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Hey guys, it's your old pal PleaseHoldOn.  Some of you may remember me, but all of you are probably saying to yourselves "who gives a ****?"  Valid point.  After spending a considerable amount of time gaming on PC, I think it's time to give my Playstation some loving again.  Why?  Well, I'm going to take a moment to vent and **** all over the growingly awful PC gaming landscape, if you don't mind.  Read the spoiler if you want to hear me rip the PC a new one.  Otherwise, continue on. xD


1. It came to my attention through downloading the free Shadow Complex Remaster, that Epic Games was forcing me to get it through their own digital distribution service.  Now, that in and of itself, was not terribly offensive.  I'll download some 20mb of software for a free game, especially a cool one like that.  However, it's when I went to my "list of accounts for various services" to update it with this latest account I was forced to make... that things took an unexpected turn.  I'm sitting at about 20 accounts.  All with different games, different accounts, different friends lists, different featuresets (some didn't have achievements or something similar!).  I realized just how out of hand it had gotten, and it bugged me.  A lot.  I can appreciate developers/publishers wanting a slice of the pie, and developing a tiny program to get your customers buying directly from you instead of dealing with middlemen like Valve or EA or Ubisoft and their services is probably pretty easy and inexpensive... but it's gotten completely out of hand.  And it's only going to get worse as Microsoft ushers in a new era of GFWL with their newfound "commitment to PC gaming", ie. making a bunch of interesting new games exclusive to the Windows 10 Store and DirectX12.  I don't think I want to deal with that again.


2. PC gamers really are treated like second class citizens by some of the bigger modern developers.  PC Master Race, my ass.  Sure the games generally look nicer, and run nicer, than on consoles... but the number of developers who ONLY port to PC as a way to make a quick buck (once the console releases are done selling) is growing.  Rockstar is the worst offender, Square Enix is the most recent one.  They did a great job of bringing us their back catalog, only to leave PC inconspicuously absent from the VII Remake and XV announcements.  Frustrating as it is, I can understand Final Fantasy VII Remake being kept on the down low, as it's a timed Playstation exclusive so you have to keep Sony happy... but what exactly is the reason for Final Fantasy XV being confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One, but not PC? Sure, there are rumors floating around. It probably will end up on PC... you'd think. Given practically every other game is here now. There's a petition with a lot of signatures. But will it actually ? And if so, when? If there's a reason for delaying it past the console release (ie. it'll take more time to "get it right"), why not just say it? Because gamers are more likely to "double dip" if they don't think a PC release is happening?  C'mon...


3. Which brings me to my final point for today.  Exclusives.  The PC exclusives suck.  If you love strategy titles, competitive FPS's or MMO's... you're in business.  If you don't, like me, you're basically either playing a bunch of 30 minute indie games that range anywhere from interesting to never-shouldve-been-made... or you're just crossing your fingers that PC ports are announced for whatever console games are making the rounds.  That usually either never come, or finally do but ports are so half-assed that even the best PC struggles to run it.


Oh, and Steam In-Home Streaming sucks... and I want to play games in my new recliner. xD


Anyways... I'm going to do things a little differently this time around.  I don't have my PS3 anymore... so I'll be focusing on the PS4 (though I have quite a few remasters shipping in, I'm legit itching to play through the Uncharted games again!)  I'm not going to just buy any ol' shiny new game that comes out like I was before.  I'm going to try and be a bit more selective.  Only getting games that genuinely interest me (usually falls into the interactive drama or third person shooter categories).  If I find this tactic is working for me, I'm actually playing my games again, maybe even getting a few plat's here and there... maybe I'll start to branch out more.


I'm hoping this'll keep me focused, which I've had a real problem with lately regardless of platform.


Here's my plan in terms of what games to start with/to look forward to...


Playstation/Console Exclusives (All The Games I've Been Missing Out On With The Stupid PC)

The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Little Big Planet 3, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls PS4 BundleUncharted 4, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XV, Detroit: Become Human


Coop Games (Games I Own Just To Play With Family/Friends, I Forgot Local Coop Was A Thing Because Of The PC)

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, Trine 1/2


Other (Just Because I Can't Get By Without Them)

Grand Theft Auto V, The Evil Within, The Walking Dead S1/S2, Life Is Strange (retail release), Resident Evil Origins Collection


On The Fence (Good Games That I Might Look Into But Aren't Really My Style)

Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Ni no Kuni 2


Should keep me pretty busy methinks, with a lot of time to enjoy them before the italicized games start coming out. :-D

Edited by FrecLognAizeW
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Hey guys, it's your old pal PleaseHoldOn.  Some of you may remember me, but all of you are probably saying to yourselves "who gives a ****?"  Valid point.  After spending a considerable amount of time gaming on PC, I think it's time to give my Playstation some loving again.  Why?  Well, I'm going to take a moment to vent and **** all over the growingly awful PC gaming landscape, if you don't mind.  Read the spoiler if you want to hear me rip the PC a new one.  Otherwise, continue on. xD


