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Healing Hero Trophy Glitch

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This can be a difficult trophy and some players will need several attempts....Luckily mine glitched and wondered if it was just me. I got all the correct button prompts throughout up until the very last sequence where I made a mistake so I quit and reloaded the chapter. I got all the button prompts correct at the start of the level where you pull karl out of the fire and the trophy popped.

Anyone else had the glitch...

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  • 5 months later...

Its not a Glitch: Read this:


There are 3 parts in the mission where you have to revive Karl
Part 1: The Farm ( 3 sequences)
Part 2: Hospital before the Medkit (3 Sequences)
Part 3: Hospital after you get the medkit (3 Sequences)

To Receive the trophy all PARTS have to be completing without faillure.

Example: You can Complete PART 1 & PART 3 without faillure. It will automatic saves, so you don't have to complete them again for trophy. So in this Example you only have to complete PART 2 , when you arrive at hospital, all 3 sequences without faillure.

So its NOT that you have to complete all 3 parts without faillure in one go.
If you think you have complete PART 3 and it's not popping, go chapter collect and complete the first 2 parts.
The trophy is not only for the last part , what they saying on trophy guides and videos.

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  • 3 months later...

the trophy guides and youtube videos says all you need is to perfect the 3rd sequences so I did perfect it 5 times with no trophy popped for me. so I restarted the game and i perfected the 1st and 2nd sequences and finally it popped for me. So frustrating the trophy description is fine but the youtube video guides are misleading.

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