodborne. I tried applying that sort of combat style, and for me it worked out, pretty well. Not perfectly though, because Demon's souls is quite clunky/slower in comparison and some of the bosses, like Flamelurker and False King Allant are really quick and I had to take a fair number of hits off them, before finally killing them. I really only have two problems with this game, and one of them, isn't Demon's Souls's fault. My first problem is upgrade materials, sure you can make 99 of any material, with the duping glitch. But some ores are so rare, you might not find any, in your play through, as was the case for me, wherein one playthrough I found Pure Greystone, and in another I found Pure Mercurystone, and had to rely on a very helpful member of the community for the last three upgrade materials, I needed. My second complaint is how much slower/clunkier the protagonist feels. I know it's unfair to compare Demon's Souls to it's younger brothers Dark Souls and Bloodborne. But going back to Demon's Souls, really highlighted it for me. It's not too bad, just very noticeable, I don't recommend heavy armour sets.


I really enjoyed the bosses of Demon's Souls, while they aren't my favourites combat-wise they have some of the best boss themes in the series. From Maiden Astrea's theme being this really eerie and yet weirdly peaceful, haunting tune. Or the deep brass and drums of Flamelurker, making it feel really ominous. Every boss in this game feels and attacks differently. The Armor Spider for example, has an area you can run into to avoid one of its AoE attacks. The Old Hero is blind and will only really get a chance to smack you, if you attack and don't get out of the way, before he has time to bring his weapon around. Phalanx is literally covered in a Phalanx of protective blobby demons with spears, like a real-life phalanx, forming a protective shell. But is weak to fire, which I didn't discover until my NG+ on my first character. And the Dragon God is beaten by using two ballista to immobilise and wound him, before going to town on his face, preferably with the Dragon Bone Smasher. The only fights I felt were overly similar were the Old Monk and Maiden Astrea as it's essentially you vs another human NPC. Overall I highly recommend Demon's Souls, but for newcomers to the souls series, I recommend playing it after Bloodborne or other Souls games. Yes it slower and more deliberate, but you should be able to take your playstyle from the later games and adjust it for this game. Oh and one final note, special thanks to user Xylobe for their help with upgrade materials and unique rings/weapons.




Destroy All Humans! Remake

Plat Name: Furon Perfection

Rarity: 24.96% Uncommon

Earned on: 18/11/2022

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

This game felt both new and nostalgic, that right combination of feelings you expect when playing remakes of games from your younger years. I didn't remember their being challenges on the maps, but I took them on and managed to eventually beat them. A few of them proved quite tricky, like the abduction missions in Area 42 and Union Town, or the Capitol City race challenge. The remake thankfully didn't require collecting every probe or assuming 40 identities like the HD Port. It actually made keeping track of your progress in the challenges and probe collection much easier with info on the level's completion progress. Playing as Crypto again I had forgotten just how much of a lovable dick he really is, I love his updated design and those of all the other enemies/characters. The sound is great, the way the weapons sound, the crumbling sound of a block of buildings collapsing and the enemy taunts are great. As is the voice acting, which is the original voice acting which is as great as it was back on PS2. I bought the Crypto-137 Edition at the bargain price of £125 on Ebay, new and sealed, so I feel like I really got my money's worth with both the game and the extra merchandise that came with it.




Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed

Plat Name: Beyond Perfection

Rarity: 31.93% Uncommon

Earned on: 24/07/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

Fantastic sequel and remake of the seconf entry in the series. Cryptosporidium-138 is even better than his predecessor, complete with his special 'package' and an arsenal of alien weaponry. I absolutely love the redesigns on display in this game, the character models have notably improved from the first game's remake with hair looking much better on generic NPC's and unique characters. The Blisk have been significantly improved in terms of design, as have the mutants and alien spore monsters. Story is mostly the same with some changes that I feel improve the scenes a lot more. I enjoyed the expanded arsenal, though some weapons tended to get ignored with so much variety, like the Disclocator. I'd definitely recommend this game, either the PS4 or PS5 version of the remake, whatever one's most convenient for you.





Plat Name: Platinum Blades and Dark Corners 

Rarity: 7.68% Very Rare

Earned on: 09/01/2017

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

Dishonored is one of my favourite stealth games. Unlike a lot of other stealth games, you are actually equipped to go toe-to-toe with the enemies in sword and gun combat. While that could break a lot of games, Dishonored emphasises that you can choose to play it either way. The game is clever in a lot of little ways, for instance listening into conversations that NPC's have can give you clues about hidden secrets and side/main quest objectives. You can use the environment to lure away enemies, or even kill them. Like for example, luring weepers near the hostile River Krusts, who will attack them, as they pass by. I enjoyed the side-quests, sprinkled throughout the game, and the additional objectives in levels. They added just a little more to the overall experience. The story is well portrayed in Dishonored, it manages a good pace of progression. I particularly enjoyed how your actions in earlier levels, affect the later levels. For example, killing guards is going to cause more guards to spawn in later levels, and will also increase the number of hostile, higher level enemies, like Tallboys and overseers. And the ravenous plague rat swarms, will also be more common. Fortunately you do have a good range of supernatural abilities and weapons/gadgets to make taking them on a fairer challenge. 




DmC Devil May Cry

Rarity: 5.18% Very Rare

Earned on: 19/06/2023

Game Rating: 9.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 7/10

So I have to say I really enjoyed this game, it was challenging at times, much like Bayonetta. But it was never frustrating to where I wanted to give up. The hardest challenges were the SSS Ranks for all the levels on Nephilim Difficulty and defeating Vergil on Hell and Hell Mode. I enjoyed the story for this game, Mundus returning as the main villain in a world he rules from the shadows and Limbo. His demonic supporters helping to oppress Humanity and keep them docile and under their control. I like this version of Dante, I definitely would have bought a sequel if this ever became its own spinoff series. Combat was fun, racking up huge style points by switching between normal, angelic and demonic weapon forms. I did suffer a few random crashes, which is a known issue for the PS3 version. It was annoying on my Nephilim playthrough where I had to do Mundus's boss fight again cause it crashed after I beat him and got a SSS rank, but it didn't save so I had to repeat the intro parts and the fight.





Plat Name: Thy Flesh Consumed

Rarity: 15.40% Rare

Earned on 10/03/2017

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

DOOM is without a doubt, one of the best first person shooters I've played in a long time. The action is intense and fast-paced, helped by the intense metal soundtrack, which Doom games are oh so famous for. The quick combat is incredibly satisfying, it's not something a lot of modern shooters offer, they're downright sluggish next to DOOM. This game has a clever and interesting story, which our protagonist humorously does not give a crap about, showing his disdain frequently for Argent Energy, demon kind and Samuel Hayden at every turn. The lore and gameplay makes you feel every bit as badass as you're supposed to be. Taking on waves of demons with a large arsenal of weapons, which you carry at all times. Including the beloved BFG 9000 <3. I think the only complaint I can really level at DOOM is the boss placement. As the bosses all seem to show up near the end of the main campaign, I would have liked a few more, like maybe some kind of unique uber-possessed? Or a massive tank-like Pinkie, fought in a special arena? The online is alright as well, though I'm personally not fond of making the maps in it. This game was overall an amazing and fun time, it earns every penny of its asking price. And deserves a spot in your game collection.




DOOM Eternal

Plat Name: Heavy Metal

Rarity: 15.40% Rare

Earned on 29/05/2020

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

DOOM Eternal takes a lot of what I loved in DOOM (2016) and improves and adds onto it. The gameplay loop is notably different, but not in a negative manner. For example the shotgun has replaced the pistol as your default weapon. The enemy designs have undergone a dramatic shift to more closely resemble the original retro counterparts, though they've kept some of the design choices from the previous title, particularly with the Imps. The game is a lot more colourful and visually distinct, plus you get to see more of the DOOM universe. Visiting alien worlds and learning more about the Night Sentinels. the Demons of Hell and how the canon of all the games are tied together. The multiplayer is fun, though it can be downright brutal, depending on the opponent you're facing. I also really like all the little cosmetic items you can recieve for this game, via in-game milestone completion, unlocking them in the Fortress of DOOM, taking part in the Slayers club and the monthly events. And there#s also the Twitch prime exclusives, like Cosplay slayer and doomicorn.


Overall I had a blast with this game, the Doomguy/Doom Slayer is more formidable and mobile than ever before. And the number of ways to eviscerate and kill demons has never been so varied. Environmental, Berserk power up kills, weapon-based kills, chainsaw/crucible/blood punch kills and the varieties of glory kills is amazing. I was still finding new Glory kill animations weeks and months later.


This was certainly a tough time, when I first started the Ancient Gods DLC. The sheer number of heavies and super Heavy Demons was definitely overwhelming on my first playthroughs, forcing me to lower the difficulty. But I eventually adapted and overcame them on higher difficulties as well. Story for this DLC is great, really expanding on the lore of DOOM 2016 and Doom Eternal, especially regarding certain characters. This DLC was a nice setup for Part Two and an enjoyable expansion on its own. I enjoyed the challenge this DLC provided.


The second part of the ancient Gods DLC is overall a very satisfying conclusion to both the DLC story and DOOM Eternal. I love the new enemies, they got me to swap out weapons/weapon mods more frequently than I already did. The final battle with the Dark Lord himself was great, maybe a little easy when compared to some other bosses, like the final Boss of Part One. More great levels to visit overall, I had a blast completing Part Two.


I was pleasantly surprised when I first heard of Horde Mode, but also excited to attempt to beat it. I played through Horde Mode on 'I'm Too Young to Die' Difficulty and got all the way to the Final Round on my first attempt. I did die though, but my second time through went much better. The new mode is a nice addition, but the difficulty of those last waves on the third portion of the Horde Mode was intense. I counted three Archvile's on that last wave alongside a bunch of the Heavy and Super-Heavy Demons like the Armored Barons , the Archviles and Marauders. Will definitely play through this particular mode again.





Plat Name: Done Well

Rarity: 2.22% Ultra Rare

Earned on 25/01/2024

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 9/10

Downwell is one of those games with simple controls/mechanics, that takes time and patience to master. The simple premise of dropping down and using gunboots to shoot blocks or enemies as you descend is easy enough to get to grips with, but it really starts getting challenging when you need to build up combos to increase your HP/Charge, which is essential as you navigate the levels and the new challenges that are thrown at you. Hard Mode is a notable jump in difficulty, but the first few levels didn't slow me down too much, til I got to the water and void levels. While I enjoy Downwell overall, the challenge of the trophy hunting was gruelling, particularly for the Hard Mode runs. I do recommend trying the game, just know you're getting into a hard game. Especially due to the RNG with enemy placements, types of gun modules and the level length, which can all vary.




Dragon Age: Origins
Plat Name: The Ultimate Reward

Rarity: 7.20% Very Rare
Earned on 16/09/2011
Game Rating: 9.5/10
Trophy Difficulty: 8/10

Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, a fantastic game, an Epic. Their are game play elements, that people going into this won't like, but personally I enjoyed the game as a whole. The story is able to create a great sense of immersion and was really fleshed out, helping the player latch onto the characters and the events surrounding them all. The bad guys of the story are great, they aren't 2D cutouts, well not all of them, the ones that matter are much more complex. It's a very choice heavy story, your actions do affect the world around you and have a ripple effect which you'll see in the sequel and to a limited degree in the expansions and DLC adventures.


I enjoyed most of this game's DLC, besides Witch Hunt which was criminally short. And felt like, it was a piece of another DLC expansion, chopped off and sold to us. The Awakening DLC is fantastic but it lacked the length, I think it needed to flesh it out more. The Darkspawn Chronicles is fun and lets you play as your favourite Darkspawn enemies, Warden's Keep is also one of my favourite expansions for adding the unique star metal blade and for an expansion that helps to flesh out the world of Dragon Age. Shale is an excellent companion and a great addition to the team, unlike certain characters in other games, like Sebastian Vael in the sequel. The Leliana's Song DLC is a nice addition, that further helps to expand on one of the better main characters. Lastly the Golems of Amgarrak adventure was fun and did add to the Dragon Age lore, but it wasn't my favourite, simply a fun diversion in a massive and awesome game.

Favourite Trophy
The Golem in Honneleath

The Golem in Honneleath is my favourite trophy, because it gives us Shale. Shale is a tank and when combined with Sten, Shale makes a lethal combo. Shale and Sten also have some of the best dialogue in the game, especially their party banter between one another. I recall repeatedly running over an area, to trigger their dialogue in Orzimmar.


Most Hated Trophy



So if this trophy worked correctly, then killing a 1000 Darkspawn across the entirety of Dragon Age: Origins would be relatively easy. However, this trophy is glitched, meaning only the kills made by the Warden counted. I had to load/reload so many times, when playing the game, to make sure I killed as many Darkspawn as possible with my Warden. I had to micro-manage the battles, which got old, fairly fast. Didn't stop me from enjoying the game though. I recommend playing a Mage Warden for this, since you can do a lot of AoE spell combinations, to kill big groups of Darkspawn, more quickly.




Dragon's Crown
Plat Name: Dragon's Crown
Rarity: 7.20% Very Rare
Earned on 10/04/2016
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

Dragon's Crown is one of my favourite, playstation 3 titles. The gameplay is simple, straightforward and very enjoyable. The game is similar to classics like Golden Axe, where you walk sideways, battling whatever comes your way. However Dragon's Crown also includes a levelling system and equip-able armour/accessories/weaponry that change how effective you are in battle. You get to choose any of the six classes to play as, my favourites are the Fighter, Sorceress, Dwarf and Amazon. As you progress, you'll be able to level your character up, learning new skills or improving them or your stats. There are 9 basic levels in the game, each one hosting a memorable and distinct boss battle. Not only that, the game also has a story mode that encourages you to keep playing. New bosses will also be unlocked as you play, on the route B of the levels you can fight a tougher boss. My favourite Route B bosses being the Red Dragon and the Killer Rabbit. The increasing difficulty as you play feels really natural, the game encouraging you to try the harder difficulties for more story and of course, more loot and new skills to master. I love the art style of this game, it's exaggerated, but also really detailed and distinct. Online co-op is fun as well, especially if you're struggling with a level. I highly recommend this game, it's hours of fun and fulfilling gameplay.




Dust An Elysian Tail

Plat Name: Mithrarin

Rarity: 9.55% Very Rare

Earned on 04/07/2016

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Dust An Elysian Tail is another game, I first played on Steam, before it was ported to the PS4, alongside Bastion and Transistor. Dust is a great, side-scrolling platforming, action game. With simple combat controls, that require good timing, especially from enemies that can dodge or parry your own attacks, later in the game. Throughout the game, Dust acquires new skills/abilities to aid in traversing the land, such as double jumping and the slide kick.This makes revisiting earlier locations a good idea, as you can normally access previously, inaccessible areas. The story for the game is pretty simple, but it feels like its own story. The voice acting is pretty good, the characters are all fun and memorable, and their is a simple, and easy to use crafting system in-game. Besides the main story, there's also plenty of side quests, challenge arenas and Easter eggs to discover. Overall I really enjoyed Dust, and can happily recommend it.


Edited by James_Tonto
Updating Atomic Heart with DLC thoughts.
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Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
Plat Name: King of Hazard Land

Rarity: 23.25% Uncommon
Earned on 27/02/2013
Game Rating 5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

This game has a unique charm to it that I can't help but enjoy. The downside is the game can get incredibly frustrating at times, especially when you are up against a large number of enemies. The game itself is a pretty fun, third person shooter/action game with you playing as Matt Hazard. A videogame character who is the star of a new game, after being out of the gaming spotlight for a long time. The game is full of parodies and references, that you might miss on your first play through. The majority of the trophies are fairly simple, with a few being particularly infuriating or hard to get, like Observe the Grenade or playing the game on Hard mode. Overall the game is enjoyable, but when it gets tough and frustrating it can be really annoying and aggravating.




The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Legendary Edition

Rarity: 12.07% Rare

Earned on: 12/05/2017

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

My one hundredth platinum, Skyrim has been one of those games, that I played, but could never finish. Either I would be gone too long and feel lost, or the game would become severely laggy and take forever to load. I do feel Skyrim is very lacking in a number of ways though, first the 'Civil War' doesn't really feel like a civil war, I stumbled across maybe one or two skirmishes, between about 6 or 8 Imperials and Stormcloaks in my four playthroughs. And your part in the civil war, when you take part, is to do a few quests, and help liberate a few holds/towns, by attacking Forts. The main antagonist, Alduin is pretty one-dimensional, all he seems to do, is show up, resurrect dragons and fly away. Other than the intro where he crashes your execution party and goes on a killing spree. Alduin needed to be a bit more fleshed out or have more moments of him being evil, in my humble opinion.


I enjoyed a lot of the faction quests and quest-lines, The College of Winterhold, Thieves Guild/Nightingales, Companions and The Dawnguard were all entertaining and engaging. I felt the College of Winterhold could have used their own unique faction robe or robe/armour combo like some of the armour sets in Dragon Age though. Many of the side quests were enjoyable, aiding various NPC's with lost/stolen property or assisting in a ruin exploration. The dungeons/crypts were okay to explore, they were the most enjoyable areas to visit in the game, and had their own little stories. Like the Gauldur Amulet tombs, being about a mythical amulet, that grants you some nice buffs. Or Labyrinthian housing a Dragon Priest, and the legendary, Staff of Magnus.


I do have a lot of problems with Skyrim though, for instance, bugs and glitches. I ended up with so much quest-related junk that I couldn't drop, even after completing the quests. Like the Runed Lexicon for instance or the Strange Amulet. The Rueful Axe, Skeleton Key and Hermaes Mora's Black Books not counting as Daedric Artefacts is also weird. And makes the journey to the Oblivion Walker trophy, just a little more tedious. I once killed a Ancient Dragon, and I didn't get its soul, the water texture in Whiterun and in other places, also flickers and changes appearance. Besides the glitches, the 'Cities' in Skyrim, are hilariously too small. They would make for decent medieval villages and fortified towns, but they're lacking in a lot of areas, there's not nearly enough people in these places, and everywhere in Skyrim looks kinda ancient and old, excluding Solitude. A lot of villages and holds have copy/pasted thatched huts, leaving each region feeling homogeneous and bland. They ultimately struggle to really have their own unique identities, Falkreath, Dawnstar, Ivarstead and Rorikstead are notable for this.


A lot of 'unique' weapons and armour are also disappointing, Chillrend is a recoloured Glass sword, the weapons and shields from the various holds are generic Steel, Elven and Dwarven gear too. Red Eagle's blade is also sadly lacking in uniqueness, looking like any other Ancient Nord sword. And Deathbrand's armour, while awesome is just a set of Stalhrim armour. When I pick up a unique weapon, I want it to stand out from the crowd. Going back to the Daedric artefacts, I feel they lack staying power, I mean these are supposed to be highly coveted relics of the Daedra! But I have to recharge them like regular weapons and they're not all that powerful either. And Auriel's Bow isn't even the strongest bow in the game, and is outclassed by some of the vanilla weaponry. The lack of unique weapon/armour models, small city sizes and my other gripes is pretty immersion breaking.


I still recommend Skyrim, but I advise doing a specific playthrough, for one or two factions. So do a playthrough, where you're in the Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood, plus you can nab the Daedric artefacts, since you have to be a jerk in those quest-lines anyway. Then in the next playthrough, do the College of Winterhold and Companions quest-lines. And probably squeeze in the Main Campaign/story quests, involving the Greybeards, Blades and Alduin.




I like Hearthfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn, they add more to the overall Skyrim experience. I like building my own homes in Skyrim, the marrying/adoption stuff feels pretty dull and limited sadly. I mean, why can't I teach my kids how to use fire magic or how to swing a sword and shield? And the houses feel lacking too, I wanted a way to display my Dragonborn masks, like a mask plinth, or the ability to place them on the wall, like pictures. And why can't I buy paintings for my abodes? And why is the armoury so small? It's an armoury! I demand a room with like ten or twenty armour mannequins. The Dawnguard expansion was one of the better additions to Skyrim, adding new followers and a great quest line. Serana is a very enjoyable follower in Dawnguard, she's powerful, casts magic, usually has something interesting to say, and is a pretty well rounded character, that sticks with you, through the quests.


The Dragonborn expansion was good, particularly if you did Hermaes Mora's quest and got the Oghnum Inifium off of him, before arriving on Solstheim. The main antagonist, Miraak is an okay villain, though I felt like he needed more added to him. I mean if Harkon in Dawnguard had succeeded, he would have caused wide-reaching, world altering consequences, but Miraak just seems to be mind-slaving an island. And corrupting some magic stones. I do enjoy Dragonborn though, for the added island of Solstheim and the Skaal tribe and their unique Nordic and Stalhrim armour sets. Freya was a great follower as well, Dawnguard and Dragonborn seem to do, followers, really well.


Favourite Trophies




The trophy awarded for finishing the last of the main quests, and finally killing the World Eater, Alduin. 



At the Summit of Apocrypha

The reward for slaying the First Dragonborn, Miraak in Apocrypha. 



Glory of the Dead 

Final quest of the Companions, helping Kodlak purify his spirit and reach his longed for rest, in the halls of Sovngarde. This was made better for me, as I met Kodlak in Sovngarde during the Dargonslayer quest, when going to kill Alduin.



Werewolf Mastered

The Werewolf perk tree was fun to fill out, playing as a Werewolf was pretty fun and entertaining.



Lost to the Ages 

The quest to craft a unique Aetherium object was great. I chose the Aetherial Crown myself, since it grants you the powers of two Standing Stones.



Kindred Judgement 

The final quest of Dawnguard's main story quest-line. The final battle against Harkon was a decent, final battle.




Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Rarity: 13.62% Rare
Earned on 23/02/2014
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty: 8/10

Enslaved is a title I put off playing for ages. Not because I didn't like how it looked, but because I was mainly focusing on online trophies at the time. When I finally had time to sit down and play it, I became engrossed in the story-line of the game. The characters are all really likeable and the gameplay is fairly straightforward, as is combat. Unfortunately combat can grow stale after awhile. Certain trophies are also very irritating, like Matador which required quite a bit of practice, and most infamously the Tech orbs. The tech orb trophy genuinely pissed me off, I've literally lost count of the number of times I replayed chapter 9, looking for that one elusive tech orb. Overall I enjoyed Enslaved, though the ending was a little weak, especially since it's a big reveal/plot twist.


