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Here i am back again this weekend, it's been a month since i started doing this Updates, nice i'm managing to keep it up :D 


- Current Completion %: 74.74% (Previous Week: 74.67% -  +0,07%); Basically all the % come from the Elden trophies i got sinc ei'm so much into it and just playing that!

- Unearned Trophies: 3857 (Previous Week: 3872 - -15 Trophies); Same as above, all trophies i got in Elden.

- Trophies Earned:  11995 (Previous Week: 11969 - +15 Trophies); Just 5 Away from 12k finally after 1 and half year since the 11k! (I was Playing Bloodborne back then looks like would you look at that!) 




Well i'm basiclaly just playing Elden Ring this week xD Didn't expect to get so much into it, i can really see why everybody like sit, it really gets into wanting to play more and explore/Defeat bosses! 

I Left last week with Radahan just defeated and so i went on from there this week i played so far 23 hours! (And this time i didn't had like 3 Extra Days where i was at home) Just to say how much into it got! I Reached Altus Plateau (using the Elevator actually i just did later for the Boss and Exp the Mines) i Cleared the Capital, then went into the Mountains just a cuple of days ago and in the end i cleared Volacno Manor Yesterday! Plus i Reached and almost cleared the Haligtree (But Oh boy there she is who i feared to face...) and Started exploring Farum Azula. Oh Yeah i also obviously completed Nokron & All the Section Under the world like the Lake of rot or Moghwyg's Palace. 


So Yeah i'm getting pretty close to the end, if not the coming week i think it's not that far away anyway the Plat. I'm Currently Level 112? Something around that i remember for sure in 110s.

I Have a Full Vigor/Strenght/Endurance Build using a Maxed out Grafted Blade Greatsword. I Wnated to use some Heavy weapons in this game and between the many that there are so far this is the best one for me. It staggers almost any Enemy in the game and deal A LOT of damage! This + Radahan Armor for Big poise make sso even if get hit i deal a lot of Damage too! A Risky Style but i like it a lot so far! Obviously i hope some mor einterestign heavy weapons come out in the next hours even just to have an alternative, it has Many weapons Elden but i don't wanna Re-spec for using them properly honestly depsite having 8 Larval tears so i could easily. But i'm having fun with this.


So Far i Enjoied most of the boss battles! I Have to say i don't like howw they made the Giant enemies battle like Radahan or the Fire giant, i found them more tedious than actual fun and fighting. Sure they looks cool but that's it. Still Radahan goes to 2Nd place because that Freakin' enemy thati is Astel, Naturalborn of the Void get the First place. What an annoying and just stupid battle. So Unfun for my meelee build basiclaly running around following the enemy that kept teleporting and delaing damage from far away + since this wasn't enough they felt the need to give him an Insta-kill move, such fun being close to vitcory twice and mis-timing the Roll to get grabbed and one-shotted by him, plus if you dodged this move he doesn't even get punished just teleports back once more, great -_- I was just relived when i beat it not even satisfied i was just happy because i could keep going on with Ranni's Quest!

I Really Enjoy Ranni's quest and her, great character and clear quest, it was fun to do now i just have to get to the end and see that ending for her!

On the Opposite i didn't enjoy much how some Quests aren't clear at all! D's for me just died and i was curious about his quest but never bothered of chekcing it out on the Wiki. And i Think i shouldn't have to be forced Looking online to see what to do or where a character go. With Ranni the actually tell you most of the times! I just looked what the quest would lock for her.


Anyway End of the Mini-Rant about some stuff :P Overall as said i'm having a Blast, i Love the new Scalet Rot element and the area based on it,i just wish it would apply slower to you (The Actual apply not the damage) it goes so fast compared to other things like poison. And i wish it would have had more Weapons with it, i wanna use it as "element" but i just found 1 weapon with it so far and in the end game at this point. Hopefully it's something they'll use again in the next game, especially the Areas, personally i love Caelid.

Ah Yeah my only BIG complain about the game is the Bleeding. Seriously it's so stupid. I Went from Ds3 where i used it and it was niche and only 2 bosses suffered from it to here where it's broken! I see bosses going down super fast becuase of that and even going against Phantom's actual in-game ones with bleed feels like i'm playing a Hide & seek games at times. I Actually Refuse to use weapons with it because of how stupid i found it, they definitively overtuned it here.


On a Happier note i'm really glad for the Mimic tear xD It Makes Some bosses really actual fun and not a drag to play distracting and dealing some nice extra damage, i'm glad for that addition! I think without it i would still be who knows where having a lot less fun. After all i have no trouble saying i'm Decent at Souls game but nowhere close to Good or great as many others.


Well end of what seems more like a Plat Review rather than a Re-cap of what i actually did if i think about it, oh well i would just Direct here this part of my Plat Review :awesome: 


Anyway let's end as last week with some Screenshot of different areas, one thing Elden ring is AMAZING to is the area they are indeed gorgeous to see and explore! (And i agree with some comments Online they finally did a Fun Lava Area XD) 

















You Can even actually seeing in Order My Chaning in gear from Random Sets with Greatsword to The Grafted Blade and the Radahan Set! 




Not Much to Say in Genshin, i'm Currently Farming a Bit of Bosses for Kazuha & Yoimiya (And Klee but relaisticlaly she'll be build at a later time) and just now started going back to the Husk Dungeon to try and finally find some good pieces to build my Itto that i neglected for a LOOONG time (Plus If i can find pieces for Albedo too would be nice). So Far nothing but Ehi two Wonderful Clam Pieces for Qiqi so it's not that bad! 


The only other thing to say is that i Played both current on-going events and i'm already done with them, thankfully i say so i can focus on something else next week. The Drumalong event wasnt' bad but really messy on Console i didn't liked it, they should have allowed customize buttons, would have made it better. Not that it's hard or anything, it's super Permissive/soft, i felt like i missed a lot of notes in the Pro difficult to see even 86% at the end, ah Ok! :P For the Mud Event i actually played it just now before wirting here. It was neat, nothing amazing i guess played daily would have been better being a Mini-Story. Oh well it's done and i'm glad, didn't enjoied it as much as i hoped.


I think that's all for the 2.7 now so i'll just Wait Kazuha, Klee and the Island Adventure now in 2 weeks, i have High expectations for that! 


I'll just leave here a Happy Ayaka with the Drum ^_^ 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I'm back! Took 2 Weeks this time because last week i was on Holiday away from home so i just decided to wait and write everything in one go, especially when i got 4 plats in the Meanwhile :3

So Let's start with them in order i guess! Oh yeah i ahve Shadow Warrior 3 Too to write down i forgot!


Platinum Trophy N.189 - Shadow Warrior 3




Personal Vote: 7,5/10


My Precious!
Collect all Trophies


Let's start with Shadow Warrior 3! I Already have 1 & 2 on my profile and i love this series, i really should go back to them so when i upgraded my PSPlus and with it got SW3 i decided to give it a go! I knew it is short and easy and so i could complete it before it would go out of the service and so i did, a week before too without troubles! It is indeed a really easy and fast plat it took me 3 Days only and 2 of them it was during the week so while working. 

What to say, i think it's a Decent ending to the story of Lo Wang! It's a game you can really play by itself, the only calling back are Zilla and his story and it's not even necessary for the main game story itself, Hoji too you don't need to play the First one to get what's going on, which i guess it's not bad for  agame easily picked up by many randomly being easy and on PsNow/PLus for a while.

As Said the game is pretty short with 11 chapters you egt through pretty fast, it took me 8-9 hours to plat and i spent 2-3 of them going back for collectibles. There is a Chapter selection option so nothing is missable plus the game saves every collectable got so no need to end the chapter either! Really nice. 

I Liked the story, ti's pretty simple but fun and Lo Wang is stilla fun character with a lot of jokes and moments i'm happy that is the same as before :D 

Gameplay wise the game is nice, the areas to explore are actually gorgeous they really did a great work on that side! On the rest not so much, the battle gets tedious many times with too many enemies to eliminate becoming annoying rather than fun in some points, plus i ended up using 90% of the times simply Rail gun and Granade luncher and rarely all the other weapons, not really that great, the pistol basically become weak already after the first battle unless you level it up right away. And i was playing on Normal, can't imagine on hard how long some battles are.


Anyway i enjoyed the game for what it is, a simple midless adventure with Lo Wang to save the world once more (Obviously it's always Lo Wang's fault in the first place why it needs to be saved xD). I would have liked something like SW2 which remains the best one gameplay wise (The only problem in that game is the sheer amount of weapons you get, so many you won't use and the Grind really useless for the plat) still it was a nice experience. 

I'm glad i played it to enjoy the story and i did so with the PSPlus because for how much i liked my time with it in the few days i played it, it'ìs so short, easy and simple (I forgot to tell but only 2 bosses in the entire game? Meh) i would have probably regret it getting it full price or even Half price honestly.


Still a Nice plat to add to my collection, i hope the 1 & 2 will join it someday!


Platinum Trophy N. 190 - Metropolis: Lux Obscura (PSVita)




Personal Vote: 6,5/10


Metropolis: Lux Obscura Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!


What to say, i already got the plat and enjoied it back on Ps4 almost 2 years ago and since i like dit i got it back on PsVita too some months ago! I played it at night a couple of hours while i was on my holyday it was a fast easy game to relax with! As said i already played uit even if i think i didn't write down a real review for it back then. I Like dthe story, it's well told, REALLY well drawn, i like this kind of style, and i like the "Noir" of it depsite basically not having any good ending, the 2Nd one kinda is, but not much, i guess it's to be expected after all it's not a saint the Main character let's say :P 

The game is simple just go to places on the screen, enjoy the story that changes based on some small decision you have to do at times and then "play" the game. The game is a Tretris? Not right a chart based gameplay, you have a chart/table with different thing on it and you have to aling 3-4 or more of them to make attacks or other things, like you have 2 punches or 2 medkits gotta find a 3rd piece and put them togheter to hit or heal yourself. Pretty simple but still fun i enjoy this kind og style and i'm surprised nobody else tried it out in some indies, or maybe i don't know other games with it!

Anyway i had a good time with it and was nice to play it once more! I absolutely recommend it, the plat is fast and easy since you can even skip the scenes and do the battles and so the game lasts like 40-50 minutes? To Reach an ending. It's kinda RNG dependent on what you get on the grid, could be awesome pieces or terrible ones youare bound to lose with. I remember getting annoyed by that on the Ps4 but this time guess i got rather lucky, i had to retry some battles but nothing frustrasting at all! 


Platinum Trophy N. 191 - Elden Ring (Ps4)




Personal Vote: 9,5/10


Elden Ring
Obtained all trophies



A game i enjoyed as much as i thought after watching it a while and really wanting it! I already said a LOT on my previous weekly status updates so i won't go too deep in this review, i could actually sum up the final part of the game! Can't remember where i left off, reading my previous "update" i think i had to go into the Snowfields then! The Snowfields were an all right area, i like snowy area in games but this one was (Like in Ds2, Still waiting for a good one i guess) basically 90% open fields, some Caves, Really annoying snow storm where you can't see anything (Such fun always to move here....) and an annoying puzzle in the town! At least the North Area before the Fire Giant was cool as it was the battle too, i enjoied it a lot! After that Farum Azula was cool, i liked a Crumbling ruin in the Sky and the Bosses are pretty nice too, a lot less troublesome than i expected thankfullly especially placidusax which i was afarid of, more for his tankyness and lenght of the battle than anything but it wasn't too bad.


