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Wild-Arms-R May Complete: A Scrubs Re Awaking


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After a lot of deep pondering, I’ve decided for once to take something serious and try to share some actual passion(and hopefully) motivation to psn Profiles.

I usually just low key troll(nothing ever toxic nor serious tho) 

Please keep in mind I’m no witty writer nor do I had English good(?) 

Im just a dude who loves video games and trying to always strive to be the best I can be.


About me-(aka boring shit) 

Former achievements hunter with 100k Gamerscore, came to ps4 after having skipped PS3 entirely.

Gald I did cus man being able to experience the world of PlayStation again since the ps2 has been a real treat. Plus trophies > achievements nuff said. 
Asides from that I kinda have a problem of always wanting to be the best… at everything, I workout alot, Im always reading books of a wide range of subjects to both expand my views while also challenging them.

I often take the road less traveled in games(and usually life) cus I set my standards very high.

Of course this often clashes with my laid back demeanor. I guess you can say unless I’m invested in something then I’ll straight up refuse to take it serious.

Basically I probably don’t care about simple dumb shit that dosnt really matter.

Alright enough of that run on sentence let’s talk games finally.


Profile Goal’s-

Asides from sharing my experiences and helping others when I can I do have some actual goals within this account(their obsurd of course cus why not lol)



-350 Ultra Rares

-200 platinums 

-Lots of Fighting games

-Lots of Jrpg’s

-play hard games of veritying genres


Now for fighting games my profile is lacking on that front. But I am gonna he rectifying that in the future.

Ultra rares May or not reach the target goal but that’s ok this is a journey that will span years anyways.

As long as no pay to platinums end of here Ill be more then happy with the end results ?

Upcoming Projects-

Death Stranding

Doom 2


Sonic Colors Ultimate 

Back 4 Blood

Crash Nitro Flued 



Yakuza K1

Tokyo Xanadu 
Shadow Warrior 

Ys Orgins


There other smaller projects that I have in mind but those above are the priority.

That said I won’t be starting them until I finish Sine Mora Ex and due to me sucking ass at Shoot em ups it may take bit.


Closing Statements-

I look forwarded to documenting and sharing my experiences with everyone here .

If your wondering about the title it’s just me not caring if I suck or not, I secretly do but that just makes it more ironic and as a result even more funny imo.

I mean I probably am a scrub but enither way the topic works right? ???

See y’all next time with Sine Mora Ex.

Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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10 hours ago, kingofbattle8174 said:

I like the your checklist title, it is really original.


We share a similar journey. I was a ps1/ps2 owner. I got a 360 and missed out on ps3 but switched back to ps4. Have been happy here ever since. You great game collection going though. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future.  

Thanks man, looking forward to sharing my journey to a 100% profile(one day hopefully) to you and everyone here.


And yeah once I went ps4 my whole gaming world really opened for the 1st time in years.

I can’t believe how limited my experiences we’re being a Xbox only gamer for close to 7years.


8 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

What's up, man!


I too skipped the PS3 and went the 360 route, but love my PS1/2/4.


Them's some lofty goals, I like it! As a fellow scrub (you don't strike me as the type, though.. I actually AM a scrub1f604.png) I look forward to reading your updates!

I don’t really consider myself a actual good player tbh. But in all honesty I don’t think you need to be good to achieve trophies.It’s more about stubbornness and overall will power if anything.

Raw skill helps, but it’s not necessary in this hobby.

I wouldn’t say your a scrub tho based on your own trophies.?

Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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