Pigsy's Perfect 10 is a very fun side-story, DLC expansion within Enslaved. This little outing, serving as a prequel and character focused adventure. You play as Pigsy a supporting/main character from the main story-line. He plays very differently from Monkey in the main game, as he is more focused on stealth, long-range shooting and laying traps or deploying a variety of creative grenades and mines. The story in this DLC is fantastic, thanks to its focus on Pigsy and his super-cute, flying robot, Truffles. I don't wanna spoil it for anybody, but I highly recommend this DLC, it's worth it.




Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
Rarity: 15.85% Rare
Earned on 05/03/2015
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Fallout 3 is the game that made me fall in love, with the Fallout universe. It introduced me to the idea of retro-futurism, the artistic style of that kind of setting, with the bulky robots and everything powered by radiation. I enjoy this game a lot, the main story is compelling, seeking your father out among the wastes of the DC Ruins. The numerous side-quests add a whole lot of colour and life to the wasteland, adding in memorable characters like the cheesy villain/superhero duo the Antagonizer and The Mechanist or the awesome radio personality, Three Dog. This game is a Bethesda title though and it glitches or stutters heavily during the later portions of the game, at least in my own experience. Prior to passing Level 23 the game ran fairly smoothly.

This game is filled to the brim with collectables, from unique weapons and Bobbleheads to Weapon Schematics and various notes/audio recordings. There are also many unmarked quests, like Getting Angela Staley and her lover to Marry, finding Ben Canning and giving him aid, rigging the election in the Republic of Dave or helping Andy Stahl kick his drug addiction. I honestly love this game to death, I just wish it was more polished so it didn't stutter or crash on me.

wouwDr5.pngOperation Anchorage was a fun but short, DLC expansion. Allowing the player to experience one of the more notable events of the 200 year old war and fight some new, simulated enemies. One of the things I like about this DLC, is how it ties in loosely into the Tranquillity Lane quest, where we meet Braun. I also like the unique gear you can acquire in this DLC, like the Winterised T-51b Power Armour and Jingwei's Shocksword.
The Pitt was one of the stronger Expansions, giving the player much harder moral choices and allowing us to explore a mini-dungeon location in the ruins of Pittsburgh. The whole area feels much more grittier and horrible than the rest of the Capital Wasteland. Sure people are struggling to survive. But they aren't being enslaved or forced to work and fight in hellish conditions against fellow slaves, slavers, crazed gun-toting wildmen and worst of all, mutated humans called Trogs. This DLC like Anchorage has a connection to the main Fallout 3 story, which I won't spoil.
Broken Steel picks up where the main story concluded, set two weeks later, you feel the impact of your actions. Aqua Cura being distributed to the Wasteland, Mirelurks dying due to a lack of polluted, radioactive water, con-artists and a new cult distributing fake Aqua Cura. Broken Steel has us finishing off the remaining Enclave forces, since their leadership has been all but destroyed or crippled due to our actions in the main game. I did enjoy the quests, as you revisit locations you've been to previously but also go to new ones, including Adams Air Force Base.
Point Lookout was a fun location to visit. There were plenty of tough and challenging enemies. And an interesting main story with some fun sidequests and memorable characters, like the Ghoul Desmond. The game also connects to the main Fallout 3 game, expanding more on the Dunwich Building and explaining a little more about the eerie obelisk in the basement and its connection to Point Lookout. The deformed Swampfolk of Point Lookout can be unnerving, especially since many of them are bullet sponges. I felt Point Lookout lacked some unique wildlife though...Like maybe mutant alligators or snakes or frogs even?
I found Mothership Zeta to be an overall fun DLC, that let me explore, escape and eventually take control of the titular Mothership. The aliens are decent enemies, their energy shields protecting them and making them stronger than their frail appearance would suggest. The alien weaponry is fun, mainly composed of energy weapons that disintegrate enemies. You also get to find and use a variety of weapons like plasma weapons found throughout the ship, beamed up from Earth, along with Brahmin, raiders, Super Mutants etc. Only thing that was a bit of a letdown was the final fight with the enemy ship.

Favourite Trophies
Now some of my favourite Trophies from the main game & DLC expansions


Take it Back!
I enjoy this mission in game, teaming up with the Brotherhood of Steel and their massive killer robot, in a climatic battle with the Enclave to reclaim the Purifier and to potentially avenge your father, by killing Colonel Autumn.

Vault-Tec C.E.O.
I like collectable trophies that actually provide benefits. So it was an added bonus for me to track down all 20 Bobbleheads and display them in my Megaton home.

The Bigger They Are...
Finding and killing each of the five, Super Mutant Behemoths was a fun task. As usually they were also accompanied by other Super Mutants and in the later stages of the game, Super Mutant Overlords. Which made killing them a challenge.

This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough
Final mission of Mothership Zeta. Despite feeling the spaceship battle was lacklustre, it felt good to defeat the alien menace that abducted me and threatened Earth.

A Meeting of the Minds
The conclusion to Point Lookout, the standoff between Calvert and Desmond is finally ended by you. Either killing the rude and dickish Desmond who's been admittedly helpful or the megalomaniac Calvert who's desperate to preserve his own life and end Desmond's. As well as spread his psychic influence across the Wastes

Reilly's Rangers

This was a fun mission that introduced the memorable Reilly's Rangers. Helping them escape the ruined hotel and fight off the Super Mutants was fun ^^.




Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Rarity: 8.80% Very Rare
Earned on 22/08/2016
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition is one of my favourite PS3 games, there's a lot I love in this game, particularly the changes made from Fallout 3. The first major difference, is the ability to Mod weapons, making them deadlier in other ways. From adding scopes and laser sights, to extended clips, silencers or lighter parts to make them weigh less in your inventory. I like how companions were also easier to manage and they were all really memorable. I enjoyed the traits and perks system in this game and feel it's an improvement over Fallout 3 once more. The challenges in-game were a good addition, an extra incentive for you to be more experimental with weapons.
They also let you track trophy progress for certain challenge related trophies. The Mojave felt more alive than Fallout 3's capital wasteland. There really weren't that many major factions in Fallout 3, besides the Brotherhood and the Enclave, with the minor factions and townships all just scraping by. In New Vegas You've got the major factions of The Legion, NCR and Mr. House all vying for power over New Vegas. As well as the various minor factions that play a role in deciding the fate of the Mojave Wasteland. A simple story of revenge, which leads to you getting caught up in larger events and deciding the fate of the whole region and who controls it. The creatures in Fallout: New Vegas are pretty creative, Cazadores being absolutely terrifying at earlier stages of the game. I can recommend this game happily, but do be prepared to get annoyed with the game freezing as you progress further and level up more. I'd personally recommend not trying to level up past level 20, when going for the different faction endings. I do recommend the Ultimate edition of Fallout: New Vegas, if only for all the impressive extra content, which was mostly superior to what we got in Fallout 3.
Dead Money was a fun experience. I enjoyed the Sierra Madre, it was tougher than previous areas and Elijah was a great antagonist. The plot was also pretty great, a heist to essentially steal all the gold, or in Elijah's case, technology of the Sierra Madre. If you played Old World Blues beforehand, like I did, then you've got some backstory on Elijah and your forced companion, Christine Royce. I liked the Ghost enemies and the various companions were also pretty great. I just wish Dead Money had been a bit longer, or had more content to it. I am still fond of this DLC adventure, particularly when I managed to steal ALL the gold and lock Elijah in the Vault.
Honest Hearts was way too short for my tastes, it was fun, but it felt like all I was doing were a bunch of additional side-missions. Joshua Graham a.k.a The Burned Man was built up a lot in the main game, finally meeting him I was mixed. I had expected a cooler character honestly, but he is still pretty badass. I enjoyed completing Honest Hearts, it just needed more content to make it feel more substantial though.
Old World Blues was my favourite adventure, in all the DLC expansions. It captures a perfect science fiction/mad science vibe. The Think Tank and Dr. Mobius are all really memorable, and pretty hilarious characters. In that really dark humour kind of way. The weapons, enemies and story of Old World Blues are some of the best in New Vegas. I really enjoyed this expansion. It also expands more on Elijah from Dead Money and Ulysses from Lonesome Road. I haven't played an expansion that added so much to the main Fallout experience before Old World Blues, it's definitely an expansion that needs to be played.
Lonesome Road is the last real dlc expansion to Fallout: New Vegas. Travelling to the divide, we finally encounter Ulysses who I knew about beforehand and he was certainly a memorable antagonist. Travelling through the irradiated ruins of the divide, we learn about our unintentional role in destroying this place and creating the hellish landscape it is today. Lonesome Road introduced some of my favourite weapons, Red Glare and the Shoulder Mounted Machinegun are great. The ED-E companion/copy of the original is a good companion that only gets deadlier, as you play. While not quite as good as Old World Blues, Lonesome Road manages to be my second favourite extra content. Definitely worth checking out.
Gun Runners Arsenal adds a lot to the base game, so many unique weapons and extra fun challenges to beat, as you play through the main game. Not got too much to say on this one, the challenges aren't too hard. I did like some of the additional weapons, like Li'l Devil and the Nuka Breaker, which was a clear reference to the online series, Nuka Break.
Favourite Trophies
Now some of my favourite trophies, from both the main game and DLC.


Globe Trotter

I liked finding and collecting the snow globes, adding them to their own little display, like Fallout 3's Bobbleheads. I also found all the extra ones, from the expansions. Even though they weren't needed for the trophy.



The Courier Who Broke the Bank

I found this one pretty amusing, especially given how the floor managers in each Casino, keep trying to provide gifts and incentives you to stop gambling. Cleaning out the Casinos was fun though, once I figured out, what to do.




A trophy I feel I earned, given the limitations it puts on you. I liked the challenge, and overcoming it was all the sweeter.



The House Always Wins

I liked this ending, it's not the best ending of all time, but I liked it. Particularly since Mr. House had big plans in mind for the Mohave, way more ambitious ones than Caesar's Legion anyway.



Safety Deposit Box

One of my favourite parts of Dead Money, trapping Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault. I did it, while also managing to steal all the gold.



Make up your Mind

Who didn't enjoy having a debate, with your own brain, about returning to your body? One of the prime examples, of the insanity and fun in Old World Blues.




Enhancing and improving my Eyebot companion was great. I loved how ED-E became more and more useful, throughout The Divide, as I journeyed to meet Ulysses. 



Rocket's Red Glare

I thought you should get this trophy, for fully upgrading the two signature weapons of The Divide/ The Shoulder-Mounted Machinegun and the Red Glare, Rocket launcher.



Pros Only

Completing the Gun Runners Arsenal challenges was great, they added nice additional challenges to the game. Which was already bursting with content, the challenges simply giving me even more things to do. 




Far Cry 3

Plat Name: Mastered The Jungle

Rarity: 16.45% Rare

Earned on 27/06/2023

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 3/10

Far Cry 3 is one of those games I always meant to play, but never seemed to find the time or drive to finally sit down and do it. Having finally played it, I can see why this game was so highly rated among Ubisoft's other games, the villain Vaas practically sold this game. I enjoyed playing through the story, watching the Protagonist Jason starting to change and lose his old self in the Jungle. I feel the transition from naive modern day city dweller to Jungle Warrior was a little fast paced, but it wasn't immersion breaking. While I think Vaas would have been better as the final villain you fight, the battle against his boss Hoyt was done well. You can see how this psycho could keep another one like Vaas under control. The rest of the characters are portrayed well, Jason's friends and their concern for him and how he's changing. The various characters living on the island with their own agendas, like Citra, Dennis or Sam. I wasn't a big fan of the driving in this game and it wasn't an overly difficult game to complete, the real struggle was the Online/Offline Co-op trophies. Since the online is discontinued I had to recruit my younger brother to help, there was FPS dropping and just way, way too many enemies in the campaign, even on casual mode. But beating the co-op campaign was still a pretty good time with a co-op couch partner to share the journey. I recommend skipping the PS3 version of the game, just play the PS4 version.




Final Fantasy XV

Plat Name: The World Wanderer

Rarity: 31.03% Uncommon

Earned on 30/01/2018

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

I've been hyped for this game, since it was initially titled, Versus XIII. Even After FFXIII let me down, I held out hope for this game, that it would blow the bad taste FFXIII left for the series, out of my mind. And now that I've finished the game, I can happily report, that this game, is wonderful. The intro of this game, calls it a game for both fans and newcomers, and I'd say that is an accurate statement. A nice, fluid combat system. An excellent story, that is interesting, and doesn't leave you feeling lost, everything makes sense, by the end of it all. Engaging and memorable characters, that have believable relationships. A brilliant fantasy world, that seamlessly blends modern technology, and actual living gods, into it, with ease. I feel like my words alone, aren't doing this game justice. If you've been nervous about getting into the series, then this game, feels like a good place to start. 




Full Throttle Remastered

Plat Name: Full Throttle

Rarity: 73.31% Common

Earned on 09/06/2017

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 1/10

Another LucasArt classic, remastered and added to the platinum collection. Full Throttle was a game I needed to play, a short and sweet game that provided a few hours of entertainment. I enjoyed this game a lot, the point and click genre of gaming is one I don't get to enjoy as much, outside of Telltale's games. This game was more story driven, and focused more on the plot, than Grim Fandango, or Day of the Tentacle, which put a lot of focus on the interesting worlds, side characters/supporting characters and gameplay mechanics. The protagonist Ben, is a tough biker, the very personification of the classic biker. He's fun to control and play around with, as he's not afraid to punch, kick or get physical. This game feels like a love letter to biker culture, I can see why it was such a beloved classic. The soundtrack is great, lots of great guitar beats that make cruising along the roads with your motorbike even more fantastic. I definitely recommend this game, if you love point and click games. Keep in mind, the game is pretty short, and not as fleshed out as Day of the Tentacle or Grim Fandango.





Rarity: 1.74% Ultra Rare

Earned on 14/09/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 10/10

Furi is one of those indie games that snuck up on me and I knew I had to play it as soon as I saw it. The music is incredible, Carpenter Brut's compositions make every level and boss feel unique. Every boss has different phases of their fights where they introduce new tricks and become more challenging. The difficulty for every boss varies, The Edge is the second to last boss for instance has only 4 phases but he hits the hardest of all the bosses. While the Scale and The Burst have six phases and notably difficult final bullet hell phases. Combat in the game boils down to melee and using your energy pistol to whittle down a boss's HP Bars. And landing charged attacks, either to stun or knock down the boss.


The difficulty really jumps on the Furier difficulty, particularly for The Scale and The Burst, their final phases are exceptionally difficult. Though The Scale's can be made easier by interrupting the green energy orbs forming the damaging energy grid. Making dodging the final waves much easier. Thankfully the game gives pretty generous conditions for achieving S-Ranks while playing through the game on Furi and Furier. I would recommend this game, just be prepared for a hard time on that Furier playthrough.




Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut

Plat Name: Living Legend

Rarity: 44.42% Uncommon

Earned on 20/09/2022

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

I knew I was in for a good time with Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch already made some of my favourite games, like the inFAMOUS and Sly Cooper series of games. This game is gorgeous, it's one of the best looking games I have played. The game itself runs extremely smoothly, I never had any crashes or frame rate issues. I did encounter one inconvenient bug where I got stuck on my horse and unable to dismount, until I fast travelled and it fixed itself. Speaking of fast travel, Ghost of Tsushima has the fastest Fast travel system I have seen in any game. I found myself using it when I had to cross the island quickly to pick up banners or visit special dye merchants. The story in this game is very strong, taking place during the Mongollian Invasion of Tsushima with a few creative liberties taken from what I've read up on. The side missions are numerous but not overwhelming or overly difficult and quite a few can be very amusing.


The collectibles were pretty easy to pickup, I struggled to reach a few that were hidden a little out of the way, like on top of mountains, little dirt side paths and cliff edges. The combat was great, gradually unlocking the four stances which allows you to more effectively fight enemies with different weapons/fighting styles. The number of specialised 'Ghost' weapons led to plenty of variety in combat. I also loved the variety of armor sets that were available and the number of customisation options available for most of them. I highly encourage a playthrough of Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 or PS5, it's one of the most engaging games I have played in a long time.



The Iki Island content is a brilliant story expansion to the main game, with a story focused on the titular island, referencing important events in Jin's own past. The game explores some of Jin's past, the occupation of Iki by Mongols and the lingering after-effects of the original Samurai invasion of the island many years prior. The Eagle was a good antagonist, much like Kotun Khan in the main game, leading her own Mongol forces with their own unique armor sets and specialised shamans who buff their allies in battle. The new abilities unlocked on Iki are brilliant and only give even more options in the fight to liberate Tsushima. I also enjoyed finding and unlocking the four hidden costumes on the island, referencing four other games I have also played through.




Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered

Rarity: 22.47% Uncommon

Earned on 18/02/2020

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 5/10

The HD remaster I was hoping for, Ghostbusters on PS4 plays even better than its PS3 counterpart. Visually it looks better, I noticed many background details were a lot cleaner and sharper than they were originally. Small things like being able to actually read the text on that one monitor in the Ghostbusters HQ with the old Nintendo Ghostbusters end screen text on it. Sadly the game lacks any additional content, outside of the main story campaign. Still the game is still an excellent experience that I enjoyed playing through again, twice. I'd really recommend this version of the game over the classic PS3 version, since the servers are closed anyway and the platinum trophy is a lot more accessible, without having to grind for hours in online.




Goat Simulator
Plat Name: All the Goat!
Rarity: 42.20%
Earned on 18/03/2016
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Goat Simulator is one of those goofy, physics simulator games, in the same category as I am Bread or Surgeon Simulator. The game is pretty funny, just controlling this goat, as it rampages throughout the two maps. I do wish there had been a little more to the game, some kind of goal to strive for. Even a vague story like I am Bread's with Bob Murton's descent into madness or Nigel Burke's drive to be the best surgeon possible with his one floppy hand. The game is a good way to just go wild and muck about on a map though, and I had fun, except for one part, which I'll cover in my most hated trophy bit. If you see Goat Simulator, try to pick it up as cheaply as possible, most of the game, won't take you very long to beat.


🤬Most Hated Trophy🤬


The Flapmaster

Oh my god, this damn trophy. I've only seen how frustrating Flappy Bird is, thanks to videos on Youtube. But now I got to share in the pain, with this trophy. Flapmaster requires you to beat a parody version of this game, specifically scoring ten points. You need to be PERFECT for this, there can be no screw ups. No distractions, just focus on getting your timing correct, don't fly too high, don't touch the roof, don't barely graze the ladder obstacles. Adding to this frustration, is the shape of Flappy Goat, it's head is slightly lower than its body, meaning the sprite is lower than it appears and gives you less room for error. The Flappy Goat game happily reminds you 'You lost, again...' each time you lose, as if to just rub salt in the wound after you scored a nine. This one trophy almost ruined my trophy hunting experience. Be prepared to swear like a sailor when going for this trophy. 




God of War: Ascension
Plat Name: Champion of the Gods
Rarity: 16.28% Rare
Earned on 08/12/2015
Game Rating 8.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Definitely one of the best looking God of War titles I've played. The game is visually, very impressive. The story serves as another prequel, a prelude to the events of Chains of Olympus and the rest of the series. I feel Kratos was at his most human in this game, before he becomes less human and rage filled, in later titles. The story following Kratos as he tries to break his blood oath to Ares, so he can rebel against his master and claim his vengeance. I liked the characters in this game, Orkos your ally throughout the game, and the villains, such as the mad Castor or the three Furies who seek to enforce Kratos's oath to Ares. The enemies were really cool in this game, the Gorgons/Medusa's getting a major overhaul, the satyrs are no longer annoying enemies but your main grunt troops and the classic Cyclops makes an appearance. The new Juggernaut enemy was really cool, each time I fought one, it was a memorable fight. The game lacked weapon variety found in other God of War games, but the various abilities make up for their lack of presence. I didn't play the multiplayer, except the training for the trophy, but it was at least vaguely connected to the game's plot. I'd definitely recommend the game to fans of other God of War titles.




God of War: Chains of Olympus
Plat Name: Above and Beyond
Rarity: 38.75% Uncommon
Earned on 25/09/2015
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

The first God of War game I completed. Chains of Olympus was a fun experience. The story was definitely decent enough, and didn't feel like a filler title, before God of War. Only thing that bugged me, was that I never actually got to encounter or fight the god causing so much havoc in the game i.e, Morpheus. I found the combat to be responsive and really fun, the Gauntlet of Zeus was my favourite weapon, and I liked that you see what happens to the cool gear you've collect, so it's not just magically absent in the next game. The enemies could be frustrating at times, but a little practice and patience is usually all it takes to overcome them. I enjoyed this game, it was a good introduction to the series, and I look forward to beating the rest of the series.




God of War

Plat Name: Trophy of Zeus

Rarity: 22.86% Uncommon

Earned on 13/10/2015

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 5.8/10

After beating Chains of Olympus, I intended to beat God of War, the next game (chronologically) in the series. I had a lot of fun working on this plat, with only one or two trophies giving me trouble, specifically the "I’ll Take the Physical Challenge" Trophy. There's a lot to like about this game, the protagonist Kratos has his backstory fleshed out really well in this game. You get a decent variety of abilities, that are useful in lots of combat situations and sometimes helpful in solving puzzles too, making them feel more useful. The soundtrack is very epic and orchestral, the level designs are memorable and the enemy variety keeps the combat lively. The bonus costumes you unlock are also fun to play around with, my favourite being the Dairy Bastard costume. However, despite all my praise, I do have some gripes with this game. The control in this game, is not as well refined as it was in Chains of Olympus or God of War II but this was the first game in the series. Still, I feel this HD port could have used a few more tweaks, so the control was better. Anyone who has played this game, will come to hate Satyr's very quickly, definitely one of the most annoying enemies I've encountered in a game, in quite some time. And lastly, the Challenge of the Gods, this could have easily been fixed, if they'd gone with a setup like in Chains of Olympus, so you complete each individual challenge, rather than all 10 in a single endurance test. Overall I enjoyed this game, my minor complaints aren't enough to make me dislike this game or the experience I had playing through it.