Meanwhile i reached the Haligtree and explore the area, i was surprised since this is the area i NEVER saw anybody play it (And well i guess indeed watching now some challenge videos they just "Skip" the area tot he bosses xD) an even more surpised when i got to Malenia since i always thought she was elsewhere (After the Door at the end i always thought). I was scared to face her and i got my ass kicked at first so i got back here later after doing sonme roming around for stuff i missed be it early or late game, i went to do Mogh and Rykard which i was both missing, they weren't so bad, fun battles actually! After leveling up more i amnaged to take down Malenia, still took a lot of attempts, she was the worst enemy to face it tooks something like 30-40 attempts to beat her but i expected that so it wasn't as bad! I boviously used the Mimic, i'm not that skilled or patience to beat her with a Super Heavy weapon alone, she would have punished me a Lot revering always health that way (For whatever reason i still don't get nor think it was necessary why she has life steal on hit).


Anyway with her down i went into the end, Defeated Hoarah Loux another enemy i've never seen before, guess i always missed those parts of the streams i checked randomly. And then into the end! I don't really like the battle against radagorn. I dislike an enemy that gives you such a small time to attack and it's not even safe anyway 90% of the times! Plus it couldn't be poised or stunned almost at all even with my Grafted Sword -_- Anyway i Made it through with like 3-4 Flask maybe less, can't remember, and thankfullly the Elden beast wasn't as bad, it killed me 2-3 times but then i won! I was then surprised that they allow you to save and go around BEFORE chosing the ending without having to re-do the final battle, this is such a sweet addition i hope they keep it, it's nice not having to face the Final boss 3-4 times for the different endings and just enjoy them slowly.

Then i started Working towards the Endings! Well, the ending i guess, the normal one obviously is easy to achieve, the Ranni one was done i just had to summon her, i had to go down and get the frezied flame! Which was more troublesome than it should have because it "Frenzied" My console -_- It literally crashed twice during the Scene when you enter the Room for the Flame. IT's seriously too hot to keep my Ps4 verticlaly on the stand, looks like putting it on the table horizontaly did the trick (And so it is now i guess the Console) and it didn't crashed anymore so i fianlly got it. The Endings are, nice i guess? They don't tell much and you have to read online the different deatils. Eh, as always the endings are Kinda dissapointing in the From Soft game but oh well, the Ranni one with the Giant moon is cool, i read about it, can't really say if it's good or not but i guess it works.


Anyway that's all for my Elden ring journey, i wrote the final part of it here since the rest is already in my previous weekly update and this text is already massive to make it even bigger :P I just finished the Plat looking for talisman, Sorceries and Weapons ai was missing. I would have got the plat already 1 week ago but i had no more tiime before leaving and so i finished in 30 minutes yesterday xD I tried to Change build once i was done with the main story. I Tried Full Malenia set both armor and weapon, i had fun, less tanky but faster and yeah Bleeding which as said previously for me it's OP in this game currently. Then to end i tried a Magic build! I used mostly the Pebble and Ranni's Moon. Decent damage but nothing amazing, can't say it was super fun but i probably didn't really do a great build, with better work on stats and talisman it surely is funnier than what i tried. 


Anyway that's all for Elden ring for me! It's a really fun a great game, can't waity to see the next from soft game, the Open world thing works out well enough, maybe more variety around would be better, i literally saw some bosses 6-7 times in dungeons or around and then i discovered yesterday like there are 2 twins to defeat for a rune activation? Cool what a pity i never faced them -_- So Yeah hopefully they work on it, more variety and more indications on where to go too! Ranni's quest as said it's kinda clear where to go but many others aren't! (Like D's Quest, would have liked to see it, never bothered check the wiki, cool just seeing him dead later on....) Heck i don't even know where you activate most of the runes! I just found the Castle Tower since it's actually visible and obvious, the Raya Lucaria Tower because of Ranni's quest and the Caelid tower the other one actually visible. Where the heck do i activated other runes i don't know, and i shouldn't be forced to go on the Wiki to look for it! At least in my opinion.


I would have liked more Scarlet Rot weapons too, it's a nice new state and i like it but i found 1 weapon with it. And as magix i saw the Aeonia Flower giving it. Sure i missed some weapons but even looking at the wiki i find like what 7,8? Weapons overall, not much when i see what inflicts bleeding and it's like 30 weapons and it's much more effective overall too....

Hopefully they improve on that. That aside i enjoyed a LOT my Super heavy style with the Veteran Set and the Grafted Blade Greatsword, i liked that you could Poise break and stuna  LOT of the enemies, big ones too with this weapon, it was awesome!


The Plat was a nice journey, i'm glad i could just enjoy the game, paying attention to only 1 weapon to no miss and it was easy to get too and then don't worry to check guides and stuff if i didn't want to. I'm especially happy for no useless covenants, they weren't ever necessary and hopefully it continues this way, not having to farm 1 item in 1 place with a 1% drop rate for 5 hours sure made the game a lot more enjoibale at the end!


To End this already giant wall of text, i liked the game a lot, it's not perfect but i had a TON of fun with it and the locations are simply gorgeous i loved taking screenshots of the different areas! Can't say if it's the Goty for me, i'll see at the end of the year (Still i think being buyest i liked Sophie 2 a bit more) but surely is one fo the best game i've ever played! Still it's 2nd form me in the From soft List, i find Bloodborne better in a lot of aspects!  :D 

Surely gonna get it and play it again on Ps5, whenever i'll manage to get one.


Platinum Trophy N.192 . The Tower Of Beatrice (PsVita)




The Tower of Beatrice Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!


Personal Vote: 6/10


I barely give the passing vote to it because i liked the idea and type of game but the execution of it? Ugh. The Tower of Beatrice it's a short point and Click kind of game where you have to solve puzzles after being trapped in a tower to get free from it. There are 6 rooms overall, the first 2-3 honestly aren't so bad you can work around and make it yourself but the last ones? I just had to check a guide and follow it because howthe heck would you know some stuff? In the Art Room 60% of the things aren't even needed for escaping are just there! Anyway that's why i give a passing vote at best. I Like this kind of puzzle games. But i Like them when i can actually work around the puzzle myself and not needing a guide that how it figured some things out i don't even know. 

At least it's a really fast and Easy plat, just gotta escape and the plat is yours and it takes 2 hours at most, it was another game i played during the Trip and finished yesterday. 




* I have screenshots and Plat images for everything, but i gotta copy them on the USB so i'll post theme here later for every game.

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So, after writing down all the Platinum Impression here are my Progress in this 2 Weeks, quite a Lot actually for once :3


- Current Completion %: 75,09% (Previous Week: 74.74% -  +0,35%); A TON of % for once, coming bascially from finishing ER + 3 other games that surely gave a lot to it. Back to 75% even if for a little time.

- Unearned Trophies: 3841 (Previous Week: 3857 - -16 Trophies); Basically the 16 trophies i was missing from ER since the rest was tarted and finished right away ad so it's a 0 for this stat.

- Trophies Earned:  12088 (Previous Week: 11995 - +93 Trophies); Reached 12k finally after a long long time in 11k! I think it's been a long while since i got this many trophies in such a short span of time, probably years! This is all thanks to Sw3, Beatrice & Metropolis being such short games i got 76 trophies just from them! I guess it's nice playing some short games from time to time to increase this stats :P 


What to say, i won't write much down here, i suually post my week recap and progress but i already wrote down what i did and my impressions in the Plat post here so i'll just repeat myself  xD 


This is basically what i played + Genshin where i just Played the Current Events and Farmed for Kazuha-Klee-Yoimiya, so not much to say, i'm waiting for wednesday with the 2.8 to play properly.


This week i'm going back to Nioh 2 now after ER, and gonna soon start Maneater and Ape Escape from the PSPlus so the stats are gonna tank down a bit especially the %, but hopefully gonna work it back up especially with Nioh (And Crash 4 which i plan to go back to later this week)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Platinum Trophy N.193 - Manater (Ps4)




Obtain all other trophies


A bit late but here i am writing the Review for my last platinum, Maneater! This is a game i saw played at the release and liked it a lot right away! I Wanted it but never really got a good chance on sale (It usually was with some other games i got) and so it was kinda sad when it got on the PSPlus but only for the Ps5! (I didn't had one at the time) so when i got the PSPlus Extra and saw the Ps4 version on it i went and downloaded straight away! And Boy it was short but fun :3


I already knew the general "Story" which is neat but it's not really the main part of the game being the gameplay and roaming around!

I Have to say the game was short but it was a LOT of fun! I really liked going around as a shark, eating what you find around growing up, becoming stronegr and seeking revenge or a Showdown i guess. The different abilities ar eprettyy cool even if none really catched my taste, well at least in the base game. I got the DLC when it was on sale and Boy i'm happy i did! It addds quite a bit with a new area and "New Enemies" no well actual new enemies true you get Boats and helicopters too that weren't in the base game at all but above all you get the Atomic Shark Parts! And now that was for me a lot of fun! Just Charging up the power super fast and unleash Lasers on the enmies was really great, i enjoied that a lot, the DLC surely made the end game for me a TON funnier than it would have been without!


The trophies are pretty easy, most are gotten just playing, the Rep Levels are kinda grindy but nothing bad i was Rep 10 2 areas before the End game already. And the Collectibles are all Showed on the map by spamming around the Scanner at Max level which has a Huge range, i didn't use a single guide if not on how to get to 1-2 chests because i couldn't find the acess to some caves. So yeah simple fast and fun trophies without much need of aguide to constantly check which is personally pretty nice!


I have to see at the end, especially with the DLC parts the game was lagging a bit especially under water, nothing bad but still noticable enough, i guess it could have been worked on a little better on Ps4.


I really had a good time as i expected and the DLC is a great addition (Even if kinda expensive, ti adds like 3 hours of content, fun content sure but still 15 € is a bit too much, 10 is right) so i'm glad to have this platy, i honestly got it waaay faster than i expcted, i expected to take 4-5 days not only 2 :giggle:


I'll Leave here the Plat Image with the Atomic Skin on! (Gonna put the Image later)


I'm Surely gonna Re-Play it once more on Ps5 in the future!



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Took a 2 Weeks break from the Site because of being a lot into Gaming first and back to work afetr but here i am now hoping to be resuming the Weekly updates :P 

I got a lot of trophies this time! Even if i say the number are "Faked" by me getting a Ps5 and starting playing Genshin there since it Auto-Popped 45 trophies xD 


- Current Completion %: 75,08% (Previous Week: 75,09% -  0,01%); I'm Actually Surprised i almost didn't lose anything in 2 weeks! Since i Started Stardew Valley with actually getting Trophies and so getting Registered % wise i'm Glad i'm almost back to where i was! 

- Unearned Trophies: 3871 (Previous Week: 3841 - +30 Trophies); Yeah, as said i Started Stardew Valley and Genshin on Ps5 i'm missing right 30 Trophies from Both games. I Guess Unearned trophies now just increase withh Getting trophies ina game and not at 0%? Because i already had Stardew in the previous weeks at 0, strange.

