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Petition for Congress to make the Doge Meme Completely Illegal

Asuka Langley

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Memes are usually stupid, if people are taking it that seriously then they should just turn off their PCs and phones/tablets/whatever and go outside, look at the sky, think about life...


Doge is okay, it's not bullying anything, it just makes fun of a situation, there are worse memes out there, why don't they make those illegal? Or better yet, why don't they make the internet illegal?

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Congress? as in the United States Congress wants to make doge illegal?, sometimes I really do prefer being Australian.


And don't they have better things to do I dunno maybe like: run a country instead of making internet memes illegal.


Reading comprehension, guy. 


Someone, probably as a joke, started this petition to try and make congress make the Dodge meme illegal. If I recall correctly, if a petition reaches a certain amount of signatures the White House is required to acknowledge it. There was also a petition to build a Death Star and I can't remember if there was ever a response for that but I do believe it reached the required amount of signatures. 




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Reading comprehension, guy.  Someone, probably as a joke, started this petition to try and make congress make the Dodge meme illegal. If I recall correctly, if a petition reaches a certain amount of signatures the White House is required to acknowledge it. There was also a petition to build a Death Star and I can't remember if there was ever a response for that but I do believe it reached the required amount of signatures.   Parker


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