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April 2016 PS+ Games


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Well, it's only 9 March, but I'm starting the mandatory PS+ discussion thread early because one of them has already been confirmed by the Sony following a PS Store pre-order refund.


For those that don't know, the US store charges users for their pre-orders at the point of ordering. (Shocking to us EU guys, I know.)


Well twitterer BLAMdrew pre-ordered the game Dead Star once it appeared on the US store last night. 


BLAMdrew then received the following message via his PS4 letting him know that he would receive a refund as the game will be in April 2016's PS+ lineup. As a token of goodwill, he'll get to keep the theme that came with the pre-order. 




Source: Eurogamer.




For those of you who can't remember, Dead Star is the space-faring game revealed last autumn which blends 10v10 multiplayer battles, deep ship customisation and twin-stick shooter mechanics. 


Here's the reveal trailer.



Edit: Silly me. I misunderstood the font in the video to read "IO v IO Multiplayer" and I thought "IO" must mean something to MMORPG people. Apparently it's "10 v 10", so it's not clear that this is a MMORPG after all, it might be 10v10 deathmatches. (damon8r351 clarifies the game modes which were in the beta below.)


Changed to make it clear that it's not a MMORPG. 


Also changed "developer" to "Sony" in the first line, as presumably it's Sony who can send these kind of "notification" type messages rather than the devs. 

Edited by StrickenBiged
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I played the open beta in January and I didn't really care for it but I'm sure there's an audience for it somewhere. It's a 5v5 or 10v10 multiplayer twin stick shooter, but it's not team deathmatch. It's more like those matches where you're trying to take and keep control of certain points of the map, except in this game you're destroying each other's bases. There's another mode called Escape Run where your team captures a capital ship and you have to safely escort it through whatever 10v10 conquest matches you warp into. Here's video of the tutorials and a conquest match I did in the beta:

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