God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Plat Name: Ghost with the Most

Rarity: 39.54%

Earned on 19/10/2015

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Set about two weeks after the first God of War, Ghost of Sparta continues Kratos's story. The newly appointed God of War is having some disturbing visions of his past and sets sail for Atlantis, where answers can be found. Eventually revealing that Kratos's brother, cruelly stolen from him in childhood by Aries, has survived and been imprisoned in the realm of Death by Thanatos. Kratos sets off now to rescue his estranged brother, encountering the usual obstacles of Gods, Titans and monsters out of Greek legend. I really enjoyed this game and it's story, the locations were pretty cool, but I wish I could have seen more of Atlantis. I liked all the characters encountered, from Thanatos and his wicked daughter Erinys to the mad King Midas and the Atlantean engineer Lanaeus. The weapon variety is pretty good in this game, I liked the Arms of Sparta as a more spartan-esque means of combat. The magic in the game was also a lot of fun to use. The one enemy type I loathed in this game were the Keres Wraiths. I did enjoy the enemy variety though, the addition of the Atlantean Automatons was refreshing and the Satyr's were much less annoying. The Atlantaen merpeople who replaced most of the undead soldiers were good as well. Overall I enjoyed this game, if you liked the other God of War titles, I'm positive you'll enjoy this one as well.




God of War II

Plat Name: Trophy of Gaia

Rarity: 27.19% Uncommon

Earned on 30/05/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

After the events of God of War and Ghost of Sparta, Kratos has taken his place among the gods of Olympus, as the God of War. Sending out his Spartan army to wage war and conquer cities for the glory of Kratos and his Spartan people. During an attack on Rhodes, Kratos joins the fray to aid his Spartans, but is betrayed by his fellow gods, first restricting his abilities, and sending the animated Colossus of Rhodes to attack and kill Kratos. Zeus, the king of Olympus tricks Kratos into draining his powers into the Blade of Olympus and kills him, wiping out nearly the entire spartan army. Kratos sets off to avenge his betrayal and the deaths of his fellow Spartans. Planning to use the power of the sisters of fate to undo these events and kill Zeus. The story has nods to God of War scattered throughout it, and also references events from Chains of Olympus, it's a small touch, but one I appreciate. GoW II also has plenty of magical attacks and varied weapons. My favourite weapons were the Spear of Destiny and the Sword of Olympus. There's a decent variety of undead enemies in the game, alongside the classic Minotaur, Gorgons, Harpies and other monsters. There are also plenty of memorable bosses, like Perseus, Theseus, Alrik, the barbarian king and the three Sisters of Fate. This game improved a lot of God of War's mechanics, Kratos feeling much easier to control. I definitely recommend this game, it does everything a sequel needs to do, and does it well.




God of War III

Plat Name: King of the Hill

Rarity: 17.91% Rare

Earned on 29/12/2016

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

The original finale of the God of War series, God of War III is certainly the most brutal, bloody and goriest games in the series. I'd actually say it's uncomfortably gory, it might just be the improved graphics or the sounds, but this game actually made me uncomfortable at times. Kratos in this game, is at his most brutal. Starting off, Kratos has some of his abilities from God of War II, which help out, against Poseidon, the first boss of the game. Before you inevitably lose all your equipment/health/mana like in each of the previous instalments. The game looks and controls well, though I found the boss battles had a lot less of the amazing spectacle, found in previous titles. Maybe that's just me, but God of War II's intro battle against the Colossus of Rhodes felt grander, than the battle against Poseidon. And Hermes barely manages to put up a fight at all. I do like that this game makes reference to the events of all the previous God of War games, like the sinking of Atlantis and Persephone's death. Pandora's box is an integral part of this game's plot again, which makes it feel a little recycled. Weirdly the Blade of Olympus, which was so central to GoW II is barely spoken of. It's also been removed as a primary weapon, only available when you use your Rage mode. I feel this game pretty much concluded Kratos's tale. Kratos claiming his long-sought vengeance, learning to forgive himself and move on.




God of War

Plat Name: Father and Son

Rarity: 29.13% Uncommon

Earned on 27/05/2018

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

The seventh entry into the God of War franchise has managed to transition very nicely into the next generation of gaming. The story is going to be the main reason to play this game, I'm obviously not going to spoil it, but this game stays faithful to the previous God of War games, and doesn't ignore them. In fact Kratos's actions in the earlier titles is a big part of his character in this game. I will also say that the way the Greek and Norse pantheons are explained in this game is done very well. Kratos's character is portrayed excellently, as is his relationship with his son, Atreus and the other characters they encounter along the way. The collectables weren't too difficult, I managed to find all the health, rage and Jötnar shrines without any trouble. And most of the buried treasures, weren't too difficult to find. The weapon and armour upgrading system of this game is also augmented with small equippable enchantments that also boost weapon and armour stats. The enemy variety in this game is excellent, each requiring different approaches, when fighting them. Overall I recommend this game, definitely a must-have for any God of War fan.


Favourite Trophies


Dangerous Skies

Freeing all three of the bound dragons was a fun task.



Like Oil and Water 

Completing Brok and Sindri's favours is always rewarding.



Fire and Brimstone

The Trials of Muspelheim felt fair and balanced. I enjoyed tackling these tasks.


Hardest Trophy


Chooser of the Slain 

Most of the Valkyrie's were a decent challenge, one or two were easier, and the final one, Sigrun was WAY tougher. I died to the Valkyries more than any other enemy in the game, but learning about the Valkyries and fighting them was reward enough. My advice for the Sigrun fight? Just put it on easy, I wish I had done that, since this game thankfully doesn't ask you to beat it on various difficulties. The again maybe the fight wouldn't have been as engaging or memorable if I had done that?




God of War: Ragnarök

Plat Name: The Bear and the Wolf

Rarity: 42.16% Uncommon

Earned on 17/01/2023

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

The Eighth entry into the exceptional God of War series, continuing on from the events of the previous game, two years into Fimbulvetr with Ragnarök drawing ever closer. Obviously no story spoilers, but the game does an excellent job portraying the events of Ragnarök and the characters involved. The Aesir Gods and the races of the other Realms are given nuance and are expanded upon further. I was a little worried that the developers would just re-use all the same levels from the previous games, but I was happy to see that even when we revisit locations, they're significantly different. I also liked how events from the previous games are referenced, side content like fighting the Valkyries, The trials of Musphelheim, killing Magni and Modi or the absence of equipment from the previous game. I even found an opened chest in Musphelheim that was obviously looted by me in God of War. They even take the time to explain why you seem to be less powerful at the start of the game. The new Berserker fights replace the Valkyrie battles from the previous game, these are decently challenging battles, some of them are notably difficult due to having to fight more than one Berserker.


I enjoyed most of the character growth shown throughout the game, watching Kratos trying to be better and Atreus growing into his role as Loki and the powers he possesses. Along with the relationship dynamics portrayed between Mimir, Kratos and his son. And how they influence or change other characters encountered in the main and side content. This game is one I recommend, along with the rest of the games in the series. It doesn't quite hit the same lofty highs as GoW 2018, but I think it did a pretty good job.



I had a great time playing through the Valhalla DLC. It's a great way to explore Kratos's past, revisiting locations from Greece that are recreated with the magic of Valhalla. It explores a lot of the cruel and callous decisions Kratos made in his younger days, events he was personally responsible for. It also puts some of what Kratos considers his biggest failings into context, especially with what Kratos knew at the time he made those decisions. The expansion also helps flesh out some of the other characters like Tyr, Mimir and some of the Valkyries. The gameplay loop is fun and addicting, progressing through Valhalla and regaining your strength, along with an iconic ability from the Greek Era. Definitely play this DLC after you finish the main game.



The Godfather II

Rarity: 26/11% Uncommon
Earned on 17/12/2014
Game Rating 6/10
Trophy difficulty 2/10

The Godfather 2 is a brilliant game, in my opinion. I'm a fan of the movies & books, I own all three movies on Blu-Ray & most of the books. So watching the events of the movie play out differently, is very interesting and engaging. I feel the story is this game's strongest element, firefights and the guns are still great and managing your mobsters and keeping an eye out for guys with talents you need is engaging. Mafia II is still my favourite mafia-based game and it has the better story, but Godfather II is still enjoyable. It's a pretty easy game to play through and plat, so long as you're careful not to miss any guns or finishing moves. The game is several years old, so do bear that in mind before you play. The graphics aren't very impressive by today's standards, but the voice acting, still sounds great.




Gravity Rush: Remastered

Plat Name: It's All Relative

Rarity: 31.75% Uncommon

Earned on 28/06/2016

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

Gravity Rush: Remastered is an amazing game, one which I am very happy I played. Gravity Rush has great characters, an enjoyable story with plenty of mystery and intrigue. The visual art style, in this game is very recognisable and it would be hard to mix up with another game. Kat the protagonist is very easy to recognise, alongside her cat, Dusty. The story is mainly focused on Kat, as she awakens in an unfamiliar city, beset by monstrous creatures called Nevi. Kat, gifted with Gravity powers, sets out to end the threat they pose. The gravity powers are great, allowing you to fly, throw objects, perform aerial kicks and special attacks. That is but a few powers Kat possesses in her arsenal. This version of the game comes with all the DLC, which can be played at any time, each DLC pack is focused on a little story that Kat takes part in, along with extra challenges to try and beat. While I felt the main story wrapped up rather quickly, I did really enjoy it. And can happily recommend this game.




Gravity Rush 2

Plat Name: Ultimate Shifter

Rarity: 15.67% Rare

Earned on 05/09/2023

Game Rating: 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

The Sequel to Gravity Rush was a pretty good time, story picks up a bit after the events of the first game. With the time inbetween the first and second game expanded upon a bit more in the DLC. Kat has found herself stranded with a group of miners who took her in after losing access to her powers. We follow Kat as she regains her powers and goes through a series of conflicts with increasingly high stakes. Most of the side missions were fine, the challenge missions were never too hard and the gravity powers were fun to use. I liked the addition of the Lunar and Jupiter style powers, though I didn't really use the Lunar style all that much. The game felt like it had a few too many side missions that just dragged down the experience overall, making the game feel a lot longer. The main story was the best part of the game narratively, not that I didn't like some of the side missions. I'd recommend the game if you liked the first.




Grim Fandango: Remastered

Plat Name: Number Nine Ticket

Rarity: 30.19% Uncommon

Earned on 13/07/2015

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Grim Fandango has been a game that I have heard about for years and wanted to play. I was never able to acquire this gem on PC, until the Remastered re-release. So after years and years of hype, I finally got to play this game, and it was everything I expected. Grim Fandango has fantastic art direction, the environments, character design and world are expertly portrayed, drawing heavy inspiration from the Aztecs and Calaca skeletons. The story itself has a film noire feel to it, that I really enjoy. The game also has brilliant voice acting and music, the music lending heavily to the world and the voices help make each character, more memorable. The Protagonist of the game, Manny Calavera, is a really likeable character, whose witty dialogue and personality make him a joy to control. Manny's story is set over the course of four years, making him easy to latch onto and relate to. As we see the character grow and change throughout the game. I really like Grim Fandango's story, so I'll avoid spoiling it for any of you. It should really be experienced first hand.


Favourite Trophies


"Oh Rusty Anchor" 

I nearly missed this on my playthrough of the game, getting to hear Glottis sing a really good song was a treat.


"It shone, pale as bone..."

Reciting this poem about the Moon alongside Valesco is great, reciting it together with him, gives the poem an eerie feel to it.


"Consider it an homage."

Fun trophy, hearing Olivia recite a terrible poem you pieced together on the spot.




Plat Name: Personal Growth

Rarity: 17.03% Rare
Earned on 26/01/2022
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10

I knew very little about Gris going in, other than it was a side-scrolling puzzle platformer. And while I got all of that, I also got a story of the grieving process that I think it handles well. The use of colours and level design to help explain the whole process was done very well. Without using any dialogue you understand the story, that this is a symbolic journey of grief and acceptance. The game itself is relatively easy, there are a lot of easy to miss trophies though, like the memento collectibles. Or performing certain actions you could easily overlook. Overall I would recommend playing Gris, it's one of those games that I think deserves to be played at least once.



Plat Name: Guacamelee! Platinum trophy

Rarity: 17.03% Rare
Earned on 25/03/2015
Game Rating 8.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 10/10

Guacamelee is a fun side-scroller, with a creative art style and a Mexican theme to everything. The game being primarily focused on Luchador Wrestling and using special moves you learn as you play, to defeat numerous types of enemies and ultimately rescue your character, Juan's childhood love. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, this game is balls to the walls hard, especially if you're playing alone on Hard mode. It's a very fun and challenging game, but it can get brutally difficult at times. Bosses like Jaguar Javier are exceedingly hard to beat on the Hard mode and arenas where mobs of enemies can spawn, will quickly deplete your health if you aren't exceedingly careful. I do enjoy the gameplay, but certain sections can be exceedingly difficult, like some of the tricky levels leading to the Orbs that you need for the El Savior trophy and the alternate ending. Tracking down every chest can also be exceedingly difficult and require a lot of backtracking. 

I also got a 100% on both the DLC trophy sets and they are both hard to complete. I found completing the third arena of Cavern Del Pollo with the Skeleton Luchador outfit, very difficult and getting Golds on all the El Infernio Challenges actually surprisingly easy, with a bit of practice and the right powers, like using the Pollo power once you have collected everything else to fly through some of the challenges. Using the El Infernio Costumes was a lot of fun, as were the other DLC skins, playing as Juanita and beating the Final boss with the Diablo Suit and Juanita were good challenges. I recommend Guacamelee! if you want a tough but fun platinum, just be prepared to meet a lot of frustration and annoying deaths.

Favourite Trophies
El Savior
One of my favourites, since I had to work my ass off to get every Orb. I really felt like I earned this trophy and was appropriately rewarded.

Defeating Calaca as Fem-Juan/Juanita was fun. You can't rely on throwing the rocks at him, since Juanita has a shorter throw range, forcing you to use Melee. I actually earned the Up Close and Personal trophy alongside this one, since I decided to try and earn them both at the same time.

The Devil wears Revenge!

 Using the Diablo Suit to defeat Calaca was satisfying. It was a good challenge, since you have less health in this costume, the life drain ability saving me from death several times during the battle.




Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Plat Name: Guacamelee! Platinum trophy

Rarity: 10.98% Rare
Earned on 25/03/2016
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 9/10

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is an enhanced experience, over the first game. I was initially reluctant to pick up this game, worried it would be the exact same game as Guacamelee. But Guacamelee! STCE has a number of very notable and welcome changes. First is the order in which you gain powers, it's been changed around a bit, due to the different path you now need to take, in the main story. There are also new powers, that change how the game is played, Intenso mode for instance, makes the player character erupt in a shockwave and become much stronger for a brief period of time. The Pollo Bomb is a new power for the chicken form, that lets you lay an explosive egg that can also be used to get through purple blocks. The new boss, El Trio de la Muerte are a nice addition to the game, adding in another boss and colourful trio of characters.who you'll bump into, much like Flame Face. This version of the game has new areas and quests to find and explore too, and new enemy types to fight. Plus you get all the previous DLC content from the original Guacamelee. The trophy list is also different enough, that I felt like I was taking on new challenges, when going for this platinum.


Favourite Trophies


No Encore!

Earned for beating the new awesome boss, El Trio de la Muerte.



Greatest Tag-Team in History 

This trophy was pretty tough, since I was going for it solo, with Jaguar Javier on Hard Mode. Despite the difficulty, I persevered and finally managed to beat the arena, just as a bomb pinata blew up and killed me. My advice, is to go for this trophy on normal mode, it'll be much, much easier.




Guacamelee 2

Plat Name: Guacamastery

Rarity: 33.81% Uncommon

Earned on 08/05/2020

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 9/10

Guacamelee 2 picks up the story of Juan Aguacate, a couple of years after the good ending in Guacamelee. With Juan now married and settled into family life as a farmer, raising his own family. The story focuses on saving the entire Mexiverse (Guacamelee Multiverse), by entering the Darkest timeline, with the goal of stopping Salvador. A lot of familiar faces pop up in this sequel, specifically the Darkest Timeline version of these characters. But we get plenty of new foes as well.The game introduces some new moves and abilities, but also removes others, like the Intenso power up. There are also lots of Pollo powers and of course a series of Pollo-related quests that need to be completed for the best ending (Although even the default ending is still a good one!). The game's humour is on par with the first game, including a lot of memes in the background and lots of little easter egg references to other games, tv shows, memes etc. I think this game was definitely tougher in places, I get the distinct feeling this game is meant to be played in co-op, a lot more than the first. I noticed this in the Proving Grounds DLC. The Enemigos DLC is thankfully nothing too hard and is genuinely good fun. Overall I recommend this game, especially if you played and enjoyed the previous game. Just bear in mind, that this game is tough in places. And can get especially frustrating at certain platforming sections and combat arena areas.




Gun Crazy

Plat Name: Platinum Gun

Rarity: 93.73% Common

Earned on 26/01/2022

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

I haven't got a lot to say about this platinum, I got this one on sale and it was my easiest and fastest platinum to date. This is a classic side-scrolling arcade game, the kind designed to eat tokens or coins and get you to keep paying to play. I had fun with this game, it's a game where you fire constantly and can jump or double jump to reach new heights. Enemies go down fast with a barrage of energy bullets, which you can temporarily buff by collecting power ups. I do have gripes, like when enemies die/explode the coins can obscure other enemies and makes it harder to aim, especially when you dispatch a large group of them. I definitely recommend this if you can find it for a low price.





Plat Name: Head Master

Rarity: 31.95% Uncommon

Earned on 06/04/2020

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Headlander was a breath of fresh air, when I sat down to complete it. The game has a wonderful art style with retro-futuristic robot designs and flashy laser colours that evoke that 80's arcade retro vibe. I really enjoyed the gameplay, the freedom of movement granted in helmet mode and the various combat abiliies of the various robot bodies you headland onto. It took awhile to track down all the terminals but not nearly as long to find and headland onto all the body types, with only one I missed on the Luna level. The music was also really enjoyable, it's got a 70's disco/techno vibe that's really fun to listen to in the background. And one hilarious bit of music where it becomes orchestral, when you get a new type of body. Overall I had an absolute blast with this game and would highly recommend playing and completing it.



Heavy Rain
Plat Name: HEAVY RAIN™ Master 

Rarity: 15.74% Rare
Earned on 04/08/2011
Game Rating 6.5/10
Trophy Difficulty: 3/10

Heavy Rain is a very interesting game. If you're looking for a unique engaging experience, then this is a good game to try. Heavy Rain is like a crime drama that mixes it up with quick time fight scenes and events that help keep the game engaging and your fingers quick. The main appeal of Heavy Rain is the story, the quick time events are reminiscent of certain point and click adventure titles. The music is great and serves the story well and the characters are all memorable and easy to get attached to. The voice acting isn't amazing, nor is all the writing, which can be kinda cheesy at times. Overall I recommend at least trying this game.

Favourite Trophy
Invincible Scott
Pulling this off, makes you look and feel like a badass. Killing so many guys without getting shot yourself.




Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Plat Name: Done

Rarity: 41.20% Uncommon

Earned on 15/10/2021

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 1/10

So this is one of those games that portrays something quite heavy and not often thought about, specifically psychosis and how it manifests in its myriad of beautiful and terrifying forms, to people that have this mental condition. Making it more unique is the portrayal from a celtic/pict warrior woman's perspective and how the people of her era tried to understand and explain it. I beat this game on Steam a year prior, so my experience this time wasn't as intense. I recommend playing this game for its unique and genuine portrayal of psychosis and also watching the special feature video included afterwards, it really shows how far Ninja Theory went with this game, to accurately portray what Senua sees and hears in-game. This game doesn't really have any replay value, well not immediate replay value, so be sure to try and find all 44 Lore Stones on the first playthrough. The game is worth playing for the experience alone, but the platinum is a cake walk so you might as well collect it along the way.





Plat Name: Make It Home

Rarity: 6.66% Very Rare

Earned on 29/01/2023

Game Rating: 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Hob's another game I played and beat on PC a few years ago, before picking it up on the PSN. The game has some great visuals, the world littered with pieces of ruins from what was once a presumably great civilization that's been overtaken by the forest. Our protagonist is awoken from a sealed chamber by a large robotic ally and tasked with restoring the world, which has been locked away and separated. Hob's nothing too complicated, a classic 'go here and do the thing' title with a limited number of enemies that come in a few stronger variations. I did like how you got progressively stronger with collecting hearts, cores and discovering new skills which you unlock in the workshop. I'd definitely recommend playing Hob, I recommend two playthroughs if you are going for the platinum.




Horizon Zero Dawn

Plat Name: All Trophies Earned

Rarity: 7.4% Very Rare

Earned on 07/01/2018

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

I knew the moment I saw Horizon Zero Dawn that I was in for a good time. I waited to buy the game and got the complete edition for my Christmas. As you can imagine I was ecstatic and I played the game almost non-stop, every quest, every side-quest, every errand and dungeon. I wanted to do everything in this game. And I have to say, I had a blast playing through, this fantastic title. The protagonist Aloy is a likeable character, who you want to play as and follow along her story. The world is interesting, the mechanical creatures that inhabit it have really cool designs. The explanation for why most of the machines look so animal-like is actually explained too, unlike the killer robots of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. I enjoyed the lore of the world, I liked the tribes you encounter and how each of them have their own unique flair and personality to them. This game even does something I don't always see or think about. Integrating the DLC into the main game. The Frozen Wilds expansion fits into Horizon's world perfectly, with connections to the main story and even some end-game changes, though pretty minor ones at that. The story of the Frozen Wilds is brilliant too, it fits into the setting nicely, with some of the toughest enemies of the game, coming from this Downloadable expansion. I liked exploring the Frozen Wilds, and all of the new gear and weaponry I acquired. I really recommend this game, especially if you like other, open-world/sandbox games, like Red Dead Redemption or Shadow of Mordor.




