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What makes someone intelligent?


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In all fairness, it is unnatural. It is in our nature to breed, you can't breed while having sex with someone of your same gender. That makes it unnatural behavior. I'm not applying any moral statement here, just stating the facts.


you also cant breed while having sex with your fist, but if you are gonna argue that is 'unnatural' I reckon there are a lot of dudes between the ages of 11 and about 80 that you might have a hard time convincing...

You also cant breed having sex with a condom on, or with a post-menapausal woman, or a pregnant woman, or a woman on the pill etc etc etc. But I reckon you have less negative things to say about those situations...

On topic - im not sure what makes someone intelligent (short of a high IQ) but I do know what makes people seem extraordinarily stupid - writing thier own opinions, usually based on nothing more than thier own innate prejudice and calling them 'facts'

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you also cant breed while having sex with your fist, but if you are gonna argue that is 'unnatural' I reckon there are a lot of dudes between the ages of 11 and about 80 that you might have a hard time convincing...

You also cant breed having sex with a condom on, or with a post-menapausal woman, or a pregnant woman, or a woman on the pill etc etc etc. But I reckon you have less negative things to say about those situations...

On topic - im not sure what makes someone intelligent (short of a high IQ) but I do know what makes people seem extraordinarily stupid - writing thier own opinions, usually based on nothing more than thier own innate prejudice and calling them 'facts'

Well yeah I think all those things you mentioned are unnatural. I'm not saying they are wrong, or that nobody does them/should do them, is not on our nature to fly, and a lot of people do it every day. But it is in our nature to disagree, so yeah xD

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High IQ is overrated and certainly doesn't make one intelligent. A healthy balance between EQ and IQ is essential to be able to utilise your abilities to the fullest.

Personally I weigh more value on social skills, in other words EQ

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High IQ is overrated and certainly doesn't make one intelligent. 


  1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
  1. a degree or amount of a specified quality or characteristic.



:jaymon:  :awesome:  ;)

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I think that intelligence is a lot like class. As soon as you acknowledge yourself as being "classy" or "intelligent" and become a braggadocious person about it, you lose your credibility to have it as a characteristic. Intelligent people do not parade around looking to others for compliments and praise; they let their knowledge they've accrued do the talking for them.


As far as qualities go I think its rather ambiguous. Im my opinion an intelligent person looks at things critically and without bias. They also constantly have a thirst in regards to knowing more about what things are, how they work, and why. You don't need to be groomed by the education system to be intelligent as it takes many forms. As long as you are looking at things logically I think you're on the right track.


Although a different adjective, I think this quote sums up what an intelligent person is: "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and this that I know nothing"- Socrates

They know so much yet understand that it the grand scope it is truly nothing at all.

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