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Hi Everyone! x3!


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Hello, Here2HaveFun here...that was kinda redundant Dx!

I'm not really good with these introductions, but here goes! I am a 23 year old who loves videogames, anime and music. I don't have a very good attention span so I can hardly manage to 100% a videogame. (Even trying to get through them is hard with all the new releases one right after another.) My objective one day is to really sit down, stop buying new games, and complete it fully. :>

Now enjoy cuteness! giphy_zpstpq3ib0m.gif

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welcome to the forums, have fun around here :awesome:

when i joined the forums i only got ~2 platinum trophies and i didnt care much about % as well, but i really got into it during my conversations around the forums and now have a lot of fun trying to 100% a game, but i dont force myself if it's not fun.

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