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Thinking of quitting trophies...

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I play between the two. I have my 3ds, Gamecube, and N64, and then my PS3 with the PS2 HD games and PS1 games. Really you just have to look at games as a form of entertainment, I mean if you had a film you wouldn't try "100%" it by watching the whole thing and the bonus content, regardless of whether or not the film is worth watching. I love to play Nintendo games, namely Zelda; sometimes I go for a casual story-playthrough, sometimes I go for a 100% run, sometimes I go for a speedrun, and then sometimes I go for the 3-hearts challenge. With trophies you have a similar choice, where you can either go through the game for fun, obtain as many trophies as you can be bothered to get, or 100% the game. :)


Also, if you've yet to pick-up Majora's Mask 3D, make sure you do - my favourite game of all time!

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I'm not a big trophies hunter, when i start playing a game i'm going for the plat, but if it gets too long or boring and even if it's easy, i'll stop and move on, feeding that backlog every month.


But i understand your feeling, because the thing is that i can't play a game if there is no trophies in it, i bought a Wii U before my PS4 because some games are really nice and i thought that i'll spend some time on the Wii U, waiting for the release of good PS4 games to get a PS4.

Finally, i played them a bit, didn't finish them (Hyrule Warrior, Mario Kart, Bayonetta 1/2, Smash Bros), i ordered a PS4 and my Wii U made a good friendship with dust...


It's sad, i know that i'm missing excellent games, but well, i'm having fun the way i play games.


Every single person having fun in so many different ways, if trophy hunting is not fun anymore for you, find something else, that's no big deal.


Sorry for my english =p

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So it's just kind of a general greeting then? The more you know.

Ciao is an Italian word, ciao means Hello for them, well, it should mean hello for everybody...
But, in some languages, like French, it's a familiar way to say goodbye, i don't know how we came to use it like this =p
I'm not even sure if it's in French Dictionary ^^
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Don't quit just because it might take a bit of hard work to get a certain trophy. Have a coffee and/or drugs and you stay up all fucken night and get that trophy, you hear me!

Man, the amount of cola I've drunk over the years pretty much has made me immune to the effects of caffeine. I'm sipping on a 2 litre bottle of Diet Coke as we speak, also, Diet Coke is great.


I play between the two. I have my 3ds, Gamecube, and N64, and then my PS3 with the PS2 HD games and PS1 games. Really you just have to look at games as a form of entertainment, I mean if you had a film you wouldn't try "100%" it by watching the whole thing and the bonus content, regardless of whether or not the film is worth watching. I love to play Nintendo games, namely Zelda; sometimes I go for a casual story-playthrough, sometimes I go for a 100% run, sometimes I go for a speedrun, and then sometimes I go for the 3-hearts challenge. With trophies you have a similar choice, where you can either go through the game for fun, obtain as many trophies as you can be bothered to get, or 100% the game. :)


Also, if you've yet to pick-up Majora's Mask 3D, make sure you do - my favourite game of all time!

You know, I hear nothing but good things about Zelda, and although I've never played one of them, I feel like they're not for me. I've never been into role playing games, or whatever my brain thinks Zelda is. I'm open to trying and loving the series, but (at least here) Nintendo games are always going for way more than they're worth, I'm not really willing to slam down 50 bucks for a 3DS game in a series I'm not already into. I'd take a chance on a new game, so it's not me being a cheap prick, there's just nothing that jumps out of Zelda for me. I've got an N64 emulator I use on my phone for stuff like Tony Hawk and Mario Kart, but I never bothered to download Ocarina of Time or any other Zelda's because I didn't think playing it for 5 minutes every now and then would really do it justice. Should I bother to download one of them on my phone (I also have the DS, GBA, and pretty much every Nintendo emulator out there) or borrow a friend's copy, if they'll let me, of the new one on 3DS? If you could recommend the shortest one for me to download and beat, I'd give it a go, with the hopes of getting into the series, I'd want a short one though so I can finish it quick and see if I like it, rather than play for ages and find out it's "eh" to me. Cheers!

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I don't have a long reply to this, but I read and enjoyed the whole thing, I like hearing other peoples happy things in relation to things I also like. That's a good sentence.


With One, yeah, it's only on GH III, that's my fault there, I meant I was playing GH II, then went on about how I can beat most songs (in the series) on expert, except things like One, which is from GH III...though you knowing that off the top of your head is pretty impressive, if I remember a song being in GH I can usually remember which one it was from but there's a fair few like More Than a Feeling, and I'm like "I think that's from GH III, but it could have been 80s, I don't know" and then I stop thinking about it and play all of them until I find the song, 3 hours later I usually forgot what song I was after anyway.


