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Hi! My name's David, I've been alcohol free for.... Wait what?... It's not that type of introduction? Oh ok let's start over.


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Hey! Yup I remember! Ya I saw the forum and said, "I should probably do something about this" haha. So yup I'm an official!

And ya it is a lot of animals.... But just enough that it's not overbearing, anymore pets and I think I'd have a stroke lol. What kind of dog btw?


Tri-colored Welsh Pembroke Corgi.


That moving picture is neat :D

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Ya I'm mildly allergic to felines(which includes ferrets :( and, raccoons are apparently in that family, they can really get my eyes going) But I've taught myself never to touch my eyes never, not ever. But when I get scratched(cat), it's all over, itchy itchy. (And no I've never been attacked by a raccoon, safety first always, thought of getting a shot in your stomach for rabies just doesn't sit well with me). :)

My mom is allergic to cats too. I'm also allergic, but not to animals. Yeah, sounds pretty nasty to get shot because of rabies.
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       Hi! My name's David, I've been alcohol free for.... Wait what?... It's not that type of introduction? Ok...

I've played video games sense I was a few years old on our tandy computer(yup that was a brand, I think...). Changed over to nes pretty quickly, playing mario 3, paperboy, Final fight, etc. to absolute death.

Then came n64(ahh great times), playing zelda, goldeneye, mario, etc with friends.

Of course shortly after, I got THE(yes it requires that)Playstation, and my world opened up to jrpgs, (what could be considered the golden age of jrpgs) with Legend of Legaia being my first(great game!) followed by FFVIII, FFVII, Legend of Dragon, etc.

Though don't get me wrong I love other genres, but it is my favorite. (deep stories for the win!)



         I just recently in the past year started watching anime, with Clannad being my first(that show will change your perspective on life imo. It did for me at least!). And now of course I caught the anime bug. Spice and Wolf is my favorite anime!(Wish they continued it, but at least I have the novels.) Then others that come to mind are Kanon of course, A certain scientific railgun(Bought the bluray season 1, gotta support em!), Valkyria Chronicles(Excellent! You can watch it on crackle!(stupid commercials though...), Kaze no Stigma, RWBY, Ghost Hunt, etc.  I still like live action, but there's depth that can't be matched imo.



Hmm let's see....

        I love to learn new things, constantly changing from one specialty to another, I love construction and also own a small (failing :) ) home improvement business. I really love electrical engineering, you can literally build anything you can dream up, always trying to make it simple and elegant as every engineer strives for! I also enjoy mechanical engineering, though my knowledge is a bit shaky on that, as is programming(java).

       I love animals, I have 2 dogs, one cichlid fish(yup only one long story.. Ok not really, but wtvr), 7 ducks(1 disabled, 1 an imprint(thinks he's human, yup it exists, and yup the ducks :are: a long story) 5 normal = 7, and a ferret. I don't count the cat cause it bites and scratches me a lot lol. (we got it from someone who saved the kits. The father was wild so it explains her disposition) But I don't believe in getting rid of an animal, once you take it in it's your responsibility imo. And no I have zero interest in getting any more animals. Period.


Let's see my second language is English, my first language being bad English! (notice the insane amount of commas? Ya... :) )

Jeez this sucks, hey I got an idea ask me the rest. :) or just start talking nonsense!

Welcome mate. I've been a member for a while but only recently started becoming more of an active participant on the boards. I pretty much played all the same games you used to on Nintendo. N64 - had some great times there :)

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