- Trophies Earned:  12195 (Previous Week: 12088 - +93 Trophies); Well as i said i got a LOT of trophies thiw 2 weeks, didn't expcted more than 100! Even if as said it's "Faked" by the 45 Trophies in one go from Genshin, still 62 Trophies between Maneater Plat and Stardew Valley it's pretty great i would say!


Here is what a Played! Maneater is Obviously included in this last 2 weeks and i got the plat for it, not gonna Post it back here again with my Review for it right above i would mostly repeat myself!




Oh, i gues i'll continue using the Ps4 Image Form the next Update, the Ps5 one copy pasted it's way too big xD 

Anyway Keep playing in Genshin! I Got Kazuha and Klee Right as the Banner wnet out as i said, i was expecting for them! Got pretty unlucky with the rolls and had to spent too much for my liking but oh well i'm super happy to having them both! Klee looks like fun sadly i have such shitty artefacts i can't really play her properly, i'm working on that, whenever the Crimson Flame domain wants to give me some decent pieces.... Kazuha instead it's a staple in my team ever since i got him! I love just how great he plays and how strong he is! It's so fun just jumping up dropping down and Vortex up all the enmies :P 

I Had 2 Weeks where the game, especially with Kazuha on the Team, would just Crashe so many times. At first it was against Raiden, i tried alone, with a friend, after the Console was turned on for hours,, nothign half way in the battle it said the Ps4 was too hot and crashed. It Started doing that on domains too. So i basically just Farmed what i could and did my dailes and that's it.

Thanks god i nnow have a Ps5 and so i'm playing the Ps5 version of it, Goddamn it's AMAZING! So much more color, more detail, that draw distance and the fluid battle i guess now i see why people enjoy Dps on filed, without stutter it's great! Plus using Kazuha and combos without any worries that there is too much on screen for the console to handle! 

I'm really enjoying it on Ps5, this weekend i didn't felt like it but either the next one or the ne after i'm absolutely gonna play the Summer Event! 


PS: Now i could actually get the Platinum for it, i always left out the Falcon Trophy and the Lyue chests for not having the Auto Pop on the plat. Still i'll wait, gonna work on the cest of course but i want this game i love to be on my profile so it's gonna be plat 200 now that i can!




What to say. I'm Having such a MASSIVE blast with this game! I just love it, it's so much fun i get immersed hours in it without noticing, can't believe i'm already 51 hours in it, seems yesterday i started! This really shows how graphic it's secondary, Stardew it's a fully Pixaleted game and for me it's soo much better than most Modern games! It's so satisfying watching your farm and income grow, getting stronger and deeper into the mines, knowing the stories of the Citizens and always discovering new stuff! 

So Far I'm the middle of Summer Year 2 and i'm finally getting a good bit of money to get whatever i want (even if not all in once of course), i'm enjoying slowly progressing every day :D 


I'm gonna try and rememebr to take some svcreenshots of my farm to post here don't know if in the enxt days or at this point in the next week update!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, here i am back again, took a little break from writing because i was well for 2 weeks busy with work and now busy with Plats :P 

And indeed i got a lot, i wanted to try and reach 200 if possible in this last week of rest i have this summer and i suprisingly made it, did not expect that :D 

So here i leave all the plats i got:


Platinum Trophy N. 194 - Ghost of Tsushima (Ps5 Version)






Living Legend
Obtain all trophies.


Well, my First Auto-Pop trophy. I really didn't wanted to but i did not wanted to reach 200 not playing games i didn't feel like at the moment and so here we are. I Want to get back to Tsushima Anyway on Ps5 and i have NG+ to do to enjoy it all over again before the DLC so it's not big deal. I Love this game so i really have to get back into it| I honetsly thought it was an Auto Upgrade if i had it on Ps4 did not expected i had to pay for it! Thankfully it's in the PSPlus collection so no problem getting it from there :D 





Platinum Trophy N. 195 - ManEater (Ps5)






Obtain all other trophies


Well, Another Auto-Pop which i guess it's pretty obvious when it was my last platinum before this list xD I said i wanted to play it again in the future but i needed really 2-3 Plats to be Super fast missing 6 of them and well Maneater was the only other Auto-Pop game i had and so i went for it. Not much to say about the game since i already said everything, it looked smoother on Ps5 but still not perfect so i guess it's the game itself that still lags a bit (But waaaay less). Anyway another Fast Plat, it's now my Fastest platinum ever after Jak & Daxter was the LEgit one in 5 hours for like 7-8 years... 

I'm Glad at least it gives you complete 100%, DLC included so i can say Man Eater is completely done in my backlog in both versions.


Platinum Trophy N.196 - Evan's Remains






Evan's Remains


After Two Auto-Ops and actual new game i played and got the plat for :P Evan's Remains is a game i had in my backlog for quite a long time, i got it since i got curious by the story and since i really enjoy this short 2d Pixel style kind of games! And indeed i had a lot of fun with it! It's bascilaly a 2D Novel with Puzzles in the middle to complete, pretty fun ones, nothing too challenging but not that simple either to solve i have to say! 

The story is really nice and emotional, i can't say much without spoiling it but i definitively recommend it if you want a short and nice story in your day, i'm kinda dissapointed by the ending since it's something i disagree with and i would have like to see more, but oh well, it was still a really enjoiable experience!

Trophy wise it's super simple, it has only 3 missable trophies, pretty easy to pay attention to by checking the guide in what chapter/section they are anf getting them. There is no chapter selection so they are actually missable but as said it's just a matter to pay some attention nothing more, anyway the game lasts 3-4 hours if played properly i guess waaay less if you skip everything so no big deal even in case of missing those torphies right away.


So Yeah pretty easy plat and a nice story, a game i'm glad i played and 1 less in my backlog, plus 1 Plat closer to 200!





Platinum Trophy N.197 - Legend of Talia: Arcadia






The Hero of Talia
Discover everything about Arcadia's past and kill the dragon.


It makes my kinda sad thinking 90% of the people just get this game for the super fats plat skipping everything when the story is actually really good and nic,e nothing amazing or innovative don't get me wrong but i relaly enjoied it, short but compelling! 

The story introduce us to Arcadia, An heroine well know in the world of Talia and starts back with a Flashback that is the base of the entire story. The story then goes on and i can''t say much without spoiling it, anywya it's a nice little adventure to read, like an interactive book, this one i 100% a VN after all. I really hope to see a chapter more in the future maybe, like the Sakura series, because it was nice! I have to say the ending felt more for Fanservice than anything i'll be honest but ehi i'm not complaining about it :awesome: 


For Trophies it's bascially an Auto-Platinum, just read through the story and plat that's it. Saldy as said you can even just skip through and plat it in 3 minutes which i guess at least 95% of  the 99+% People who got the plat did....


(I uploaded by Mistake the Gold Trophy Image, it's the same as the plat one anyway, gonna fix it later)





Platinum Trophy N.198 - Deponia






Deponia unlocked!
Complete every trophy of the game.


So, i needed another short game for my target and Deponia was my choice since i checked and it was a short one indeed! This is another game i had in my backlog for a while, it's a point and click adventure, and i really enjoy this kind of games even if this one is kinda on the dispersive type with a lot of walking around and stuff you can easily miss or not knowing what to do right away wich i guess it's kind athe point but having to walk through 5-6 areas each time make sit annoying more than anything. So Yeah i used a walkthrough for most of it otherwise it would have take a lot longer and i probably wouldn't have enjoied it as much too so i'm glad i did that.

I liked the story, it was an interesting one from start to end and Rufus (the Main character) is an idiot xD the locations where interesting too, kinda too big maybe in the town but well mostly because it's a lot of back and forth i guess than the area itself.

Anywya it was a short but neat experienc,e i really liked it and i'm curious to see more of it, i have already Chaos on Deponia and Deponia Doomsday in my backlog (Gotta get Goodbye Deponia on the US account since for whatever reason in EU didn't arrive -_-) so i'll definitively try to see how the journey on Deponia and for Rufus continues in the next months! (Always with a guide on my side) 


Trophy wise it's pretty easy. I don't know why the Guide says like 70% are missable when some have to be done for the actual story at least in the guide i followed, still it's nice that they are in order on the guide and trophy list so i just checked when the guide said a trophy was in an area and checked what to do, pretty simple!





Platinum Trophy N.199 - Fallout 4






Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy


And so Finally here i have it, the platinum trophy for Fallout 4! this agme really took me a while indeed, 5 years if you check my profile :P The Reason why it took so much it's a mix of personal Lazyness and not enjoying the game as much, i mean the funniest part was the settlements for me, it says a lot no? I Started the game back into 2017 but got bored i guess? Can't remember, and went back properly into it 2 years after. I did almost everything aside from the Level 50 trophy which i decided to complete once i got the DLCs with the pass. Well i got the Pass back into 2020 i think? And Got some trophies, i started Far Harbor back then but got bored pretty fast of it. I Went back to it knowing i was missing only 1 trophy for the Plat a couple of days ago and i was level 48 so i decided to just playing it and finally get it (Rather than starting another short game just for the sake of it, and i have like 4-5 of them but as seen i like to read and enjoy them not skip them).

So i sit down and properly played the Far Harbor DLC, i even finished it story wise, it's neat, not as boring as i rememebred at least, but nothing even exciting, kinda like the whole game i guess. (even if that Puzzle Minigame, Ugh, thanks god for guide) Still i'm only missing the side stuffs in it and the Nuka Cola one as Story releated DLCs so i'll try working on those during this days to finally be done with Fallout 4 and getting the 100% since it's more tedious than hard, i can totally make it.


Anyway i can't say much about the game itself, as said 3 years passed since i actually played it properly, i remember the big of it but not much since as said, i didn't enjoied it that much. In My opinion this is the Weakest fallout after 3 and NV, in those 2 i started bored with them and got into them lately a lot, here pretty much the opposite i guess. Plus it's super annoying, for me at least, finding ammo, i'm forced to change 10 weapons every time to go to the one with more ammo, should that be fun to me? 

Story wise i don't remember much aside for the big "Surprise" in the story i guess which still eh...


Anyway this is done and another Plat to my backlog, once i'm done with the 100% i can be completely done with the game, definitively not at all sad that a fallout 5 in 2040 will not be on Ps if that's the direction already in the 4Th one.


Here is one of the Few Plat Images in Italian i have in the last years, just because i always played Fallout In Italian being translated good enough with decent enough talking.





Platinum Trophy N.200 - Genshin Impact (Ps5)






The Path of Discovery
You have collected all the trophies for Genshin Impact in the current version. May you always maintain the courage and spirit to traverse the world and conquer all its challenges!


What can i say if not maybe FINALLY? xD I'm working towards Number 200 for now almost 3 years, one of the longest times between a Trophy Nmumber Milestone since i usually took 2 years at most but well i'm playing pretty long games i guess in the last years and had less time but here i am with the end of this series of plats and the Number 200 being one of my favourite game ever of course, Genshin impact!


