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Avengers: Infinity War - Official 1st Trailer.


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44 minutes ago, Primeape said:

Movies today are just remakes and superhero movies. You guys don't get tired of this?


Remakes get old, yes, but not superhero movies as they're new.  We've never seen these characters on the big screen before, not like this.  DC, sure, Batman has like 50 movies at this point, Superman too, but not Marvel.  And as there's only 2-3 Marvel movies a year, and there's 8,760 hours in a year, I can spare 5-6 of those to watch a couple very well done (IMO) superhero movies that (also IMO) are better than most of the other crap coming out of Hollywood these days.


In regards to the trailer itself, I thought it was pretty good, but I saw the leaked footage from D23, so I was super bummed about a couple things.




The fact that the opening sequence with the GoTG from the D23 footage was almost entirely omitted from the official trailer was unfortunate.  I thought this was actually the PERFECT way to open the trailer, especially considering it picks up right after the final events of Thor Ragnarok, which everyone who's seen it, including myself, wanted to know what happened after their ship ran into Thanos' ship.  If you've seen the leaked footage, then you know what happens, more or less, but I was hoping to watch that scene in HD and not some shitty crooked cam version.  There were a couple other bits from the D23 footage I liked, such as Thanos ripping out chunks of the moon and throwing it at the Avengers and Thanos crushing Thor's head with one hand, and I would have liked that in the official trailer, too.  There's a lot of scenes used in both, but if I had to compare, I'd say the D23 footage as a whole was better than the official trailer; it seemed more dire, more good guys were hurt, hurting, or broken.  It felt more real.  Hopefully they include some of those shots in the 2nd official trailer that I expect to be coupled with Black Panther's release.


As for what was in the official trailer, it was definitely enjoyable, and I am very excited to see what comes next.  A couple of the most interesting shots:

* With one punch, Thanos KOs Iron Man as if he was Ali sucker-punching a 4 year old.

* Black Widow appears to straight up murder someone.

* Star Lord's pedo-stache...?


My only real question now relates to Adam (end-credits scene from GoTG 2) and the final Infinity Stone.  I've been waiting a while for this reveal, and it hasn't happened yet, and with only Black Panther left before this movie comes out, I'd be really bummed if they don't include him or have the final stone appear on Earth.  Though, this may just not be something they want to reveal in a trailer, so here's hoping that character is done right.


On 11/29/2017 at 10:01 AM, DrakeHellsing said:

"Who the hell are you guys?"

Needs another trailer now with the Guardians featured a little more now.

But I am curious, the part in the trailer with Strange and Wong looking over a downed Bruce Banner... is that to do with Thor: Ragnarok perchance? Just asking as I've not been around to watching that movie yet, but I will do before Infinity War comes out.

You should watch the D23 footage (if you can stomach the awful angle/cam).  You'll get what you are asking for AND more than likely answer your question (or just click on my spoiler above).


Lastly, I've seen a few comments about Thor Ragnarok being ok or mediocre, and I just wanted to say that I thought it was easily the best of the Thor movies, and in general it's one of the better Marvel movies.  Sure, a few jokes fell flat, and the plot didn't seem to advance the over-arching universe much (until the end), but as it's own movie, it was pretty fun.

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