1. It came to my attention through downloading the free Shadow Complex Remaster, that Epic Games was forcing me to get it through their own digital distribution service.  Now, that in and of itself, was not terribly offensive.  I'll download some 20mb of software for a free game, especially a cool one like that.  However, it's when I went to my "list of accounts for various services" to update it with this latest account I was forced to make... that things took an unexpected turn.  I'm sitting at about 20 accounts.  All with different games, different accounts, different friends lists, different featuresets (some didn't have achievements or something similar!).  I realized just how out of hand it had gotten, and it bugged me.  A lot.  I can appreciate developers/publishers wanting a slice of the pie, and developing a tiny program to get your customers buying directly from you instead of dealing with middlemen like Valve or EA or Ubisoft and their services is probably pretty easy and inexpensive... but it's gotten completely out of hand.  And it's only going to get worse as Microsoft ushers in a new era of GFWL with their newfound "commitment to PC gaming", ie. making a bunch of interesting new games exclusive to the Windows 10 Store and DirectX12.  I don't think I want to deal with that again.


2. PC gamers really are treated like second class citizens by some of the bigger modern developers.  PC Master Race, my ass.  Sure the games generally look nicer, and run nicer, than on consoles... but the number of developers who ONLY port to PC as a way to make a quick buck (once the console releases are done selling) is growing.  Rockstar is the worst offender, Square Enix is the most recent one.  They did a great job of bringing us their back catalog, only to leave PC inconspicuously absent from the VII Remake and XV announcements.  Frustrating as it is, I can understand Final Fantasy VII Remake being kept on the down low, as it's a timed Playstation exclusive so you have to keep Sony happy... but what exactly is the reason for Final Fantasy XV being confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One, but not PC? Sure, there are rumors floating around. It probably will end up on PC... you'd think. Given practically every other game is here now. There's a petition with a lot of signatures. But will it actually ? And if so, when? If there's a reason for delaying it past the console release (ie. it'll take more time to "get it right"), why not just say it? Because gamers are more likely to "double dip" if they don't think a PC release is happening?  C'mon...


3. Which brings me to my final point for today.  Exclusives.  The PC exclusives suck.  If you love strategy titles, competitive FPS's or MMO's... you're in business.  If you don't, like me, you're basically either playing a bunch of 30 minute indie games that range anywhere from interesting to never-shouldve-been-made... or you're just crossing your fingers that PC ports are announced for whatever console games are making the rounds.  That usually either never come, or finally do but ports are so half-assed that even the best PC struggles to run it.


Oh, and Steam In-Home Streaming sucks... and I want to play games in my new recliner. xD


Anyways... I'm going to do things a little differently this time around.  I don't have my PS3 anymore... so I'll be focusing on the PS4 (though I have quite a few remasters shipping in, I'm legit itching to play through the Uncharted games again!)  I'm not going to just buy any ol' shiny new game that comes out like I was before.  I'm going to try and be a bit more selective.  Only getting games that genuinely interest me (usually falls into the interactive drama or third person shooter categories).  If I find this tactic is working for me, I'm actually playing my games again, maybe even getting a few plat's here and there... maybe I'll start to branch out more.


I'm hoping this'll keep me focused, which I've had a real problem with lately regardless of platform.


Here's my plan in terms of what games to start with/to look forward to...


Playstation/Console Exclusives (All The Games I've Been Missing Out On With The Stupid PC)

The Last of Us Remastered, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Little Big Planet 3, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls PS4 BundleUncharted 4, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XV, Detroit: Become Human


Coop Games (Games I Own Just To Play With Family/Friends, I Forgot Local Coop Was A Thing Because Of The PC)

Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, Trine 1/2


Other (Just Because I Can't Get By Without Them)

Grand Theft Auto V, The Evil Within, The Walking Dead S1/S2, Life Is Strange (retail release), Resident Evil Origins Collection


On The Fence (Good Games That I Might Look Into But Aren't Really My Style)

Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Ni no Kuni 2


Should keep me pretty busy methinks, with a lot of time to enjoy them before the italicized games start coming out. :-D

Welcome back to the forums


I dunno if i missed something in that wall of text but why the new profile

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Welcome back to the forums


I dunno if i missed something in that wall of text but why the new profile


Ehm... right.  Wall of text.  :rolleyes:


I sold my PS3, along with 90% of my games (PS3 and PS4)... and as such, my previous profile had probably 20-30 unfinished games that I'd never get to.  I also don't like having a profile with a bunch of games I don't own anymore, even if they were finished.

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Ehm... right.  Wall of text.  :rolleyes:


I sold my PS3, along with 90% of my games (PS3 and PS4)... and as such, my previous profile had probably 20-30 unfinished games that I'd never get to.  I also don't like having a profile with a bunch of games I don't own anymore, even if they were finished.

Ah ok cool, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only person deterred by the wall of text, as no one seemed ot reply.


