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Coop questions


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How exactly does coop work when wanting to play with a friend?


Can we do all missions coop? Is there something required to play coop?


I don’t intend to play with randoms. I read that there is a passport to join your friend’s lobby but I read so many confusing posts on how exactly coop works (with a friend). Then I saw videos but then the comments underneath confuse the hell out of me.


Can anyone properly explain please?

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Well, in case you want more info. There are two different kinds of coop in this game, Expedition and Summons. 

Summons require a special item and can only be activated when you are in game at a shrine. You request assistance to a random player or a friend if you put in a secret word, there is no enemy scaling. But you will seperate when someone dies or when the mission ends.


Expeditions don't require cups and you can stay with your friend after the mission, eliminating the hassle of creating secret word rooms over and over. If you either of you die there is a revive mechanic. However, there is a bar that depletes every time you die and when it is empty you fail the mission completely. If you do choose to do expeditions it does make the game harder than regular summons. For example the other player is scaled down to your level and in some cases a single boss will be double bosses, and double bosses can be quad bosses.

And no, you can not do all missions in coop. If you look at the mission select banner, you can see a archway, if it has that symbol coop is available if not there, its not playable in coop. But there is another separate symbol for expedition coop I forget but it's the same concept.

And yes, summoned coop requires you to have ochoko cups, which are received from killing dead player characters controlled by AI or helping other people in coop. Expeditions don't require these cups.

Expeditions don't require one of the players to complete the level before hand. If you do summons, one of you must have completed the mission in order to play coop.

If you have any questions let me know cause joining via password can be confusing.

Edited by BestUsername----
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