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Right Tool for the Job - Goat Milker

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Hello all. 


I believe I've missed up. .-. In order to get all the tools, I'll need the goat milker, correct? I'm fixing to start chapter 4, and I heard that the goat is only available during spring chapters 2 and 3. PLEASE tell me I can buy the goat next spring!!! I really don't want to start over!!


Thank you. :3


~L.G. <3

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I know that you already got the platinum but yes, you can indeed get the goat and the goat milker from Chapter to all the way till the last Chapter. The only cut off's is that you can only buy the goat during the Spring of each new year when Van comes to town to sell. Which is the 3rd and 8th. Just making this post if other's are curious or are worried about this.

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