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Rules of snooker


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Im playing indoor sports championship, and there's this annoying trophy: break  or more
There's one thing that would help me a lot, after I hit red ball how do I know which ball I'll have to shoot next? Sometimes it gives me to shoot black and sometimes blue. Sometimes 1 which is easy to get and sometimes 1 which is literally impossible.

Can anyone tell me how to know which ball I'l have to hit next after I score a red ball.

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After you pot a red ball you can choose which colour to hit next (except red). You alternate between red, other colour, red, other colour etc. You have to hit your chosen colour first and you can only pot that colour otherwise it is a foul. Here is a link to the rules:



Correction. You MUST choose a color ball. And from what I understood from watching Snooker matches, you must also say it beforehand.


And after every Red ball is potted, you continue in this order: Yellow (2pts) - Green (3pts) - Brown (4pts) - Blue (5pts) - Pink (6pts) - Black (7pts)

Edited by SatoshiOokami
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Correction. You MUST choose a color ball. And from what I understood from watching Snooker matches, you must also say it beforehand.


I was meaning he doesn't have to play the colour the game has selected for him after he pots a red. He CAN choose between yellow, green, brown, blue, pink or black.

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When I play snooker online it works just as you 2 said, but when I play the game I have to hit the ball that they are showing me  :angry: 

I guess I will have to try to do it a LOT, :unsure:  


After you pot a red ball does it give you an aerial shot of the table with a colour ball highlighted with a white circle around it? You should be able to change the highlighted ball using the left stick or the D-pad (I forget which one it is, lol).

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I'm not wearing my glasses, so I read the title as "rules of snorlax". I'd say they're pretty simple - Hulk smash, then sleep to recover.



For Snooker - red, then the highest value colour you can sink (black being the best) without hitting any other ball first i.e you can't hit another coloured ball into your chosen colour, it must be a clean shot. Rinse and repeat (red and black continuously yields the highest score) until you have nothing left but colours. Then sink in ascending order of points, as per above posts.

Edited by ant1th3s1s
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