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Rebel Galaxy Gameplay and Impressions


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I've played Rebel Galaxy for the last couple days and I'm quite satisfied at what I got for only a $20 game. This is a space trading and combat game like Freelancer, Frontier, and Wing Commander: Privateer. And EVE Online, except without the scummy 4chan-esque multiplayer veneer. Instead of a small fighter craft, you get to pilot capital ships and combat is exactly like the naval combat from Assassin's Creed III and IV. I like to think of this game as the unseen spaceborne part of the Borderlands universe that you never get to see because Pandora gets all the attention. Its got the same sort of chaotic setting as Borderlands.

In the video I tried to show a little bit of everything: commodities shipping and trading, combat, mercenary hiring, responding to distress calls, bounty hunting, hacking derelict transponders, asteroid mining, side missions, etc.

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Thanks for posting this! I picked this game up when it was first on sale and haven't had time yet to really feel my toe in, but I have been really curious about what the actual gameplay is like as there isnt an enormous amount of press coverage in it. Great video, thanks again!

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After some more playing, it seems like I have a grasp of the commodities trading (which isn't adequately explained in the game). It turns out that the price list for commodities that you see every time you look at a station on the system map is only updated every time you visit that station. So it's possible try to sell something based on info that's hundreds of game days old and lose out on profit. So the best way I found to make a profit off commodities trading is to visit a station, and buy commodities that have their purchase prices colored red. Red means the price is under the current planetary system average price for that commodity. Then, whenever you're in a new part of the system on business like side missions, make a point to visit whichever station is nearby to check the prices. If the commodities you're carrying have their prices in green, that means the price at the station is above the current system average and you can sell it for a profit. When you have to cross the system, make sure to pull in to every station along your route, so that you always have at least fairly current price info on hand. Once you do, you can use the system map to figure out trade routes where you can buy commodities cheap and sell them for a high price. There's also certain station events, marked with a yellow exclamation point next to its map symbol, that change prices. Tech Booms, Market Gluts, and Mining Rushes will cause the prices of certain things to drop, while Famines, Wars, and Celebrations cause prices to rise. So for instance, yesterday I found a station that was selling Designer Clothes at 50% under the system average and I bought 4 tons of it. I ended up carrying that cargo through about 4 different side missions and visits to 6 different stations until I stumbled on a station undergoing a Celebration event and was buying Designer Clothers at nearly double the system average price. So I sold off my cargo, went back to the first station to buy up their entire stock, and returned to make a huge profit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This game is currently on sale for just over £8 at the moment. 


Worth picking up at that price?? 


Yeah i thinks it's worth it at that price. If you like the combat from Assassins Creed black flag you can't go wrong it's quite grindy but a fun game

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