My Plan for Plat 200 was intially Catherine: Full Body since that one is another one of my favourite games ever  but once i got a Ps5 where Genshin actually has a Plat i knew i wanted it to be number 200! And i tried to work on it and doing that Before the Sumeru update that's why i tried and managed to get it now :D 


What can i say about Genshin, i think the game itself it's pretty well know, so i don't have to say much about it, i personally love the story, the world, the scenery, the characters, everything about it, it's definitively the Online game i spent the most money on, so many characters i wanted up until now :P 

I'm really excited to see how the story continues and i'm really glad the Main events last so long, it really helps like now, i was more focused on other games and stuff, now i'll get back into it and i still have 2 weeks for the main events, that's nice! Plus i don't mind at all the End-Game formula i'm in now with just entering doing dailies, working on Stuff with the Resin be it Materials or artefacts and that's it, in 20 minutes i'm done and move on, for me having 2-4 hours at most during the Week days to play it's great not having to spend hours on it! 


Genshin is gonna be a game i'll play for a very loooong time, i guess with time given it will surpass my most played game too (Let It Die with 2200 hours for now), i simply love this game and it keeps getting better, i'll spend less money on it because in this first year i really spent waaay too much and the Sumeru characters appeal me less thankfully, still i can't wait for Kusunali :3 


The Plat it's pretty easy, just a LOT of farming, but well Lyue is Really big and so it wasn't a problem for me only missing 200 Chests from there for the plat (and well the Falcon trophy i let that one on purpose to not auto-Pop it expecting to get the Ps5 Version waaay later). I'm only missing the Pages for a Book now and the Sakura Tree at level 50 for the 100%, i don't knwo why they didn't put daily chests in Inazuma, it's such a tedious task working on the Tree this way, hopefully it's not like that in Sumeru. 


I'm so Happyto be playing the Ps5 Verison of it! the gameplay is A TON smoother, didn't expect 60fps to make such a massive difference, the rendering it's incredible and the places are a lot more lively with more stuff on screen! Such a massive difference from the Ps4 version O.o Plus i don't have to worry about the game overheating and making the Console Crashing, with this heat if i play against Raiden on PS4 my console just crashes i can't even finish the battle, this even if i just turn on the console from 0 O.o 


Here i leave the Plat Trophy Image and the Video too because otherwise it looks pretty Meh. I Leav the Lyue chest Trophy image too since it's pretty good :3

Here you can see my Favuorite Girls in the plat on the team :wub:









That's all! I'm so happy to finally reach 200! Now back to 40+ Hours game and taking a long time before 225 xD 


Gonna get back to the Weekly updates too in the next days!

Edited by Sora9427
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just Writing a post since it's been 3 weeks :P 


Not much to say so i won't make a big update thing as usual, i basiclaly enjoied the Golden Apple Arcipelago in Genshin which i still had to do and it was Awesome, wish i started it before the last 5 days :P Now Sumeru is out so i'm gonna enjoy it :3 Aside from Genshin just DBD, enjoying killer when i don't get 4 Egocentric egotistical pricks on the other side and Farming survivor which i always and still find so boring to play. I also Started F1 22 but not doing much there, i shoudl play mroe but lately i'm super lazy, that's why i basiclaly resumed everything i did here in 3 lines. 


Gonna try up the work this week or i'll never make progress anywhere and it sucks. Plus i wanna work on my main page of the checklist, i'm missing the last reviews i did there i can put and i shoudl update my photos, they are like from 3-4 years ago at this point xD 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been 2 Weeks since my last Mini update and even a Month, Wow already, since my actual last update i guess it's time to sit down and write something or i'll never do it :P 


Let's start with the usual stats:


Took a 2 Weeks break from the Site because of being a lot into Gaming first and back to work afetr but here i am now hoping to be resuming the Weekly updates :P 

I got a lot of trophies this time! Even if i say the number are "Faked" by me getting a Ps5 and starting playing Genshin there since it Auto-Popped 45 trophies xD 


- Current Completion %: 74,71% (Previous Month: 75,08% -  0.37%); Might as well go Month wise this time, Not that bad, it was waaay wost last weeks, i'm working on getting back to 75, F122 and DBD really tanked my overall % but slowly increasing it again! 

- Unearned Trophies: 4094 (Previous Month: 3871 - + 123); Yeah, between all the game i started, which Horizon is included i guess from my last stats update obviously this number went up incredibly. I wanna get back under 4k before the end of the year, should be doable no problem, easy to say i'ts IMPOSSIBILE my target to go even under 3k at this point.

- Trophies Earned:  12504 (Previous Month: 12195 - +309 Trophies); Obivously most were given in the Plat "run" i did in the middle of august so no big surprise, to this add all the DBD ones and well easily a LOT of trophies!


Sooo, i'm not gonna write down every single game i did or it will take more time to post up images and stuff than anything, in DBD, i just did a lot of torphies here and there, i'm now trying to boryingly working on the survivor ones (I don't like playing it) whenever i'll find a Killer not playing or an amazing team for the Hemophobia Trophy then i'll really get into it and the grind to plat it. Same with the DLCs, some are plenty stupid, it's great not being able to do the Mickey trophy because pricks DCs or Hide in locker until the End game timer too, totally skill based trophy.... 

Anyway, another game i did some progress on is Immortal rednceck! I'm doing some random runs getting stronger and new Favours to have more variety, i magnage to always get to the final boss of the first pyramid now but never actually win against it, i guess time and more "level ups" will be of help!

For F122, yeah i completed the F2 career and basically stopped later i shoudl really get back into it, i got kinda bored by how sadly easy it is to win evry race, unless i didn't select the uber easy difficulty and don't remember, i should check.

Ah and i Actually Started playing Citites skyline properly! BEing enjoying it a LOT so far, reached today the Big city status and i'm pretty happy with it despite having a lot of troubles still, i have to figure out and the heck to make the airport work...


Talking about 3 Games i actually played this last week: 




Rainbow Six! I mean i guess i didn't really played it a Lot just 4-5 games to get back into it because i actually wanna play it again sometimes especially on weekends! I Had like 2-3 games that went poorly both from me and my team, which i guess it's normal, abd games happen and i had to get back into it plus i don't know like half of the power of the operators now, so many new ones. Anyway i amnaged to get 2 Trophies, the 100 kill one actually was a really great round too, i'll leave here the Gif of it!





So Yeah not much but i wanna get back into it and get more torphies! Don't know if the plat is possible with so many randoms trophies (Like 10 Claymore, really? Such luck) but i'll try slowly.




Yeah, after 6 Long years (even 7-8 i think since i bought it i can't even remember) i actually Started HN Re Birth 2! This is a game that for a LONG time is in my backlog and plans and on my list at 1% trophies so i finally decided to both get back into this and playing on my vita and i have to say it's pretty nice getting to bed and playing this game for an hour, it reminds me also why i love playing JRPGs since it's been a while since Atelier :P I Am basically OP honetsly, the DLC sword they give to you it's so broken that Nepgear one shots every normla enemy and 1-2 Skills kill every boss so far, not that i mind, i'm enjoying the story easily this way without losing 20 minutes in a single dungeon xD 

Currently i'm well in chapter 2 don't know how much into it but i'm gonna go to Lowee to find Rom & Ram later, i'm curious to see how it will go!


I won't be posting many images/Screenshots for this one being on Vita it's not that hard but i have to connect and everything, i don't feel like it :P 




And at the end, obviously always Genshin, actually it's my most played game in the last 2 weeks :P With the New 3.0 update Sumeru came into the game and boy i'm having a lot more fun than i expected with it! I Love the new area and characters and the story so far looks promising, didn't expect to get so much into it! Yesterday i found all the Dendroculus i could so far (87 currently) with the missing one being locked in areas i have to go further into the Main or side stories to unlock and get the missing ones. 

I even Cleared all the Events, i'm on pace with the Fayz Potion too so this time i'm actually keeping a steady rhytm and i'm happy for that, i didn't liked how i reduced myself to the alst 5 days for the Summer one, i don't wanna do everything at the last moment again, it served as a lesson! 

Story wise i'm not much far into it, 35% according to the Ps5 and this is of the Act 1 so gonna try and going further this week, still i met Nilou, i really want her :3


I'm just gonna end leaving and commenting here some Images about my Adventure in Sumeru so far :wub:





First statue of the Seven in Sumeru!




Boy she's gorgeous, i didn't ecpect to like her this much in game but i want her even if she's a Niche Sub Dps! 




Sumeru form one of the Highest PoV from the City, it's surpringly Big! And my New team too it's visible, this is my currently Free Roaming and Story team, i finally use Klee :P 




Got Collei From the Event so happy they gave one to us since i wanted it but not cared for the last banners :3 Currently raising her, Level 50 A3!




Got Dori from this Banner, 2 of her actually i have her C1, it's not a Character i'm really interested in, still not bad i'll work on her whenever i can i guess (Mostly because ugh those plants to farm) 




Got the best girl once more :3 I "Missed" her on the last Rerun because well, i went for her weapon xD This time i went for her! One was assured being at pity 70 with 50/50 lost before but Another one! Got a second one in 30 Wish! This is the first time i got such a Low pity on the Event banner, never got so low inb more than 1 years, the lowest was 50 once than always 60+, so happy when i saw it and it was even another Kokomi :3

Now my Girls is C4 and boy it's fast attacking and charging her burst it's Amazing! And i got to save a lot of primos too for Nilou (Otherwise i would try more Kokomi), can't wait to have my Team with Nilou Kokomi and Kusunali :wub:


Well, that's all for this week, hopefully, next week i'll be here with another one and new screenshots :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 more weeks since last time! I can't really make it weekly xD This time more than my laziness i actually had 2 pretty busy weeks so here i am now with a chill weekend to write down a bit!


- Current Completion %: 74,78% (Previous Month: 74.71% -  + 0.07%); Not Much, especially in 14 days but i was super into Genshin story last week so basically i got a couple of trophie in HN and that was it, a bit more with Cities Skyline this week, still not a lot.

- Unearned Trophies: 4079 (Previous Month: 4094 - - 15 Trophies); I actually got more than i thought, i expected like 10, not a lot but gettin some and closing the gap to 4k

- Trophies Earned:  12522 (Previous Month: 12504 - + 18 Trophies); Either i wrote down wrong this or the Unearned trophy i can't have gotten 16 Trophies but the uneraned are only 15 it should be the same! Ah, i Guess the 3 Plazas Trophy for Cities Skyline went out last week, that's it, then! 


As for what i played, well basically just 3 Games honestly :P 




It's been like 10 days that i'm REALLY into Cities Skyline, it's nice and interesting, i love watchign the city grow and try to make it bigger and better even if it always has a ton of troubles, plus being a relaxing not big attention kinda game i can have some stream or Video has a background to listen without any trouble. I'm currently checking some nice guides too since a lot of stuff either i don't properly understand or didn't plan them well. Still i have a decent city up to 35k populaiton so far, hope it keeps growing, the Firts one i did and had to get rid of in the end sadly got in the Red economy wise and i couldn't recover at all. A Huge part was me not understanding how the airport worked, i got it later and it's waaaay better now indeed as showned by the Trophies i got it too for it!

Not much to say, guess i should take a screenshot of my entire city next time, but for now here is my last torphy in it, a pretty easy one!







