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How to kill everyone


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Just finished my second play through and saved everyone. Was just reading about the how to kill everyone trophy and the guide says don't find the diary. But  I have all the collectables saved, so am I ok just not to find it again in this play through or do I need to start a whole new play through to not have it in the inventory? 

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Just don't find it when you get to that chapter. When you re-play a chapter the story narrative is reset. I.e. if the characters don't find an item in that playthrough, then they don't know about it in later scenes.


Your collectible progress will still be saved though. You only need to find each one once for the purposes of the collectable trophies, regardless of how many playthroughs it takes you to find all of them.


Edited for clarity.

Edited by StrickenBiged
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  • 1 year later...

I only just finished the game myself and was so confused as to why I didn't get the "end all" trophy despite killing everyone. But I guess since Josh lived and turned into a cannibal.. it doesn't count for "all dead." Thanks for the clarification. Will restart from the last chapter and not pick up Hannah's diary this time. 

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