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PSN level stuck-ish

Go to solution Solved by Shana Alter,

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Okay now this is a bit funny issue:


My PSN level shows up as 12 (99%), whereas in reality it's 13 (2%), showing up correctly in e.g., PSN Trophy Leaders - and my PS3. But the thing here is I can occasionally see the total point count creep up a little - so what's up with that?


Everything else seems to be counted in just fine. Shouldn't be about the hidden trophies, right?

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You have 15 hidden trophies on PSN, so your trophy level is adjusted on this website to represent the difference. To unhide trophies, take a look at this forum post. ;)


Oh I'm fully aware of that, and I intend to keep them hidden (games I will not be back to), just didn't see the connection of those and the PSN level since it's shown correctly on other sites  ;)

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Oh I'm fully aware of that, and I intend to keep them hidden (games I will not be back to), just didn't see the connection of those and the PSN level since it's shown correctly on other sites  ;)


Ah, alrighty, I gotcha. Sly (the owner of the site) made the decision to have the trophy level adjust on this website based off of hidden trophies when the ability to do so was realeased by Sony a year ago. I assume that's due to leaderboard-related stuff along with situations like "why does this person have one game but is level 24" kind of thing. I never really asked him the exact reasons, but those are my guesses :P

Edited by BlindMango
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