Here is where i got most of my progress both Trophy and game wise i would say! I'm having a great time in Re Birth 2 honetsly it's making me wanting to get the 3Rd one on Vita because i'm enjoying playing it there and i wanna continue the series and playing my Vita too :P 


Anyway i left half way through Chapter 2 now i'm at the beginning of Chapter 5! I wont' say anything spoilery about the story but i'm reaching the "end" of it even if still quite a lot is left obviously! I'm really liking the story nothing stellar or amazing per se, still it's a nice one, i'm enjoying my time with the Sisters it's great knwoing their story how they met and got to know eahc otehr since up until now i saw them in the Spin off where there isn't any background about them obviously. I'm at not many hours i would say, like 11-12 in game hours, not that many for being at this point i think but that's because i'm Ultra carried by the DCL weapon and the Exp boost xD

I Have Nepgear that by herself handles every enemy or boss and the team bascially 10 to 20 levels above where it should be when i got Uni she was Level 40 my team level 55 :awesome: 


Anyway, i'm curious to see how it wil go, after some more story the grindy part will come so i'll see about that, i'll probably play even watching stuff on the Pc and not only properly at night. First thing is getting rid of the Awful ending that i don't even wanna bother watching.


Anyway i actually got some screenshots here and there this time! 

BOY i didn't expect to run into troubles with the Assistant Manager for the Vita! Had to find a new "online" version of it becaus eof stupid drivers that won't install the original one -_- Thanks god for this program! 


There are some HEAVY STORY SPOILER IN THE IMAGES, so check them out knowing this.







Best Character Nyu :3 I absolutely Love Broccoli, she's Amazing! She's gonna be in my Team in every game she is in, i hope she is in the 3rd one :3 










Some Story Images, the Concert in Chapter 2 was great, then Having all the Oracles togheter and Histoire's Talk wwas very touching, same as the Reunion of Nepgear with her Sister :3 

Thanks god i play in Japanese, it's way more impactufl hearing Onee chan while crying, come on it's her Sister obviously she won't say "Neptune Neptune" -_- 




And for Last obviously, as usual, Genshin!

I actually did most of it last week, this week i did the current event and the Daily grind and that's it, i'm really Lazy in it when it comes to doing the Side quest and Stories, i still have Yela, Kazuha and Tighinari Stories to do plus a Ton of Side quest in Inazuma and Sumeru and the Main Secondary quest too.


Anyway aside from remaining stuff i Enjoyed the End of the story so far! Apparently i was at 35% overall not of Act 1 xD I Finished the Act one and got into the 2nd one right away and BOY it was a ton of fun and really interesting to play, it just covers and argument and them i simply love in every Media and so it being in Genshin, Perfection! I bascially did all Act 2 in 2 Days because i was so much into it to knwo what was going on :P Seriously this is so far the best Story in the game for me, best Act for sure! 

Sadly Act 3 doesn't look as intriguing being in the desert and with no Kusunali involved, eh let's see after the First part that caught me by bg surprise who knows! 


The New update will drop this next Wednesday so i really ahve to get back and Finish Sumeru with the Big secondary quest and then dive more into the story for sure! Plus i should go and start farming for Nilou ^_^ I don't care for Cyno this next banner, sad that Candace mostly and Kuki too are on this banner since i wanted them, especially Candace, still they'll be back being 4 star! 

Instead for Niulou i'm simply waiting :3 I Love her desing and liked her more than expected in the Story (And i really hope in the 3Rd part she'll be into it again too!) so i 100% want her and her weapon too! (Despite being terrible desing wise for her) I dont' care if she's niche or not super strong, i eman i ahve Kokomi and Yae that aren't considered "Meta" so who cares :P 


Here i leave a Few Screenshot, here too THERE ARE BIG STORY SPOILERS ABOUT SUMERU, so check them out knowing this.





End of the Sorty so far, i really love the Name they choosed for this Chapter and it fits really well once you finish it!




HERE SHE IS! Kusunali, can't wait to play her, she's adorable i want more of her in the story :3




This part was so incredible i was stunned by how amaizng it was, and we even get a thinking mini-game that is really cool and more of the Main Character talking which is great, she has a great Voice and seeyu i'm always kinda sad to not hear her as much, hope we see more of this :wub:




I'm so happy to see the Main Characetr getting more confident and strong as the story goes actually growing up constantly :3 If only they gave her an actual Sword instead of the Dull blade in the Videos it would be better xD They really should make a Sword for the Travler in a Dedicated Event actually!


That's all for this last 2 weeks! Let's see if it takes 2 more or less to be back here :P I guess with the upcoming update i'll be bakc a lot into Genshin so i don't knwo how many trophies i'll get or do we'll see about it! 

Edited by Sora9427
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  • 2 months later...

OH WOW! It's been 3 months already since my alst update, what? O.o THis eyar i toally failed to do the weekly update thing, i got either bored or too busy like lately to do it, it's one thign i'm gonna do properly next year if i can! Togheter with updating the main page... I should also Put down ehre my Review for Tekken and Nexomon i think i wrote those in the Plat Thread.


Anyway for now here is my latest Platinum.




Platinum Trophy N.203 - Horizon Zero Dawn




:platinum: All trophies obtained
Obtained all Horizon Zero Dawn trophies.


And So here i am, finally joining the Group of people having played Horizon, it took a while :P Horizon is a Title that i had for a while (Like 2 years?) now but never started it since i was interested in it but that was it. This Summer i got with my Ps5 in Bundle Forbidden west and so i decided it was about time to play the first one! I started it on July but after the beginning and arriving at the Open world exploring part i stopped since i was more into other games at the time plus the Summer holydays and stuff in the mix. I left it until like 3 weeks ago. Then i decided to egt back into it properly, i enjoied the beginnign adn wanted to get back into it ebfore motnhs and months passed and i forgot what happened or was doing adn so i did. 

And What to say, i'm glad i went back into it! I Really enjoyed it! 


It's a nice experience, i like the gameplay A LOT, i'm doing the DLC now and i'm still not tired to use my bow or the Slingshot or the Trap gun too! 

The Story was nothing astronomically new i suppose but it was really interesting and kept me guessing until the end what happened and what they were gonna do or how it was gonna end, and i say i'm pretty satisfied with it! I'm glad we got a sequel because yeah the matter in here is "settled" but the Machine Menace is far from being fixed after all.


I Liked the Overall open world, It's big but NOT massive which makes even roaming around on foot from fire place to fire place never boring or annoying, i rarely used the Horse option but glad it's there thanks to the DLC because when you don't have any fire in an area it would be a LOOONG time to get there otherwise. 

The Side quests are mostly shorts one and i'm glad for that, i don't need 20 side quest to last 30 minutes each. and the Machine variety too it's great, a lot of different ones, even if some i even forgot are in the game like the Behemoth, you almost never meet them ?


Trophy Wise it's a simple Platinum, glad nothing is missable, really eased my mind, and the rest is easy enough with in-game maps too, i barely used the SPNP guide and that's always nice! 


Obiviously the game is far from perfect! And i have my gripes about it that i hope they got fixed in FW! Firts fo all not having a Glider (Which i think got "fixed", i remember seeing it), getting to the top of places or mountains and not being able to get down fast or travel far from it but onyl using specific point was annoying, thanfully it's not often that it happens and you cna always warp anyway. I hope for More Weapon and Armor avriety. I Basically Used the Explosive Trap with the Trap Weapon, The Explosive Slingshot and the Precision Arrow for 90% of the game, i enjoyed them of course but i never felt need to use something else. The Placable traps i never even bothered, when i did got dissapointed, the Fire Trap from the Weapon it's fine while the elctric one sucks personally. Same with some arrow types or the Machine gun weapon (I played in Italian so i don't knwo the english name), i never basically used it if not for Freezing some enemies a bit, for that it works, if the enemy is big. 

As For the Armor, i put the OSeram one mid-Game and Never felt the need to change it, even the new ones in the DLC are neat but nothing i feel like i need, there is not real improvement and most of it it's done by modifications and i'm not a fan of that, especially with aestethic being a part of it too, i'll get a Frozen wild armor purely because i like the look not the Strenght or resistance it offers.

This are my biggest problems with it that i hope to see fixed in The 2nd one.


Oh Yeah i played the game with English Voices and Italian Text, a Nice option and combo sinc eotherwise i would have played it all full ENG, Translation is pretty good 90% fo the times, sometimes i can hear and read something is not right and ifx it myself.


Anyway overall it was a nice experience and i'm glad i finally played it, now i'm into the DLC and it looks pretty fun so far, and short too thankfully. 

I doubt i'll do the NG+ Trophies, at least for now, maybe in the future since just rushing the story will take like 8 horus so not that long. 


Here is the Platinum image, i forgot my last trophy was the Allies one so here is a Sleeping Aloy ^_^ 






This is probably my last Platinum for 2022, a really great year for me Platinum wise, it was a long while since i got so many, even if some short ones surely helped :awesome: 


After i'm done with the DLC it's time for Samurai Maiden, then Some R&C, after Probably P4Golden is out so there is that and THEN i'll go into Horizon Forbidden west! (Or if it's like end of february/Beginning of march maybe i'll just wait april 19 for the DLC, i'll see how it goes time wise to end all those games before i guess)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new Year! And this means new Goals For me to set!


First of all i would like to post here more, i did it last year but not enough and with only the Summer having a lot to tell, i'll try to keep up a Weekly update this time or at least every 2 weeks and posting mostly Screenshot, i enjoy going back and see what i was playing or was doing months ago and i get lazy at the thought of writing down walls of text every week so i'll try with mostly images and a few commentary on them, that should be better :P 

Another Thing i wanna do here is to fix my Main page. It still has some old old photos from 3-4 years ago, same with some infos and it's missing a lot of plat i'll try to cover back slowly!


That's for what i want to do more on the Forum and in this thread. Now talking about the gaming part itself, let's start with some Simple Numbers i guess :) 


  • Number Of Trophies Earned: Target: 14000. So, last year Target was 13000, i Missed it by 230 trophies, which isn't that much in the end considering i played a lot of "long" (Or should i say took too much time on some?) Games and only some short ones. Since i have a good backlog of short games as well ass some Mid-Long ones (Like Ratchet or Demon Soul) i plan to play this year i think this target isn't impossible to hit, i just have to actually play rather than delay stuff or spendign mroe than i should on some titles that don't need it!
  • Number of Completed Games: 235. With Completed games on PSNP it means Actually 100% games, and i wanna work on this number. I'm now at 209 but i have a good bit of games i have at 80% to either get back to or playing the DLC and it's time to finish and be done with them! So i set this target, it maybe be a bit easy sinc ei plan to play some fast games too that will up the 100% completed games number but still 250 seems a bit too much for now.
  • Completion Percentage: 77,5%. I'm not going much higher than my target last year but still going up a bit. This year i wanna go back to some games and clear them up and with it increasing my overall % too, a number that was waaay too static until the last year. I Failed my Last target of 77% but i'm still happy with where i got last year, i reached up to 75,8% something i think i didn't saw since like 2016/2017 so finally some actual progress and i hope to see a lot on this side this year!
  • Number Of Platinum Trophies: 230. Last Target in terms of Numbers, i decided here to not stay too low since, as said, i'm planning a bit of easy plats this year that will up the number of it, but still not too much high like 250 because my best year was like 25-30 plats and so i doubt i'll get 47 of them anyway starting now at 203; plus i still have planned a good bit of JRPGs to play so not excatly fast ones. Still i think this is a target i can hit and try making 2023 one of my most prolific plat years!

