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Stoke me a Clipper...


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Urm.. Hi... Hello... I'm Ace... urgh, I probably should have posted here first.

Well, everyone, I guess I might as well answer the question everyone asks me.. my PSN ID, it's a combination of Ace Rimmer from Red Dwarf (Favourite TV Show), Han Solo (Favourite Movie), Fox McCloud (Favourite Game) or rather... they were when I made it... many, many years ago, though they are still high favourites of mine. Sometimes I drop the Solo in the middle.

Most of my PS3 gaming has been single player, and I've spent more time on my Xbox when real life didn't get in the way (you know that void of gaming you enter when you leave education, get a job, house, family, responsibilities), clawing my way back with whatever free time I have as my escape and enjoyment/relaxation (well... except the times there's danger of throwing a controller of course).

I'm more a team-player, co-op type gamer than your competitive type, which I've not seen a lot of on the PS3 in the past, but looking to spend more time on it, it would help if there was a great PS3 based website to call home and help me in my OCD to complete all my games, yeah sure there are trophy guides out there, and "boosting threads", I don't like them, too flat, I enjoy TA for my Xbox gaming and really hope to find something similiar or better for PS3.

For me, it's definately about completing games, getting those Trophies, I love to boost, you find good friends and chat about the strangest things while jumping in and out of a circle for 3 hours, but do also like playing games normally too, if I can find a group to join.

So I guess that's me and my gaming style in a nutshell, catch you around the forums.

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