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Combat Questions...


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somehow i'm a bit overstrained with the combat especially with the big machines... so you have to detach the weapons from the machines to lower his healthbar and then you have to shoot it, preferably with their weakness (fire, ice etc.)...


am i right?

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Yes if you use your focus ability you should be trying to attack the yellow parts on the machines. The machines have certain weakness when you attack the yellow (like sometimes that part may be more weaker to fire then other parts of the machine) that's the easiest way of going about kill them.

Edited by demonoid321
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For the largest machines, the tear-able weapons they have do an absurd amount of damage to them, so if you're fighting a machine that has one, hit it with a tearblast arrow (one or two of them should do it), pick it up, and go to town. I'd also highly recommend the ropecaster (tying down the largest machines make it easy to get in good damage) and the blast sling (if you want to dump damage into something, an upgraded blast sling bomb might be the best weapon you have). The blast sling and ropecaster you get from completing all the Hunting Grounds challenges are fantastic.


If I were to make a recommendation from my personal playthrough: I wouldn't worry too much about elemental damage - it can definitely help, but I don't think I used anything that applied ice/shock/corruption for most of my playthrough. The one exception is fire damage, which is great against corrupted machines and lots of other machines besides, and you have it on your standard bow.


After trying out all the weapons out a bit, I think I settled into a loadout of the standard bow (for quick firing and fire damage), the sharpshooter bow (for precision shooting and high damage), the blast sling (for dumping damage into big targets), and the ropecaster (for tying down large machines and flying machines), and I never really changed that loadout for the last 40 hours of my playthrough. That said, the versatility the game offers is one of its best aspects - I'm betting a loadout that includes the tripcaster, or the war bow, could be really fun and OP as well (and I'm sure there are people reading this who swear by freeze arrows, or shock arrows). Once you get the hang of the weapons, it's all about how you want to play. But yeah, if you're just trying to get a handle on how to take down those large machines, I'd say the piece of your strategy you can likely deprioritize is the elemental weakness bit (unless they're corrupted, then fire helps). Scan them to identify weak points, hit those weak points with the strongest arrows you have, tie down big machines when you can, use the blast sling for big damage, and definitely tear off weapons from the machines that have them. Oh, and when you need a breather, just keep rolling!

Edited by Salfordladd
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