That was it for the Number of my goals ^_^ 

Now Let's say some of the games and consoles i have and ACTUALLY wanna finally play after years of having them.


So, Firts of all i Wanna Get at least 2-3 Plats on my PS3! Going back to it it's somehting i'm always postponing but i still have games i wanna play there and some i wanna get on and finish like Lollipop chainsaw comes to mind! So yeah i wanna do that, same with my PSVita! I actually used it a bit on my last year so that's good, still wanna play on it more and Try to finish some games and start a few ne ones, even there my target is 3-4 plats obtained at least!


Now Let's say some Specific games i wanna play this year. I won't Say Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, Horizon FW or P4 Golden since thos are actually my next Planned games, i ahve a small schedule and this 3 are my next ones so they will be played!


  • Demon's Soul (Ps5): Time to play it, i have it with the PSPLus and i know it's a short one so i Wanna play it this year after watching it already a bunch of times.
  • Sekiro: same as Above i would like to have played all From Soft games this year and actually Sekiro is the only "new" one i'm missing (I played Demon Soul on Ps3 back years ago) so, time to play it!
  • Deathloop & Tokyo Ghostwire: Gonna just put those 2 bethesda titles togheter. They have interested me since release, one for the Loop theme and the other for the setting and Folklore so, time to play them this year! Or At least one of the 2, i'm most "excited" for Ghostwire honestly.
  • Soul Hacker 2: The Persona spin off! I played a bit of the trial and i really liked it so i'm curious to actually play it during the year, we really need more Turn based JRPG, if 2 or 3 over the year comes out now it's a miracle... (And i don't count the Kemco stuff)
  • Steelrising: Another Action (Or Soul like how now are called anyway) Rpg i wanna play! I liked it since the trailers, i love the Theme of the revolutionary france! So i Wanna play it during the year, maybe after the DLC goes on sale too and i get that.
  • Catherine Full Body: Catherine is one of my favourite games ever (4Th Actually on my list!) and this new version seems evene better! I started it but stopped after a while i cna't remember why, i guess it was a lazy period, still time to get back into it and enjoy the story! I Actually have it planned after the above mentioned one in my plans.
  • Death Stranding & Nier Automata: I write those 2 down togehter because they are basically identical. I got them back on the 2019 Black friday and 3 years later i sitll have to play them. Time to fix this! For Nier i already know i'll enjoy it, i even have Replicant already to play after! For Death stranding it surely looks interesting, let's see this much talked game recommended by many my friend included.
  • Atelier Firis + Lydie & Suelle: One of my highlights, if not THE Highlight, of last year was playing Sophie 2! I had such a blast playing it, it was incredible and so this year i wanna continue the Atelier Saga and Playing the Last 2 Chapter i'm missing in the Misteryous Saga! I just love Aetlier Gameplay and style, that's why i hope Ryza 3 is the alst one with that new one, i like the style and new stuff but the Combat is terrible there, i tried in Ryza 1 i don't like it (Only reason why i don't pre order Ryza 3 actually)
  • God Of War (Ps4) + The Last Of Us (Ps4): Well other Classics i still have to play and it's about time i fix that, it was the Same with Horizon and i ended up enjoying it more than i expected os let's hope it's the same here! Plus i'm already done with the Online in TLOU so just the story to play!
  • Bayonetta (Ps4): A game i really Enjoyed back then on PS3 and i still Enjoy by listening to Fly me to the moon! I got it last eyar on slae so i wanna play t and get the plat this time, maybe even go back on  Ps3 for that if i can! 
  • Spider-Man: Mile's Morales: Well, with Spidermna 2 coming out at the end of the year i really ahve to play this Masterpiece before don't i? :) 
  • Tales Of Zestiria?: I Wanna play another Tales of after 2-3 years since my last one, teh ? is because i know Zestiria is kinda annoying for the Plat so i'll see i have that, Berseria and Arise On Ps5 to play so i'll decide when it's time
  • Nexomon Exctintion: I enjoied the First one depsite it's problems and the biggets one of the Free Switch in Damage seems Fixed in the Sequel so i wanna play it next months!
  • Medievil: Time to Finally play another Classic i got years ago, i palyed this oen as a kid but never finished it and actually i remember so few things it's like a totally new game.
  • Sleeping Dogs (NA): So i have the NA version of sleeping dogs for a while, i LOVE this game (I'm always so sad there arent' games like this anymore, the new gta are awful personally) so i wanna replay it once more this year!


Well that should be all, it's a Long list and i don't know if i can play them all but i'll try!

And here i didn't even quoted games like Omega Quinter or Code Vein i wanna get back into and either Play or finish, so it's a Lot to do but let' see how it will go, for now back to Genshin, the other Super long all year game :P 


Anyway That's all for my Goals this year, let's see if i can manage to make at least half of them this time!



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  • 2 weeks later...

So, Two weeks have now passed and i said i was gonna try und give an "Update" on what i'm working on at least in this period of time so let's try not to already fuck it up and say what i'm currently playing or planning to do!


First of all not gonna write massive posts, as said in my Year Goal Planning i'm gonna mostly post Screenshots and Photos when possible of the stuff i'm Playing.

Let's start with:


Samurai Maiden (Ps5 Version)




A game i had a Huge interest in since i saw the first trailers back in september and so i Pre-Odered the Deluxe edition to give my support, and what to say i did not regret it! It might not be a super awesome game with Huge graphic or complex gameplay, even the Story it's pretty simple nothing that was never seen before but i still enjoied it a lot.

I really liked all the characters and how they looked (Tokugawa looked not as amazing compared to the others but still good) and the Gameplay despite being pretty simple still hasn't got me tired, i still enjoy it! I'm currently working on the Story/Chapters on Hard after i finished the Story on Normal the First day of the year. I'm just doing some chapters when i feel like it, it's still pretty simple on Hard thankfully, i would be worried for the Last difficulty otherwise but it shouldn't be that bad i hope.


Anyway i'll leave here some Screenshots, i had to get some from the Trophies because during the Gameplay i kinda forgot to take screenshots xD Since the Chapter are time based i can't really stop for now taking images of enemies, fight or places i'll probably do that more when i'll search for the collectibles with the time being a no factor in it!

I could actually post the Final Image, it's not really a story spoiler but it's so beautiful that i leave it for who wants to play it to see :3












For the Second Game i played i would post about Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexu but, well, being a Ps3 Games Streamed with the Plus i couldn't take any screenshot, i tried :( 

So i'll just leave my Review of the game, actually in main page so i start working on that as i said i wanna do, let's just say in short that i had a good time with it!


Lastly, as always, Genshin Impact (Ps5 Version)




I actually wouldn't really said i did much in Genshin, mostly Daily and Farming here and there, i have so little interest in the 3.3 story, should change with the next week and the 3.4 bringing actually interesting Characters. 

I Actually Went on my Ps4 Version to Sync all my trophies and get all the Sumeru one i was missing there :P And Boy Sumeru made the Ps4 Version even worst, it already casued crashes in summer for me before, can't imagine now, glad i have the Ps5 Version O.o 


Anyway Actually today i got some screenshots i can post! I Finally Managed to improve my Ayaka after a while i tried i found 3 Wonderful Crio Pieces to give her and she finally has Great stats! With this i even managed to give her ATK% Shimenawa piece to Yoimiya and make her better too! I Leave the stat screenshots here! I'll leave even my Abyss video here, i got 36 Star this time! Who need the Geo Team when you have Bloom? :awesome:













And that's all! I played a bit of Civ 6 in this weekend since i'm feeling the need to play it after a long time, sadly the Trophies require so many specific things it's boring and tedious but oh well hopefuly i can work on it, get the plat and then play how i wanna mostly :D 


If i can finally sit my ass down and put my brain on it i'll start R&C: Rift Apart tonight and On Thursday Persona 4 Golden comes out (I'm just waiting for it) so next week or weeks should be mostly this for screenshots ^_^ 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So let's continue my Posting every 2 weeks without delay once more with some more screenshots :3




This last 2 weeks i played mostly at Ratchet & Clank Rift apart, enjoying every moment of it! For my Review you can check my main page and see there everything i had to say about this great game, it's no point in me repeating here so i'll mostly leave some screenshots i've taken around different planets, a lot of cool places to see!

































I'm continuing to play Civ VI too after getting the plat too during last week! I thought i got it back at the time of my old Post but guess not! For that too my Review is in the first page of the thread if you're curious :) Meanwhile i started working on some DLC trophies randomly i can get, i Cleared the 2 Scenarios required and got some Random ones like Maxing out the Vampire Pact and yesterday getting a Cit surroundedy with 4 Luxuries resoruces with the Mayas, Maya is the current Civ i'm using on ths last run, gonna try go for a scientific Victory and meanwhile getting the Amber with Zoo and Archeologist Trophy + the General Maya victory!


I'll leave here just a few screenshots of the above mentioned trophies!












I Usually don't quote OW 2 in this posts because i play it during the weekends doing random quick play games without much to say about but yesterday i actually got 2 Trophies! I Got the Rammatra Ulting one to kill 3 Enemies in his Ult, nothing too hard since, personally, it's an OP ult, i just never played him much but tried yesterday and got it, now i'm trying for the other trophy, it's more random than i expected. But more than this i Got "Purified" with Kiriko, which i'm really happy about since it's a character i love and enjoy playing :3

I must have gotten super lucky because i teleported just before a Rein Shatter, i somehow got missed by hit, and then got 3 people up with my Suzu which i guess maybe they were Hacked too or something and so it counted for 5 Cleanses in 1 Suzu, such a lucky trophy O.o 


Here are the screenshots of this trophies:









Genshin, as always, can't miss! I didn't do much aside from dailies, gonna try and MUST do more the coming weeks since i have 10 days for the Rite. I'm just quoting it because i actually maxed out Sumeru reputation meanwhile so that's a trophy :D Pretty fast and easy compared to Inazuma for sure! 

Now i'm only missing the 2 Sumeru Chests Trophies, whenever i wanna sit down and look around with the compass i'll work on them



And that's basically all! I started Persona 4 Golden meanwhile this week but onyl sit down properly for it for an hour yesterday so i'll get into it for real since today after this post, that's why i don't have much to say, i can say that Wow i forgot a good bit of events at the beginning! And i'm actually surprised you can take screenshots! With Atlus you never know but glad i can so next week/weeks i'll post some here :3 

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  • 1 month later...

Time to update again my Checklist! I already missed what i promised to do but the last months i'm reaaaly into P4G and don't know what to screenshot of it so i don't have that much to post about :P


Still i have to add here my last 2 Reviews, i'm missing the R&C one too here, i thought i already posted it, guess not. Gonna update the main page later!


Platinum Trophy N. 206 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart





:platinum: Masters of the Multiverse
Collect All Trophies


So, I can Finally say i played this great little gem that is currently on the few (Sadly) Ps5 Exclusives!

