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Guide problem?


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I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to post this, but my guide for DiRT 3 is "awaiting review" for over a mounth and a half and I'm not sure if there's a problem with it or if the moderators forgot about it... My other guides were reviewed in a maximum of two weeks and always without any problem... Should I talk to someone to see if everything is okay or should I wait some more?

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Your guide is probably just in the backlog of guides the guide team has to look through. I'm pretty sure there is only 5 or 6 people on the guide team and there could be hundreds of guides they have to look over. I know how you feel it took about almost a month before I heard anything about my Soul Sacrifice Delta guide, but they got to eventually. You should just wait for one of the guide team members to get to your guide.

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