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LC-Fraggers' Trophylicious Singalong


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She says we've gotta hold on to what we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot for love
We'll give it a shot...




Backlog Total: 293

Playstation 4: 242

Playstation 5: 12

Playstation 3: 19



I: On Why This is Happening and Your Potential Devourment

Hello chums, I'm LC-Fraggers. What does the LC stand for, you ask? Perhaps it's "Lovely Chap". Perhaps "Lurking Carnivore". You'll never know, friend. Not until it's far too late. 

Like a great many of you, I find myself buried up to the neck in an ever expanding backlog. Mine is especially bad. I took an extended hiatus from console gaming for several years and instead suffered through some of the worst dreck to ever be shat onto the Steam storefront, mainly for the entertainment of my YouTube audience. That changed when my wife bought me a PS5 on release in the UK as an early Christmas present and I excitedly started catching back up with the kind of games that weren't developed in a weekend by criminals hiding in the Eastern Bloc as some sort of money laundering enterprise.

So eager was I to play just about anything that didn't look like it had been stitched together from a $5 asset pack authored by kILLerKLOWN666 that I may have somewhat overestimated the amount of games I could realistically get through in both my own and several other people's lifetimes. I splurged in a sale or seven. I bought a PS Now subscription. If they'd offered to chuck in a discount on a branded accessory bath set, I'd have taken twelve. The only thing that stops me from being technically bad with money is that I earn just about enough to responsibly enjoy a mid-priced hobby. If I were to apply that same knee-jerk purchase compulsion to something like Warhammer or collecting blood diamonds, I'd be in deep shit.


I may have also gone leaderboard chasing the minute I discovered this site and completed around 400 games in five or six months. That might have happened a tiny bit.

So this is where I take my stand, plant my flag, draw my line in the sand, and other courageous sounding activities. This is where I say "No more, PSN! No more aimless spending! No more clambering up that pointless leaderboard! No more shirking my backlog... and most importantly and emphatically of all, no more EZPZ platinums!"

II: I Must Now Play Several Dozen EZPZ Platinums

Yes, well. They are part of said backlog, are they not? The real crime here would be to let the money I spent go to waste so, uh... look over there. Now back. Where have I gone? Nowhere you'll find me, friend. Not ever.

Not every game in this first phase is tagged with the dreaded "EZPZ" lurgy. A lot of these are just shorter titles that I thought might be productive to get out of the way first. Stuff like Outlast and Super Night Riders have some level of challenge attached to them at the very least. Many of the games here are 2-6hr jaunts, occasionally maxing out in the 8-10hr range. There are a total of 53 games in this section. Completing all of them will reduce my 293 game backlog to a mere 240

As a side note, I will not be counting multiplatform stacks as separate entries in the backlog. This is less of a traditional trophy checklist than it is a backlog elimination challenge.



Phase One: Purge the EZPZs




- Caves & Castles Underworld (PS4)
- Coffin Dodgers (PS4)
- Castlevania Anniversary Collection (PS4)
- Crash Dummy (PS4)
- Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today (PS4)
- Devious Dungeon 2 (PS4)
- Die With Glory (PS4)
- Distraint 2 (PS4)
- DYING: Reborn (PS4)
- Evil Inside (PS4 & PS5)
- Flashback (PS4)
- Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle (PS4)
- Ghost Files: Memory of a Crime (PS4)
- Horror Adventure (PS4)
- Horror Stories (PS4)
- My Name is Mayo 2 (PS4)
- I Am the Hero (PS4)
- Intruders Hide and Seek (PS4)
- Jak 3 (PS4)
- Loopindex (PS4 & PS5)
- Lost Wing (PS4)
- Midnight Deluxe (PS4)
- Moons of Madness (PS4)
- Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS4)
- Newtonian Inversion (PS4)
- Outlast (PS4)
- Perils of Baking (PS4)
- Rainbows, Toilets & Unicorns (PS4)
- Roundout by POWGI (PS4)
- Silver Chains (PS4)
- Skytime (PS4)
- Smoots Summer Games (PS4)
- Spiral Splatter (PS4)
- Spirit Arena (PS4)
- Squareboy vs Bullies: Arena Edition (PS4)
- Stories Untold (PS4)
- Suicide Guy (PS4)
- Super Night Riders (PS4)
- Tamashii (PS4)
- The Little Acre (PS4)
- The Lost Cube (PS4)
- The Mooseman (PS4)
- The Pillar: Puzzle Escape (PS4)
- The Unknown City: Episode 1 (PS4)
- Those Who Remain (PS4)
- Tormented Souls (PS5)
- Trine (PS4)
- Ultra Hat Dimension (PS4)
- Vasilis (PS4)
- Violetti Goottii (PS4)
- Welcome to Hanwell (PS4)
- Whipseey and the Lost Atlas (PS4)
- Word Sudoku by POWGI (PS4)




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37 minutes ago, LC-Fraggers said:

Not every game in this first phase is tagged with the dreaded "EZPZ" lurgy. A lot of these are just shorter titles that I thought might be productive to get out of the way first. Stuff like Outlast and Super Night Riders have some level of challenge attached to them at the very least. Many of the games here are 2-6hr jaunts, occasionally maxing out in the 8-10hr range.



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