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Problems with No Man's Sky planet naming?


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So I was sat on a Spacestation buying a sweet new ride. I opened up my list of planets and found something that made my face drop. I quit out and came back in and it was gone, phew. Only then it returned.


What I saw was this:



That's right, a bunch of duped planets with the names changed. You can see it's been duped coz I have two Oomennonq-Yasoko Algo. One with a Red arrow, coz i hadn't uploaded it yet, and one with a yellow arrow indicating someone else had 'discovered it' - the name it was before I reported it was 'Fuk u'  btw. 


Here's another pic showing that I have indeed discovered stuff on a planet:



I'm at a loss at what to do :/ I finally get a game I'm been looking forward to for ages, and I get... griefed? Harrassed? Hacked? I dunno what to call it... or how to stop it.


Anyone else seen anything like this?

Edited by Ruliya
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I've not seen anything like that, that's really weird.


What happens if you rename and upload the planet?  I'd be curious to see if it still kept both in the menu or if it defaulted to yours/theirs.  Either way you should definitely send the screenshots to Hello Games as it does seem to be some kind of weird glitch.  The names seem so weird though, did you see anyone around the planet?  I'd say message the person who discovered the planet to see if they get the same thing.

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At first I thought it was just slow servers glitching and giving you both discoverer status somehow, but if you're saying all these planets had their name changed (and from what I can see their names are in the screenshots), this does look pretty sketchy. It may just be one of the many glitches, but tweet it @NoMansSky all the same.

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They seem to be duplicate planet data or something. I dunno. I warped to a new system. literally landed on a planet, renamed it, and instantly a dupe with this: 



So it's not him discovering them first. Coz it said I discovered it, and I then instantly renamed it, and still this. 


What's infuriating is when you click view planet, it defaults to this assholes dupe, rather than my legit renamed one.

Edited by Ruliya
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