Horizon Forbidden West

Plat Name: All Trophies Obtained

Rarity: 40.62% Uncommon

Earned on 16/10/2023

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

I  wasn't quite as hyped for Forbidden West as I was with Zero Dawn. I was looking forward to it, especially with that cliffhanger ending we were left with in the first game. And it wasn't like the promotional material wasn't doing its best to hype it up. I think playing NG+ on Zero Dawn prior to Forbidden West may have grounded my hype and expectations? In any case I had a pretty good time with this game, side activities were mostly fun, Hunter's Lodges, Racing on Machines, Melee and Arena fights. Didn't care much for Machine Strike, completion criteria for Trophies was much lower than I expected. Had an easy time playing through on Normal with minimal deaths, fast travel works pretty quickly, though sometimes it takes longer, especially if you do multiple fast travels in quick succession. Main story was interesting, it has a bit of a slower pace at the start, but that evens out as the story progresses. I am invested enough that I want to play the sequel. Especially after learning the truth regarding the Extinction Signal that destroyed Gaia prior to the First game. The enemy variety was great, machine enemies have plenty of variety and some of the combos of machines in the Arena can be unforgivingly hard to fight. I do recommend this game, just bare in mind that the game does start off kinda slow, before you get to the first main plot point, the Tenakth and their rebels.




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Plat Name: Indivisible

Rarity: 28.86% Uncommon

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

Game Rating 8/10

Completing Indivisible on PS4 was pretty much a cakewalk, nothing was overly difficult, but as this is my second time playing the game, its imperfections stood out to me more. First would be the hitboxes on certain spiked obstacles, especially wall spikes. There has been times where I was standing close to them on a platform and gotten knockback, without actually touching them. I noticed that certain objects can be hard to jump up onto or over, even though it's supposed to be rather simple early in the game. The next thing I noticed particularly in the first two acts of the game, was the high difficulty of certain enemies, some are basically sponges and give out very few experiences points, while in other locations the enemies give out much higher amounts of experience, but die rather easily. The way there's sometimes no voice acting in certain conversations is also weird, like the game designers ran out of time or budget and just left it as text. Certain side quests don't have map markers, even when your character has been told where they should go. Those are the negative things I noted on this playthrough of Indivisible, now for the positives.


The world of the game is interesting, each location has its own feel and design. Character designs are imaginative and creative, with some great personalities. Razmi, Naga Rider, Tungar and Thorani being some of my favourite characters in the game. The combat system is fun and surprisingly varied with the unique movesets of all the characters you pick up along your journey. Like Kushi using her giant eagle, Kampan with her power fist that can be loaded with explosive shells or Baozhai with her shoulder-mounted cannons. The story of the game is pretty good, I won't spoil too much, it starts as a revenge quest and changes into saving the world organically. Each of the boss fights are unique/memorable, though quite a few of them pause mid-combat and force you to chase down and whack the boss to resume combat. Overall I had a good time with this game, I took a stab at Razmi's Challenges and barely managed to complete the first challenge, skip this DLC unless you are in love with this game and have a LOT of patience.




Rarity: 13.48% Rare
Earned on 19/06/2011
Game Rating: 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

inFAMOUS is one of those must have games for the PS3. It looks a little dated nowadays, especially the mouth movements, but that aside it has a solid story. Cole McGrath, the protagonist is caught up in an explosion that has destroyed a significant area of Empire City. He escapes the blast zone, recovering from the ordeal and unlocking his new Electrokinetic powers, granted to him by the Blast. Throughout the story, Cole is continually pushed to make difficult decisions and do what he thinks is best for everyone... or for himself. 

The game has good characters, gameplay mechanics and enemies. Each part of Empire City looks distinct and has a certain feel to it, without going overboard. Cole's powers are the game's crowning glory, your Karmic state i.e Good or Evil, will determine how the world reacts to you and how your powers grow and develop. Overall it's a great game, which still stands as one of my favourite PS3 titles and I highly recommend it.




Rarity: 21.11% Uncommon
Earned on 28/08/2011
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

This is how you do a Sequel, I love this game, everything about it feels right. They kept the best of inFAMOUS's game mechanics and added in a whole lot of other stuff. The gameplay is fun, the enemies bigger and more badass than ever and the setting is also pretty cool as well, it also looks smaller than Empire City but that could be because it feels easier to get around. 

The powers are bigger and better in this game, there's a lot of ways to attack someone and that's just with regular lightning bolts without DLC powers. Karma comes into play again and I think it's implemented in a much better way too and side missions are a hell of a lot more varied and for the better. The story feels like a comic book one and that works to inFAMOUS 2's advantage as it has comic style cutscenes like the first game. I recommend this game to everyone and urge all to play it.




inFAMOUS: First Light

Plat Name: Noble Achievement 

Rarity: 24.25% Uncommon

Earned on 27/12/2015

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

inFAMOUS: First Light acts as a small prequel game to inFAMOUS: Second Son, but I don't think you need to play this game before Second Son, as both games have different protagonists and First Light really serves to show the backstory of Fetch and flesh out her character a little more. Fetch served as a supporting character in Second Son, taking n a role as the protagonist of this game, we play Fetch recounting her history to Augustine from Second Son. The majority of the game's story taking place in flashbacks, similar to the intro of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Fetch and her Neon powers are cool to play with, and flexible enough so that you won't miss power-swapping as Delsin. I feel the game's main downfall is the length of the main story, I wish the game had been longer, the journey feels like it ends too soon. Still a fun experience, the Challenges were pretty easy in this game. definitely give it a shot, if you're an inFAMOUS fan.




inFAMOUS: Second Son

Plat Name: Enjoy Your Powers

Rarity: 36.16% Uncommon

Earned on 08/08/2015

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Another great addition to the inFAMOUS series of games. Second Son is set 7 years after the events of inFAMOUS 2, showing us the aftermath of Cole's actions and the Government's response to the growing number of conduits that were appearing. Delsin Rowe is the newest protagonist in the series, and I quite like him. He feels like a fairly fleshed out character, though not nearly as cool as Cole. What I really dig about this game are the varied powers, taking inFAMOUS 2's approach of giving your character more than one set of powers, also gives you multiple ways to fight opponents. Swapping power sets in the middle of fights, if it feels like they're getting stale. The story this time, felt a bit weaker in my opinion. It's not a bad story, it's actually still really good, it just doesn't have the same grandeur as the first two games. Augustine also wasn't as memorable an antagonist as Kessler/Alden Tate/Sasha/Bertrand etc. I also missed having more factions to fight with varied powers, like the Reapers/Dustmen or Vermak 88 and the Corrupted. But the D.U.P. were still great enemies to battle. The game is overall a pretty satisfying third entry in the inFAMOUS series.




Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Plat Name: Top of the Heap

Rarity: 37.44% Uncommon

Earned on 07/03/2024

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

The first entry into the Jak and Daxter series, it's nothing too special story wise. Mad villains plan to end the world/remake it in their own twisted image, using an ancient evil to do so. You use various temporary power ups to solve puzzles or fight enemies, as well as regular combat. The vehicle sections can be somewhat tricky, due to all of the vehicles being hoverbikes and being understandably floaty and slippery. The game gives you infinite lives, nothing's too difficult and most of the collectibles are easy enough to find, though I did need a guide for a few hidden power cores and precursor orbs.





Jak II: Renegade

Plat Name: Done Done Done

Rarity: 18.35% Rare

Earned on 13/03/2024

Game Rating 5/10

Trophy Difficulty 5.5/10

The tonal shift between Jak and Jak II really caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting a time travel plot to be the central focus of the game, along with overthrowing a villainous regime and the evil threat that regime is colluding with reluctantly. I liked the varied weapon mods, giving Jak four different options in combat. The Dark Jak form was cool n all, but didn't feel particularly impactful on the story though and was just a cool ability that sometimes helped out in areas with lots of enemies. My main gripe with this game is the checkpoints, some of them feel far too spaced out, like the ones in the Palace or Underport.


The Mech suit while scarcely used was big and clunky and lacked any ranged weapons for self-defence, particularly unhelpful in the water section of the Underport. I found certain parts of this game just very frustrating, I've noticed Jak himself feels kinda heavy and this caused me to miss jumps in platforming sections, usually to my death. Overall the game is okay, still prefer the first one, but the second did a lot of stuff better, like the various characters actually feel like distinct individuals more. Already praised the ranged weapons which were an improvement over the Eco powers of the first game, vehicles were fine to control, but the congested/busy streets made navigating in the vehicles quite annoying at times. I also think the hoverboard was a good addition to the game and the platforming areas.




Jak 3

Plat Name: Fait Accompli

Rarity: 20.90% Uncommon

Earned on 21/03/2024

Game Rating 6/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Jak 3 continues the darker tone of Jak 2, with the comedic input of Daxter still present. One thing that really stuck out to me in this game, were the number of mini games. I noticed them in Jak 2 as well, but they're definitely more prominent in this one. Lizard Races, Car Races, Car Battles, lots of one-off mini games like the Pac-Man clone and Satellite game. The story continues from Jak 2, with elements of the Krimzon Guard and Metal Heads fighting for control of Haven City, after Jak n Daxter effectively axed their leadership from the previous game. Overall I enjoyed the story of this game more, it ties the story of the previous two games together even further. The villains are really easy to hate, and I mean in that 'I wanna beat this bad guy' not in the, 'this is a bad written villain' kind of way. I liked the inclusion of a Light Jak with its own unique mechanics, separate from Dark Jak, who also had his abilities expanded.


I'm noit sure why, but the vehicles in the Spargus Desert had this bad habit of veering off to the side, not sure if that was a problem with the game or my controllers though. But it only seemed to affect the four-wheeled cars, not the floating ones. I'd definitely recommend Jak 3, especially if you had a rougher time with Jak 2, like myself.




Killer is Dead

Plat Name: Perfect Killer

Rarity: 7.20% Very Rare

Earned on 28/10/2022

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

My feelings on this game are really mixed, on one hand I had to do a bunch of grinding, replaying various levels over and over to grind for money, stat leveling up gems, gems to buy abilities etc. The grind was notable on the hard playthrough, while the very hard was much easier as I unlocked both the Dark Booster and Ulti-Mondo costumes. Making a lot of Scarlett's Challenges beatable and a ton of levels turned into cakewalks. The story and world were weird and interesting, the Moon is frequently brought up alongside the Earth and sometimes the sun. I didn't fully understand the plot, just that Dark Matter comes from the Moon and corrupts people and objects on Earth. Mondo is the suave lady's man who is our protagonist for the game, alongside Viviene, Mika and Bryan as his support crew. I found the combat to be pretty enjoyable overall, nothing too complicated, just some simple combos that can require perfect timing. Overall I'd recommend this game, just know you're going to have to do a lot of grinding at the end to 100% complete it.




Killzone 2
Plat Name: War Hero
Rarity: 2.69% Ultra Rare
Earned on 26/10/2016
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 9/10
Killzone 2 is definitely one of the most challenging first person shooters I've attempted to beat. The online was still busy in 2015, when I played it, but it required a team-effort from a few boosting partners to earn the Valor Grand Cross trophy. Along with a bunch of other online-only trophies. Besides that, I like Killzone 2 overall. Elite difficulty can get particularly frustrating at times, but it is ultimately beatable with patience plus some trial and error. I enjoyed playing through Killzone 2, the story is decent, but I hated fellow soldier, Rico. They made him way to angry and aggressive. I liked the rest of the marines though, like Natko and Garza. I also think the Helghast make great enemies, they've got an intimidating iconic design. They come in loads of different variants and the Helghast general, Colonel Radec is a great villain. Scolar Visari is also a brilliant antagonist, his frequent speeches and the heavy defences he employs, make him a capable leader of the Helghast people. I'd definitely recommend this game to people that enjoy first person shooters.




Knights Contract
Plat Name:Supreme Witchslayer
Rarity: 4.42% Ultra Rare
Earned on 13/08/2023
Game Rating 6/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10
This game is a bit of a mixed bag, it's got its good points and lots of other things that really bugged me. I suppose I should start with my biggest gripe, the QTE's! The timing for the Quick Time Events in this game can be extremely frustrating, especially on the higher difficulties like Witchslayer. The timing for them on different difficulties can vary quite wildly, so just asssume you'll have to relearn the timing each time you go to a new difficulty. Some of the bosses have really crappy arenas that are easy to get knocked off of, like Trendula and Holda's boss fights, especially the second phase of Holda's boss fight. I ended up playing on Page to get past her, which meant playing from the start because level progression isn't carried over across all of your playthroughs.
The first half of the game has a nice variety of levels, until you hit level 12 to 15, where it feels like the developers just needed to pad out the game before the final four bosses. Level 17 was alright, Level 18 went on too damn long and had an underwhelming boss, and Level 19 has the worst/most annoying boss in the game. He's not a hard fight, but he just takes so long to stun so you can start damaging him. Despite getting a stronger scythe as you play it never felt stronger, except against the fodder enemies like the undead of Level 1. Whereas Getchen's Witchcraft always hits hard and makes playing without her annoying in chapters 12-15. I found the most damaging witchcraft spells were Maar's Lance 2 and 3, Colchis Trap III and Elizabeth's fangs.The soul Cannon spell is useful for quite a few bosses, except Faust's Second form, it did diddly squat when I tried. But it did decimate the first 5 witches HP bars drastically.



L.A. Noire

Rarity: 13.07% Rare
Earned on 21/04/2013
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

L.A. Noire is a very unique game, with gameplay and story telling that I absolutely love. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Noire genre, when I first picked up this game, but that's only because I wasn't exposed to a lot of it. L.A. Noire simply drips style and substance, the setting is unique and catches early Hollywood and Post-war America really well. I enjoyed being a detective, investigating crime scenes and interviewing people. This game makes you feel like a detective, though I wish they made investigating crime scenes a little harder, like in Heavy Rain so you don't know if you missed a piece of evidence. I purchased the Complete Edition of this game, so I got to play all the additional cases. They were all great cases to solve and helped expand the game and the story. The DLC is interspersed nicely with the main story cases, so they don't feel out of place. 




Lara Croft Go

Plat Name: A true adventurer

Rarity: 77.62% Common

Earned on 01/04/2023

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

This was a fun little puzzle game, with an easy to track list of collectables. Just classic Lara in all her polygonal glory venturing into magical ruins to find and claim magical artifacts to display in Croft Manor. Some of these levels were a little tough, especially the fire caves from the Shard of Life adventure. I liked unlocking all the classic/retro Lara skins/costumes. And the Mirror adventure was easier, but also great at making me plan out my moves. I died quite a few times, but each death let me get a bit closer to solving a puzzle. If you're looking for a fun puzzle game, with some platforming, then I recommend this game.



Little Big Planet

Rarity: 4.19% Ultra Rare
Earned on 24/09/2011
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy difficulty 9/10

This is a really good game creatively, the game has loads of fun and creative story levels and online is full of them too. There are crappy online one's and one's that are copy and pasted everywhere but many levels are good fun. The story mode is pretty simple but this games difficulty comes from it's multi-player. My Personal advice is have an online friend who has 2 controllers so that at least someone dependable is helping you with the 4 player prize bubbles. Getting online help can be a real pain too, and often I lucked out and found someone, I imagine most of the LBP players have migrated to the sequel, which I know I'll do too.

Anyways the game is fun but not for everyone, but I can recommend it to platforming and puzzle loving gamers.

Favourite Trophy
This Trophy is one of my faves as this Boss feels like a proper boss fight. A lot of the main story bosses are too easy, except the bosses in the last level, which are a bit challenging. Fighting a cool Cyber T-Rex, based on one of the iconic enemies/bosses of Metal Gear in LBP was a very appealing and fun Boss.




Lollipop Chainsaw

Plat Name: Legendary Zombie Hunter

Rarity: 13.52% Rare

Earned on 20/01/2022

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

This is one of those games I heard a lot about, but never got around to buying a copy until years and years later. I've completed it now and I guess it's time to share my thoughts on the game. First I like almost all of the characters, though my least favourite was Sensei Morikawa. I dunno, I'm just not a huge fan of the comedic pervy wise master/sensei trope. I enjoy the rest of the cast, Nick's the regular everyman who's forced into this supernatural world assisting the seasoned Juliet on their quest. I liked the villains and how each of their boss fights had nice variety and complexity. Plus fitting personalities for each one. I liked the combat with my only gripe being the Sparkle meter, as there is only one way to charge it up. By chopping up zombies of course. It's satisfying to do so, but I would have liked the ability to buy a boost to the meter itself. Like how you can purchase other beneficial items at the Chop2shop stores.


The game has a pretty good sense of comedy and was able to make me smile and laugh. Some of the mini-games could be a little annoying, like the Gondola climb or Zombie Baseball, which could have been fixed with nerfed zombie damage in the zombie baseball and letting you take more than one hit on the gondola level. Overall I had a pretty good time with a few annoying spots that bugged me, especially on hard mode. My bigger gripe is with Ranked mode and how you don't retain or keep any of the collected items from the runs in that mode. By collected items I mean Lollipops or Nick Tickets, golden wrappers will stay collected. But not the collected health items or earned currency. Despite the minor nuisances, I still recommend Lollipop Chainsaw for its fun gameplay, amazing soundtrack and likable heroes and villains.


Edited by James_Tonto
Platinum #214 Jak 3
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Mafia II

Rarity: 15.59% Rare
Earned on 10/04/2013
Game Rating 8.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Mafia II seems like your typical GTA clone, but I was pleasantly surprised by this game. It has a surprisingly engaging story, good gameplay and level design. I like Mafia II's missions, whether it's going out for a night on the town, performing a heist or helping to dispose of a dead body your drunken friend accidentally created. Your sidekick/partner through many of the missions is Joe, he's a great character and very easy to like. A lot of the supporting/minor characters are great too. Overall I had a good time playing this game.

Favourite Trophies
Ladies Man
Collecting Playboy magazines in a game, definitely puts this somewhere in my top 10 favourite collectable trophies in a game.

Arctic Grave
It's an extra challenge on a tricky mission, but it felt good to step out of my car, shoot out the tires on the other car, calmly re-enter my own vehicle and push the witness into a frozen lake. What made me crack up, was just after this exciting and dangerous chase, Joe started singing a merry Christmas tune that was playing on the car radio.




Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

Rarity: 25.60% Uncommon

Earned on 30/04/2020

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom was for the longest time, one of those games I kept stumbling across and wanting to play. But I could never get my hands on a copy, until I found it pre-owned and immediately snagged it. This game is a wonderful little gem, a puzzle platformer with an engaging yet simple story of saving the world with the titular Majin. A large and sweet creature, that possesses unique powers and a love of fruit. In battle I had to rely on the Majin, especially against enemies with shields. This excludes the stealth segments, where you can sneak around to engage enemies. Or just run in waving your spike until the Majin can show up to assist. All the boss battles were memorable encounters, each one was a puzzle that utilised one of the Majin's powers. These powers are also essential when completing certain puzzles, to let you progress further in the game. There was also a bit of a grind near the end to fully level up the main character and his friendship level with the Majin. But the collectibles were easy to manage and find on my own, especially since you know how many are in each location. I highly recommend this game, I had a blast playing through it. The only thing that stuck out to me, was some of the voice acting for the numerous animals you'll meet as you explore the world.




Marvel's Spider-Man

Plat Name: Be Greater
Rarity: 51.44% Common

Earned on: 20/12/2018
Game Rating: 9/10
Trophy Difficulty: 5/10

Marvel's Spider-Man is one of those amazing games that you almost can't believe exists, until you play it. I haven't had so much fun, just travelling through New York since [PROTOTYPE]. Insomniac games really nail the Spider-Man setting, making it feel like an established world. The main campaign story is written really well and is very engaging, the side-story missions and collectable content is fun mostly. The Taskmaster challenges could be a bit gruelling if you don't have certain upgrades, but aren't too hard, once you've obtained the right skills. The combat is great, Spider-Man really moves and fights smoothly, hitting hard and dodging away quickly. Though I do feel like Spider-Man takes a little too much damage from the regular enemies. I also love how this game looks, the character models are detailed really nicely. Spider-Man's almost always got a quip or remark about various locations and enemies you fight, with J. Jonah Jameson also reporting on your actions on his radio show, finding some way to cast you in a negative light. I absolutely recommend picking up this game, it's the most authentic Spider-Man gaming experience you could ask for.




Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Plat Name: Be Yourself
Rarity: 47.96% Common

Earned on: 12/07/2023
Game Rating: 7/10
Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

This smaller story is a okay followup to the events in Marvel's Spider-Man. The story of Miles being forced to step up and protect the city without Peter to back him up, did worry me a little. But it was 'mostly' executed well. I liked the use of Rhino and the new antagonist factions of Roxonn and The Underground. Also including The Prowler and using him well and his relationship to this Spider-Man. Small things I liked were the music, the spider suits and gadgets included in the game. I liked the story and characters overall, the combat was fun like in the previous game with Miles Bio-electricity/Venom powers and invisibility spicing up the combat and stealth encounters. The side content was interesting, helping to flesh out the past of Miles, similarly to the backpacks in the previous game. There are some things that stood out to me negatively, like the inclusion of BLM graffiti which personally felt out of place in this universe, just like the indestructible Doritos Truck in Ghostbusters on PS3. And Peter's absence due to an injury from Rhino and going out of the country with MJ felt forced, so the Miles wouldn't have Peter for backup.





Plat Name: Savior of Gallowmere

Rarity: 46.99% Uncommon

Earned on 20/03/2020

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

It's amazing for me, that this game exists. Sir Daniel Fortesque seemed doomed to remain out of the limelight, left in the PSX and PSP era of gaming. Thankfully Sir Dan has returned in this shiny new remake of the classic game, I only had vague memories of this game as a child. Remembering the early cemetary levels, but not much else. So for me this game has been an overall fresh experience. Medievil was fun, Sir Daniel himself being a delight to play as. I love a lot of the visual details added, like the Pumpkin King become more rotted as the fight progresses or how Sir Daniel's skeleton bounces as he walks/runs. I love that they kept so much of the original game, particularly dialogue, but that they enhanced a lot of the visual reactions of Sir Dan himself, to give him a lot more character than his PSX Era counterpart. While I love this game, I do have a few minor complaints. Certain levels really do feel like they could have used a checkpoint system the Ghost Ship in particular, given all the platforming required. That's mainly due to the physics and certain locked camera points, that make landing certain jumps, very annoying. I found the overall experience enjoyable, the Lost Souls additional content didn't feel out of place and were fairly easy to find and complete all of them in no time. I can happily recommend Medievil to any prospective trophy hunters and for people that enjoy playing these classic games in their remade/remastered states.





Plat Name: Platinum Mekabolt

Rarity: 97.11% Common

Earned on 18/01/2023

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

So I knew I was in for a short trophy hunting experience, but this was unexpectedly fast. Just under forty minutes of game play, Mekabolt is a fun little puzzle platformer, that requires you to pause and think a bit, before proceeding. None of the enemies can be killed, each one serves as an obstacle and is usually part of the solution to a level's puzzle. This is one of those quick, fun and easy games that keeps the story simple s and keeps the story relatively simple. Fitting given it's pixel art style is reminicent of a lot of older video games, from the NES era.




