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Wacky gameplay?


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Am I the only on who finds the controls and gameplay in general so wacky? Trico never listens to me, never runs in the right direction, never jumps on the first try and never stays in place when i need him to... As for the boy: they mapped the jump button to TRIANGLE?????? when has jumping ever been a triangle??? Im glad PS4 has custom button assignment, but still sucks. jumping from a rope or a chain is also never easy, he either keeps spinning around it or suddenly starts climbing, can never turn around and jump from the first try. Trico has also a habit of kicking the boy 10m further as he runs towards him... But aside from that I havent seen any glitches in gameplay self which is nice i suppose...

Anyone else has the same thoughts about it or is it just me being too picky?

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You're absolutely right. I found the controls to be overall clunky. I had several instances where the boy would not grab on to a ledge or even Trico when needed and ended up falling to my death.


I even had moments when Trico missed his jump and we both fell to our deaths.


Though none of this compares to the struggles of ICO and your halfwit partner, Yorda.

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I thought the controls were okay, only once in the entire game that I became frustrated with Trico. Interacting felt nice, lika a basic AI dog that needed to be taught stuff and wouldn't always listen right away or exactly how you wanted to, until you figured out exactly what his triggers are. I never had any deaths because of this.


I played Shadow Of The Colossus last month for the first time, got frustrated with those controls though. Have not played ICO yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 weeks later, tried to play the game again. Thought maybe it was my frustration that got in the way of controls. Boy was I wrong. Ive been trying to get Trico to dive for the paST 40 MINUTES. WORST GAMEPLAY EVER.

The stupid AI that never listens ruined the whole game experience for me. I have not finished the game yet but I'm so mad at Trico I hope he dies in the end of the game.  

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  • 5 months later...

Yeah, I've been having that problem too. 


I wasn't really focusing on the 5 Hour Trophy but damn, I don't think I'll be getting the 15 Hour either. There's been parts of the game where it's clear what needs to happen to keep on moving, and thanks to the wackyness I've lost around 20+ minutes in each area. 


I support Team ICO, but I've definitely lost patience in their Survival-esque games. 

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