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Teamplayer trophy glitch


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yesterday, whilst in a Turf War match with some boosting partners, we were going for the Teamplayer trophy. normally you've to kill 5 opposing team members. well, i killed just 4 grouped up in their base with a rocket. trophy popped.

it's somehow glitched in a positive way.

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It is definitely glitchy..it can actually be earned with only 3 ppl total, as in you only actually kill 2 other people... opposing team kills seem to carry over between matches if 1) the host doesn't change or 2) you're in a private session... it's possible that you killed 1 player on the opposing team your first match and then you guys switched up the teams for the next match (ex: from purple to orange; it seems to be particularly important which team the host is on) and you then you got another four kills in that one... the trophy often dings in this kind of situation and sometimes even credits you for your teammates kills as well... as far as game mode and map it makes no difference... it works in all the competitive team modes and the kills also carry over if you change modes each match... being in the "luminous area" in a turf war has no effect either...

Edited by ProfBambam55
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It does in fact work %100 of the time but it's more complicated than I've laid out above... will not go into detail as it will likely just be too complicated to understand... leaving and rejoining is by far the most simple since it is best boosted while also going for team and competitive wins for AWP which requires 4 people...

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Don't really want to go into more detail as this will only get more confusing... likely you guys had been doing other game modes before this and also likely your host did not change (but still possible even if the host DOES change)... since kills carry over between matches the kills that were gotten in previous matches counted so that the 4 kills in turf war were actually his 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th opposing team kills... also possible that he was on the purple team for example and the orange team got a kill... the following match he became the orange team and the previous match's kill counted for him as not only do they carry over from game to game they also carry over per team even if the members change...was just a case of how the teams were balanced up to this point, not random just coincidental... not looking for an explanation... have done plenty of testing on this...

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