Makes sense though it is kinda annoying to have a bunch of games you just can't possibly complete. I have that situation with loads of my games, but I had to cut my losses if I tried to finish everything I wouldn't have time to play anything new.

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Ah ok cool, i'm pretty sure i'm not the only person deterred by the wall of text, as no one seemed ot reply.


Not that I care either way, but I guess I assumed people wouldn't expand the spoiler tag and be subsequently "deterred" by it's contents.  Especially given the warning.


I just don't think there was much to reply to. :)  Re-introductions aren't as fun as new introductions.  Appreciate the welcome back though. ;)

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Not that I care either way, but I guess I assumed people wouldn't expand the spoiler tag and be subsequently "deterred" by it's contents.  Especially given the warning.


I just don't think there was much to reply to. :)  Re-introductions aren't as fun as new introductions.  Appreciate the welcome back though. ;)

I think anyone rediscovering that console gaming allows you to play games on your terms and have an equal experience to everyone else, so you know what youre getting when you read a review is always a worthwhile point for debate.


Either way glad you decided to stick with console gaming.

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I remember you, got to ask, why the name change?


Read the comments, seen why.


Welcome back I guess, not to be too much of a dick but your name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. I mean, my fucking surname is Rezauskis, so believe me, I'm used to such things, anyway, I'm gonna try to remember you're name because whenever I saw your posts on something you were usually a champ, although to be fair, most people here are champs anyway.


Speaking of anyway, ANYWAY, welcome back then!

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I remember you, got to ask, why the name change?


Read the comments, seen why.


Welcome back I guess, not to be too much of a dick but your name doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. I mean, my fucking surname is Rezauskis, so believe me, I'm used to such things, anyway, I'm gonna try to remember you're name because whenever I saw your posts on something you were usually a champ, although to be fair, most people here are champs anyway.


Speaking of anyway, ANYWAY, welcome back then!


I can be a bit of a pill at times, so I wouldn't keep tabs on me too closely. xD


As for the name rolling off the tongue... I've seen people find their own ways to make it work.  I've been called Frec, FRW, W.  I've been personally pronouncing it Freck (like wreck)-logan (like the name)-aize (like maize).  Silent W. ;)  Personally, that doesn't matter too much anyways.  The name has significance to me on a few different levels... which hasn't been the case with any names I've tried for the last few years.

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The name has significance to me on a few different levels... which hasn't been the case with any names I've tried for the last few years.

Nice, better than me. I got my name because one TV show I loved constantly used the word stooge and another show was always using words like assbag and douchebag and just put bag at the end of anything. I made it for my PSP though, but by the time the name would actually be seen by anyone when I got a PS3, I had a decent stack of digital PSP games so it was too late to change. 


My name has quite possibly one of the most meaningless origin stories ever, worst thing is though, some other bloke from Australia right, he has the same bloody name. I can't find out when he took it, but he has a Twitter and a Facebook and a website where he makes like god awful little math games. Such an incredibly stupid name, and I still can't even claim it entirely as my own. I'd also wager the PSN "stoogebagged" was made by him after someone else (me) got the name on PSN first.


Anyway, long, boring stories aside, it's cool when gamertags (we don't really have a cool name for PSN names, do we?) have some meaning behind them, there's my crappy story, if it's not too personal or anything, I'd like to hear yours too :)

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I'd like to hear yours too :)


Not much of a story really. xD




F     L     A     W

  rec  ogn  ize


FLAW = Band Name

recognize = Song Name


Basically one of my favorite bands going back over a decade or so now.  My favorite song from them.  Loved it since I first heard it, still love it.  Not that I'm the type of person to say/believe that music "gets me through hard times"... but I love music, it's always been a big part of my life.  Even the hard parts of it.  So it works for me.


As for the "few different levels" of significance... I'll just keep that for myself. ;)

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Not much of a story really. xD




F     L     A     W

  rec  ogn  ize


FLAW = Band Name

recognize = Song Name


Basically one of my favorite bands going back over a decade or so now.  My favorite song from them.  Loved it since I first heard it, still love it.  Not that I'm the type of person to say/believe that music "gets me through hard times"... but I love music, it's always been a big part of my life.  Even the hard parts of it.  So it works for me.


As for the "few different levels" of significance... I'll just keep that for myself. ;)

That's actually pretty cool. 


I'm the same, I don't buy into the whole "music saves lives" thing, I've always kind of been more of a "it's good that you're over it now, but if you could be swayed by a song or band then you probably weren't as bad off as you thought" kind of guy, but music certainly can cheer you up. Good hour or so of some good songs you like and it can at least perk your day up pretty nice.


It's pretty cool though when you link a song or album or something to a moment in your life. I got a million of them but this is your post and I've stolen enough of your thunder.


Welcome back to the glorious console master race. PC guys may be perfectly fine playing their old games for free, but not us, we're better than that, we'll be paying 20 bucks a game for every new system that comes out! YEAH! Consoles!

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