Metal Hellsinger

Plat Name: Trophies Are a Girl's Best Friend

Rarity: 35.63% Uncommon

Earned on 19/08/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

This game was excellent, a brilliant metal soundtrack paired up with shooting to the beat of the music? A really fantastic game with a decent story, great voice acting, fast and sometimes hectic gameplay, decent challenges and a straightforward trophy list that is fun to work towards. The enemy design is nice, all the enemies look like grotesque creatures from hell. Levels aren't overly long, the game reminds me a bit of Doom 2016 with some of the enemy designs, like the Behemoths or the Hierophants. I'd definitely recommend this game, especially if you enjoy heavy metal and arcade-style shooters.




Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition

Plat Name: Master of Mordor

Rarity: 22.69% Uncommon

Earned on 18/12/2016

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

I'm a big fan of the Lord of the Rings universe, I've read the books, watched the movies and even played some of the games, back on PS2/PC. So it was a pleasure to sit down and tackle a new game in Middle-Earth. I found this game engrossing, once I picked it up I couldn't stop playing it. It's been awhile since a game grabbed me like this. Where I'd solely focus on the one game and mostly refuse to pick up another. Shadow of Mordor has great characters, particularly the protagonist Talion and Celebrimbor, but it has a slew of memorable characters, like Torvin the dwarf hunter, Ratbag the incompetent cowardly orc and Gollum, to name just a few. I really enjoyed the Nemesis system put in place to promote orcs, each time one kills you, he'll grow in power and a regular orc that kills you, becomes a new captain to face. The Orc Uruk's have a wonderful variety of designs, that left each one, feeling mostly unique. You might need to look up a guide for a few trophies, but overall this game's trophy list is pretty easy. My only main gripe with the game, are the final two bosses, the Tower and Hand of Sauron. They were pushovers, compared to the Hammer of Sauron. I definitely recommend this game, it's a blast to play through.




Middle-Earth: Shadow of War - Definitive Edition

Plat Name: The Bright Lord

Rarity: 16.23% Rare

Earned on 01/12/2018

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

Due to the Orc lootboxes originally present in this game, I didn't pick it up, not until they were removed and a complete edition was released. So thankfully I didn't have to go through the awful end game grind, early adopters of the game did. Middle-Earth: Shadow of War picks up some time after the end of the previous game, with Celebrimbor and Talion forging their own Ring of Power to challenge Sauron and defeat him. The story takes Talion & Celebrimbor across Mordor, conquering fortresses and building up a new army or Orcs and Olog's to challenge Sauron's dominion of the land. Their are some great quests to take part in, both side-quest and story related. The Nemesis system is still as good as I remembered, with lots of new traits and special classes of Orc and Olog warriors to fight and dominate. Two of my favourite additional orc types are the bards and poets who play music based on your encounters. Plus I ran into some very unique looking orcs, like a Hairy Olog, a medieval cyborg Uruk called the Machine who I had killed before he became 'The Machine' and an Uruk claiming to be the new Tower of Sauron, after his defeat in Shadow of Mordor. I also had fun with the two DLC expansions, The Blade of Galadriel was a fun adventure showing events that transpired during the final act of Shadow of War, where we control Eltariel the elf after the events of Act 3. The Desolation of Mordor is also a fun time, Baranor controls very differently to Talion and Eltariel given he doesn't have a magic ring to keep him form dying. He wields a gauntlet which felt a bit like Kratos's shield in God of War 2018, if it also had a grappling hook built into it. Overall I can recommend getting this game, if you enjoyed the previous game, I'd definitely recommend the Definitive edition



Mini Ninjas

Rarity: 28.35% Uncommon
Earned on 02/04/2013
Game Rating 6/10
Trophy Difficulty 5.5/10

Whilst not amazing, Mini Ninjas is a fun adventure game. I liked the combat mechanics, getting to swap between party members and brewing your own potions. The game has a unique look that gives it a certain innocent charm, that I find myself enjoying. It controls fairly well, though sometimes I'd find myself running up a wall or not making a jump/wall run that I should have made. That aside, the game is fun and entertaining, but nothing special, if you see it being sold cheap, then I'd recommend picking it up.



Mirror's Edge
Plat Name: Over the Edge

Rarity: 3.69% Ultra Rare
Earned on 26/04/2015
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 10/10

Mirror's Edge is one of the more interesting games I've played on the PS3. The idea of a parkour centred game intrigued me, when this game first came out. The story is fairly easy to follow, but it can also be confusing if you aren't paying attention, like me on my first playthrough. Faith, the protagonist, is a runner/courier in a futuristic setting. She delivers messages and packages for discreet clients who wish to remain anonymous, due to the totalitarian control the Government has imposed. During the course of the game, Faith gets roped into the murder of Robert Pope, whose murder has been pinned on Faith's sister. The game henceforth is about uncovering the conspiracy behind his murder to clear your sister's name. Gameplay wise, the controls can feel slippy at times. It's hard to explain, but Faith can feel hard to control at times. It's also easy to lose your momentum which makes landing certain jumps, very tricky. When you do master the controls, Faith flows over obstacles and latches onto ledges fairly smoothly. Using guns is possible at points, via disarming enemies. Though using guns is discouraged and using them should be reserved for speedruns and the Pro-Runner play through. Overall I liked this game, but it could get, very, very frustrating at times, particularly during the Speedruns & Time Trials. 




Monkey King: Hero is Back

Plat Name: An Everlasting Bond

Rarity: 21.88% Uncommon

Earned on 04/03/2021

Game Rating 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 1/10

This is definitely one of the easiest games I've ever played, and the only licensed game I've played. That I didn't know was a licensed game until I started looking up a few things about the game itself. I completed the entire game in a single playthrough, only having to backtrack briefly to pickup a few of the Earth Gods I missed. The story isn't anything too groundbreaking, arrogant and powerful protagonist is forced to eat humble pie and become a better person by going on a Hero's journey. My only real gripes are with the voice acting for some of the characters, specifically Lieur who gets annoying. Especially whenever he screams out 'monsters' when you get into a fight. Combat is very simple and becomes a cakewalk after mastering the counterattack timing and engaging in a One-on-one battle or a Purge attack. There is some simple stealth as well, but it's very basic. This is the kind of game you could use to introduce a kid to video games, it's a pretty short experience which if you don't take a break like I did. You can probably complete this in about a day.




My Friend Pedro

Rarity: 3.25% Ultra Rare

Earned on 18/07/2023

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 8/10

I remember seeing the trailer for this and being immediately fascinated, Devolver Studio's have a habit of making eyecatching games like that. My Friend Pedro is a great sidescrolling, shoot em up with bullet time and lots of fun and exciting levels. The majority of levels involve gunning down enemies stylishly and racking up a high combo as you reach the end of the level. Doing so gets you a rating based on your performance.The titular Pedro has some funny quips/dialogue at the intro of each level and certain cutscenes as he guides you forward through the various levels. The bosses are surprisingly fun and varied, ranging from fights in the sky to fights on the road or facing advanced robots and soldiers. Overall I liked My Friend is Pedro, but found the S-Ratings to be a real grind, I was able to platinum three other games while I was working through them. Hence the high difficulty rating for the trophies.





Plat Name: Ultimate Villain

Rarity: 3.34% Ultra Rare

Earned on 09/02/2023

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 10/10

I enjoyed the premise of this game, getting to play the role of the traditional video game antagonist Crow who kidnaps princesses. The game is bright and colourful, with some great character designs and fun personalities. The game play isn't overly complicated, it's a traditional sidescrolling platformer, where you progress through a level, collecting the collectibles and defeating the various enemies. At the end of some of the levels you get to fight the heroes while piloting a mechanical contraption of Crow's taking up the role of an end level boss. The majority of the trophies aren't super difficult, but there are two that are exceedingly hard to earn. Overall I like Nefarious, I feel like the game demands a lot from the player to complete it though. Particularly with being precise and mastering mechanics like the Grenade Jump.


Hardest Trophies



True Mastermind

This is one of the hardest Trophies I have ever earned, it takes practice, patience and a healthy dose of luck to earn this trophy. Getting S-Rank requires you to collect the three crowns and Vinyl Record in the level and also finish the level quickly. You also aren't allowed to die. You will have to do every level for this too, not just the main story levels. This can be especially difficult in certain levels like Adept.Co Labs and infamously hard on Bramble Flats. The number of enemies that get in your way while trying to complete that level alone is extremely frustrating. Oh and you have to fight two bosses at the end of the level, and then run to the end of the level and get onto the laser and skip through all the dialogue ASAP.



Purple Pauper

While less frustrating than True Mastermind, it is also extremely difficult. There is a LOT of Lucre just lying about in the levels, some of it in places that it's just impossible to avoid picking some up. You'll have to learn the level layout and plan how you move through each level carefully. Spending Lucre to stay below 1000 doesn't work either, it's 1000 total lucre collected that you need to stay below. Adept.Co Labs has one particular section where you are buoyed by fans over an acid pit and there's a lot of Lucre, if you get over 800 Lucre at this point, you better load a copied save file, because you'll have to start over. Because the game constantly autosaves, you'll need to keep a spare copy of you save file, so you can try a level again if you collect too much money.




No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise

Plat Name: Welcome to the Garden of Madness 

Rarity: 8.44% Very Rare

Earned on 08/10/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 5/10

No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise is one of my favourite gaming experiences. And one of my favourite games, ported over to the Playstation 3. The game doesn't take itself overly-seriously, especially as you get closer to the end. The game is also a love letter to retro gaming, wrestling and anime. For instance, The protagonist Travis Touchdown owns a motorbike that closely resembles one from the anime movie Akira. His apartment is full of anime memorabilia as well. A lot of the bosses also have similar influences, resembling classic anime or video game characters. This game features a few bosses from the Sequel to the original No More Heroes, as there weren't any plans to port that to PS3 as well. Those optional fights are fun and do give you some decent bosses to battle. Travis Touchdown is one of my favourite protagonists, he's young, cocky, confident and loves to fight. But he really dislikes killing women, and he's certainly gullible/naive at times. Travis's beam katana skills are fun to use, combat is often very flashy. Although I found myself forced to turtle a lot, against certain gun-wielding enemies. Overall I really recommend this game, it's got humour, fun side-missions and great boss battles.



Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Plat Name: Shiny Moolah

Rarity: 8.39% Very Rare
Earned on 22/04/2013
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

I am a big fan of the Oddworld series, from Abe's Oddysee to Munch's Oddysee, I have enjoyed this series. Stranger's Wrath is a very awesome game, capturing a wild west setting on Oddworld, whereas before we've really only seen the industrial settings and forests/temples/ruins. Character design is odd and creative as expected, especially your crossbow's critter ammunition. I enjoyed this game a lot and I'm glad I got to play the High Definition version of this game. The story is pretty straightforward, with a few small twists, here and there. The game usually feels pretty fair too, the only part I thought was really cheap, were those Gloktigi bosses and their annoying spin attack.




OK K.O Let's Play Heroes

Rarity 25.58% Uncommon

Earned on 16/12/2021

Game Rating 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

I remember watching the show this game is based on years ago, I believe it was one of the shows my nephew watched with his Daddy. We definitely watched the whole series, so when I stumbled on this game in my PSN library, probably picked up on PS Plus, I had a brief wave of nostalgia playing through it. The game is a nice and simple beat-em-up title, with three stat bars to grind and level up + POW cards to collect of the various Plaza Residents. I did have to look up the codes for the POW card machine to help get them all though, apprently the codes were actually hidden in episodes of the show, which is a clever way to get people to rewatch it. Earning Technos to purchase cards or stat boosting items was easy, as was collecitng micro chips from the robotic villains. Overall this game was a fun little diversion, play it if you liked the show or enjoy beat-em-up titles.



Okami HD
Plat Name: Top Dog

Rarity: 14.41% Rare
Earned on 06/03/2013
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

This is an amazing game, one which I am very, very happy to have played. It's rare and I mean very rare that a game's story can keep me busy and entertained for long stretches of time. But Okami pulls it off beautifully, keeping me engrossed for over 60 hours. The game is creative and visually pleasing with its unique artistic style, characters, environment, world lore and weapons. You play as a wolf, who is actually the sun goddess Amaterasu, a new incarnation of the previous sun god, Shiranui. You're revived when the evil demon serpent, Orochi is freed from his imprisonment. You set off on a grand adventure, first to heal the land and then to defeat Orochi and the various evils plaguing it. You come across numerous memorable characters, such as Susano, The canine warriors a.k.a the Kusa 5, Evil Being Tobi and many more. Okami also has a great sense of humour, which is done surprisingly well, especially since you play as a silent protagonist. One legitimate complaint I can concede about this great game, is that it can get very dialogue heavy. That aside, superb game that I urge everyone to try.

Favourite Trophy

Who Let the Dogs out?
This trophy is one of my personal favourite, earned by completing a fairly challenging boss battle that has three stages, each pitting you against different members of the Kusa 5.




PaRappa the Rapper Remastered

Plat Name: Hip Hop hero

Rarity: 4.2% Ultra Rare

Earned on 14/01/2018

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

PaRappa the Rapper was one of those series, I learned about, through reviews and retrospectives. I knew it was a rhythm based game, but that was it. Having now played the game, I can see why this game is so fondly remembered, there's nothing quite like PaRappa. It's one of those visually distinct games, that ages well. The visuals have aged well anyway, the game play hasn't aged as well. The timing for the button prompts is off on Cheap Cheap's stage. I raged quite a bit, when trying to get the cool rating on stage 4, so much so, I needed to take breaks. Play other games, and try to get that stupid chicken's song, out of my head. I ultimately recommend trying PaRappa, I still had a fun time overall. I just wished the game had been a bit more fine tuned, for its re-release on the PS4.



Portal 2
Plat Name: Portal 2 Platinum Trophy

Rarity: 7.47% Very Rare
Earned on 15/12/2014
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Trying to live up to the unexpected hit, Portal was a tall order for Valve. But not only did they manage to live up to Portal, they surpassed it in almost every way. The game has new mechanics which make it a lot of fun, such as the use of gels you walk on to move super fast or bounce, or lay portals on surfaces you normally can't. More puzzle variety was also added, incorporating the mechanics mentioned earlier and some other ones. The story is brilliant, continuing from the first game, it adds new and memorable characters, such as Wheatley and Cave Johnson. There are also more hints of Rattman, like the hidden Rattman messages in the first Portal game. The story is a lot longer and more well written than the first game, it's the sequel done right, new and improved, while keeping the spirit of the original. The game is also very funny, there's a lot of great humour in this game.

There's also a Co-op campaign and its handled just as well as the main story mode, only with less high stakes, since you're controlling two robots who can't technically die. Atlas & P-Body have a lot of personality, even though they're mostly silent characters. Co-op adds more challenge and requires you to think and work together with your partner, the mechanics are thankfully well suited to this, making multiplayer fun most of the time.
Overall I love this game, I think it's a fantastic title that you should try at least once. Online trophies can be very difficult, I suggest getting a good boosting partner. I earned some of them online and others in split screen mode. But when you finally get those last, tricky online trophies. You feel fantastic.

Favourite Trophy

This trophy is my favourite one, simply because of the story-moment when you get it. It's just a brilliant scene, well executed, that never fails to make me smile.



Prince of Persia
Plat Name: Master

Rarity: 13.55% Rare
Earned on 24/11/2012
Game Rating 6.8/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

This game has the misfortune of having to live up to its predecessors, the Sand of Time Trilogy now Tetralogy. Which I think is part of the reason, for the mixed feelings a lot of people have about this game. The game is fun, but it lacks the same challenge that the previously mentioned titles had. Due to it being impossible to die, the game feels like it's holding your hand the whole game. Aside from those negatives, the art style and environments are nice and the bosses have pretty cool designs. I do recommend the DLC epilogue if you can get your hands on it for a reasonable price, it adds more challenge and is pretty fun to play. It also has a new combat mechanic which I would have enjoyed using in the story campaign. One thing I strongly recommend if you play this game is work on Combo master right away, bosses & regular enemies block less and don't switch to those states, where they can only be harmed by one kind of attack.



Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Plat Name: Prince of Persia

Rarity: 23.31% Uncommon
Earned on 27/05/2011
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy difficulty 5/10

Classic PS2 gaming at it's finest. A very enjoyable title and part of an excellent trilogy of games I can recommend to people that enjoy RPG, Hack n Slash & Puzzle games. The game itself is fairly short, a good player like me could beat the game in 5 hours without looking up a walkthrough. The story is enjoyable enough, and the protagonist, 'The Prince' is a fairly likeable character, which makes playing the game, more enjoyable. Combat is simple and fluid but there are times when you can get stuck on the floor by a mob of enemies surrounding you and attacking. The enemies also get progressively more varied, which helps to keep you on your toes when playing.




Rarity: 4.12% Ultra Rare
Earned on 11/06/2011
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

A good game but like inFAMOUS, it looks dated in fact more dated. The gameplay is solid and visceral and can be a good stress reliever, killing off hordes of seemingly endless infected Zombie folk. There are lots of creative powers you can use to cut up, pulverise, smash, rip and kill your enemies. The story is a pretty straightforward revenge plot with some twists and turns and a lot of side plots attached. At times, the story doesn't always make sense, but it's still a decent game and I can easily recommend it . One thing I enjoyed was the Web of Intrigue, a collection of memories that you gain, by consuming specific plot-central and non-essential characters.




Rarity: 28.45% Uncommon
Earned on 03/06/2012
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

[PROTOTYPE 2] takes everything the first game does and improves it. The story is better, both in connecting you with the protagonist, James Heller and delivering an interesting story. The enemies look a lot better, the Brawlers who replace the Hunters from [PROTOTYPE] also look a lot cooler. I personally feel that Alex Mercer's character was butchered, the prequel comic I happen to own and have read, also makes me feel this way. It's so obvious he's become an egotistical villain, in this game. I at first wanted to trust him, I mean I played through a game with this character, I didn't want him to be a villain. But you eventually confirm he's the true villain. Powers are more badass than the first game and your combat abilities are a lot more fun to use. Like inFAMOUS 2 this is how you do a sequel, power-wise. Admittedly inFAMOUS 2 also has the better story, though James Heller's story is still good, just a shame it had to turn the previous game's protagonist into a full-fledged villain.







Rarity: 4.55% Ultra Rare
Earned on 05/06/2023
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

My second time playing through Prototype on this account, I don't know if I just wasn't paying attention back in 2011, but I found the story pretty easy to follow. The visuals look a bit sharper than I remember them being on PS3. The collectibles were the only real annoyance and thankfully there aren't a ridiculous amount, about 250 total. 50 Hint Orbs and 200 Landmark Orbs. Most of them are located in Time's Square, though Central Park also has a decent number of them. Wait until you've bought some movement upgrades and just use a guide to find them all. Most of the other trophies weren't too bad and just required doing some specific task. The Hard Mode wasn't 'too bad' but boss fights like the Bloodtox Truck pumping poison to draw out Elizabeth Greene and the Second Supreme Hunter fight took me a couple of attempts to complete.





Rarity: 27.12% Uncommon
Earned on 09/06/2023
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10

Just over twelve years since I originally earned this platinum on this account, the second time on PS4 was a rather pleasant surprise. [PROTOTYPE 2] is just as fun to play as I recalled. The enemy variety is superb, particularly with the Infected variants like Brawlers, Juggernauts, Infected Birds and Goliaths. Blackwatch has had a major redesign and I still really prefer it over the first game's design. It feels like a much more aggressive design. The tanks, supersoldiers and helicopters have also had their designs updated, the vehicles matching Blackwatch's aesthetic a lot better. The powers/combat are more fun than before, using two powers at once and being able to assign powers to a preferred button makes combat more enjoyable. The combo system is a lot simpler than the first game's, but I wouldn't call that a negative, since you can mix and match your powers to create your own mashup of combos. The combat and gameplay make up for the weaker story in this game and its cruder and more aggressive protagonist.






Plat Name: Brainiac

Rarity: 17.42% Rare

Earned on 10/11/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Another classic Tim Schafer game, re-released on modern consoles. Psychonauts was one of those games I'd heard about way before I finally played it. I first lay eyes on Razputin, way back when I played Brutal Legend and his head could be chiselled onto Mount Rockmore. I can see why this game has such a cult following, much like other games by Tim Schafer. The amusing and quirky characters, interesting and varied level designs, cool powers and a great story tying it all together. I find Raz an enjoyable protagonist, he's a fun character, with a bit of a snarky attitude. The game isn't too hard, though it might take awhile to track down all the in-game collectables, particularly the Mental Figments. Overall I really enjoyed this game, it was a fantastic experience, definitely try it out for yourself. I do recommend using a guide though, for the trophies, a lot of them are very easy to miss.





Plat Name: Best Actor

Rarity: 4.25% Ultra Rare

Earned on 03/04/02024

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Puppeteer was one of those games I would occasionally see popping up on this site. It was one of those obscure titles I'd see but not really know anything about the game itself. I finally bit the bullet and bought a copy, when I found it at an acceptable price. Visually this game stands out for its unique art style, every character is a puppet of some kind and every level is a stage. Your magical scissors Calibrus, are used to traverse parts of the levels, cut through obstacles and to dispatch enemies. Additional powers are earned during the course of the game, allowing more platforming challenges and methods to defeat enemies. Every boss fight is distinct and memorable and usually has a method of shortening a boss battle, using the various heads. The aforementioned heads are collected throughout the game and are used to access secret levels or cause changes to the levels.


This game is very charming, narrated like it's a live puppet play by a refined yet amusing narrator. Definitely a hidden gem of the PS3's game catalogue, I'd recommend giving it a try. The only part of the trophy hunting I found frustrating, was certain collectibles like the Hundredsparkles and finding all of the Puppets for the 'Wooden Shoe' trophy. Since their wasn't a way to track those in-game, unlike all the other collectibles.


Edited by James_Tonto
Platinum #215 Puppeteer
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Rayman Origins
Plat Name: Sweet Dreams!