I had great expectation and what to say, it is absolutely a blast of a game, really a work of art on every aspect of it! 


Let's start with what i care less but it's always nice to see which is the Graphic of the game! It's simply amazing, such an obvious massive difference from the previous ones but even compared to other recent games it has so much cure so many details it's amazing! And i Played on the Performance mode so 60Fps with a little Ray tracing i guess on Cinematic mode it could be even better O.o You can even see how smooth it is never slowing down even when weapon upgrades and stuff compared to the previous titles.


Now for the, i guess, Main feature of the game that are the rifts around the worl, they are great to use and always a lot of fun, it's so cool how you get instantly teleported to a point and everything is loaded in and moved instantly! I Found fascinating this especially on Blizar and Cordelion, it's sooo cool that you hit a Crystal and the entire world just changes instantly in half a second around you without any loading or lights in the middle, i think this is technically impressive, i can't think of any other game i played changing area around you so fast just by hitting an object :blink: 


The Story is really nice too, we get to know and Use Rivet, another Character with her own story connecting to Ratchet and this is a first too for the series, yeah sure we had all 4 one but there we basically use character we already know and it was an escuse to have a Multiplayer part in it more than effectively matter in the story. It's nice to see new and old worlds we know (And i Can't remember well because i think Sargasso was in like R&C1 xD) and i enjoied them all not a single one i found annoying! It's really interesting alternating using Ratchet or rivet depending on the Planet and watching what happens until the end. I won't say anything particular because i don't like to spoiler anything in my Reviews but i really enjoied everything even the ending is really good, there is one Thing i guess left "Hanging" and who knows i hope it's the excuse for the next chapter in the series :3 

Still this is one, if not maybe the Only one with Gladiator, title that is good alone and i don't think it will be part of a trilogy, which i found a pretty good think since the last one was pretty low quality sadly; but with this? Oh Boy they raised the bar so high. ^_^ 


I even Actually played the game in Italian, my language, which will probably be the last and possibly only game on Ps5 i'll do that xD I Dislike modern VA in my language being so pale and worst than english which i can understand so i never do, but R&C is a game i always played and like in Italian, i did Nexus too in my Language and there i tried a bit English i actually like it more in Italian, guess it's habit :P So i was both super happy and suprised when ALL the voice came back both Ratchet and Clank, Quark and everybody is back with the same voices which is incredible, did not expect that after sooo many year (5-6 since the Reboot?) so it was a relaly pleasant suprise and they choosed a great Female voice for Rivet too, a strong one that did a good job. If more game where done like this i would listen more to my language but since it often is not like well it was enjoiable for once :)


For the Gameplay, well it's the classic always love one plus the Rift as a bonus in combat, but this time i enjoyed basically all weapons, some were underwhelming but that's to be epxected but i didn't had any annoying one like in Nexus to use. The Ryno too HERE is Powerful, you really feel strong and the power of using it and  destrying your enemy, not like in Nexus where i felt like i was tickling the enemies while missing half the shots. There are a lot of different weapons to use and all of them really seems strong in their upgraded version! I'm Kinda sad that this time it's when they decided to not put a "Complete Challenge mode" trophy and asking to max out all weapons to V10, they did in the rpevious ones but not this time when i actually would have lovedto do that :( 


So yeah this lead to my final topic, trophies. The Plat is Super Easy, one of the easiest to do so it's not a surprise is 60%+ Rarity is bascially given to you compared to previous R&C which aren't never that difficult of games. You can just Enjoy the story, pay attention on the rail section of Blizon to hit the 3-4 Crystal there to not miss that trophy and that's it. 70% of the tropheis come from just playing and completing the Stories on the planets. Then there are really few collectible ones, the Gold Bolts are not even asked, only 5 are needed to be found which i don't get it when you even get an in-game map for them, i went and found them all just for my satisfaction being so easy to do. There are some bear plushes to find (Why, who knows i guess it's a quote to something) which i used the "Suggestion" feature from the trophy itself showing short videos where to find them, really useful, i hope this feature doesn't die because it was nice not having to go on Pc and look for a video. 

As Said the Platinum doesn't even require you to Max out ANY weapon or playing the game on Challenge, nope just get all the weapons which is easily done after the Tutorial in Challenge mode when you unlock the last 2 and "Max" out a weapon which i thought it meant taking it at level 10 and got instead surprised when i Maxed outa weapon with Raritanium and that's what the trophy is for, so you can get it even after taking a weapon to V5 in the Main run....

There aren't even any difficulty relleated trophy this time you can play on Super Easy and it's the same. I played on Normal, mostly to not having super Tanky bosses and it was enjoyably easy. 

So yeah they went really super easy on this plat which is dissapointing since this is the game i would have liked to play a second run of maxing everything and at hard Diffculty!


Anyway for my last lines in this Massive review; if it's not obvious i simply LOVED this game and enjoied it a lot, it went over my expectation, i liked every single moment of it and it was a pleasure to experience! This is my First Actual game on Ps5 (Since the other i have are also on Ps4) only and DAMN if this is the level of quality we get i really hope this is the last year of having Cross-Gen games from the Main SH because there is such a MASSIVE difference in every part of it it's impressive.


I'll leave here the platinum image, it's when i maxed out a weapon, as Said i was surprised i expected the trophy meant to get it to V10 not max out the stats with Raritanium.









Platinum Trophy N.207 - Cities Skylines




:platinum: Ultimate City Mayor
Acquire all the other Trophies


I Usually write down really long reviews with all the details about the game, trophies and time i had with them but this time i don't think there is going to be much to say :P

So i Finally got the Platinum of Cities Skyline, one i'm really happy to see added to my profile! Cities Skyline is a "Managing" type of game where you have to build and manage your city, making it growing bigger and being able to develop it to its best while soliving the common real problem coming with a city (crime, Garbage and so on).


Personally i love this kind of games! I played them in the past for hours and hours (Mostly Imperium Civitas and Sim City back on Pc) and i never get tired of building my new city in different ways and layouts and see how it goes :3

Let's say this is Kinda limited sadly in Cities skyline, at least working for the platinum. You have to build very specific building or areas or abusing stupid things like for the metro trophy or the Taxing one, which makes the experience less fun than being able to have complete freedom and build how or what you want or not in your city, still it was alwyas fun, evene the grinding trophy i have a good memory of them!

I Use Memeory because it's actually being quite a while since i sat down and did 90% of the trophies required for the platinum, it was back in September/October that i so much into the game and did most of it getting so close to the plat only missing 1 trophy which was, weel impossible to get right away!

I'm talking about the "1001" Nights trophy. For this you have to play actual 1001 nights in game for this you have to activate the Day/Night Cycle and then play, a Day is like 4-5? Maybe 3 anyway some months that have to pass so you basiclaly need around 350 In-Game years to pass for the trophy. Best way to do it is just create a new City don't build anything so you don't have to manage nothing and leave it there time passing. Thankfully the Trophy is Comulative so it count the Days from other save files and since i had a Save file with like 10-20 years and my main one with 110/120 years played in it i got it in my Idle file at the year 2220!

I Could have actually got the trophy waaaay earlier but, last year i couldn't leav the Ps4 on for a long time or it would have seems like an airport was in my room. And on Ps5 i often forgot to just leave the console there on the game when i was elesewhere like i did today :P


Anyway i'm Happy to finally have it! Mostly a really long Plat because of this trophy i wrote about rather than an hard one still another Super Rare Plat which is always great ^_^


I Leave here the Platinum Screenshot, well it's the empty Idle city after all not that i coudl know when it was gonna pop.





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  • 1 year later...

WOW! It's been over a year since my last post here? O.o

Didn't thought it was that much time but i guess so; i stopped due to a mix of Lazyness and unsettle because of the period i was in, now i feel a lot better and kinda refreshed and it was a pleasure to get back checking out my old posts and remember what i did, i always enjoy that so i wanna get back into it be it a weekly or Monthly stuff i wanna share some of my screenshots and adventures in what i'm playing :D


I could also write down something about targets and game to play but it basically it's the same as 2023 in the end, out of all that games i wrote on Spiderman was actually played and done, % and Number of trophies it's still to grow and reach so no point in setting new one, just slowly working it up which is what matters, not how fast 😛 


I also found out you can now get screenshots just from the PSApp which makes 100 times better getting screenshots without having to pull out a USB, upload there, connect, download, share ugh.


So, let's start commenting about some games i'm currently playing! I'm only gonna post about The playstation ones since i basically post pulls and stuff already for Azur Lane and Blue Archive which i started last summer!


Genshin Impact




So, i left at Sumeru almost 2 Years ago now we are with Fontaine almost finished and soon to be Natlan. Meanwhile i kinda slowly "Left" Genshin, i mean i did all main events and secondary one and Dailies too just Story wise i'm pretty behind stuck at the Epilogue Post Sumeru, really not in the mood to continue for now Despite Fontaine looking amazing and me actually Loving some Characters such as Furina & Navia which i got Right away.


Speaking of what i'm Currently doing in here wlel Last week i did the Main event for this Update, a relaly nice one, i was hapy it was 90% Gameplay and few scene since usually it's the opposite, a pleasant surprise and a nice Image to finish it :)




In the Spoiler here some Characters/Stuff i worked on recently, Maxing out Bennets' Burst Talent (About time xD) and Getting Amber from the shop Finally C6 her, i have to try her out in a team!









And to End here is Chiori, so far her and Navia are the only 2 Fontaine Characters i was Super excited for and pulled a lot! I even went out to get Weapon for both of them and even C1 for Chiori Since i can use her with Navia no Problem that way :3 And what can i say totally worth it, such a fun team to sue and a new addittion to the Abyss Carry teams after the Raiden & Bloom Teams!




And that's all for Genshin, Currently just doing Dailies and the Small events, gonna post if i get something nice or upgrade some characters but i'm just waiting for whenver i feel to do the Main story, or Furina C1 Next update i guess if i'm lucky character wise!




A game i started 2 weeks ago once they finally patched out the bugged trophy since i was waiting for that to play it 😛 

So far having a great time, ti actually takes me away from other titles often because it's so chilling and relaxing sitting there cleaning places while listening to music, times fly ^_^

Yeah having a lot of fun and chill with it while working on trophies and Carreer, currently doing the Metro Stop, maybe the Worst level so far for how Massively Big in a bad way it is, i prefer stuff liek the Tree House if it has to eb a big one, at least it varies and it's nice to clean not massive floors or wall basically.

Anyway here is my last trophy, the Metro one:






Here it is. Honkai: Star rail. The Big title i was waiting last year and that got basically most of my time in the last 4 months indeed! What to say, such a wonderful title, in many parts absolutely better than Genshin (Especially Time/Managing wise), having a blast since the beginning and i'm so much into the story, Penacony it's incredible, can't wait to see what happens, currently in the middle part of it which as epxected it's a lot fo building up so more "Boring" than the beginning but still really fun and curious to see what's going on because it's such a mess (In a great way) :)

Aside from the Story i Pulled for Acheron right away, i saved for her Skipping Sparkle without doubts and i did not regret that! She's sucha BEAST! I Even got her to E2 in the end because it offers such a boost and more flexibility with the teams that i decided it was worth spend on it! I even got Pela and Callagher to E6 from Not having them so a great Session, even better that i got Himeko which i really wanted to, i'm so happy currently in Honaki :3

Now Saving back for Robin that looks, well i don't know info wise but just for the Burst alone i WANT her!





