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PSA--Enemies that get knocked down sometimes can't get back up, might bug an ME3 boss fight (spoilers)

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I don't know if anyone else has experienced this during their trilogy run, but apparently in the Legendary version, there's a "bug" where enemies that get knocked down, sometimes can't get back up. I've had this happen on frozen enemies (cryo ammo) but it can also happen sometimes with biotic powers, Lash especially. I've noticed this in every game of the trilogy, but 99% of the time, it's just funny and gets you easy kills.


However, when it comes to a late boss fight in ME3, against Kai Leng, using Lash on him caused him to get stuck on the floor and prevented me from completing the boss fight. His shields/health will be stuck and even if you shoot him, use more powers on him, etc. he does not die or move. This makes you completely stuck.




I've managed to do it twice, once on accident, and the second time intentionally. Lash is one of the few abilities I'm aware that can knock Kai Leng down, but it's possible others might work. Far as I can tell, after the gunship has fired on you the second time, if you knock him down, he will get stuck and can't get up. This prevents you from finishing the boss fight and you have to reload your autosave.

So just a heads up.

Edited by Veritas7Ax
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  • 2 weeks later...

This has happened to me many times after using biotic abilities. After I assume everything has been killed, my squadmates continue shooting at seemingly nothing. You check around and eventually find an enemy on the floor that isn't dead yet. I've only seen it happen in ME3. It also causes potential softlocks in the Armax Arsenal Arena as well. There is a specific quest to beat the arena with all of the negative modifiers activated. Each time I have successfully come to the end of a wave, I get an enemy stuck on the ground that won't die. I also think enemies that get thrown out of the arena by biotic explosions that don't get killed by the blast can softlock the game. There are no enemies in the arena, but nothing happens.

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This bug seems to be LE:ME3 exclusive. This also happens when you freeze enemies: Sometimes they stay down even when the freeze effect is over and only stand up if you shoot at them or target them with an ability.


Edited by Geridian
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  • 5 weeks later...

Singularity and does it pretty regularly also.  Possibly Carnage too, but usually that just blows people up into giblets lol.  I know singularity does for sure though, because it's been happening constantly with Liara and that's all I've been using with her.

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