Rarity: 12.57% Rare
Earned on 25/02/2013
Game Rating 9/10
Trophy Difficulty 9/10

This game is just full of awesome. Colourful and creative visuals, coupled with great gameplay and music. The story isn't anything too complicated, but then again the strength of Rayman games has always been in the gameplay itself. This was a hard game to plat, the majority of the trophies are fairly easy, but its getting all the Speed Trophies and Electoons that make the game very challenging. Overall I enjoyed the game, but it got really frustrating on certain levels, which require complete focus and perfect timing. I recommend this game to fans of the series, people who enjoy 2D sidescrollers and to those gamers that enjoy a challenge.




Rayman: Legends

Plat Name: Legendary

Rarity: 7.51% Very Rare

Earned on 06/06/2015

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Like Rayman Origins, Legends is an excellent game. Plenty of new game modes, collectables etc to go for. However trophy-wise this game was way, way more tedious than Origins. In Origins it's a genuine challenge, not manufactured so that you have to keep playing over and over. In particular, the 'Truly Awesome' trophy will make you want to break your controller or snap the disc. Who thought those scores were fair for the daily/weekly challenges? 10 points for gold, 5 for silver and 1 for a bronze, and you need well over a 1000 points for that last trophy. And good luck getting a platinum, because you have to be insanely obsessed or good at this game to even come close to it. Besides the horrible, truly awesome trophy, this game is a blast to play. I particularly enjoyed the new character, Barbara. She's fun to goof off with, sliding on her axe or attacking with her extending axe. And the music levels are an absolute joy to play, famous songs sung by your enemies, while you play through the level to the beat of the music. If you enjoyed the first game, I recommend Legends. But if you want that platinum trophy, then be prepared for a long and tedious grind online.



Red Dead Redemption
Plat Name: Legend of the West 

Rarity: 4.39% Ultra Rare
Earned on 18/03/2015
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 9.5/10


This is the best Western game, I have ever played. The game evoked memories of some of my favourite Western Movies, due to the level of detail put into the setting. You have abandoned dusty towns and churches, an old fort garrisoned by one of the main antagonists, woodlands, swamps, and a large portion of Mexico. The map is huge and I enjoyed exploring it, sometimes I'd run over a hill on my horse and just pause to admire the view during the sunset/sunrise. Other times I'd enjoy running around at night, with the pale moon illuminating the landscape. There are so many things to do in this game, besides trophy hunting and story related missions. Such as Bounty Hunting, hunting regular animals, clearing out gangs of bandits and criminals, entering duels with drunken gunslingers, playing mini-games like poker/liar's dice/horseshoes or five finger fillet and so on. 


This games strongest elements are its gameplay and fantastic story, I enjoyed the story of John Marston as he tracks down his old gang members to save his family, riding across the American Wild West, across Mexico during the Mexican revolution and into the more tamed and civilised Blackwater region. The only thing I wasn't fond of in the campaign, were the few cow-herding missions. The game also has many memorable characters, including the legendary gunslinger, Landon Ricketts. Seth Briars, a notorious grave-robber. Nigel West Dickens, a charismatic snake-oil salesman. Abraham Reyes, the leader of the Mexican Revolution and Bonnie MacFarlane, a rancher who rescues John near the start of the game. Those are just a few of the memorable characters you'll meet. Helping to flesh out the world and make it feel more believable.


The Multiplayer is pretty fun too. I'm not normally a big fan of online multiplayer, but I usually enjoy RDR's. It's like playing the main game, only cooperatively or competitively with players of various skill levels. Though I had a hell of a time, trying to get the Posse Up trophy, due to crashes and a bad connection. Ultimately the online is where you'll find some of the harder trophies in this game.

Undead Nightmare was a lot of fun. A decently-sized campaign that has you revisit various locations from the main game and encounter almost every character from the main story line and side-missions. This expansion adds so much to RDR, including new steeds, multiplayer modes, weapons and zombies to kill. The story follows John Marston again as he seeks a cure to the undead plague, sweeping the land. His goal is to end the zombie apocalypse and cure his family who were infected by Uncle. You get a good variety of zombie types, plenty of fun missions and side missions and stranger requests. And as if there wasn't enough new content, there's also supernatural creatures to hunt down too. Undead Nightmare feels like a proper expansion, telling its own unique story. I'd recommend getting the complete Red Dead experience, and buying this expansion.


Favourite Trophies


Nature or Nurture
The final story related trophy, and the gold you earn for ending the story and avenging John Marston's death as his son, Jake.

I like this trophy, just for the image and how it asks you to tie a woman to the railway tracks like in a classic cartoon.

Master Exploder
I like this trophy, because using the Explosive rifle is fun and because it's name is also the same name of one of my favourite songs by Tenacious D.

Six Years In The Making 
Fun trophy from Undead Nightmare, Rockstar finally putting a Sasquatch into one of their games, after the numerous rumours of a Sasquatch in their games.

Fan Service

Very Fan Servicey trophy, paying homage to Robot Unicorn Attack game.



Resident Evil 5

Rarity: 17.97% Rare
Earned on 24/05/2011
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

This is a pretty good game. It has some flaws like having to stand still to fire and use your knife, but that aside it's still fun. Killing waves of infected civilians is quite entertaining and the bosses are creative as well. There's a decent variety of enemies in this game and a wide range of weapons to unlock and use. The characters and story are... well they're okay. The story is silly and a bit over the top, when looking back at Resident Evil 1, 2 & 3 but I recommend this game for gamers who like more action-oriented titles.



Resistance 2

Rarity: 2.71% Ultra Rare
Earned on 26/02/2014
Game Rating 6.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 7/10

I am a fan of the Resistance series, I like Resistance: Fall of Man and I enjoy Resistance 3. Resistance 2 is fun, but it's not as good as 1 or 3. The campaign is the best part of the game, it's enjoyable, engaging, has a great antagonist and you really get a feeling of the scale of the Chimera threat. What I hate is the online, I am not a fan of online Multiplayer trophies in video games and having a 10k kill trophy is just cruel. I have wanted this plat since at least 2010/11, but I was growing so bored of the online. One thing I particularly hate is when you're online and people abuse the Wraith gun. The Wraith is an Overpowered weapon, it has a huge shield and a high rate of fire and lots of ammo. If the Wraith wasn't in the online MP, I probably could've platted this game years ago. Since the servers are down now, I can only recommend this game's campaign for people who want to get into the Resistance series. But you can save yourself time and money by just watching a let's play on Youtube and moving on to Resistance 3.





Plat Name: I came, I saw, I blew stuff up

Rarity: 10.05% Rare

Earned on 17/02/2023

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 8/10

Resogun is a classic twin-stick sidescrolling shooter, with the objective of obliterating all the enemy ships and saving as many humans as possible. The game's got a nicee blocky aesthetic like 3D Dot Game Heroes. It's got a very high energy soundtrack that gets you pumped up and excited to take on each new wave of oncoming hostiles. The four tools at your disposal are your Overdrive charge, which lets you unleash a thick destructive beam. The Boost which recharges pretty quickly and makes you invulnerable, letting you barrel through and destroy or escape swarms of enemies. The primary weapons that let you shoot and destroy enemies and the bombs which you can deploy to quickly eliminate every enemy on screen, with the exception of most bosses. Each level ends with a blocky boss you have to overcome, learning the effective strategies to quickly pierce their weakpoints. Overall I had a good time with Resogun.





Plat Name: The End is a New Beginning

Rarity: 21.93% Uncommon
Earned on 17/05/2023
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10

Rime for me is one of those games you decide to play, when you feel like trying something new. The game is about loss and the journey one goes through to accept it and try to move on. Throughout the game you play as a young boy navigating a mysterious island and guided by the silhouette of a tall figure and later a magical fox. Throughout the game you find various items connected to the main character, toys, emblems, the notes of a lullaby. The majority of the game is platforming and puzzle solving, with a splash of danger from some dangerous ghosts near the end of the game and an angry bird monster. Overall Rime is a pretty easy game to beat, but there are a lot of easy to miss trophies. I recommend beating the story and then cleaning up the rest of the trophy list via a guide after.




Rocket League

Plat Name: Virtuoso

Rarity: 22.17% Uncommon

Earned on 06/03/2016

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 4.5/10

I am not the biggest fan of Rocket League, but I did really enjoy the game. It was the kind of game I wanted to play, when I would get frustrated by other games or wanted to play online without feeling bad about not being an expert at the game. The controls are good, the premise of the game is simple and it doesn't take too long to get a grasp of the basics of the game. It was actually my brother that introduced me to Rocket League and bought me a copy of the game, and it was a great gift. I highly recommend this game for trophy hunters and gamers in general, it's a fun time online, offline is okay to play and get in some practice, which is primarily what I used the Season to do, practice and get better, before I went online.



Rocketbirds: Harboiled Chicken

Rarity: 26.77% Uncommon
Earned on 22/12/2012
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

When I think of something that shows off a world filled with a cruel regime that seeks to stomp out any opposition, my first thought isn't of an evil penguin regime. This game surprised me, it really did, I had heard a lot of good things about it from reviewers and fellow gamers before I bought and played it. The game has a great style, an amazing soundtrack and a very endearing story that has a lot of backstory explained through music video cutscenes. Combat is fast, but fun, requiring you to act quickly in the heat of battle, especially when waves of enemy penguins pour into the room. I enjoyed a lot of the mechanics, like flying with the jetpack to fight zeppelins/blimps and using the mind control bugs to make Penguins fight for me. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and can happily recommend it.

Favourite Trophy
Fear the Spur

This has gotta be my favourite. If for no other reason, than it being extremely satisfying to fight Brno and stab him through his shield. Take that science, my blade is more powerful than your shield. Could also be because using a blade is nice, since you use ranged weapons throughout the rest of the game.




Saints Row: The Third

Plat Name: Kingpin

Rarity: 14.07% Rare

Earned on 29/10/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

My first experience with Saints Row, was the second game. There was silliness in it, but nothing quite like the insanity that was turned up in this sequel. I enjoy this game a lot, the story is good for carrying you along, but isn't treated as severely as the story of Saints Row 2. I do miss some of that grittiness, but I enjoy the direction this game was taken in a lot. I like all the homies/companions you can call up for assistance, like returning character, Shaundi and plenty of new members join the Saints as well. Oleg the powerhouse, Kinzie the clever computer hacker and Zimos the pimp, just as examples. The game has a similar formula with the villains in Saints Row 2, all three major factions being connected together, but as a more direct alliance in this game. I would really recommend this game, but I'd also advise playing the previous games or even just Saints Row 2, so you can appreciate the changes in the series more.  


I'd also recommend getting a version, with all the DLC, they're fun side-stories and missions to explore and try out. Each being a fun but goofy story, like trying to track down a violent clone of Johnny Gat or trying to film a sci-fi movie, focused on the Third Street Saints boss. And of course there's the very enjoyable, Professor Genki levels/challenges, which are always a blast to play.




Saints Row IV

Plat Name: Kingpin

Rarity: 9.93% Very Rare

Earned on 11/04/2020

Game Rating: 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 5/10

I have a lot of mixed thoughts regarding Saints Row IV, it made me laugh a lot. It brought back a lot of classic characters and enemy gangs/factions. But it's also about an alien invasion of Earth, which is defeated using a virtual reality simulation, similar in concept to the Matrix. The main alien villain, Zinyak is fun and hammy. The game takes itself less seriously than even the previous game and has embraced the sillier/goofy side of the series even further. I find it overall fun and enjoyable, you're the President of America. The leader of a nation and everyone knows you're a badass killing machine. My main gripe with this game was it crashed a lot. This seems to mainly be an issue with the PS3 version of the game, so I'd recommend trying the port/remaster on PS4 instead. If the crashes hadn't been so detrimental to my enjoyment of the game, I'd have rated it and 8 or 8.5 out of 10.


The two main DLC expansions were fun, short and ridculous. We get to play through a scrapped DLC expansion originally intended for Saints Row III. Portrayed in the style of a documentary interview with each of the supporting characters in the DLC. Cutscenes are hilariously cheap, due to lack of budget. The Christmas DLC was a blast to play through, with the President learning to love the holiday and save it from a corrupted version of Santa. Created from the original Santa who Zinyak had abducted in the past.




Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Plat Name: Scorched Savior

Rarity: 9.66% Very Rare

Earned on 17/09/2021

Game Rating: 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

So the first thing I noticed, were the Saints Row IV features that were repurposed for this title. The little tech spheres from IV replaced by Sin Obs for example. Or those bulky alien elites repurposed into the Demonic Legionairres. There was a sense of both old familiarity and new when I played this game. The game had about 4 crashes total, which wasn't optimal. But overall it ran pretty smoothly, never had any moments of major lag. The story for the game is entertaining, the way it's told as a story book and of course the musical sequences too. I like the aesthetic of hell in general, my only gripe is the supporting cast aren't all that great. There's no truly great moments with them, like their were with the homies you did loyalty missions with in IV. You just play the game normally and speak to them after everything is cleared to complete their loyalty missions. I'd recommend playing the game if you enjoyed the third and fourth games.




Sam & Max: Save the World

Plat Name: Saved the World

Rarity: 51.61% Common

Earned on 21/10/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

I completed the sequels to this game, back on PS3 and PC. So this was my first time properly playing through all five episodes of this game. I really enjoyed this one, I didn't have to look up the solutions to the puzzles or how to get the trophies beyond reading the descriptions for them. The humor in this game is great! It had me laughing and chuckling frequently, the majority of the side activities were fun. And I like how each of the five episodes all connect and lead up to the conclusion of the game.




Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space

Plat Name: Went Beyond Time and Space

Rarity: 51.37% Common

Earned on 24/10/2023

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

I was already familiar with this game, since I already completed it back on PS3 when it was divided into 5 separate episodic games. I had a good time with this one, not as fresh or new as the previous game, but I still found some new dialogue that made me laugh. The mini-games are still fun and collecting all of the Desoto's updates was a mostly simple task, but that very last mini-game involving the flaming rats was very annoying. Especially compared to the other mini-games found throughout the game.




Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time

Plat Name: Back to the Past

Rarity: 12.36% Rare

Earned on 02/09/2022

Game Rating 8/10

Torphy Difficulty 3.5/10

A great example of a licensed game done right. Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time was a nice little dose of nostalgia, wrapped around a decent little game. Most of this game and its trophies aren't too crazy, I really only struggled on the Hardest Difficulty and that was due to doing my best not to waste my Kaia attacks. I liked the variety of available weapons you can acquire either in the shops or by stealing them from enemies, not a big fan of the durability system, but it feels fitting for the Samurai Jack world where weapons do break frequently. I like that the game managed to include many of Jack's friends from the series, revisited many of the famous locations and brought back many of his past foes. There's even a secret ending that concludes Jack's story in a more satisfying manner. I'd recommend this game to people that enjoyed the Samurai Jack animated series.




Seasons After Fall

Plat Name: Master of Seasons

Rarity: 44.62% Uncommon

Earned on 18/12/2021

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

Another little gem I found in my PSN library. This is a pretty simple platforming game where you explore the Forest and progress by changing the environment with your abilities to unlock new locations. There are some simple puzzles in the game that aren't too difficult to solve, excluding the Cicadia one where you have to be very sharp-eyed to figure those out. All in all this is a game you can complete in a day or even an afternoon, it's pretty fun. The game looks beautiful and has some brilliant narration from the characters in-game.



Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection
Plat Name: Platinuminary

Rarity: 30.94% Uncommon
Earned on 28/02/2013
Game Rating 6.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 4/10

This game offers over 40 titles to choose from. You're bound to find a few games you'll like. I'm not that big a retro gamer, but I did have some fun with these golden oldies. My favourites tended to be in the third game in a series, since they usually had any stiff game play mostly ironed out. Plenty of additional content like art, videos and old arcade titles to unlock and view. This collection of old games is a good buy and even let me connect with my older brother who grew up playing some of these games. So this game collection was a good experience for me over all.




Shadow of the Colossus (PS4)

Plat name: The Horned Boy

Rarity: 11.11% Rare

Earned on 10/04/2018

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

This game caught me by surprise. I had beaten the Shadow of the Colossus HD Remaster on PS3 already. So I knew what I would be in for, but this version of the game is what I'd call the definitive version of the previous game. There's lots of little game play tweaks to make playing the game, feel like a better experience. The first thing I immediately noticed was the new control scheme, which really made playing this game, a lot better than the first one. I was intimidated by the Time Trials, but I actually had a much better time with them, than I originally imagined. Even the Speedrun on Hard was a breeze to complete. And certain tedious trophies from the previous version of this game have been removed, like needing all the fruit and lizards. The only really annoying trophies were Intrepid Mortal, and Reach the gate. The first because it takes multiple playthroughs, or farming the first 2-3 Colossi and the surrounding lands for fruit/lizards. And the second because it took me nearly ten minutes to reach the end of that long bridge. Overall I recommend this version of Shadow of the Colossus. It's got better trophies, better controls, better visuals and even some nice Easter eggs. Even the new collectables they added i.e, the coins aren't needed for the platinum. They're simply for those of us, who want to go above and beyond to 100% completion.




Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

Plat Name: True Thievius Raccoonus 

Rarity: 55.08% Common

Earned on 30/10/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

So Sly Cooper and the Thievus Racoonus, first of the Sly series. I had little exposure to Sly Cooper, I actually first saw Sly as a character in Playstation All-Stars and when the Sly Trilogy was re-released on Playstation 3, I knew I had to pick it up. This game is a lot of fun, the controls are good, environments and levels have plenty of variety. There are lots of abilities to unlock, and five fun boss battles to look forward to. Besides the traditional 3D platforming levels, there are also a few jet-ski, racing and turret-focused levels to keep the game fresh. The game does have a few minor drawbacks, Bentley's voice can get annoying and a few times the controls didn't respond properly. Which was particularly annoying doing the Mz. Ruby Boss fight. I definitely recommend this game though, I had a blast playing through it, and I can see why the series has stayed strong, which such a great first game.




Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Plat Name: Unlikely Bandit

Rarity: 60.42% Common

Earned on 05/11/2016

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

The second in the awesome Sly series, Sly 2 picks up after the events of the first game, Sly Cooper needing to track down the parts of the Cooper family's nemesis, Clockwerk from the first game. So long as the parts exist, Clockwerk could theoretically rise to threaten Sly and his future children, once more. The game takes the theme of thievery to a new and exciting level in this game, as any good sequel does. Building on the first games mechanics. Sly retains some of his skills from the previous game, and can learn a lot more, as you progress through the game. I like the plot a lot more, in this sequel. The bosses all have backstories like the previous game's antagonists, Sly and the gang also plot out and then perform their heists, setting the stage for the eventual thefts of Clockwerk's parts. I definitely recommend this game, it's a great time, and I enjoyed every minute of it.




Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves

Plat Name: Master Thief

Rarity: 40.44% Uncommon

Earned on 15/12/2016

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

The third in the Sly series, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves feels like it tries to be a jack-of-all-trades, as far as Sly Cooper games go. Retaining most of the stuff I enjoyed from the previous two games, and adding more. Sly 3 is a bit like a love-letter to the previous titles, as it features not only new characters, but also older characters, like Muggshot and the Panda King from Sly 1, plus Dimitri from Sly 2. The plot of the game focuses on assembling a bigger gang of skilled thieves, to aid Sly in opening the Cooper Family's treasure vault, which has unfortunately been captured and fortified by a nefarious scientist, named Dr. M. I enjoyed the additional members of the cooper gang, The Guru, Dimitri, Penelope and Panda King are all good additions. But I feel they weren't implemented well enough, into the main game. Outside of the story missions, you can still only play as Sly, Bentley and Murray. I also felt some missions, like the aerial battles in Holland with the plane were too sluggish.Despite my nitpicking, I do really enjoy the game. If you like Sly 1 and 2, you'll probably enjoy Sly 3.


The Sly Minigames, are super-short minigames, that came with the Sly Trilogy. Basically 4 games, you can play, with some friends. They're all easy and can be done solo in just a few minutes. I beat all 4 in one sitting with ease. 




Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

Plat Name: Mask and Stripes Forever 

Rarity: 15.05%

Earned on 12/09/2016

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 6/10

The fourth game in the Sly series, Thieves in Time/Sly 4, continues the tale of Sly Cooper and the cooper gang. The plot revolving around time travel, and Sly's own ancestors. The first thing to note about this game, is that the cutscene's and art style have changed, from the previous games. It's not too drastic a change, but worth mentioning. My favourite aspect of this game, are the costumes Sly can use, and the ancestors you control in the various time periods, you'll be visiting. The story is good in Sly 4, it's your classic tale of beating various baddies, who all work for one main big baddie. Along with some twists and turns in the plot. Ultimately I recommend this game, it does have some easy to miss trophies that can be tedious to collect, like collecting the Sly masks or beating the arcade games or most annoyingly, remembering to check your map on every unique map/level. And playing perfectly on some of the mini-games, like the workout in episode 3, and Carmelita's dance in episode 5, was irritating. My minor gripes aside, I had a blast with Sly 4, and hope we get a Sly 5. I'd be happy to see Sunzaru make another Sly Cooper game.




Sonic Generations
Plat Name: All Trophies Collected!
Rarity: 6.69% Very Rare
Earned on 06/03/2024
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10
While not my first introduction to Sonic, this game was a memorable experience. A celebration of the various Sonic titles that had come out before Generations, with an optimism for the future of Sonic. I had a mostly good time with this game, it feels like a good introduction to the Sonic Franchise, even if you're unfamiliar with most of the characters. I like how it incorporates the modern and classic Sonic playstyles, with modern sonic referencing his previous adventures from other games on other platforms like Sonic and the Black Knight. My only real complaint was that Sonic feels a little too floaty, which often resulted in me missing jumps or overshooting/undershooting gaps and missing platforms.




Plat Name: Tale of Sword and Soul
Rarity: 27.39% Uncommon
Earned on 19/09/2016
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10
SoulCalibur II was one of my favourite, Playstation 2 games. It's HD re-release on Playstation 3 was a pleasant surprise. The chance to play and beat one of my favourite fighting games was a challenge I was eager to tackle. SCII HD is as good as I remember it, a little better now, since I also have access to guest character, Spawn. The game controls as good as I remembered it, the online works well in general, and the online trophies are mercifully easy. This game has some of my favourite fighting styles, in any fighting game. The main story does feel kind of lacking, it doesn't bother me too much though. Overall I had a good time playing this game, their were some frustrating moments, but if you persevere, you'll eventually conquer this title. Give this classic a try, it's worth your money.




