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Would it be worth doing?


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I know the answer is "well its up to you" But recently i was able to acquire original copies of GTA and GTA 2 for the PSone. A friend of mine recently gifted me a sealed copy of MGS. Now i have a nice little collection of PS3 games and my shelf does have room for a collection of PSone games. What i been thinking of doing is getting the PSone games that mean something to me. The games i remember as a kid. I mean i can play them on my ps3 and i still have my original memory card still so if i ever get a normal PSone, i be all set.

Now i know some of the games are really high like castelvania so the chances of me getting those will be slim but everytime i mention doing this im always meant with the argument of "just download them on PC" and sadly thats what i did for all the SNES games i own but for some reason, it feels different to me. Its hard to put into words but I'm just wondering if it be a crazy idea to have a PSone collection again in this time and age if anything just for show.

whats your thoughts

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Well, it's up to you. 


Personally, if you have the interest, I'd go for it. Collecting old games and systems is becoming a bit of a hobby in its own right, sort of like collecting vinyl records. 


It's still unknown whether the values of these things will go up by any appreciable amount, so I wouldn't do it for investment purposes at this stage. 

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Well, it's up to you. 


Personally, if you have the interest, I'd go for it. Collecting old games and systems is becoming a bit of a hobby in its own right, sort of like collecting vinyl records. 


It's still unknown whether the values of these things will go up by any appreciable amount, so I wouldn't do it for investment purposes at this stage. 

oh trust me most of the games id collect arnt worth a whole lot now lol

WWF Warzone

Saltwater Sports fishing

Razor Scooter racing

thats just a few off the top of my head lol

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