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When does 'missing timestamp' on Vita games indicate cheating?

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So, I spotted some questionable trophies on an account but not sure if the trophies are legit or should be reported.


The player has many 100% Vita games with missing timestamps. I understand that their Vita trophies could have been earned before activating the system's psn id, or the Vita could have been left uncharged for a long time causing missing timestamps. But, their profile has blocks of 10+ 100% Vita games without timestamps, then a few days of PS4 game trophies, then another block of 10+ 100% Vita games without timestamps days later. This pattern occurs repeatedly on their account.


Some of the Vita games also have online trophies completed with missing timestamps.


Is there a reasonable explanation for this or should they be flagged?


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Missing timestamps alone are usually not a big deal. Missing timestamps combined with other indicators of cheating, such as those earned online trophies without timestamps, does start to look fishy, however. If you share a game with the profile in question, file a report and have the CRT look over it, as they're best equipped to figure it out.

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If the first Vita trophies you ever have have no timestamps then you're fine, because you played those games were played before going onto the Internet. Getting no timestamps afterwards is a bit dodgy. Also digital only games, those games should never have missing timestamps since you need a valid Vita connection in order to download them.  The question to be asked is if Vita isn't your first Playstation console, why would you created an account, earn trophies and then connect it to the Internet? If you have Vita trophies, then some missing timestamps, and then some Vita trophies etc, then well it's getting more suspicious isn't it.


Edited by enaysoft
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Maybe playing on PS TV and constantly switching off the power ;)

(to explain a bit more: PS TV doesn't have internal battery, so if you will disconnect it from power source, the internal clock will be reset)

1 hour ago, tom_waits said:

Some of the Vita games also have online trophies completed with missing timestamps.

Yeah, I ignored this part ;).

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