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spirit master trophy guide appendix for new/current players


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For those still working on the game or thinking about starting the game: In order to get this trophy you need to clear every area that you can access. At the moment that means clearing the 459 original areas and the two lost continents that are open at the moment. The next upgrade, which is scheduled for April 2nd 1 am EU time, opens up the third and last lost continent which has to be cleared as well if you don't have the trophy beforehand.

The game is perfectly doable in the remaining 3 months. Just play two-three times a day until all your spirits are dead. Later in the game when you have fully leveled rare and super rare spirits it takes about 5-7 hours for them to regain all their health (300 hp/hour ; 5 hp/minute).

After clearing a continent you can fight a strong continental boss, these don't have to be defeated for this trophy.


The game gives you a few destiny orbs, these can be used to buy rare event spirits and also to increase the amount of spirits you can have. I kept the max spirits I can have at 90, this is more than enough to have a decent collection of rare and super rare spirits and have room for spirits to merge. In the beginning I focused on getting two from each uncommon spirit that can be summoned, and upgrading them fully. Even late in the game this was useful to have. As a side note: you can merge the same spirit with each other, this gives an extra stat bonus. Don't do this until the spirit is max level, as the stat bonus will be a small percentage of the current stats. So self-merging is best done after the spirit has reached his max level.

Another usage for destiny orbs is changing the element of the day, don't bother with this if the trophy is your goal. The real good use for destiny orbs is reviving your party after dying in a battle. Reserve this usage for when you're pretty much done and you can buy as much revives as you have bosses left to defeat. Using a revive means the boss will still be at the hp you manage to get him down to and your entire party will be on full health again. If worse comes to worse, you can revive as much as you want within the same battle, but that really uses up the very rare destiny orbs.

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Thank you for this information, I'll add a few more tips if you don't mind:

  • There are around 500 areas to clear, if you just started the game that averages to 6-7 areas to be cleared per day in the 3 months left of the game. Still possible to do it but you need to play the game multiple times per day and totally focus on clearing as many areas as you can. It might be difficult at the beginning, but after you get your hands on a few high-leveled SRs you will be clearing 15-20 areas per day (if you focus on it).
  • Do not bother on buying Adv. Spirits with your orbs, there's no point now, use your limited orbs ONLY for these two things: expanding your collection to a reasonable size (70-80) and reviving your team on difficult/impossible boss fights late-game. The new continents (Lemuria, etc.) have tough fights some almost impossible to win without reviving, leave these continents for last when you have max-leveled SRs and many orbs for reviving. Yes, these super-hard continents are required for the trophy.
  • Leave a couple area/zone bosses for farming: find a boss that's relatively easy (with few/weak side enemies of the same element as the boss), assemble a powerful team to defeat him quickly and on the summary screen (where you get your points and stones) DO NOT CLICK the "Next" button, just exit (force-close) the app and start it again, you will get the stones and the boss will be available to fight/farm again. These bosses can give +1700 stones per fight.
  • Your UCs will get you so far, eventually you'll need to switch to Rs and SRs .If you cannot find SRs by trading your only choice is to summon the free pool (or waste money on the Adv. summon, obviously not recommended). The chance of a (free) SR is around 1/500, chance of a (free) R is around 1/50, you'll need lots of stones for this so farming bosses is essential.
  • Pure-merge all your Rs to get additional bonus stats, a pure-merged R can be as good as a high level SR. Pure-merging means merging a spirit with a duplicate (eg, Werewolf with Werewolf). Pure-merging SRs is near impossible because to their very low drop chance (unless you can trade for duplicates). More info: http://destinyofspirits.wikia.com/wiki/Merging#Bonus_Points
  • As a last (but valid) resort, you can go to gamefaqs.com DoS boards and ask for Jokers/spirits, you might find someone giving those away, maybe you can get something that will help you.
  • Back-up your game save frequently, the areas you clear are NOT stored on the server, they are stored locally on your Vita; if you delete/lose this save you will lose ALL cleared areas and have to start again from scratch.
  • During these 3 final months they will be doing a "fan appreciation event" giving 7 Jokers and 3 SR spirits per month as login bonuses, plus 3000 merging stones daily. You don't want to miss on that so login every day.

This is a very good tip but it seems it is no longer possible, as currently the game cannot be downloaded anymore from the PS store:

  • There's a "shady" way to get tons of Jokers and SR spirits: create alternate accounts. All you need to do is login daily with your alternate accounts to get the extra Jokers and SRs from the "fan appreciation event" then transfer them to your main account. It can be a pain as you need several memory cards and switching between accounts, but all those Jokers will be heaven-sent for leveling up your SRs to max level, which is required for late-game areas.


