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Shared Milestones

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I don't know about you people, but I think it would be interesting to know how many gamers and me have one same trophy as the same milestone. For example, there are like 4 people from my psn friends who have, just as me, the platinum trophy of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune as their first platinum trophy.

Perhaps a small number indicating the exact number of players with the same trophy as the same milestone could be added right below the trophy picture. Maybe this could also be implemented in players' cabinets.

This may be a good idea, or maybe a terrible idea. What do you people think?

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I'd use this at least a few times here and there with people.


But only if it allowed for flagged people to use it. Wah wah. ;)

You know what else would be cool, seeing if anyone else got the same trophy as you at the same time as you.


Say I got the plat in GTA 3 at 12:01 on January 23, 2032, and someone else did too, that'd be cool. Seconds would be way too much trouble though, but if you did it by minutes, or even hours (or days) that'd be a pretty cool thing too.

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M'eh. I could take it or leave it, personally. It might be the sort of thing I look at once or twice, but there is so much variation among players and their trophies I doubt the information would give you anything useful. If you've got the same "First Plat" as someone else, well, that's really just a coincidence.


More interesting I think, and inspired by your idea, might be a feature that allowed you to choose a rival. Let's say you noticed someone around the forums who has a similar profile to yours, similar # of platinums, similar PSN level, whatever, some people might get a kick out of selecting that profile as "one to watch", and PSNP notified you when they got another plat or attained another PSN level or something.


It might inspire more trophy competitions in the forums, for those who are into that sort of thing.


Might be the sort of thing that an be implemented in the PSNP update Sly is working on. IIRC, he mentioned something that suggested the update will more closely integrate the Profiles and Forums sides of the site.

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Say I got the plat in GTA 3 at 12:01 on January 23, 2032, and someone else did too, that'd be cool. Seconds would be way too much trouble though, but if you did it by minutes, or even hours (or days) that'd be a pretty cool thing too.


I actually got my GTA V (PS3) platinum the exact second as somebody else :)

I saw it here on psnprofils (of course, where else) and thought that it was pretty cool - so I wrote him a pm with a virtual high-five. He high-fived back :D

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I actually got my GTA V (PS3) platinum the exact second as somebody else :)

I saw it here on psnprofils (of course, where else) and thought that it was pretty cool - so I wrote him a pm with a virtual high-five. He high-fived back :D

That's awesome.

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