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Recommendation and Difficulty? (help)


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I tried asking in the Switch thread and got ignored so I guess I'll try this.


I heard about this from someone on the forum and Discord after hearing about Born of Bread and trying that demo. It was a cute and fun game (Born of Bread) but I struggled with the QTE-like battle system. However, I've never played any of the Paper Mario games so maybe it just takes some time to get used to the battle system? I guess that could be it.


I'm just trying to see what the opinions on this game are and if I should get it and/or try it out. Obviously though because I struggled with the battle system in Born of Bread and this is likely similar I have concerns on the difficulty as well as everyone should know by now that I don't like anything too hard.


So I guess I'm just trying to figure out if this is (and Born of Bread to as an extension) a game for me.


I'd appreciate any help with this. Thanks.

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24 minutes ago, SelectiveGamer said:

I'm just trying to see what the opinions on this game are and if I should get it and/or try it out.


I played this on Switch and really liked it. It's adorable and pretty funny. You may have a small adjustment phase to the combat, but I don't think it'd keep you from enjoying it.

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