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freezing_rain says Hi! :)


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Hey folks!

I just came across this place while searching for some kind of open statistics for my PSN-Profile to look at and show off. :P

I had a PS3 a few years ago, but selled it. And now I've finally got a new PS4 to play with, YAY!

I'm also very addicted to PC-Gaming on Steam, that's why I searched for a similar public profile and statistics for PSN, because I became really addicted to this kind of thing nowadays - you know - Trophy-Hunting and stuff like that.^^


So... I live in germany and english is not my primary language, but I think I'm pretty good at it.

Sorry for any misspelled things though. :)


Yea, what else... erm... I'm currently 25 years old, life-long gamer to the core. And I like to create (virtual) stuff like developing my own little games, writing short novels and stuff like that. If you want you can check out my homepage (Link should be within my profile here). There's a button for a cutted english version of my site including some of my english creations, if you're not familiar with german language.


But anyway.

I'm looking forward to a great time here, meeting friendly new people. So long! See you around. :)

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