Plat name: Make the Voices Stop

Rarity: 14.38% Rare
Earned on 13/10/2011
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6.5/10

When I think of Splatterhouse, the first word that comes to mind is blood. And with good reason, the game is chock full of it, nearly every enemy bleeds excessively and can even get blood on the screen. A Splatterkill as the name suggests will splatter blood in every conceivable direction and are entertaining to watch, these kills are essentially you're execution type moves. This game is brutal, violent fun that is short but sweet. I finished my second playthrough in less than 6 hours and my first in 8-10 hours. I recommend the games to lovers of gore and mindless hack n slash/beat em up games.




Split/Second Velocity

Plat Name: Completionist

Rarity: 7.14% Very Rare

Earned on 25/09/2015

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 9/10

Split/Second is one of my favourite racing games, it's extremely satisfying in this game, to use a power play/special attack to blow up an environmental hazard and destroy a group of drivers that are ahead of you. Especially if one of them killed you earlier. Opening up a shortcut or using a shortcut a rival opened, is also a lot of fun, and makes you feel like you can always pull yourself back from the edge of defeat. The varied events also make the experience more memorable, avoiding explosive barrels as they're dropped out of trucks for instance, or avoiding the aerial attacks of a helicopter. The toughest trophies in this game are without a doubt, the Beat the Team trophies, they are tricky and will require patience, practice and a lot of luck. I got Beat the Team II: The Revenge with just 0.01 milliseconds to spare. If you're a fan of racing games, I highly recommend this title. But remember, that the road to the platinum is not an easy one.






Spyro the Dragon

Plat Name: Gnasty's Demise

Rarity: 55.67% Common

Earned on 21/01/2019

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

Spyro the Dragon was actually a lot better than I remembered it, the story is a simple, beat the bad guy one. But it's also a collectathon, hunting down all of those gems and releasing every imprisoned dragon. I really loved the redesigns of both the enemies and all of the Dragon's which now come in a variety of body-types and have a lot more personality to them now. They also have more dialogue, so releasing one isn't going to just give you the same thanks for freeing me line, from the PSX days. Overall I really enjoyed this game, it was a blast to play through, my only disappointment, and it's a small one. Is that the bosses weren't more of a challenge.





Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage

Plat Name: Ripto's Remorse

Rarity: 41.10% Uncommon

Earned on 28/03/2019

Game Rating: 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 3.5/10

I remembered this game fondly and it still holds up excellently. The story is an improvement over the previous game, with Spyro out helping other people, besides the Dragons of his homeland. Plus Spyro building up a friendship with these new friends and allies, and bringing peace to a whole new realm. All before continuing to his original holiday destination of Dragon Shores. I enjoyed this game overall, Spyro acquiring new abilities as he progresses in the story. Boss battles were satisfying, definitely an improvement over the previous game. And Ripto definitely stands out as the best villain in the trilogy. Spyro 2 is still my favourite of the trilogy, after finishing all three games.




Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon

Plat Name: Party Like it's 2024

Rarity: 35.67%

Earned on 20/04/2019

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 3.5

Unlike the previous two games, Spyro 3 was actually disappointing. I feel like this was the game they really needed to add more to. When playing this game, the lack of intro and outro cutscenes for the levels was something I immediately noticed. And think the developers should have created. The new playable characters are fun to play around with and they do control well. I like the cutscenes that are included and remastered in the game, but feel like more should have been added. This game was a case of my nostalgia goggles coming off, and realising it wasn't quite as good as I remembered, still fun, but not as much as the previous two games. Spyro 3 is still worth playing, especially to deliver some satisfying revenge on that Gem extorting bear, Moneybags.





Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Plat Name: A New Hope

Earned on 06/01/2022

Game Rating 8.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

This is the first Star Wars game I have bought since The Force Unleashed games, my enthusiasm for the franchise has somewhat dimmed. But that spark of hope was rekindled when I saw this game. I like the gradual growth and progression in the game and the explanation for why the protagonist Cal Kestis initially has restricted access to their Force Powers. I'm glad the developers didn't resort to using flashier abilities like Force Lightning. The abilities can be strong, but they aren't nearly as powerful as the ones from The Force Unleashed games. Lightsaber combat feels good in this game, with plenty of melee enemies counter your moves or knock you down with their own unique movesets. And a nice range of Stormtrooper variants to keep you occupied as well as various alien wildlife and other threats. The Mantis is a great ship design, it feels like it's from the prequel era, but doesn't have the excessive smoothness/shininess that ships from that era tended to have. Filling the terrarium onboard was surprisingly satisfying, though that might be due to my own personal fondness for terrariums and similar displays. I enjoyed the story of Fallen Order, it adds to the universe and is self-contained enough that it could probably fit in with various canons.



Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Rarity: 11.26% Rare
Earned on 23/01/2013
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 7.5/10

I'm a big Star Wars fan, I loved the original movie trilogy and this was the first Star Wars game I played. I enjoyed this game, it's pretty damn good on the first playthrough on normal/hard. But it becomes closer to an endurance test, when playing on the Very Hard difficulty. Especially concerning certain boss fights, like Marris and the Bull Rancor **** was that fight annoying. Overall the game is fun and you get to enjoy being a Sith/Jedi and exploring both old and new locations in the Star Wars universe. I enjoyed the DLC for this game, particularly the ones where you play as Starkiller, who's now in Darth Vader's role, after the alternate ending to the story.

Favourite Trophies

Worst Day-Shift Manager Ever 

I was a fan of the Chad Vader online series. And it was cool to see a little nod to the series here.




Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Rarity: 8.01% Very Rare
Earned on 27/12/2017
Game Rating 5/10
Trophy Difficulty 6/10

I saw the Last Jedi this month. Which was what prompted me to come back and play this game, since I beat the first already. I'm going to be harsh with this game, and that's mainly because the whole experience is very lacking. It's not bad, but it's far too short. The best way I can describe this game, is that it's like a DLC campaign expansion which adds onto the story of the previous game. Like Dragon Age Origin's, Awakening expansion. The story isn't long enough to really flesh out Starkiller, so he comes off as a diet version of himself from the first game. The only notable difference I could detect. is that he acts a bit more selfishly than in the first game. Given he's desperate to find out if he's the original Starkiller or a clone, I can sorta forgive it. It's probably the most interesting part of the game, if you're actually a clone or the original Starkiller, revived again and mentally warped by your former master. Sadly the story just lacks any real heart or content. I found out, that this game basically only got a year in development and was rushed, hence why the game is so short.


You visit far fewer planets, than the first game,only three in the main campaign and four if you're counting the Endor DLC. And you lack any real enemy variants, it's all just stormtroopers and robots. I like the combat, it's flashy and fast paced, but really easy as well. My only other gripes, are with the challenge levels, which can be rather cruel with the time limits you have in them. I also encountered some weird and irritating bugs. Such as one bug that wouldn't let me continue, because a shield wouldn't drop, or an enemy refused to die and his lifeless body was just hanging in the air. Despite all that, I would recommend the game, but only if you find it at a really low price. You can skip the Endor DLC, it's not exactly satisfying to kill the surviving heroes from the original movie trilogy.





Plat Name: All Done

Rarity: 30.41% Uncommon

Earned on: 17/08/2023

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty: 2/10

I remembered seeing a lot of hype around Stray when it was first announced and guessed it was the kind of indie title I would enjoy. I was correct in my assumption, I had a very good time with Stray. It's a little on the short side, so I recommend a blind playthrough, then revisit levels using chapter select to clean up any missed trophies and then a more focused playthrough for the speedrun. Overall I had a fun time playing as a cute Stray cat with his flying drone buddy, I like how the various Companion Robots react to the cat and how easily they will trade items or favours to our feline hero. I also like the robot designs and how they are both modular and unique looking.


Most Annoying Trophy


Can't Cat-ch Me

There was only one annoying trophy in the entire game, escaping that first Zurk chase unscathed took me a solid 35 minutes. It's only a minute long chase, so as you can imagine I had to restart the checkpoint a lot. I memorized where all the zurks would emerge from and kept practicing til I nailed the chase sequence.





Plat Name: Strider Master

Rarity: 5.70% Very Rare

Earned on: 25/12/2016

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty: 3/10

Strider is a reboot of the classic game series, it's a fun and simple side-scrolling adventure, with the titular Strider Hiryu. A ninja sent to defeat the evil forces controlling a foreign nation. Your task is to simply kill the villainous leader, Meio. But reaching him requires slicing through his legion of loyal robot/cyborg troops, plus all of the numerous bosses. The game is visually very colourful, giving the game a very lively look to it. Your attacks are swift and powerful, coming in different colours as you progress, which unlock secret areas. You will also need to swap the colours around to defeat certain enemies. Overall I had a good time with Strider, and definitely recommend playing it.




Super Stardust Ultra

Rarity: 12.57% Rare

Earned on 01/01/2016

Game Rating 7.5/10

Difficulty 9/10

Super Stardust can be quite a frustrating experience, when trying to plat it. It takes a lot of practice to get really, really good at this game, learning to dodge, use bombs and boost at the correct time. The game by itself is pretty fun, but I found it sometimes hard to focus on everything, as there would be times when there was too much debris/meteorite fragments, cluttering up the screen. That and sometimes the sun in the background would shine or I'd make a mistake on how close/far away certain bits of rock were, due to the transparent shield around the planet, letting me see objects at the very edge. Besides the sensory overload, I found I picked up the gameplay fairly quickly and with dedication, I was able to finally plat this game, I'd recommend the game, especially if you enjoy bullet hell games.





Plat Name: Trophy Hunter

Rarity: 4.82% Ultra Rare

Earned on 01/02/2023

Game Rating 8/10

Difficulty 6/10

I knew about SuperHot for a long time,as one of those examples of a great Unity Engine game. The game play is simple and has an almost addictive loop, where you want to keep trying and getting better at the game. The story is enough to carry the game and keep you curious, drip feeding you ominous hints that there's more to the game than what's on the surface. The challenge modes are a decent challenge, some more challenging than others. Hunting down all the hidden terminals would be quite challenging without a guide, I only found the first one on my own and had to use a guide for the rest. I'd definitely recommend playing SuperHot, it's just that right level of fun and challenging that will keep you wanting to play all the way to the platinum.




Surgeon Simulator

Plat Name: There Is Nothing More To Teach... 

Rarity: 0.63% Ultra Rare

Earned on 15/09/2016

Game Rating 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 10/10

Surgeon Simulator is one of the goofiest/silliest games I've played. While also being one of the most frustrating and aggravating trophy hunting experiences I have ever gone through. When playing this game, just for laughs, I found it to be a blast, you'll pick up a lot of the trophies, just by playing. However, some of the surgeries were extremely frustrating, the Ambulance and Space Surgeries stood out as extremely annoying to complete. Particularly when the ambulance veers hard in different directions, or surgical tools and organs float away in Space, beyond your reach. A lot of the game relies on luck, particularly when going for the trophies. I found swapping between the motion controls and right stick, helped a lot. Particularly when making certain, difficult cuts. I definitely recommend playing the game though, just be prepared for a difficult and frustrating journey for that coveted platinum Trophy. If you dislike the goofy physics and simulator games, I'd recommend avoiding this game.


Hardest Trophy



Best Surgeon in the World

This trophy requires care, patience and a LOT of luck. One of the hardest Trophies in the game, especially doing it legit, unlike everyone who managed to get it early, before the patch fixed it. I had to suffer and struggle through every single surgery and get an A++ on all of them, Excluding the Alien Surgeries, thankfully. The Ambulance Heart Transplant took months of on and off play, before I finally managed to get an A++.





Plat Name: Full Completion

Rarity: 33.01% Uncommon

Earned on 12/09/2015

Game Rating 7.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Teslagrad is an interesting game, it's a 2D platformer with a story that isn't told to you directly. The History and lore of the World scattered around in Scrolls that you collect during the game and some stage shows you can also watch for more lore. Throughout most of the game, you're pretty defenceless and you will die a lot. The protagonist is a kid who escapes his home during an attack/invasion and flees across town to an abandoned structure. The Tower of Teslagrad. You explore the tower to find equipment to defend yourself and to fight the invaders. Each piece of equipment makes you a little stronger and bolder, but you have to remain vigilant as one hit will instantly kill you. You can't afford to take any hits, as the puzzle-platforming can become quite complex with timing being very important. One wrong move could force you to kill yourself or you could die and be setback a fairly large distance. Overall I enjoyed this game, I like the art style and the equipment you pick up. The bosses you fight can be quite challenging, but with time and practice, you'll be able to beat them. I would definitely recommend this game for anyone who wants a fun, short but challenging at times, experience.



The Darkness II
Plat Name: Conquered the Darkness

Rarity: 24.06% Uncommon
Earned on 29/04/2013
Game Rating 8.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

I was first introduced to The Darkness in the first game for PS3. That game was awesome, it was dark, gritty and had a unique charm to it, which I hadn't seen before in an FPS. The Darkness 2 not only continues the story from the previous game, it also manages to keep the combat fun and balanced. For instance, in the first Darkness you could spawn black holes whenever you wanted, but in this game you only get access to them now and then. This helps keep the game challenging as you level up and get stronger. The game also gets very gory, especially when shooting enemies in the head or using your various Darkness abilities to eviscerate them.


I also really liked the Darkling in this game, some people might miss summoning a four-minion squad, but I personally think it helps you get attached to the blighter and it lets the developers focus on giving the one Darkling, a lot of personality. The online campaign was pretty short and sweet, but it felt like an unneeded addition to the series. Overall I enjoyed The Darkness 2, it built on what the first game did and improved on it.




The Little Acre

Plat Name: The Little Acre 
Rarity: 81.90% Common

Earned on 05/08/2018

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 1/10

The Little Acre is a really short, but enjoyable point n click adventure title. The game has a really endearing and cute art style, with the characters looking like cartoons. This works really, really well for this game. If you've played any point and click adventure, then you know what you're in for. I think the game is worth buying, despite how short it is, there's a couple of trophies you'll miss on your first playing through, if you go in blind like I did. But since the game is so short, you should have no trouble tidying those up afterwards, in a second run. Though I recommend getting this game on sale, since it is so short.




The Saboteur
Rarity: 13.96% Rare

Earned on 05/07/2023

Game Rating: 7/10

Trophy Difficulty 3/10

The Saboteur is one of those Hidden Gem games you often hear talked about. It's just obscure enough that a decent number of people haven't played it, but they have seen it either online or on someone else's PSN Profile. The game itself is fine for a 14 year old game, some climbing sections are a bit clunky and awkward on the buildings. The actual gunplay and combat are fine, though getting around the map can be slow, even in cars. A fast travel system would have helped this game a lot. There are a bunch of annoying time-wasting trophies in this game, specifically the Freeplay event trophies, so many of these events are scattered across the large map in each section of it. The story itself is pretty good, with Sean an Irish Racecar driver recruited into the French Resistance at the start of the invasion during World War II. Working to undermine and resist the Nazi invaders of Paris and the surrounding countryside. Sean himself is a servicable protagonist, who never downplays what he's doing and willing to do to achieve his goals. I'd recommend the game unless you hate tracking down collectables in Assassin Creed titles.




The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe

Plat Name: Excellent Job Following Directions

Rarity: 23.82% Uncommon

Earned on 31/10/2023

Game Rating: 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is one of those weird and quirky games, that you should play through at least once. The narrator is what really sells this game, his voice and commentary really make the game worth playing. Examining the nature of the game and of choice in video game narratives, it can get quite meta. There's a lot of fun and amusing interactions the narrator can have with Stanley, including amusing comments on Stanley's deaths. My only real gripes are the two trophies that are there to waste your time, commitment for playing the game 24 hours cumulative on a Tuesday and Super Go Outside for playing the game for 10 years, but let's be honest. Nobody's waiting that long for a platinum, so adjusting the date and time to get it.




The Witch and the Hundred Knight

Plat Name: Grand Finale

Rarity: 12.14% Rare

Earned on 18/10/2015

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

The Witch and the Hundred Knight, is the first non-Disgaea game by Nippon Ichi that I have played. The game is a fun RPG, following Metallia the Swamp Witch and her minion/witch soldier, the titular Hundred Knight. I had a lot of fun with this game, even if the story had a darker tone to it, than the generally more lighthearted, Disgaea games. The setting of the game is great, and their are plenty of enemy variants that you'll need to learn how to fight. Their was an abundance of bosses, with a wide range of attack patterns, that kept this game tough, whenever it started to feel easy. The Tochka abilities in the game, are basically Hundred Knight's own magical spells, allowing it to summon soldiers, scouts, bombs, a tower that fires homing magical energy balls, a distraction tochka and a trap one to capture enemies and convert them into items. Overall I had a good time with this game, but I suffered numerous crashes due to an unfixed bug, so if you play the PS3 version, save frequently. The PS4 version has fixed the bug, so I'd recommend, buying that one.




The Wolf Among Us

Plat Name: Full Moon

Rarity: 58.66% Common

Earned on: 28/11/2017

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

Another wonderful slice of point and click adventure goodness from Telltale Games. The Wolf Among us, was a very enjoyable experience. Set in a rather creative universe where the fairy tale characters known as Fables, exist in secret within the mundy/human world. And not just classic, happily ever after stories like Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella. There are also urban legends, like the Jersey Devil and Bloody Mary. And classical characters, like Grendel from the tale of Beowulf. The protagonist Bigby, a.k.a The Big Bad Wolf, is a rather likeable character, he's gruff, but he can be a nice guy. The story for this game is its biggest strength, so I won't spoil it. If you've played other Telltale games you know what you're in for with regards to gameplay and controls. I definitely recommend this title, it's well worth your money.




Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Plat Name: True Survivor

Rarity: 5.66% Very Rare

Earned on: 17/12/2022

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 3/10

I can only vaguely remember playing the classic PSX era Tomb Raider game and also not getting super far into the game, but it did leave a strong impact on me. This was my first real step back into the Tomb Raider Franchise in nearly 20 years and I was not expecting it to look as good as it did. The game is visually gorgeous, I feel it's held up well in this Definitive version of the game. I enjoyed the story of the game, Lara evolving from a scared survivor shipwrecked on an island with her team, to beginning her journey into the titular Tomb Raider of the series. The supernatural elements that are seen in the franchise do show up, but in a bit of a subdued manner compared to some of the older games. We're not running into any surviving dinosaurs in this game, but we do encounter some ancient Japanese warriors and an insane cult that controls the island. The multiplayer is one of those online modes that does feel like it was tacked on, an unnecessary addition to a solid 12 hour game that artificially extends the playtime. I thankfully didn't have a terrible time with the online, being able to level up in private matches solo made the journey obnoxiously tedious though and I had a pretty easy time finding boosting partners for most of the online trophies. The online isn't hard to get through, just a long grind towards level 60 and then the glitch to get shopaholic because it is not worth your time to earn Prestige 2 in the multiplayer.


I recommend the game, with the caveat that you try to find some boosting partners for the online and get those completed ASAP.




Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Anniversary Edition

Rarity: 6.40% Very Rare

Earned on: 10/01/2023

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

So I have some good and some bad things to say about this game. Rise of the Tomb Raider as a standalone game does a poor job with the intro, explaining how the events of the previous game lead here. You have to look outside of the game to find out what happened with Lara and her friends and why most of them are absent in this sequel. Now this ultimately doesn't distract from the main story as much, you'll be engaging with a new cast of characters for most of the game anyway. And you're going to notice some similar story beats, Ancient Artifact, Immortality and spooky undead soldiers. It feels very similar to the first game's plot in a lot of ways, only the main human enemy force is a mercenary group/private military, rather than a group of crazed cultists. There are some nice new additions to Lara's arsenal of tools, but all the ones she had in the previous game are just gone! It's not even like they were stolen or lost, she just went on this new adventure without them.


There's thankfully no competitive online mode, but there is the major slog that is Expeditions Mode. You'll have to play through all of the main game levels and the optional tombs in Score Attack. And you'll replay the Croft Manor and Baba Yaga levels with the DLC. The most annoying part of this is the card system, where you spend/use card you find in the gift boxes or buy with the in-game credits. Once you use it, it's gone and the most annoying thing is the inability to see the leaderboards and copy the loadout of someone who did well, until you compete the score attack mission yourself.


As for the DLC; I really enjoyed the Baba Yaga and Croft Manor story missions. Croft Manor doesn't have any combat, excluding the Lara's Nightmare mission in expedition mode. The Bab Yaga one is woven into the map on the main game, where you seek out the legendary witch to rescue one of the Remnant's relatives, story revelations and plot are revealed along the way as you fight through feverish sequences that blur reality and nightmares.




Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Plat Name: Chalice of Torment

Rarity: 11.69% Rare

Earned on: 31/03/2023

Game Rating 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 4/10

The finale to the Survivor trilogy of the Tomb Raider games is kinda underwhelming. Like it's not a bad game, but it is quite a short game compared to the previous two games. I quite liked the location of the game, Peru and investigating a splinter of the Mayan civilization that migrated there. Combat encounters are quite sparse compared to the previous game. I think Shadow of the Tomb Raider improves on the actual Tombs and Ancient Ruins you investigate, building on the improvements from Rise of Tomb Raider. Although Lara annoyingly gives out way too many hints and clues to solve the puzzles, if it isn't disabled in the menu. The story for the game feels very rushed, but there are plenty of side missions to help expand the experience. I feel these sidequests are a bigger improvement, compared to the second game. The only source of frustration for me was Deadly Obsession, not because it's harder. But due to the game not auto-saving as frequently, forcing you back to camp sites to save progress. I got stuck at a few locations because of this, the Missionary was definitely the worst for me. Where I died and had to repeat the Seven Steps of Jesus Puzzle five times. Overall I'd recommend the game if you liked the previous games, just bear in mind it's a much shorter experience.




Tornado Outbreak

Plat Name: 100% Complete

Rarity: 6.54% Very Rare

Earned on 28/01/2021

Game Rating: 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/5/10

Tornado Outbreak is one of those games I recall seeing someone else on this site complete, which made me go out and buy it myself. The game isn't too difficult, it's similar to Katamari Forever, where you increase in size and vacuum up larger and larger objects. As well as rescuing Earth and Water Elementals and trying to hit a high score. There were a few trophies that proved frustrating, specifically the Sprite Slaughter House & Waldo's Daddy Trophies. But after some practice and a video guide or two, I got the knack for getting high scores. Overall this game was a bit tougher than expected, but it was fun overall. I'm quite happy to recommend the game, provided you like Katamari-style games, otherwise you may want to skip this one.





