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'Adventure Besties' trophy - has anyone got this?


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I just unlocked this trophy today.  My partner and I thought it would unlock with "Master and Apprentice", so we had to try again.  I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in to try to help people that are struggling with this one:


- My co-op partner hosted

- My co-op partner picked the "Adventure Besties" challenge

- My co-op partner picked up all of the artifacts, I didn't pick up any; however, I did follow him into every tomb and was in the room when he picked up the artifacts

- My co-op partner only picked up medium and large artifacts.  We ignored small artifacts

- We only got 5 artifacts - 3 medium, 2 large - for a total of 5 artifacts.  No more, no less

- My co-op partner lit the signal fire

- My co-op partner was the first to enter the extraction circle

- We both had cards equipped, but none of them were Tomb Raider or Well Read

- We completed 3 other trophies in the same run - A Dinner For Two, Communication Skills and Teamwork (warm up from freezing)


I'm still not sure what the exact criteria is to make the trophy pop, but this is how we did it.  I hope it helps someone that got as frustrated as we did lol. 


Happy Hunting!

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Alright, I will share my experience as well because what helped me I think havent been mentioned yet and because this trophy is glitched as f*ck. So we have been trying it a few times with a friend to no succes, we tried different methods but still havent got the trophy, only frustration because we seem to be disconnected sometimes every 10 mins. Then I decided to try it solo with my ps4 serving as an alt and on ps5 being logged in to my main account. After several tries I still couldnt unlock the trophy, the results showed challange failed, after several attempts I decided to delete my save data and try again on new file and it worked. Here is what I did on that run...


- my ps4 was host, he had the challange selected and he collected all artifacts

- I collected 6 medium and 1 large artifacts

- my main acound on ps5 was sitting in a cave with lantern to keep warmth only going out for food when needed

- my ps4 alt did pretty much everything, lighting the fire for extraction and steping into the extraction circle first

- the only card I had was Toxicity and only one challange selected Adventure Besties obviously


Hopefully it helps other people because I kept failing the challange even trying to follow other people advice and didnt knew what was wrong, in other words if all else fails like in my case, delete your safe data and try again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This was the only trophy in the entire game that bugged out on us. 

Looking online it seems like there are about a million different ways people got this trophy to pop. The same ways worked for some but didn’t for others. We failed to get the trophy to pop 2 runs in a row. Luckily, 3rd time was the charm and this is how we ended up making it work. 

1. Host deleted game data and saves (this didn’t delete his cards)


2. We only equipped the one challenge required for the trophy and nothing else. 

3. Our cards were Tomb Raider, toxicity, unlimited fire arrows and small game hunter. 

4. Only the host picked up artifacts, lit the signal fire and entered the exfil zone first. We also didn’t pick up any small artifacts. 

5. We picked up 5 mediums and 4 larges. Our previous attempts had combinations of mediums and larges that added up to 5 but the trophy never popped. 

Good luck to anyone trying to get this buggy trophy. It might very well be a guessing game to see which requirements it’ll be for you in order for the trophy to unlock. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2024 at 12:40 PM, Rockstar-Suicide said:

Also had an issue with this the first time. Just make sure one person is doing all the artifact looting, no matter who equipped the challenge

This. Though I believe if one has at least 5 medium/large you're fine. I was. I hosted and picked the challenge, but my partner actually grabbed the first, but I was in the room when they clicked it. So we ended with 6, but I collected 5 and it popped for us.

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On 4/18/2024 at 2:00 PM, CatalyseurRouge said:

This. Though I believe if one has at least 5 medium/large you're fine. I was. I hosted and picked the challenge, but my partner actually grabbed the first, but I was in the room when they clicked it. So we ended with 6, but I collected 5 and it popped for us.

we mix and matched the artifacts for that one and it didn't pop. so our following run we made sure only one of us did the looting

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