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My banner just stays as a black image?

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Hi everyone,


When I try and change my banner to an uploaded image, I uploaded an image from my computer, the image is there and I crop it to fit within that strip that it allocates. The problem is...when I do that and click "crop", the image just stays black and doesn't change to what I just uploaded. Have tried over 10x and nothing. 


Anyone got any ideas/now how to fix this? Any feedback will be valued.


Thank you.

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So not sure how you are doing the image cropping part but we have a thread on the forum banner stuff here: 


On that topic, it explains a bit more about the sizes you need but I made a nice visual about the dimensions here



If you need help with anything like sizing or suggestions on the matter, I can help but others in 'The Studio' section of the forum might be able to lend a hand on better editing suggestions/help.

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16 minutes ago, ruffedgz said:

So not sure how you are doing the image cropping part but we have a thread on the forum banner stuff here: 


On that topic, it explains a bit more about the sizes you need but I made a nice visual about the dimensions here



If you need help with anything like sizing or suggestions on the matter, I can help but others in 'The Studio' section of the forum might be able to lend a hand on better editing suggestions/help.


Thanks for the size etc but i'm not sure that's my problem. The problem is that the image is black. The image doesn't upload or something. It allows me to crop it but then just stays black. Surely the cropped image should be uploading? Would some screenshots help to explain? Thanks.

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Thanks for the pic so I can confirm and do this tutorial using the image. Here are the steps (some you might know so bear with me):


Go to your profile and select "Cover Photo" and then "Upload Photo"



When the 'Upload Photo' screen shows up, press the 'Choose Single File' button and select the photo from your computer



Once the pic is selected, you should see the name and the size of the image on the left side. If thats correct, press the 'Save' button



Once done, you should see the top most of your pic in the banner area and if the cursor hovers over the image, you should see the arrow change to something similar below. Simply click on the banner image and move the mouse up or down until you like the position.



Once the image is in the position you like, press the 'Save position' button to save it and a refresh might take place but that should be it.



You can check out my profile to see the this banner working on there but that should be it and no 'cropping' needed.


The only cropping I know about is when you change your 'Profile Photo'. The image your provided was small enough that it will just 'expand' it to fit the banner its self.


Hope this helps!



Updated my profile photo with the image as well and that seems to work as well.



Noticing that the term 'banner' might also mean for the trophy card as well which does the cropping/selecting part during the upload as well. Updated my trophy card with the image you want to use and seem to work as well (upload the image from my local computer and dragged the select part around the part of the pic I wanted and press 'crop' button):



Edited by ruffedgz
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Thank you very much for such a detailed response. Very much appreciated! I'd give you 10 reputation if I could but I can only give 1 :P 


EDIT: http://imgur.com/a/IG4p6


^This is the banner I meant. The site owner told me last night to keep hitting ctrl+f5 on the image and it did actually work. I know it looks rubbish atm, need to find a better image for it. 

Edited by Potent_Delusions
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