Plat Name: Plat()

Rarity 10.57% Rare

Earned on 02/07/2017

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Transistor is a wonderful game from SuperGiant Games, the same masterminds behind Bastion. Transistor looks very clean and polished with the futuristic city of Cloudbank being very appealing to look at. And the white blocky appearance the city takes, wherever The Process has been reminds you the world is in danger of erasure. The enemy in the game, are 'The Process' a form of machine/digital entities that disassemble and break Cloudbank and its residents down into basic white blocks. They come in various variants, some acting as support/healers, while others attack. This requires a level of strategy when playing, you can assign four abilities called functions, which you pick up as you play. Acquired from citizens killed by the Process or by levelling up. You can enter a planning phase, where you'll perform a series of attacks, you choose and execute. Be warned though, if you get injured too much, you'll lose access to a function, until you reach another access point/checkpoint. The music in this game is wonderful, much like Bastion's own soundtrack. Some of the songs, are sung by the protagonist Red, though you never witness her singing herself, as she was rendered mute by the Camerata. The main antagonists who unwittingly cause the tragic events of the game. I really recommend Transistor, especially if you enjoyed Bastion.



Plat Name: Way Out of the Trine 

Rarity: 24.00% Uncommon
Earned on 05/04/2011
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy difficulty 7/10

This game is a fun side-scroller that takes me back to the days of classic Rayman & Abe's Exodus. It's fun and it makes you think about the puzzles but not for too long. Switching characters was also a good idea, helping you mix and match for various combat situations. This game is fun and tricky but it gives you a chance and only one level will really challenge you and it is tough. The Tower of Sarek, which is hard as hell after the update, especially making it through without dying. I recommend you play the Tower of Sarek without the update installed, as it's incredibly hard to navigate the Tower and avoid or fight the numerous enemies, at the same time.




Trine Enchanted Edition

Plat Name: Way out of the Trine

Rarity: 26.65% Uncommon

Earned on 04/01/2017

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Trine Enchanted Edition is basically the original Trine, enhanced and re-released on Playstation 4. I picked this up, figuring it would be like Guacamelee's, two different versions. There are some minor tweaks, that do make this game a slight improvement over the original. Graphically it does look better and the developers also changed the trophy list enough, where I felt it was a different challenge, to the original. The game also includes an extra challenge level, that's pretty easy. Thankfully nothing tedious, like that 'All Boxes And No Play...' Trophy. I'd recommend this version over the original version.




Trine 2
Plat Name: Trine 2 Hard
Rarity: 37.14% Uncommon
Earned on 26/10/2012
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Like the first game, Trine 2 is a side-scroller adventure game that has you playing as the previous game's heroes. This time the threat doesn't come from undead hordes, but out of control plant life, goblins and other enemies. This game does have a bigger variety of enemies, which is its first improvement over the first game, and it features boss fights and more mini bosses. Unfortunately the game has incorporated co-op play which I do not enjoy as I'm more of a solo gamer myself. Still, Trine 2 is an enjoyable game to play-through but the trophies are easier, but thankfully not monotonous or time-wasting like All boxes and no play trophy from the original PS3 version of Trine.




Trine 2: Complete Story
Plat Name: Trine 2 Hard
Rarity: 2.64% Ultra Rare
Earned on 29/05/2023
Game Rating 7/10
Trophy Difficulty 8/10

This game has been one of the more frustrating trophy experiences I've been through in 2023. And it mostly stems from the incredibly high number of collectibles (Almost 2000) Across twenty levels of varying length and difficulty, plus an annoying Hard+ Hard Mode Trophy which forced me to play very passively/carefully in every combat encounter. It's mostly playing with hard mode that made this game so much tougher to complete. I got stuck on several different levels when playing on hard+hard core, due to the number and variety of enemies that sometimes attack. Or because a character died and I couldn't progress, forcing me to restart the levels. Most of the game is fine, your typical Trine sidescrolling puzzle-platforming game. With two story modes and an epilogue. I never played the DLC on my PS3 playthrough, but it's been integrated into the main game now. It's fine, your classic baddies being baddies who you have to set out and defeat.




Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power

Plat Name: Icing the Cake

Rarity: 50.97% Common

Earned on 05/09/2022

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 2/10

Jumping back into the Trine games was like coming back to a warm and familiar place, I could pick up and play this game with relative ease. The story starts off as the trio of heroes being summoned against their wills for yet another adventure. But it ramps up the threat rather nicely with the heroes having to stop a newly freed threat and dumping some nice lore to expand the setting and even the events of the earlier games. This game is pretty short, the characters are easy to control and it ends with a pretty satisfying boss fight and a nice setup for a sequel. Definitely worth playing if you liked the first two.




Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince

Plat Name: What a Nightmare

Rarity: 40.44% Ucommon

Earned on 09/09/2022

Game Rating 8/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

The fourth entry in the Trine series, one of the three protagonists adventures that doesn't directly involve the Trine itself or the other artifacts. It's a pretty interesting story, set between Trine 2 and 3 which like the previous title, begins with their solo adventures before uniting to find the wayward Prince Selius. It's a story of dark magic gone awry and letting the player learn a bit more about the three heroes. The game controls well, returning the 2D side-scrolling format, over Trine 3's more open maps. Overall I had a pretty good time, the game isn't too long and there's a convenient checkpoint select in the levels that lets you go an retrieve any missing items or experience bottles.Trine 4 has some pretty interesting boss battles, including a few that each hero must complete alone.

Edited by James_Tonto
Platinum #211: Sonic Generations
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Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Rarity: 22.20% Uncommon
Earned on 19/08/2011
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

You bought a PS3 just to play Uncharted and this is still true for me. I already owned a PS3 when I got this game but this game made me glad I stuck with my PS3 and didn't trade it in... except for a better PS3 . This game is amazing like combining Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider & that one action hero whose a bit of a jerk at times. Game play is fun, giving you opportunities to employ stealth, gunplay and melee fighting. Combined with the fantastic story, seeking treasure on a lost island, where the fabled Francis Drake once landed. The game also has some pretty good characters, like Victor Sullivan, Elena Fisher and Nathan Drake himself. The Crushing difficulty setting can be pretty damn tough in this game and you're gonna die a lot on this setting, but it's worth it for the plat from this game. Overall I highly recommend this game.



Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Rarity: 19.92% Rare
Earned on 11/04/2013
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10

Another sequel done right, Uncharted 2 is one of my all-time favourite games. Building on what made Uncharted: Drakes Fortune so good, Naughty Dog gave us a game that I feel is superior to the previous game in every way. Combat and cover mechanics were improved, making the game flow much better and the story was as gripping as the first game's plot. 


Nathan Drake as a character grows and is as fun and likeable as always, plus we get to see old favourites like Victor Sullivan and Elena Fisher. Also let's not forget the bad guys, the enemies in this game have more variety and the main villains i.e, Lazarovich and Flynn are great. We get to see more of the world this time round, plus Uncharted 2 showed off the best snow effects in any game I'd played, when it came out. The game has a fun variety of levels, from the old ruins that are a staple of the series, to rain forests and icy caverns. Wonderful game overall and highly enjoyable.



Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Rarity: 13.32% Rare
Earned on 16/04/2015
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy Difficulty 5/10


The Third entry in the Uncharted series. Uncharted: Drake's Deception continues to add to the great gameplay of the previous two titles. Adding in some new melee manoeuvres, like a leaping attack, which is used from higher positions. Drake continues to be an enjoyable and likeable protagonist, his goal being to find the Atlantis of the Sands, Ubar. Elena, Chloe and Sullivan all return for this game, and Charlie Cutter, another friend is introduced. The villains of this game are members of an ancient Order, lead by Marlowe and her second-in-command Talbot, who have also been seeking Ubar, for their own reasons.


Talbot is a competent villain, relying on his use of mind-altering substances to give him an edge in fights and to misdirect Drake. The game takes us to various locales around the world, lots of fun and interesting levels to visit, like old castles, abandoned ruins, Yemen, a pirate base in a ship graveyard etc. The game also has some really cool enemies, like Majin and Bruisers, Majin seemingly being hallucinations or demons that only you can see and fight. Bruisers are an enemy, encountered throughout the game, they are Much taller and stronger than regular enemies and take awhile to bring down in melee combat. Overall I enjoy Uncharted 3, the second game is still my favourite, but the third game, was really, really good.





Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Plat Name: One Last Time

Rarity: 9.33% Very Rare

Earned on 10/04/2024

Game Rating 10/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

I'm not a 100% sure why I put off completing Uncharted 4, I think I wanted to do Lost Legacy first before playing what was originally the final game in the series. The game was enjoyable like the previous entries, though I found a lot of the trophies were easier to miss. While the true treasure of this game is less supernatural, compared to the previous games I've played. It's still a fantastical treasure with a great adventure that explores bonds of trust, family and friendship. And more negatives like greed, sociopathy and power/narcissim/inferiority. The antagonists aren't as noteworthy or memorable as the villains of previous titles, Nathan's brother Sam makes a fine addition to the cast of characters connected to Nathan Drake's past.


The trophy hunting process was remarkably simple and straightforward for the most part, though many were still easy to miss without using a guide. I did two full playthroughs to collect all the trophies across both save files. Ultimately I'd definitely recommend this game, it's a pretty fun ride overall and definitely worth completing with the previous games.






Plat Name: Don't You Have Anything Better to Do?

Rarity: 49.71% Uncommon

Earned on 23/06/2020

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1/10

So this is my second rodeo, when it comes to Undertale. I originally beat the game on PC, back when it first came out. As such, I went into this playthrough with a more experienced mindset, getting to relive and enjoy one of my favourite Indie games. While I had a great time, I was disappointed that there wasn't some new content for this version of the game. Still I can't complain too much, the game is decently fun overall. I still really dig the bizarre and creative sprites of the various monsters. And I still really love the music from this game, it's really great at setting certain tones. The Waterfall locations in particular, but Hotland has some great music as well. Going for kind of a sci-fi, techno theme. Do I recommend picking up and playing Undertale? Definitely, it's not something that's going to change your whole outlook on video games. But I do think you'll have a fun or interesting time, regardless of the story route you choose.




Untitled Goose Game

Plat Name: A Secret Prize

Rarity: 30.00% Uncommon

Earned on 10/01/2022

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty: 1.5/10

This was a really chill game, nothing's impossible or overly hard. It's simply a matter of figuring things out gradually. When you're just playing the game at your own pace it's a mostly relaxed and fun time. Playing as the biggest jerk of a Goose you can be is a surprising amount of fun. Befuddling the country folk and terrorizing them as you make their lives infinitely more interesting and terrible. The controls for the game are simple and responsive, I usually had no issue grabbing an object so long as it wasn't too near another couple. The only minor annoyance were the speedrun/quickly completing area trophies. It's mainly due to a bit of RNG on which thing the country folk will pay attention too. Very annoying when completing the backyard checklist of tasks.I definitely recommend this game, it's short but sweet and a fun time overall.




Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Plat Name: Trophy Collection Complete 

Rarity: 1.55% Ultra Rare

Earned on 21/09/2016

Game Rating 9/10

Trophy Difficulty 7/10

I am a big fan of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, which I was first introduced to the series by the Dawn of War games way back in 2004. Space Marine was the first game since the Dawn of War titles, that really felt authentic to the universe. It's a grim, bloody and violent future, where Humanity is beset on all sides, by Xenos and Heretics. I enjoyed this game immensely, it's got great enemy design, great combat, plenty of weapons to choose from and swap out, at various points of the game, restricting you to three main weapons and any heavy weapons you might pick up, during a level. I particularly enjoy how visceral and brutal close-range combat gets, whether it's punching an enemy so hard you pulverise them, or stomping a Gretchin into red paste. The various weapons are a lot of fun to use, explosive-shell bolters are your standard weapons. While you also have access to plasma and other energy weapons, as you play. I really recommend this title, just be sure to get a boosting partner, for the online trophies.



The Walking Dead: Season 1
Plat Name: The Walking Dead

Rarity: 52.31% Common
Earned on 30/08/2014
Game Rating 10/10
Trophy difficulty 1/10

This game was incredible, the story is well written and paced. The characters are fantastic and memorable, they really make you feel like you are experiencing a zombie post-apocalyptic world. This game reminded me, why I loved the original Walking Dead tv show, back during Season one and two. I can't remember playing a game, where each and every one of my decisions, really felt like they mattered. This is a game about survival. A game about people, and their struggles through this dangerous world. Really brilliant game, the story and experience is well worth the price. I am eager to play Season 2, as soon as I can.





Rarity: 4.28% Ultra Rare

Earned on 20/09/2017

Game Rating 6.5/10

Trophy Difficulty: 7/10

WET is a game that seems to get overlooked a lot. It's not an especially long game, you can finish it in just about 6-8 hours, playing it normally. WET's protagonist, Rubi Malone, is a gun-for-hire, who works in the criminal underworld. As a fixer, a specialist, who gets hired to do dangerous jobs. I'm not gonna spoil too much, but the story isn't exactly incredible, it's a story about a killer with a conscience. Being tricked and betrayed by other horrible crooks. It kinda reminds me of Kane & Lynch: Dead Men in that regard, only less mature. Controlling a horrible person, who's killing people, more horrible than herself. I also encountered several weird bugs, mostly minor ones. Like the bug, where trying to open a locked door just kinda infinitely looped until I stopped and tried again. Or the time everything went a bit hazy/blurry, until I stopped at one of the crates, with booze on it. Or when I tried to jump up onto a ledge, and Rubi did a dive instead, but that might be more a problem with the controls.


Despite the negatives, WET has a good soundtrack, a fun score/point system that lets you rack up points, with stylish kill moves. Similar to games, like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta. The points are used to buy new abilities or weapon upgrades, so be sure to rack up a high score. Femme Fatale difficulty is really annoying. It's not much harder, than the previous difficulty, but you're gonna die, a lot and very quickly. I'd say, try WET first and decide if you want to play this game 3 more times, plus a fourth for the Points Count mode. This grind could have been alleviated by including a New Game + system, but there's no such feature sadly.




Within the Blade
Plat Name: Platinum Ninja

Rarity: 39.86% Uncommon
Earned on 13/07/2023
Game Rating 8/10
Trophy Difficulty 2/10

A classic sidescroller, sorta in the same vein as retro classics like Ninja Gaiden but more forgiving. This fun title has you play as the Ninja Hideka during a Japanese civil war in the Feudal era, with the enemy Steel Claw clan summoning demons to aid them in their conquest of Japan. Your task is to kill the demons and stop the steel claws from winning the war. During your journey you'll fight samurai, ninja, bandits, warriors and even an infected city of peasants. There's a nice sense of progression and ability to customise your gear, though learning the ins and outs as you play will make you the deadliest threat in the game, even without unlocking everything. I had a good time with this game and would definitely recommend it, especially if you want a shorter game to play inbetween much longer ones.



Worms 2: Armageddon
Plat Name: Worms Elite

Rarity: 6.69% Very Rare
Earned on 04/12/2014
Game Rating 7.5/10
Trophy Difficulty 8.5/10

I'm a fan of the Worms series, having played my first Worms game several years ago. It was a simple little game with worms killing and maiming each other in a variety of cartoonish and creative ways. Worms 2: Armageddon sticks to this tried and tested formula, it's simple, yet at the same time smart. Forcing you to think of ways to outwit your A.I. or human opponents. My favourite mode in the game, is Crazy Crates, since you'll more than likely get a chance to try every weapon in this mode. This game isn't as hard, if you have a good boosting partner. I want to give a special shout out to ZellDincht82wa for helping me to plat this game.




X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Rarity: 21.04% Uncommon

Earned on 23/01/2016

Game Rating 6/10

Trophy Difficulty 4/10

Despite the movie being a pile of crap, Wolverine is actually a pretty good movie-based game. The plot of the game is certainly much better than the movie, following the movie plot but also not afraid to go in it's own direction and try out new things. The combat is bloody and violent, ripping and slicing enemies to pieces with Wolverine's claws. There is actually a pretty decent variety of enemies, both in the African Jungle levels and the more modern settings. You'll be fighting various types of specialised soldiers, cyborgs, mutants, robots, jungle mutants and a few bosses sprinkled throughout the game. Graphics are okay, but I did notice the game sometimes took awhile to load in the details of enemies. Collecting all the Dog tags was kind of tedious, especially since there are so many.  You're likely to miss quite a few, without a guide. The game isn't hard, but it did require a little grinding, especially for the combat reflexes, the Machete reflex took quite a bit of grinding to level up fully. The minor gripes aside, the game is still fun, pick up if you can find it cheap.





Plat Name: Collectomaniac

Earned on 19/09/2017

Game Rating: 8/10

Trophy Difficulty 6/10

Yooka-Laylee is one of those games, that I enjoyed from start to finish. I didn't play too many collectathon games growing up, but I was fond of the ones I did play. Like the original Spyro trilogy or the Crash games. I've heard a lot about the games that inspired Yooka-Laylee, like Banjo-Kazooie. So I was eager to experience this title. I enjoyed this game, it controls well, it's bright and colourful. Combat is simple and straightforward, and most of the collectables are in plain sight, but some of them, will definitely require a guide to find them. I enjoyed the boss battles, they felt fair and were challenging in their own ways. My favourite boss being I.N.E.P.T which is the second-to-last boss, if you choose to fight him. You can actually skip the bosses, and beat them in any order you want, which was fine with me. You can also unlock some interesting transformations, one for each world/level. I felt the transformations offered in Yooka-Laylee were too focused. Like they didn't have any functionality, outside of a quest or environmental obstacle. It's also easy to lose access to a transformation and have to backtrack to the transformation machine.


The music is superb, the boss themes, really get you pumped for the battle. And the music feels appropriate for each level. Overall I feel this game set out to do what it intended, be a collectathon like the original Banjo games, but I feel like the game was a little lacking. One more world/level to explore, or more uses for the transformations, might have helped this game out.



Edited by James_Tonto
Platinum #216
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PSN Games with 100% Trophy Completion
This is a list of my non Platinum, PSN games that I have earned 100% completion on.




Beyond Good & Evil HD
Gold Trophy: Beyond Good and Evil
Game Rating: 10/10

I enjoyed this game on PS2. So when I saw it on the PSN store, I knew I had to have it. The game is still as fun as I remember it, with a heavy emphasis on using stealth to sneak past guards and navigate your way through various facilities, resorting to violence when necessary. Has a likeable story and a fairly enjoyable cast of characters. I particularly like how Jade and Peyj interact with one another in the story, it felt very natural.



inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood
Gold Trophy: Fangs For Playing
Game Rating 6.5/10

I'm a big fan of inFAMOUS and I loved the sequel inFAMOUS 2. So when I found the time and money I picked up this little treat. I think this should have just been a DLC for inFAMOUS 2, the story is hardly long enough to justify releasing it as a separate game. The game is very fun though, and you get to play around with a wide variety of vampire powers, it'll unfortunately leave you wanting more and wishing the story had been longer.



Sam & Max: Season Two - Beyond Time and Space
Episodes 1-5
Gold Trophies: Ice Station Santa, Moai Better Blues, Night of the Raving Dead, Chariots of the Dogs and What's New, Beelzebub?
Game Rating: 10/10

I first heard of Sam & Max way back when I was a kid and saw their cartoon years ago. It was such a creative, wacky show where anything could seemingly happen or be parodied. I was pleased to find the games kept that wacky nature and comedy. I kinda regret that I ended up playing Season 2 first, but it was really enjoyable and I didn't feel lost when playing the game. I recommend these games to fans of Telltale Games, Sam & Max and point & click games. You can interact with almost everything, with Sam giving some unique observations about the objects in each episode. The gameplay is rather easy and it's not too hard to figure out what to do normally. Definitely recommend buying the PS4 Re-releases of the Sam & Max Telltale Games, since all the episodes are in one game now. And they've been given their own platinum trophies.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Sonic Generations

Platinum #211

This has been on my to-do list for years, glad I decided to sit down and finally complete it. A great title in the Sonic series, a fantastic celebration of all things Sonic both old and modern. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Remaster; SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS. Though I am dreading having to go for those Red Star Rings again 😂.

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7 hours ago, Super_Mep said:


I just got finished reading all your reviews/journey. I must say I really enjoy your format and will be following! Keep up the great work!!


Thank you! I'm glad you like my checklist's format. And really heartening to hear you enjoyed reading through my journey with each game and my thoughts on them. My next update should be the Jak Trilogy, I've almost finished the first game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


Jak n Daxter: Precursor Legacy

Platinum #212

The easiest game in the trilogy, simple classic PS2-era platformer. Quick and easy, nothing too bad to say about this one. I didn't miss the Eco powers from this game, preferred the guns going forward in the series.


Jak II: Renegade

Platinum #213

This is the more infamous game in the trilogy, particularly due to certain segments, like the one with Sig in the Underport with the giant metalpede.


Jak 3

Platinum #214

My favourite of the three games, the narrative is good,  weaving the stories of the three games into a grander story. The villains are pretty good, the worldbuilding continues to satisfy and their are some good comedic moments. Nothing surprised me story-wise, but that's mainly due to me being pretty genre saavy. Picking up on hints/foreshadowing earlier in the story.


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Platinum #215

A little gem of a game, with a great art-style and some fun game play and game mechanics that make it stand out. Would definitely recommend this game if you're looking for a fun PS3 classic. There are some very easy two-player trophies that can be done just using a second controller as well. Also my 5th PS3 game of the year, so one of my trophy goals ticked off the list too!

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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Plat #216

Another great game completed and added to the trophy collection. I'll hopefully finish off Lost Legacy and Golden Abyss later this year or the next. Fun time overall, would definitely recommend, it's a great PS4-Era game.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Atomic Heart

Plat #217

Great game, had a good time overall with this one. Games got a great art design and a world that encourages and rewards exploration. I did encounter an annoying bug that stopped me earning 6/8 story-related trophies on my first playthrough, which I cleaned up on a new save, alongside collectibles. (Thankfully on PS5 trophy progress is shared across saves, so didn't need to re-collect all the Chirpers I found before, or talk to every dead body.)

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