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Zombie DLCs WWII vs. World at War


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With a decent team you can get through them quite easy. I'm horrendous at zombies so spent my time training them but helping out with little things that I knew


I'd suggest at least playing THE TORTURED PATH without focusing on trophies for a while just so you can get your bureau rank up, you gain an additional 100% damage upon reaching rank 50 which makes the TORTURED PATH extremely easy when playing solo, unfortunately it doesn't cross over onto the other eggs though

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Just as a disclaimer, I don’t have any trophies for World at War, but I’ve played it enough on Xbox to know that those zombies trophies are a cakewalk compared to WW2. World at War is very barebones and simple, and it’s trophies reflect that, as they are all fairly easy misc trophies. You can probably earn them all in a few hours. WW2 on the other hand has complex Easter eggs that take a lot of time to complete with an addition of misc trophies that can have demanding requirements. To put it in a very simplistic way, the PS4 CODs usually have harder zombies trophies than the PS3 CODs due to the gamemode getting more and more complex over time. 

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World at War is difficult, not because of what the trophies require, but because of how tough World at War is due to its outdated engine which makes things that would be a cakewalk in BO3 and beyond a major hassle.


I completed World at War's DLC trophies (the Zombies trophies) a little while back and the knifing is easily one of the things that's held up the worst. The visuals? Still alright, easily the smallest issue, the maps are incredibly simple, there's only two enemies Zombies & Hellhounds, which compared to the later games makes it simple. The dogs hitboxes are incredibly weird so you'll constantly get killed because your bullets aren't connecting. Unlike later games some guns are incredibly bad and as a result will result in the mystery box being more of a gamble than ever. The knifing is apparently just a reskinned shotgun will a small range which is why it's so poor to use. There's no easter eggs, unless you consider interacting with a radio on Shi No Numa or turning on the teleporters on Der Reise.


World War II Zombies is like BO3, Infinite Warfare & Black Ops 4 with its massive reliancy on Easter Eggs and things that'll turn off casuals.

The maps have more doors, there's more enemy types than ever, the easter egg steps are complicated, the maps are not solo friendly at all, the trophies are fairly difficult.


Luckily if you're able to find a good boosting group (like such: https://discord.gg/TtSdDXTFvj) you can get the DLC trophies in a few hours each.

Someone was able to help me get all of the DLC 4 trophies (A map that I was absolutely lost on) in under 2 hours.

DLC 2 which I had played a handful of hours priors in under 2 hours.

I'll likely be able to find someone to help me get the remaining trophies in DLC 1 which I've played a handful of hours solo (which is a nightmare).

DLC 3 will take the longest as its 98% grind, it takes roughly 25 minutes (including load times, etc) for a single run, and you have to complete it 25-30 times. A handful are pretty tough though, like completing the third areas Boss solo.

On 2021-05-21 at 0:53 PM, J_E_B_B said:

Just as a disclaimer, I don’t have any trophies for World at War, but I’ve played it enough on Xbox to know that those zombies trophies are a cakewalk compared to WW2. World at War is very barebones and simple, and it’s trophies reflect that, as they are all fairly easy misc trophies. You can probably earn them all in a few hours. WW2 on the other hand has complex Easter eggs that take a lot of time to complete with an addition of misc trophies that can have demanding requirements. To put it in a very simplistic way, the PS4 CODs usually have harder zombies trophies than the PS3 CODs due to the gamemode getting more and more complex over time. 

This is true. Although I'd prefer to play any PS4 CODs as I prefer the newer engines and the fact that the weapons, perks, health, etc is a lot less infuriating.

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