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Trailer / Trophy Thoughts


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Release date is Dec 23rd. The trophies aren't too bad and you won't have to put in too much effort to get them - even the one for killing 1,000 bunnies will most likely come naturally simply because of how the game is played (you need to kill the fluffy buggers for game progression). A trophy hunter friendly tidbit is the lack of a trophy for opening/discovering the entire map and clearing all of the areas (there are a lot... A LOT... of them). Depending on how you play, the grindiest trophy will most likely be the 'Gather 100,00 Gold' one. It's not that bad at all, though. 

A gameplay note to add, this game doesn't have very much of a tutorial and it plays under the assumption that you have played similar RPG-type games like this. There is not really any explanation to what the stats do, so adding points in certain trees is a bit of an issue. 


Edit: I'm not sure if it's the same for both stacks, but I had some issues with getting trophies to unlock when they should. The trophies for collecting gold were fine, but just about everything else was a bit off. If you've met the requirements for a trophy but it did not pop, close the game app completely and start it back up. Do "1" of the requirement again (take an arrow, backstab an enemy, kill a bunny, etc) and the trophy should unlock. The only other issue was that the trophy for upgrading your settlement unlocked before the upgrades were complete. Not sure if that'll vary for everyone, but mentioning it just in case. 


Edited by Velvet
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