Edited by grbolivar
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If anyone could provide input here i'm wondering how i should be managing my spirits to have the best chance of completion. I currently have 106 slots and 105 unique spirits, 38 C, 45 UC, 17 R, and 5 SR. Would the best actions be to sell the commons and merge most of the UC into the Rs and SRs? At 43 completed areas with 59410 stones and 16738 points if that changes anything. Thanks for the already given tips guys.

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BARD_BARD: if your commons are level 9 or higher, merge them into your rare and super rare spirits. Common spirits below level nine are best sold. Use your upgraded uncommons for the next 50-100 areas while slowly building up a collection of rare and super rare spirits.

From around 250-300 areas cleared I sold every I began selling every uncommon with cost 1.5.Using uncommens for merging us a good way to use them, but they give xp based on their cost, and I found using cost 1.5 uncommons for merging just wasn't worth it.

Some uncommons are very strong while others are not, which ones are the strong ones depend on your region. Look here for final stats of each spirit and pick the ones with the highest attack. HP and speed of uncommon spirits don't matter that much up until having freed 250-300 areas, at which time you will have switched to using rare spirits anyway.

http://destinyofspirits.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Spirits has a nice overview of every spirit in existence, check your uncommons to find out which are the stronger ones. And you can also use this http://jerryto.github.io/dos_merging_calc/ site to look at how much xp you'll be getting from a certain merge.

If you really want to be economical, you can do the following: Don't sell common spirits but merge 5 uncommon ones into the common one. And use this level 9-10 common spirit to merge into your rare and super rare spirits. You'll save about 10-15% blue stones using this method compared to selling every common spirit and use uncommon spirits for merging. I haven't done the math to include the gain from selling every common spirit though, so you might just break even. I just sold every common spirit and uncommon of cost 1.5. And used uncommon spirits of cost 2.0 and 2.5 directly for merging.


It also helps to grind for silver for about 4-5 great blessing days and blue stones for about two bad luck days, in your entire play through. Pick a fight with three battles, with as low level spirits as you can find. This gives 42 blue and 42 silver to win, which isn't a lot, but you have 9 spirits to defeat, each of them can drop stones. Just hit start every minute and you can make about 200thousand stones in 13 hours. Very boring, and best done while doing something else like work, watching tv, gaming on a ps3/ps4 or anything else. Defeating a certain high level boss over and over to get the silver and blue from him is probably possible too (closing the game on the battle result screen), but I have never tested that method.

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Im trying to do this trophy. So it is true that you need to clean ALL including the new continents? Cause in the description on the page says:

As indicated in the description, you need to clear every accessible area on the globe. There are 459 areas in total, and the last area boss you fight will be around level 83, so you will need to build a strong collection of spirits to complete this.

Note that not every area will become accessible: there are three zones representing fictional continents in the middle of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans that are currently locked (they might be unlocked for a later event or title update). You can acquire this trophy without clearing these zones.

Anyway Im giving 5 First Mother if you need them add me in game (Luiskeleton)

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For those who missed the link in the (somewhat wall of, but very useful) text from de_digibeet above, here is a merging calculator: http://jerryto.github.io/dos_merging_calc/

Maximize your use of orbs and stones. I use it most of the time, especially when you are close to a max level.



Also, I try to figure out what type of spirit I should bet on, so I need some advice. Heck, I list all of them.

How would you value these? I feel I cannot keep 'em all. Or?


Stone gaze - Stops movement of the targets action energy for 15 seconds, 1 enemy



Camouflaging sand -  Critical hit rate -50% (all enemies, 20 sec).

Great Strength - Strength ATK +30% (Earth allies).
Stone Gaze - Stops movement (single enemy, 15 sec).
Ichneumon -  Critical hit rate +5% (all allies).


Hope of Pandora's Box - Change to Earth element (all enemies, 30 sec).
Despair of Pandora's Box - Change to Wood element (all allies).



Feast of Cultivation - HP10%↓: SPD +90% (all allies).
Revenge - Counter 30% Counterattack chance for 30% damage (all allies).

Gitchi Manitoxu

Supreme Presence - Deals 1.8x Water Damage
Epic Tale - Raises ATK by 100% when HP is 20% or less (all allies).

Azure dragon

White Water Top - 150% Water damage (all enemies).
Seven Hills of the East - Strength ATK +30% (Water allies).



Ukon Vasara - 150% Earth damage (all enemies).
Divine Protection of Ukko - when HP is below 10%↓: SPD +20% (all allies).


Death and Rebirth - ArmorBreak Damage received +100% (all enemies, 9 secs).
King of Hades - SpeedUp SPD +10% per Earth spirit (all allies).
Edited by Guenter_G
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