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Battle tag: Sausagespike.


Seems like this thread would be a little more active but whatever.  Anyhow, I just built a new Malygos Rogue that's working out pretty well.  It runs using the same concept as the Dragonlock deck (aka the Malygos Warlock) but is far less common and people might not see it coming.  I know a Malygos Rogue was being used a little in the past but that was pre-Emperor Thaurissan.  That one card can carry almost any deck now and allows for some insane combos.


The deck list:


Backstab x2


Deadly poison x2

Sinister Strike x2

Zombie Chow x2

Blade flurry

Eviscerate x2

Sap x2

Bloodmage Thalnos

Fan of Knives

Blackwing Technician x2

SI: 7 Agent x2

Antique Healbot

Azure Drake x2

Blackwing Corruptor x2

Emperor Thaurissan






The concept is pretty simple.  Mulligan for Backstab, Chow and Sap in the opening hand.  Those cards will have to carry you in the early game while you try and set up your combos.  In the mid game, board control is king.  Blackwing Techs should give you a stat advantage on turn 3 while SI:7s and Corruptors help with instant damage to bigger minions.  Azure Drakes and Thalnos will pump up damage from backstabs (if you haven't already used them) and/or Eviscerate to help with board control  Preperation/Sprint can be also used early if you haven't drawn into your combo cards but holding the prep as long as possible is better.  You also have Blade fury, which can be combined with dealdy poison or any +1 spell damage minion for Patron killing and the Fan of Knives is great against Muster Paladins.


The ultimate purpose of this deck is a one-turn burst.  Once you're holding Malygos, a Sinister Strike (or two), and/or and an Eviscerate it's time to drop the Emperor.  The mana discount will allow for a 0 mana - 8 damage Sinister strike and 1 mana - 10 damage eviscerate.  Not to mention an 8 mana Malygos.  If your still holding your Preperation the Eviscerate can even be free.  Turn 8 has the potential to deal 31 damage from an empty board without having to worry about taunts like the Oil Rogue.  


Alexstrasza and Ysera aren't neccessary to the deck but they have their advantages.  First and foremost, they're dragons, which activates the Technicians and Corruptors.  If the game drags on long enough Alex can put someone into one-shot range or she can heal you if luck hasn't gone your way.  Ysera  is a nightmare for Priests and the dream cards can be extremely useful.


I don't play much ranked so I can't vouch for this deck getting you to Legendary but in casual (where you encounter pretty much the same exact decks as ranked) it has a very high win-rate for me.

Edited by skidmarkgn
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If you're really struggling to get gold for packs then focusing on learning the arena.  Watch some streams from guys like Trump (or watch the Trump Cards videos on Youtube) or Kripp and work on learning what works in arena.  It's very different from constructed but with enough practice and knowledge it's possible to get to a point where you can pretty consistently get to the 7 win mark that guarantees your 150 gold back, plus a pack. 


You can accumulate gold and cards extremely fast by honing your arena skills.  Not to mention, if you're collection is still small you'll get to (sometimes) use cards you otherwise have no access to.

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