Due to your proficiency in virtual instruments, you should hit me up sometime if / when you get Rock Band 4 for PS4. I hate playing online with people most of the time, but that's usually got a decent bit to do with their skill level and / or that they're strangers, you're a cool cat and you're good at fake guitaring, and since (at least I think) no one I know will buy it, doesn't help I'm the only person I know with a PS4, then I'll need to either play with myself (which is 99.9999998% of my GH / RB time anyway) or go online looking for other guitar heroes.


And as long as I actually am making a post of decent length, do you think the plural of Guitar Hero, as a game series, should be Guitar Heros, or Guitar Heroes? If there's more than one hero of something, it's heroes, obviously, but as it's the plural of a name of something, do you just put an S at the end?


As for trophies, I used to be on here every day, and playing games (usually for trophies) at least a few hours every day, I just got your reply now, like 2 or 3 days after you sent it, so that's a good sign. I've barely played anything on PlayStation since a bit over a month ago. I bought Sonic the Fighters on sale a short while back and beat that as I was curious as to why the hell Sonic was punching the other people, I played the new Call of Duty that someone threw at me, didn't play it a second after the campaign though so that's good, no trophy hunting there, and I actually can't remember anything else I've played on PlayStation.


In getting away from PS (which is an entirely coincidental side effect of quitting trophies and in no way my intention), I've played way more Mario Kart than I thought I would in my entire life, MK7 & 8 are so much fun, and they're great for local co-op, not too long ago I'd be looking for games that me and the girlfriend could play together and most of them either sucked or were single player only, or online only which is even worse, Nintendo have the local multiplayer thing way beaten. If MK8 allowed us to have separate screens for racing though, it would be perfect. Speaking of separate screens, we've spent nearly a full 24 hour day playing online Call of Duty on the Wii U together, I take the gamepad and she uses her Wiimote thing and it's awesome. We've also gotten the Bayonetta double pack but not touched it yet, loved the first one on PS3. There's a fair few Wii U games we've not touched yet, but I'm chewing my way through my DS/3DS "library" ... After fighting the urge to buy a Nintendo card to buy Sonic 1 on the 3DS, I ran into Sonic Generations for 10 bucks and grabbed it, it's not the same but it looks gorgeous, picked up Super Street Fighter IV for the 3DS and though I'm not super into fighting games, this one is so good. Nabbed NES Remix for a cool 23, spent like 7 hours on it when I got it before realizing "Hmm, it's nearly midnight, I should sleep soon". Mario Kart 7, obviously, is amazing. I picked up Spy Hunter despite platinuming it on PS Vita a year or so back, that's pretty fun. Driver 3DS is actually so much better than I thought it would be, well worth 10 bucks. Resident Evil Revelations isn't grabbing me that much but for the 3DS it looks so pretty. There's around another 20 or so games I've not mentioned that I picked up on the cheap, most I think I've paid for a 3DS game is 23 for NES. The games, mostly, are decent value too.


In those 20, there's 5 Spidey games, and I'd have bought more of them, except I ain't paying 20 bucks for a preowned DS cart of Web of Shadows, especially when I clocked it years ago on my R4...The Spidey games are very hit and miss I've found, for Nintendo anyways. On DS, I've got Shattered Dimensions, which is a well made and ridiculously fun platformer that actually makes you think every now and then, but even still I beat it in a bit under 3 hours. Friend or Foe on DS, which I don't care about and have on Wii and PSP anyway, I don't know that one yet. Then there's Amazing 3DS, which is a straight up port of the level based missions of the PS3/360/all that, version, with terrible graphics, but it's pretty fun, took about 9 hours to 100% it. Edge of Time 3DS is a full on port of the PS3 game, which I loved, and it plays great. I could go into more detail, but I have to go do something now, so I might come back and "review" them all, I might not. Who knows. Good day sir!

I see. I usually can remember every song and where they came from. I do not think I have played many of the really old GH, though. With the exemption of II.


I must say I share your feelings toward online, but not entirely due to the same purposes. I am fine with others' skill level. It is more to do with always feeling awkward and/or paranoid, as such, I simply avoid it. I prefer to play solo. Chances are, though, unless the setlist is really, and I mean really good I am not going to get it. Even if I did I would only play to check the engine and get a few FC's.


I believe it is "Hero's". I am not one-hundred percent certain, though.


I see. It is very good to know you have finally reached your goal.


Oh, goodness. Mario Kart. I played that for hours on my Wii, mainly to set records and beat the stupidly unfair CPU high scores (The ones where even if they hit a wall they never slow down). Overall, reading this, it seems you have been doing very well lately. And enjoying games a lot more than usually.


Multiple genres, hm? That is quite common with popular franchise, so I suppose it is to be expected here. Good day to you, as well!

Edited by Nepgear2
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