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Every mob should NOT be a bonus boss

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Don't get me wrong the core gameplay is balanced just fine, but the missions, screw the missions.  After the first few you'll start to notice everything hitting like a truck and tanking like, well like a tank.


Did the developers do this as some sort of cruel prank or something?

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I had the same issue. So I found a guide on YouTube by an Australian guy that helped me power up a bit early. I didn't go full out on the strategy cause I didn't want to be over powered the whole time. Just enough to boost me up

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13 minutes ago, g34hgfggn said:

Don't get me wrong the core gameplay is balanced just fine, but the missions, screw the missions.  After the first few you'll start to notice everything hitting like a truck and tanking like, well like a tank.


Did the developers do this as some sort of cruel prank or something?

This was/is originally a PSP game. you have to spend a good amount of time making characters stronger.
Of course this is not 2011 anymore. Im sure the are plenty of guides on YT on how to brake the game.

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11 minutes ago, g34hgfggn said:

Did the developers do this as some sort of cruel prank or something?


I can understand how it seems that way but the developers are testing your knowledge. For example, there are many instances where you'll face monsters that cause instant death. You can either dodge the attacks, take your battle stance or put on equipment to nullify the effects. There is a solution for every obstacle, sometimes more than one.

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It does feel like a wall but once you start getting better gear and knowing what Materia to level it gets easier. Definitely aim for the Costly Punch Materia to level it up since that will carry you through most of the missions and once you start getting the Genji Armor pieces you shouldn't have to worry too much about getting one shot. There is one piece in particular that makes it so you don't get insta-killed by Death or have to deal with other status effects.


Aerial Drain is also really good and will help with the optional superboss that is in the final bonus mission. It takes some work getting to all that but once you do get all the broken stuff there isn't really anything that can stand in your way. As much as I do like the Materia system I do feel like the game only gives you a surface level explanation since it clearly is meant to be experimented with which results in getting OP Materia that can not only drop the harder enemies but can make you nigh unkillable with the right setup.


I wish I could remember all the videos I used since I know I went back and forth between a few but these two I know definitely helped.






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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the replies everybody.  Although it should be noted that at the time I posted the topic, I had already gotten through the bulk of the issues. 


The reason for this is I usually wait until I'm pretty much over the problem before complaining about it, I want to be sure I'm not just griping about something in the heat of the moment. 


Still it was nice of you guys to try and help me anyway. 


While we're on the subject though, I'll add that this gets a lot better once you can fuse the Costly Punch in Ultima Materias.  One can also wait until chapter 6 and grind Bustard Sword proficiency and up to 50%+(something I wish in hindsight I had done).  It allows Battle stance attacks to both bypass the damage cap and any barriers.

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This is part of the weirdness of CC. You'll eventually find materia that are disgustingly overpowered that can wipe screens with a single cast... then those will drop off. Then if you go further into the missions you'll eventually find others that do the same, except until the very very end.
Zack's a weird guy and his equipment is almost as unbalanced as he is

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So believe it or not I actually had none of these problems with Minerva, whom I actually expected this sort of thing from.


I crushed her.  Didn't even need multiple tries.  Gil Toss + Battle Stance is broken AF.  She didn't even get off a single judgment arrow.  And I only had around 10 million, with no drop in damage by the end of the fight.

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