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Speedrun strategies thread


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Yeah I know I'm a PlayStation 4 gamer, but the run is the same either way, there's no real differences that I'm aware of.  That said, I unlocked the trophy yesterday (haven't synced it with my profile, I know)and here's strategies I came up with that may help.


Chapter 1: very simple chapter, quickly interact with the other three cats then go to sleep, then run straight to your destination.  As it's the very beginning of your run,

you should probably reset if you make even the slightest mistake.


Chapter 2: You don't have to go for the can't cat-ch me trophy here, but getting caught still slows you down so you should probably use the same strategies.  Getting caught won't stall you enough to be worth ending to run over, but you should try to do so as little as possible.  The real trouble is once your past the Zurk Chase.  This is the only stage in the game where it's not clear where you're supposed to jump to, and how you're supposed to get around.  Might want to practice this area before doing the run, a little memorization can save you a lot of time.  Also watching the speed run video won't necessarily help, at least not as much as practicing the area yourself.  Doing often helps more than watching.


Chapter 3: Other than routing the batteries, not much trouble.  Remembering 3748 helps, it'll save you 5-10 seconds.


Chapter 4: I found the fastest way to go about this and chapter 6, is to cause the paint bucket to fall on the way to Zbaltazaar's place, then hit Clementine's, then Doc's next, before going to Momo.  I skipped collecting the detergent until chapter 6.


Important to remember that Zbaltazaar's notes are hidden in a stack of white boxes that you have to knock over.


Chapter 5:  Pretty straightforward chapter, you should avoid dying at least through this one.  The only troublesome spot would be the elevator scene.  But it's easy enough to deal with, however doing it optimally can be a little bit challenging.  Sub optimal handling will only waste a few seconds, but you should optimize as much as you can this early on.


Chapter 6:  Momo > Detergent > Shop > Poncho > Seamus > 2511 > Give Poncho > Get Repair > Return to Seamus


That's how I routed this chapter, seems reasonably efficient.  The only thing is to remember that the broken tracker is in a white box that you have to knock onto the floor.


Chapter 7: Mostly a straightforward chapter but there's a couple of things to remember.  The first is when to run underneath the floor during the Zurk chase, and the other is how to not die when turning on the generator.  You CAN run straight back into Doc's place, but you will very likely die.  It's better to run back and forth out front while Doc uses the Defluxor to kill most of the Zurks. 


Other than that, this chapter is pretty straightforward.


Chapter 8:  It's probably best to run this pacifist for the most part, in fact it wouldn't necessarily be inadvisable to go for the pacifist trophy while going for I Am Speed.  There are a couple of spots where it may be slightly advantageous to use the Defluxor a little, but you should mostly just run past the Zurks instead of killing them.


Chapter 9: Zbaltazaar > leave


Not really much to it other than that.


Chapter 10: Surprisingly doesn't require that much routing unlike the slums chapters, the only thing is to remember where the bar is after meeting Clementine.


Well, there's a little more to it:


Break cameras > Clementine > Get tape > Wake bar guy > use tape > get vest > get hat > Bastard, I mean Blazer


After this, it's all about how you handle the sentinels.  Stealth works in the trash plant, but in the apartment area it's actually faster just to run past and ignore them, except for the very last two.  All the turns and corners means they're pretty much not going to be able to shoot you, so go ahead and just run through and save time.  The descent is largely the same, except that the last two will now be the first two.


I do NOT know which order one should press the buttons in the club though, I'll happily make an edit if someone can post that.


Chapter 11: This chapter can very easily kill your run.  Most of it is easy, but the segment where you rescue B12 and the segment where you're trying to lock up the sentinels can very easily build up your time if you keep getting killed.


I strongly recommend practicing this chapter a few times before attempting this trophy.


As for what I did, I find that distracting the first drone during the B12 rescue segment by meowing in the courtyard can allow you to approach the switch pretty quickly.


After the switch, I just avoided the sentinels as best I could, once grabbing B12, just run for it because there's not far to go anyway.


The Caging segment is only difficult in the second part where you have to trap two inside a large cell.  One of them seems to have a nasty habit of getting out while I'm locking the door.  It's best if you can get them both far into the cell so that this is less likely to happen, but I couldn't find a reliable strategy to do this.  I will happily make an edit if someone can come up with one.


Chapter 12: The puzzles aren't that difficult, but you'll want to remember where to remove each panel for each locking mechanism at the very end.  You can do a couple of practice runs of this chapter in order to memorize this if needs be.


Other than that one only needs to know that you don't have to wait for the screens to say the city is 100% open to run for the exit.


So that's what I've got, let's see what everyone else has to contribute. 

Edited by g34hgfggn
I hate my phone with every fiber of my bed
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Although I did this game when it came out and really loved it and enjoyed I've found this trophy easy enough, did it at first try without any plans or something but for some reason I love (And do good enough) Speedruns.


Now, this information is valuable for newcomers or people having problems, so Thanks for sharing this bro. 


Best regards 😀

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