And this is all for what i'm currently playing, not much but this is it!

Hopefully i'll be back sooner rather than later with the next updates and screenshots even just to remember this moments in a year or more, and hopefully not taking a year or more to write more XD



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here i am back again ai it! I didn't forget this time last week! I was just in a really bad mood not really feeling like sitting down and writing in general not even lazyness.


Meanwhile i'm basically playing just 3 games so i don't havce that much to say still i'll write about them 😛 


Lets' start with the Usual




Genshin, as always. I actually didn't do almost anythign aside from the Kitty event last week which was pretty simple but nice and fast which i like :3

Aside from that i actually worked today a lot on different character bringing talent to Max level and levelling them up, even upgraded some artefacts (Well 1 for Diluc actually that's it) from the Crafting Table. I Spent a good bit of all that money and mats i accumulated which is nice finally 😛 Probably next week gonna be a "soft" one too, i care less than 0 about all the characters in the next banner since i'm waiting just for possibly Clorinde (At this point whenever they wanna release her) and for Furina C2 or more C for Navia & Chiori, that's about it. Complete even the Abyss today, no real trouble with the Bloom team on one side and the Navia Team on the other part.


Gonna leave here in a Spoiler all the Abilities i maxed out today!





Maxed Out Klee Attack! Don't use her often still i should!




Ayaka's Normal Attack Maxed out, i already Had Skill & Burst so now hse's full 10/10/10 :D




Kequing Maxed out her R2, Maybe not the best should have gone NA but eh, she's one of my favourite so i'll haver her Fully Maxed out anyway in the future!




Kazuha's Burst which Never hurts, now gonna work on Skill!




Chiori just showing her off, Burst was already Maxed out, i'm missing some Mats for the Burst but i'll get it, i want her full Maxed out too anyway.




Went from 5 to 10 with the Skill, i should see a Big difference next Abyss using her and Ayaka togheter 😛 




And to end, Jean. Went from 6 to 10 with her Burts so now it should heal even more and absolutely keep alive My Raiden in the HyperCarry team when i use it ^_^






Honkai! So here i actually finished the Main story like 10 Days ago and WOW! What a Massive ending it was, i'm jus here waiting everyday for the 8Th of May to come and continue to see how it ends because that conclusion was simply incredible, won't say anything about it but damn what a surprise!

Done with the story i'm not doing much, i should do side stories and events but not feeling it even if i'll probably do the events during this week aside from the Board one which is pretty fun!

I don't really have anything new to post, i didn't get much of an upgrade with nobody sadly despite the Artefact grind, i started actually working on the Forgotten hall today and went with the "old" one from Round 3 to 9, i never worked on it so i'll finally try after all it's Pyro i'll lose otherwise :)

Hopefully gonna have some Images and upgardes for next week/s




Yeah, this is the big boy i went back into finally after years and years! I Watched a playthrough for it and it reignaited my will to get back to it! And oh Boy indeed so many new things that weren't there when i stopped, i stopped before bees and stuff when it just got to the Bedrock version i think so all the cave, nether and so on, Axolotl, are all new things for me! I had to make a whole new save and world because i tried the old one and clearly wasn't compatible as showed by me roaming a gfood 10 minutes the nether and never finding a new biome and then spawning in one right away in this new World!

Not that i mind, a lot of stuff is way easier or funnier to find and farm, i like my home now waaay more and the Sakura trees are probably the best new thing in the game for me, i just surrounded my place with them xD


So Yeah having a lot of fun wiht it, currently grinding out to prperare to face the end! Somehting i never did before becauise when i played there weren't coordinates and boy was it TERRIBLE on Playstation to remember where to go and so on, now it's soooo much better i just remember my house i -357/950 and i'm fine! Same for the end Stronghold i just Took a screenshot of it once i found it and now i know where to go! And oh Boy i got unlucky with it, it's like 1600 blocks away from me, but oh well i guess.


I'll actually leave here the photo of the End portal, i thought i had the Screenshot with my new Home but guess not, i'll take one for next time!




And that's most things for me! I Actually Finished up Powerwash simulator and got the platinum! Really a relaxing and fun adventure, i don't have the Platinum Screenshots right now but it wasn't anything special anwyay. Now i'm waiting for a good sale for all the DLCs to get back to it once more :3


I Also tried out, and actually still trying it, the Demo for Stellar Blade! It's a game i'm waiting since it was called project EVE so i'm really excited about it! And the Demo doesn't dissapoint! I was bummed to not have a Japanese Voice option, i dind't know about that, but at least we have a Korean option so i'll play it like that, it's strange being a language i don't really hear almost daily like Japanese or English (And no i compared both version English seems the usual Hollywood like style, Eve doens't even seems a rookie like sh'es supposed to be and is in Korean) but i like Korean so i'ts not a problem, plus the Italian texts seems translated good enough so i'll play it with Korean Vocies and ITalian Texts which is nice not mixing up 3 langauges to tralanslate things in this case xD

So Yeah waiting for that this coming Friday, just gotta go and get the Pre-Ordered game at gamestop ^_^


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Another week and this time i'm on actual time to write down what i did 😛 


I actually Didn't do that much if i think about it sadly.


I won't post about Genshin or Honkai this week, in Honkai i still have all the events to finish and i have to hurry with only one week missing but finally we are close to Robin and the final part of the story can't wait for it :3

Meanwhile in Genshin i already said last week this is gonna be kinda of a "Dead" update for me with no new character i'm interested in, sure there is a whole new area and stuff but i still have to play the story and unlock Half of Fontaine so this new one can easily wait out the future. At least 4.7 looks promising finally Clorinde and Sigwinne (Seriously Clorinde is so late being a main Character in the story) so i have something to look forward to in a month!

Kinda surprsing and also pretty annoying they broke the Usual pattern of .6 updates being the Second story of the Archon + the Rerun, this time no Second Furina story part or Her in the banner, i don't get way but i guess the bad guys sell a lot....


Anyway speaking of the other 3 Games i actually played aside this usual 2 are:




Balatro PS5!

So, i heard about this game before but i didn't watch it at first because well, i don't really seek for titles itself if i don't know anything but the name and type of game. But last week a guy on Yotube i watch (RTGame) played it in some videos and boy did it look a ton of fun! So i decided to just buy it being pretty cheap as a new release and i0t is indeed a lot of fun, i already spent almost 10 hours on it in like 3-4 days, i had to stop myself because one run after the other times fly playing 😛 Trophies are not easy or short but oh well game is super fun despite having the usual RNG i don't like but well it's a Poker card game i would be stupid to not expect it HERE out of all games. So yeah absolutely gonna continue playing and working for the plat, the satisfaction when you get the good run and win until the end is so nice ^_^




I decided to dust off my PSVita from the cabinet it was in since a while since recently i have 60/90 minutes at night where i either Play Blue Archive/Azur Lane or Watch Video so why not getting back on my Vita in that time? And i wanted to go back starting something new and i opted for Moe Chronicle a game that was gifted to me years ago by a kind user here who doesn't write anymore. It was finally time to get into it and i wanted some Light hearted RPG and with even Ecchi elements in it it doesn't hurt for sure :awesome:

So far i'm enjoying it, i just played it for like an hour so barely started the first dungeon but i like the funny and kinda stupid overall story and the gameplay, it's actually i think my 2nd? Or 3rd Dungeon Crawler i think i played Mana odyseey, something like thta Etiran Odyseey maybe it was back on the DS 10+ years ago on the genre and that's it, it's a type of RPG that never ctahce dme but i always wanted to try more and so, perfect game for that!




Finally, after 4, almost 5, years i got the platinum in Minecraft and finished the story!

I Left with me having to go to the end and so i did after farming what i was missing, i was there super ready full Diamond set, just to get in finding myself on an island with no mats to make a bridge having to suicide and losing all, such a great time....

I had to go back, farming a bit, and went back to it with mats and this time No Bow and Just Iron Armor and sowrd, took like 1 and half hour having to go up manually to the towers while avoiding being killed by the Dragon or the random Enderman that decided i watched him in the corner but i made it.

After that i got some random trophies while exploring and today decided to get to the platinum!

I Tried, i really tried farming the Wool trophy legit in my world but i got tired, i went 5k cubes to the east, no Desert. I Went 13k cubes to the west, still no desert, not even a Mirage of it, at least Jungle i found 1 on each side even a swamp but Desert NOTHING! After reachin like 13k X and 2.5kY coordinates i just decided to go the old Version of the game get into the tutorial and getting there the colored wools and the trophy, way faster and less stressing; after that i even just killed myself not having nothing SUPER valuable i would regret because i wasn't gonna do 14k cubes back to my home so like 2 to 3 more hours just to get back, no thanks.

After Respawning i got some Caly from the River near my house and made a pot, i always thought you found Clay and bricks in the Mesa Biome, i was heavily wrong thankfully.


So Yeah i'm don with the plat for it! I'm still gonna play it from time to time working on some more of my house and stuff and trying to get other trophies like the Witherer ones or the Nether/End one because i want an Elytra. Other trophies like the Conduit or the beacon i'll see they seem pretty tedious or other are pretty RNG too so i'll just work on what i want to and see what comes from there.


I'll leave here in a spoiler images of my house as said last time sinc ei took them! And apparently it only show screenshots i take in the PSApp gallery i thought it showed everything even the ones for trophies but nope i'll have to check so no Plat screenshot, not that it was anything special.





Far View from the Bottom of my base, i covered it in Sakura 🥰You can see the Village at the botton of it!




Here on the left you can see the Dock area i did to easily get into the river and navigate around, nothing special but it's nice.




The stairs leading from the Dock at the bottom to the top of the mountian to my house, really glad i worked on it because climbing each time would have been super annoying.




View to the Nether portal i put on the opposite side of the Mountain and made a path to it.




My farm, a really simple and small one but i can't bother nor i need a bigger one. You can see some Bushes on the right they make a pond where i have a little Axoltol, there were 2 sadly one got killed i should get him a friend. :(




And to end my house! Pretty Blocky and square i know but i'm not a good designer comapred to many player sadly but i kinda like the Black and Pink combination i did, workingon a purple enchantment room up above too, and i'll have to do a proper place for the horse currently just outside the house XD (Not that i can actually use him my world is basically 80% Mountains and holes/cavers, if i take him anywhere i'll just fall somweher i can't get him back from -_-)



And that's all fro this week, kinda an unproductive week. Despite this i bought a bunch of new Titles, above all Stellar Blade as said in the previous post, but i still have to start it at all. I'm Happy i have it and not regret the D1 to support, but i'll ACTUALLY see if i feel like string it now, i should really follow my mood like now i'm feeling GTA3 honestly but who knows, i just don't wanna start something feeling i need to and then stop a month or 2 like it's happening with Granblue Fantasy which i really like but don't feel it at the moment....

Anyway gonna try having a more productive and screenshot based week.

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