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Peoples thoughts?


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What's everyone's thoughts about this game so far? 

I've been playing Battlefield since BC1 and loved most ever since, Battlefield 1 and 5 have been hit and miss and was pumped for a new modern game.

really disappointed there's no single player campaign, especially when its $110 here in Australia, Not a big fan of the whole layout of the game, i tend to get lost in the menus trying to choose a class.

The maps so far are all pretty similar really which sucks, plus the game really leaning on the cross play there's no real console servers going round.

The weapon selection is mediocre, you think a game that's only multiplayer and modern day weaponry there would be more options, but on like 4 guns for each type (Sub, Assault, LMG, Recon) etc.

I don't know so far I'm not enjoying my time, doesn't seem to be any fairness with servers as ive played 10 games or so and only won 1, I'm not saying I'm a great player, I'm by far not, but there doesn't seem to be a (Cant recall what the word is) a system that lets players of your skill level vs each other, instead i have to vs PC players sniping me from 1000m away. 


Hopefully things sort themselves out with patches, all in due time i suppose, Portal is alright but id try to start a solo match against ai and i have to wait for players to join me which makes no sense as i would've hoped to train myself to the new Battlefield standards etc,


Also... only 2 gamemodes!! like come on, Conquest (if that's even what you wanna call it) and Breakpoint? i think it was called which is basically Conquest Rush. Aint a fan of the new conquest style and how its divided into sectors and sector controls. would've much rather just the normal go here capture flag, advance and defend, now you got to capture 3 or so flags, capture sector, defend those as well, just seems like a huge mess to me.


So yer, so far a little disappointed, i wasn't coming into this game expecting 10/10 but as of right now, if someone asked me is it worth buying id say no unfortunately, for the full price and little content, not yet.


What's everyone else think?

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44 minutes ago, MystifyR said:

I don't know so far I'm not enjoying my time, doesn't seem to be any fairness with servers as ive played 10 games or so and only won 1, I'm not saying I'm a great player, I'm by far not, but there doesn't seem to be a (Cant recall what the word is) a system that lets players of your skill level vs each other, instead i have to vs PC players sniping me from 1000m away.

I would turn crossplay off.

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I've been playing BF since 1942 and the amount of hours I put in Bad Company 2 is unhealthy. Unlike others, I liked BF1, probably my 3rd favorite installment in the BF series, and I'm still playing it.


Now, I hated the 2042 Beta and decided not to buy the full game. It doesn't play like BF, the number of bugs and glitches was way too much. I'll wait for more reviews and maybe a free weekend to check it out if things improved. But hell no I'm paying $70 for an unfinished product with next to no content.

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