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What Do You Do With Club Nintendo Points Now?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Are this the stars? Or is this something different?

Got a mail with new trade-in options, but dont know what to pick ... At first I thought about picking Nintendo Points, but there is an information saying that they are only for DSi-Store and Wii. ... I only have a 3DS and will pickup a Wii U this year...

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I have like 9000 points and am so keen for when they update the AU store with digital games.


I am going to be so fucked though, if I need to use the email, because the email associated with my CN account is deleted, I know the login and all that to CN, and can use it to access the star catalogue, but if they send out a code for a digital game or something and that's how you get them, I am so fucked.


Edit: Hey hey, fuck yeah! I had no idea you could change emails, I just hooked the account up to my main email, sweeeeeet! Now I just have to keep hoping the digital games actually end up coming here.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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