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Bozark horde boosting question


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22 minutes ago, Dark_Poetry said:

Is it possible for a high-leveled op player to boost another without grinding for the extra stats? I only need the horde trophies for 100%, and I want to finish it before starting DL2.

What extra stats do you mean?  As for can another player carry you sort of you still have to keep up and not die and such and I think there's a gotta kill your partner moment I forget

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30 minutes ago, Taliesin_2943 said:

What extra stats do you mean?  As for can another player carry you sort of you still have to keep up and not die and such and I think there's a gotta kill your partner moment I forget

I was referring to the extra points you use to increase your stats after reaching max level. I remember a guide saying you need to grind supply crates for them.

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1 hour ago, Taliesin_2943 said:

What extra stats do you mean?  As for can another player carry you sort of you still have to keep up and not die and such and I think there's a gotta kill your partner moment I forget

He probably meant the Legend rank or whatever it was called. As for your question, if I remember correctly the DLC gets harder to beat (time constraint-wise) the more players you have, so if you want to end up with a group of friends who are maxed out, be warned it's gonna be fast. If you're under-leveled, it may be too hard for you to keep up. But I wouldn't worry about it, I did it with a group of 3 players who had regular Max Rank and I was the only one who had a few extra upgrades for Melee Weapons, and it went okay. 

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2 minutes ago, HaserPL said:

He probably meant the Legend rank or whatever it was called. As for your question, if I remember correctly the DLC gets harder to beat (time constraint-wise) the more players you have, so if you want to end up with a group of friends who are maxed out, be warned it's gonna be fast. If you're under-leveled, it may be too hard for you to keep up. But I wouldn't worry about it, I did it with a group of 3 players who had regular Max Rank and I was the only one who had a few extra upgrades for Melee Weapons, and it went okay. 

I did it with just 1 other player and I definitely wasn't maxed out or even that great of a player when I did it I wasn't even that great at the parkour but anymore I had to practice my but off to finish that free run trophy after

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i recently about a week ago did it with a partner who had one hit kills on unarmed attacks , i was about 17/18 power and agility , abit off the pace in terms of levels but i had to keep up with him in terms of the trials, i 100% needed my 175 health as you can get pretty hurt , and its quick in terms of movements and kills as its all timed, if ur doing with 1 partner your need to do some action , with the parkour stuff i would follow him in the trials in case he fell off and i could carry on for example , hope that makes sense :)

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If you're on PS4, you can duplicate the crates for Legend Rank; it took me around 3 hours to duplicate enough crates to get to 250 Legend (max rank).


That said, it is not needed. I did it with someone here on PSNP, and they had like 3 Legend Rank, and we had no problems whatsoever. It's just a matter of memorizing each section since they are always the same. Play it yourself a couple of times or watch videos about it. The only part that would be a bit hard IMO is the elevator section with virals since you can get overwhelmed quickly. Other than that, it's not hard at all.

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