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Doctor Who Discussion Thread


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Pretty sure there's a fair number of Whovians around here, so I'm starting a discussion thread for one of my favorite sci fi shows, Doctor Who. Also, it's relevant given the start of the new season and the new Doctor last night. Feel free to discuss anything about Doctor Who, the new series, the old series, even the spinoffs like Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures.


Myself, I got introduced to The Doctor back in the late 80s when my dad watched reruns of the Fourth Doctor on PBS. I didn't pick it up again until about 2011 when I mainlined the entire new series all the way from Christopher Eccleston to Matt Smith. I'm still warming up to Peter Capaldi, but I think he's going to be alright.

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I watched Doctor Who since I was really young (I've seen at least all of the Doctors.. not every full season though).  What really got me into it was Christopher Eccleston's season (when it came back), not my favorite Doctor though, Matt Smith is my favorite.


Peter Capaldi did well in the first episode, I hope he keeps it up, first episode is very hard to make a judgement on this though since he was going through the regeneration illness for a good part of it.. I think episode 2 should show what kind of Doctor he's going to be with the Daleks being back.  One thing that kind of upset me about Peter is he didn't complain about not being ginger.. it's a minor thing though.

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I watched it in cinema. I don't like the new intro, but Capaldi did a good job. I like him more than I liked Matt Smith in his first episode, so that's a good sign. :D

I think it's less important, how Capaldi will play the doctor, because he's a great actor. I hope Moffat writes some great stuff.

Edited by A7-Homaz
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  • 1 month later...

Worried this might spoil things.. so only read the next part if you're up to date..

I figured she had something to do with Clara.. I also think she's the master, but now I'm thinking she's Clara :S Could be another alternate one.

Could well be something to do with

The Doctors Daughter

as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...



It seems everyone was expecting it, I must say I dismissed that possibility long ago... I was really surprised. Didn't think they were going to do something like that... I love it!


Moffat did the "I'm gonna make what they all expect because they will think too deep and throw away the initial idea" 


then again we could be in for a twist as 


Rule #1 Moffat Lies.

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Well the finale was a good episode, not as great as I expected but to me this wasn't a bad season (although it wasn't the greatest one either). I enjoyed it particularly because I discovered and watched all of modern Doctor Who this year, but this is the first season that I watched along with the airdates and I'm glad I get to follow the beginning of a new Doctor and also key moments like

a Time Lord regenerating as a Time Lady.


I think the highlights of the season were the Doctor (I had no doubts that Peter would be great!) and Missy, the actress was so great for that part, the result was awesome.The main thing I didn't like about the whole season was Danny's character... it all seemed a bit rushed to me, plus, his appearances complaining about who the Doctor is (without even knowing him), it didn't feel like a natural reaction to the Doctor and the whole alien stuff. And it had some effect on Clara, I really liked her during season 7 but in this one it was like she was "blocked" by Danny in some episodes.

I don't know what to think about the "departure", I would like to see a new companion from now on, but at the same time I do hope they give us some closure with Clara, which is very needed - and hinted at the end of the episode.


Now, time to wait until Christmas, and see what happens... also:


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