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Character Unlockables


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Image not mine.


Playing on PC while I wait the PS patches, The Lost is my favourite character at the moment. Devil deals for free come in handy and 1 hit die makes you play more carefully and less 'guns blazing'. I would say it's 7/10 difficulty overall to platinum this. If you are wondering how much time it would take, there is an example:



Image not mine. This girl also maxed vanilla Isaac before.



Image not mine. 107 hours, he said. Also maxed vanilla Isaac before.



Image not mine. Youtubber and starter twitch streamer. Did a lot of seeded runs, hence the high time.


I'm pretty sure this is between the 100~120 hours (maybe +10 hours if you never played the vanilla before and you are a slow learner) window for the platinum without a guide (with one, it should be a little over 100 hours mark, but not much higher). It might be a little more if you are very unlucky going for the last items or the meat/bandage secrets, as those can be painful. The book to summon the horsemen is your best friends there, backing up your save before you fight it and restoring your save if you don't get the right spawn is a nice workaround to use, if you want to.

Edited by TheYuriG
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Seeded Runs disable trophies/progress now. The people you showed off are experts at the game who either use seeded runs like you said, and they are probably the same folks who quit/retry/quit/retry till they get very specific items in the first 2 floors that allow them to breeze through the rest of the game with ease. 

I do love the image of all the characters and rewards for specific goals though. Thats nice!

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Seeded Runs disable trophies/progress now. The people you showed off are experts at the game who either use seeded runs like you said, and they are probably the same folks who quit/retry/quit/retry till they get very specific items in the first 2 floors that allow them to breeze through the rest of the game with ease. 

I do love the image of all the characters and rewards for specific goals though. Thats nice!

I really doubt, mafia. Anyone after 80h is arguabilly an expert in this game imho. I got most of these from reddit and I believe that there were a couple more guys who never played the vanilla and stepped into the Rebirth blindly. I think one of those got RPG in 113 hours, I could post the image if I could find it. The reason I mentioned about seeds is because some of these guys used seeds to record stuff for youtube and that still increased their time, although they did not have any progress toward the achievements. I believe every PC player of Isaac restarted the hell out The Lost to get some decent stuff right on the beginning (or gwaned leaf or holy mantle which some consider to be a must for this character). I still played as The Lost for a while and it started to make me rage after getting to Isaac and insta-killed by the beams of light randomness. Well... I guess it happens.


I would like to restate my oppinion here that this game's platinum is not anything higher than 120 hours and 7/10 on difficulty based on my experience and I can say I'm no gaming expert but anyone with enough time and dedication can nab this shiny plat into their collections.

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I disagree.  That's like saying the more hours you pour into any game makes you an expert.  That's not quite how it works.


Regardless, thanks for the image. 

The more hours you put into a game, the closer you get from becoming an expert. After your 50th run you barely take any damage on any of the 4 initial floors and kill most bosses without taking any damage too for the deal rooms.

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