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PS Plus Games not appearing on Canadian store?

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 It's been nearly a full 24 hours now since the IGC has been updated, and yet MGSV and CoJ still aren't appearing for me in the free games section (I'm on the online store in a web browser). I've even attempted to search for MGSV on the store, and it comes up in the results, but clicking on it brings up a notice saying that the page isn't available. 


 Is anyone else experiencing this problem? The other 4 games show up just fine for me, but of course, the one I really want (MGSV) just refuses to be there!

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I swear man, it just doesn't like me xD I'll try on my PS4 a bit later and see if I have better luck there.


Oh, and for the record, that was the page that showed up when I clicked on the link you posted. So it's the correct page, but the games just... aren't there. So yeah... back to Transistor for me! 

Edited by StormRacer872
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Try using a real browser. Safari is infamous for being glitchy.

 I can vouch for having issues with Safari. Pretty much the only reason I have Chrome installed :P Sadly, it produced the same result. Funny thing is, the games were actually there... until I signed in. As soon as I did that, it gave me the same page that Safari showed.


Edit: Safari did the same thing. Signed out, they're all there, but signed in, they're gone. Now that I know they are in fact there though, I'll hopefully be able to just download them on my PS4 through the store on there.

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 I can vouch for having issues with Safari. Pretty much the only reason I have Chrome installed :P Sadly, it produced the same result. Funny thing is, the games were actually there... until I signed in. As soon as I did that, it gave me the same page that Safari showed.

Does it show up as free on the direct link to the game? Like if you searched the game, does it show $14.99 or whatever it was or does it say free with plus?

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Both MGS and COJ are showing up for me in the plus section of the store (Canadian, using Chrome). Not sure if it's your browser, but it should still come up as free on the game listing itself if you do a manual search for it. 

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Does it show up as free on the direct link to the game? Like if you searched the game, does it show $14.99 or whatever it was or does it say free with plus?


Both MGS and COJ are showing up for me in the plus section of the store (Canadian, using Chrome). Not sure if it's your browser, but it should still come up as free on the game listing itself if you do a manual search for it. 


 It's listed as free, and even shows on the page with all the free PS Plus games listed. When I search for it, it also allows me to go to the page, as opposed to giving me the same error it typically does.


 I think I may have found the issue though: those two games are M rated, and I'm on a sub account. Now, I always keep parental controls off, but I was recently using the master account, so I may have accidentally re-enabled them at some point. Thinking of this, I then tried to access the page for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and it wouldn't allow me to access it, pretty much confirming that it does have to do with the age rating of the games. I'll just have to go over my settings when I can :P


 Thanks for your help guys! Sorry I didn't realize my issue sooner, but thanks to theguytom for telling me to use a different browser; if I hadn't, I never would've noticed that the games simply weren't there while signed in, which in turn wouldn't have led me to realize the connection to my account.

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